The Canadian television network Global has released a few new Big Brother 16 commercials to promote the new season of big brother that premieres on June 25th, 2014. The première will be a TWO-NIGHT PREMIÈRE event with the first on Wednesday, June 25th and the second on Thursday, June 26th. In the new commercials there isn’t any new information released about the season, however, we expect the photos/video of the newly re-designed Big Brother house to be released around Monday, June 16th. In addition, we expect that the new cast of big brother 16 will be released around Wednesday, June 18th.
Tag: Helen Kim
Big Brother 15 house guest

Big Brother 16 Commercial – “This Summer there will be Twist after Twisted Twist!”
The season première of big brother 16 is scheduled to air in just over 3 weeks and a new CBS Big Brother 16 promotional commercial has just been released. They state that this season will be filled with twist after twisted twisted which means this season is sure to be filled with all the crazy unexpected drama we crave!

Big Brother 16 Promotion Commercial “You know its summer when Big Brother is ON!”
Big Brother 16 is just around the corner with just over a month to go until the June 25th, 2014 première date. This will be the earliest première date ever for the US version of Big Brother since it began back in 2000. Last year the première of Big Brother 15 aired on June 26th almost 2 weeks earlier than the usual start dates and we are lucky enough to be spoiled with yet another early première date to start the summer madness off with a bang! As always, the producers will be trying to outdo the previous year’s drama, twists and craziness so this season is definitely going to be the season to watch! With Big Brother Canada season 2 having just wrapped up with an impressive season, it will be interesting to see if the Big Brother US borrows a few ideas from their neighbour to the north.

Big Brother 15 Interviews, News, Scandals and MORE.. PART 2!
After just over a week since the finale the cast of Big Brother 15 have just begun to digest how the fans viewed their experience inside the BB house over the last 3 months. While some are in denial about their words and actions others have taken ownership of their mistakes and are trying to grow from the experience. Below are a number of new interviews and articles about the cast since they’ve left the Big Brother world.
During the BB15 wrap party a number of the Big Brother Canada season 1 cast joined the party and got mixed up in some of the drama.

Big Brother 15 – After the FINALE Interviews and MORE.. “I love my job so much and $500,000”
The finale episode of Big Brother 15 concluded last night but the reality of real life outside the house is just now hitting the cast of the most controversial season of Big Brother. After being locked away from the outside world for 3 months the final 3 and jury members are now trying to make sense of how the viewing public perceived their comments and actions inside the house. It is likely going to take time for the cast to grasp the full extent of their action and comments from this social experiment. It is hard to imagine being locked in a house with extreme personalities all competing, lying and backstabbing for the chance to win a half million dollars. With time to reflect and finally see with their own eyes what transpired throughout the season, it will be interesting to see how the cast reacts and which of the house guests own up to their actions. Below is a collection of interviews of the cast that will be added to as more are released.

Andy asks what if Aaryn comes down? Elissa says I would put up the person that doesn’t fight hard for the Veto.
9:55am – 10am When the live feeds come back from waking up the house guests – Judd, Gina, Spencer, Elissa are all sitting in the living room. Spencer says I am going to go lay down since it (Have / Havenot Competition) won’t be for an hour.
10am – 10:15am In the bathroom – Judd asks Elissa if he is okay? Elissa says yes you are good. I have always had your back. Andy joins them and they joke about being tempted with $5 gift cards. Judd tells Elissa I think everything you said last night made perfect sense, like perfect sense. Elissa asks it’s not like I have HOHitis is it? Judd says no! There aren’t that many people left if you know what I mean. I just want everyone to play in the veto to fight for it. Like if you have to shave your head, do it! Judd says yeah I’ll do it. Elissa says that she would do it! Every week she just puts me up and I am just tired of it. She doesn’t listen either, she keeps throwing your (Andy) name out.

What if Elissa gets Pandora’s Box? Spencer “It doesn’t always mean it’s a power, it could be money.” Andy “Like she needs more money!”
12:35pm Ginamarie finds beer in the storage room. There are only 4 beer. Aaryn has one, Judd has one, McCrae and Amanda have one each. Spencer didn’t want any and neither did Andy. They wonder why Big Brother didn’t give them at least one each. They wonder if one of them took some and hid some. Andy and Spencer both say they didn’t hid any. Who would do that?! Aaryn tells them to go ask for more. Spencer says I hate it when you are too drunk to f**k. Andy says that happened to me once it sucks. Aaryn tells Judd how he missed McCrae and Amanda’s wedding where Andy read the most inappropriate passages from the bible. One about the woman serving the man and the other about incest. Andy says we haven’t been stereotypical – Aaryn got out the last minority. Gina says no I did. Andy says well Aaryn got out Helen. Gina says oh because she is Chinese or Korean. Andy says well I guess you and Aaryn tag teamed her out. They talk about how Elissa will get a power this week. Amanda says Elissa is great TV. Andy says the last few weeks Aaryn and I have thought we would get Pandora’s Box. Spencer says it doesn’t always mean it’s a power, it could be money. Andy says yeah like she needs more money.

Big Brother 15 Eviction, HOH and Returning Player Results
Helen Vs. Spencer
Over the past 72 hours we’ve seen Helen and ELissa try every conceivable alliance, deal and scheme to keep Helen in the game. It’s a carbon copy of what Jessie did a week prior and the result was the same. With the tables turned it was a exciting week on the feeds and nice to see Helen and Elissa get a taste of their own medicine. Is it time to get out Amanda yet?
Helen/Elissa started off trying to get the house against Amanda/McCrae… didn’t work. They then tried to get the house against Aaryn/GM… didn’t work. Then tries to threaten their way to get the needed 3 votes… didn’t work. Finally Helen decides to play nice.. didn’t work.

Aaryn says 100% Helen is the right decision! If you two do not vote out Helen I will freak the F**K OUT!
2pm In the lounge – Gina and Elissa are talking. Gina tells Elissa that she love Aaryn but doesn’t like that Amanda is in her ear telling her what to do. Gina tells Elissa that she is cool with her and likes her. Elissa agrees. Elissa asks should we make a deal now? Gina says it’s my birthday I don’t want to make a deal now and I would like to have Aaryn pass the key to me. I want everyone to compete for it. If we are the only two up there then we can talk. We can talk about a one week deal. You are cool with me. Gina says that we are all in it for ourselves if we win the money we go off on our own but Amanda and McCrae are in it for each other and will share the money. I want to cut them in two. Gina talks about how rude it is that Spencer isn’t packing. Elissa agrees. Gina says good luck to day. They hug and leave the room.

Helen says Andy made a final 2 deal with me in the beginning and he is voting me out. What does that tell you!?
10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Helen, Ginamarie and Elissa are awake and getting ready for the day. Ginamarie was happy with the wake up songs and says that it was the best birthday ever! Helen starts her morning run inside the house. Elissa keeps getting in Helens path. Elissa says I’m your obstacle, jump over me! Elissa then joins Helen and they run together through the house. Amanda wakes up and heads to the bathroom. Elissa joins her and does some stretching. Elissa says I feel super good today, I am ready to see photos and a letter from my family! She asks Amanda how she is doing. Amanda says good. Elissa says I am so excited to sleep in a normal bed tonight. Amanda agrees and says she can’t wait to take a warm shower.

Spencer says to the camera “Rachel’s mom you did a successful job at raising two psychopaths..”
12:40am Spencer, Amanda, McCrae Ginamarie and Andy are in the kitchen talking about random things. They’re all hanging out laughing. Aaryn tells her family had a bunch of Llama’s and she saw one give birth. She says her dad named one Martin Luther. They start laughing. Spencer asks what colour was the Llama? Aaryn says black. Aaryn says she had a white baby? Spencer asks what did you name it, something like James Earl Ray? (Assassinated Martin Luther) Aaryn says that one day some hunters that her dad let use their road as access shot half of their 10 Llama because the hunters were drunk and didn’t know what they were. Aaryn says probably Martin Luther. Andy says you had a Llama named Martin Luther? Aaryn laughs and says I didn’t name it Andy. Aaryn laughs. The conversation turns to talking about dogs.

Sc!ssoring, Butterscotch and Centre that v@g!na The Peasants hang out
9:00pm Specner, Aaryn, Andy, Amanda, McCrae
Talking about what they will do with the money
Spencer will give back a bit to the community he wants to get an activity bus for his school. Aaryn is surprised the community doesn’t have an activity bus.
Spencer wants to send his parents on a trip to the D-day landing beaches. Amanda says she’s going to travel after the show regardless if she wins or not.
Spencer: “New windows in my house.. I might buy a duplex rent it out”
MC: “I would like to make a movie.. a really cheap one.. I just want to tell a story”
Aaryn would like to hire a videographer and go to some exotic place.
Spencer points out that Andy has gone to the diary room a lot today. Amanda: “That’s because they are portraying him as the swing vote..” Amanda laughs “I’m also in production”
Amanda: ”Today was boring.. the morning was exciting”
MC: “You guys ever see Westworld.. today was like Westworld.. “
Spencer: “how so”
MC: “One of the animatronics went rogue and went on a rampage throughout the house”