CHELSIE WINS Head Of Household! “Bottles! Welcome to the havenot room BABY!”

10:10pm Unicorn Bedroom – Lisa and Brooklyn.
Lisa – She like, really respected and appreciated the tone that I set with the week. Just overall, she’s told me that a few times and it will also discuss like whoever’s next needs to set a tone. So she’s on that
level of I think being an example of a different way to handle things and a different way to be HOH. And I think that she’s a really great candidate to be in that position. And I’m just excited for her. All right, Mr big. And could all the stories look at all the
representation that we’ve had by all the winners Look at all the victories of people.

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Matt – “No matter what You [Bowie] are going to survive and Jag will survive even if you have to go up.”

3:00 am Bowie, Matt and Jag
They’re still going on about how perfect this night was winning all the competitions AND getting a letter/picture from Reilly. (Matt is a day away from planning the wedding)
They talk about tonight second HOH where the MOMMA were close to winning.
Jag – Momma FE was so salty.
Bowie – She was sitting on the sidelines MAD
Matt – we were saying love you MOMMA FE
Bowie – she was like NO YOU DON’T
Jag – in the kitchen she was like ‘WHY was everyone coming after me’
Matt – it was equally distributed

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MATT WON Head Of Household! Bowie “Nominations are tomorrow.” Matt “Yeah, I’m going to put you two up.”

10:38pm Kitchen – Matt, Jag and Bowie.
Jag – we have the perfect team! Every comp! Bowie – and we’ve never gone back on our word and we’ve done difficult decisions every week. Matt – We’ve never switched up under pressure. Bowie – no. Jag – that’s crucial. Bowie – even with all those buddy random votes. Jag – other than the double veto, like there’s two vetos and Blue won one … other than that twist … EVERY COMP has been us. Bowie – that’s crazy. Matt – and me winning the veto was almost ideal. Bowie – I told you we need t-shirts. DRAW THAT LINE! Jag – since day 65! And we’ll go all the way to 93… all the way from then till now .. us three have won every single comp. Matt – you’re right! Bowie – that’s crazy! Jag – other than the double veto. Bowie – and the biggest mistake Cameron made was he could have worked with us. Jag – we never needed him. Bowie – you’re right. We just had to play a bit more careful. But he would have been difficult to deal with right now. Jag – we just got to win this veto.

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JAG WON Head Of Household! “I gotta cook up some sort of deal! So that he won’t nominate me.” **updated**

America – I am going to talk to Jag. I am going to try and make a deal for this week to keep me safe through the double. I gotta cook up some sort of deal! So that he won’t nominate me .. so that he won’t back door me. Matt joins America. America – so veto will be in the backyard. Matt – I know, I wonder what it is going to be. Maybe the slip n slid veto? America – Maybe, I don’t know. It could be anything. It would be a better HOH.

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CAMERON WON The Head Of Household! “I think he is going to stick with the plan.”

11:12pm – 11:20pm Bathroom – Jag, Matt, Cory and Bowie.
Cory – as long as things don’t go off the rails this is best case scenario. Next 8 people total are playing and its 5 of 8. And the next likely person to win a comp is Cameron and he is not playing which obviously him winning is not that bad. We have a great, great shot. Bowie – I am looking forward to next week. If we get to play. If we’re still here. I just realized I was talking like that. Jag – you’re good. Matt – you’re good. I think he is going to stick with the plan. It doesn’t make sense for him to change the plan because everyone is going to go after him. Cory – I talked to him already.. Matt – the plan is the plan. Cory – what did he say Felicia then? Cory – I don’t know, I think he’ll share that tomorrow in the conversations if he wants.

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JARED WON Head of Household! Jag “The tide has turned! Life sure is sweet!”

10:19pm /The live feeds return from being blocked for the live eviction episode where Jag was evicted but then saved by Matt with his super power. Everyone including the out going HOH Cameron played in the HOH competition.

Matt and America are in the bathroom chatting about New Orleans. Matt says he knows Swamp People. Matt – I was going to call people out and then I called Julie, JULIA. America – its okay, its okay. Its because I am thinking about what I want to say and then I am getting nervous. America – oh brother. Matt – next week I just have to get it right.

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Cirie “Don’t count the old B***hes out!” Izzy “I f**King HATE HIM!” Cirie “Remember we’re leftovers you motherf**ker!”

10:45pm Bedroom – Cory and America
Cory – I think Red is going up and that second nom is Cam maybe. Jag maybe. Might be Bowie but probably not. And I think right now the plan is to backdoor Hisam. Which I do not think he is expecting from Felicia. America – he feels safe. He is probably shocked that she won. You know because he is calling them the leftovers. Cory – Hisam was in the game room saying its so nice to see an older person win. They get counted out all the time. I think there is a … if there is ever a world where we can get him to throw this veto. America – I think we could. He is not going to want to win 3 vetos in a row. Cory – the only thing is if Felicia wants it to be open or not.

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