Helen Vs. Spencer
Over the past 72 hours we’ve seen Helen and ELissa try every conceivable alliance, deal and scheme to keep Helen in the game. It’s a carbon copy of what Jessie did a week prior and the result was the same. With the tables turned it was an exciting week on the feeds and nice to see Helen and Elissa get a taste of their own medicine. I wish I could ask Helen, Is it time to get out Amanda yet?
Helen/Elissa started off trying to get the house against Amanda/McCrae… didn’t work. They then tried to get the house against Aaryn/GM… didn’t work. Then they tried to threaten their way to get the needed 3 votes… didn’t work. Finally Helen decides to play nice this morning and didn’t work either.
In the end the effort was appreciated by this feed watcher they tried everything they could can’t ask for more. In my opinion Elissa messed Helen’s game with her lack of social game and Helen messed Elissa’s game with her poor strategy and aggressive methods. This game is still very much in control of Amanda and McCrae.
We did see a big move happen this week and tonight we’ll see another big move happen as A player from Jury comes back into the game to hopefully challenge the status quo. These next coming weeks are going to be fun to watch on the feeds probably the best week of the season. Watch the Endurance competition on the LIVE FEEDS 48hr free trial! Access to EVERYTHING they can’t show on TV
My Predication
Helen gets evicted 4-1
Helen or JUDD come back (Skills competition)
HOH is anyone’s guess if it’s the wall I suspect anyone but Spencer/Amanda can win it.
Official results
McCrae votes to evict Helen
Amanda votes to evict Helen
Gm votes to evict Helen
Andy votes to evict Helen
Elissa votes to evict Spencer
Evicted player is Helen
Returning Player is
New HOH is
Balls are shot at the players First person to catch 10 Balls is HOH and is back in the game
I suspect if a no jury member gets the ten balls the juror with the most balls gets let back in
Images of the show on our tumblr site
Endurance Comp Results
Elissa 9
Amanda 6
GM 3
Candice, Helen, Spencer, Andy, JEssie and McCrae out
Jessie: “F*** you Amanda I hate you”
Elissa keeps saying “Sorry Jessie you are out of this game”
7:51pm Ball count above
GM is shaking
Elissa almost fell off but is still in the lead
JUDD leading the jury members
Heckler is gone
Helen tells JUDD that GM tried to safe her and for her to be good to her
JUDD asks who is together now
Helen’s response “same folks just smaller”
Candice: “So is GM and Aaryn still together”
Helen: “Yes”
GM loses a ball becuase it bounced before she caught it
Helen just dropped.. JUDD tells them if he comes back he wants to start with a clean slate..
JUDD: “By the way i’m glad you got rid of Helen”
Candice dropped
JUDD is back in the game
JUDD is out of the comp but still in the game
8:20pm Elissa almost falls but holds on
8:33pm Elissa wins HOH
Helen evicted, JUDD back in the game, HOH winner is Elissa #BB15 #BigBrother15
** Please note its going to be busy tonight in order to keep the site running we may need to turn comments off and/or show just the one spoiler page.
Big Brother 15 N*de flashback times here
I hope Jessie comes back into the house tonight. She is the only one with enough balls to put Amanda and McCrae up on the block.
I am not stoked that Judd is back… Jesse would have taken out Amanda and teamed up with Elissa. (props to Jesse for saying “****** you Amanda!” Before she left the house haha! Judd is going to be brainwashed by Amanda and be with 3AM alliance… so now is it going to be called 3AMJ? lol Judd is too blind to see who he needs to target. He won’t go home next week. Judd, GinaMarie, and Andy (although he might be a pawn) are all safe. Mcranda and Aaryn should be worried haha…suckers. There is no way Elissa will work with 3AM or Andy, Andy is way too far up Mcrandas ass. The only people she might be able to work with are GM, Spencer, and if a miracle happens then Judd. Hopefully Elissa can make a deal with Spencer and GM, that is her best route to secure her safety for next week. If Elissa can update Judd and convince him to come on her side that would be amazeballs. America adores Judd right now but if he sticks with Amanda then he will lose that status… lol.
Worst case scenario: Elissa nominates Mcranda, but then Aaryn wins POV and takes Amanda off the block and then Andy goes up and goes home (which isn’t that bad since 3AM becomes 2AM, Amanda loses an ally, and the rat is gone, but he isn’t the biggest threat)
Best case scenario: Elissa makes a deal with Aaryn, GM, and Spencer, tells them that if they vote out Amanda and don’t nominate her next week she won’t put them up. Amanda and Mccrae get nominated and Amanda goes home.
Second best case scenario: Elissa nominates Andy and Aaryn, Elissa wins POV makes a deal with Andy, takes him off of the block, and puts up Amanda…. guaranteeing Amanda or Aaryn going home.
Ideally its in Elissa’s best interest to get rid of Amanda or Aaryn…both are HUGE moves and she could win the game by using the following to convince the jury to vote for her to win: she survived the block a few times, had been targeted many times, comp wins, and taking one or hopefully two of the biggest threats out during her HOH. If she is in the final 2 against GM she would have everyone in jury except Amanda, Aaryn, and McCrae’s votes 2 win.
Go Jessie ? Go Jessie ? And go Amanda i want all the fans to see that AMANDA WILL WIN IT ALL . There can be only one .
Black Lion you are so full of shit. Are you kin to Amanda?
Go ELISSA . It will be Amanda ,Ellisa and Judd in the final 3
As for the HOH competition with one of the jury players coming back you can pretty much eliminate Helen or Amanda, the so-called power players, from winning it because those two absolutely SUCK at winning anything. There’s a knack to winning competitions and these 2 absolutely don’t have it. How anyone listens to them tells me this bunch in the BB household are a bunch or sorry ass players. If Spencer survives he just might win it because everyone is too devious for their own good and Spencer is just a convenient nominated pawn.
I’m just watching Demanda cry! Cry demanda cry!!!! You made so many people suffer and cry, now it’s your turn.
I hope anyone but Judd comes back. He will just team up with arryan 😛
JUDD should win he is from a very poor town ?
Judd just came back, what a nightmare! Of the 4 he’s the one that will work with McCranda.
Judd the sheep!!!
Are you still on team JUDD simon? i am.
YUP JUDD all the way yo. lets hope the bear shirt has one more win in it
Well good thing Judd is coming back, Amanda didn’t have a big enough army protecting her. Nothing will change but at least his fans get to see that stupid shirt some more. WHOOPIE
Go Jay-You-Double-Dee!!!!!
So, Simon, who do you think Judd will team up with?
Live feed?
Thanks Simon, great site!
Also – Team JUDD all the way!
Hopefully they somehow all lose and none of the jury members can come back, because they all suck ass!
They’re all going after Amanda except Candice (which was expected) so I’m okay with it.
ALSO – Is this going to be an endurance where the last jury member standing gets to stay? I’m so confused haha they def don’t have time for two comps.
Dang… Tonight history will be made
Please let JUDD come back & Please Julie tell them America was MVP & not Judd or Elissa, I want to see McCraes reaction & I don’t want Judd after Elissa, I want him after Amanda & McCrae! I bet he would put up Amanda & Elissa!
Helens annoying but I hope she comes back and targets amanda and mccrae
Right before Helen fell there was a hand….lol… behind the platform she was standing on and the hand made contact with her right foot! She flew off….lol
BB did not want HELLen back in the game. Judd is back. Goooooo Elissa!!!
What do you mean there was a hand ? What did i miss ? W
What do you mean there was a hand ? What did i miss ? What hand
OMG @ this edit
Well that certainly was an interesting edit wasn’t it?
Not that I ever thought they’d actually show Elissa’s complete meltdown.
Can we see a screen grab of this helping hand that pushed hellen off?
Here’s a .gif of Helen falling. I haven’t decided if it’s real or not, yet, so take it how you will. It does look like someone’s inside the wall, though.
IDK if that’s real or not either. But if it is, it is either a hand pushing her or a hand tapping her letting her know it’s her time to fall off.
Helen is sooooo pathetic with the fake tears.
Will someone give Helen a Vaseline covered tampon for her tears? Spencer!
Am I going deaf? Did Chenbot just say that whoever comes back will be HOH? I hope that’s true.
No, she said it would be “the biggest HOH competition of the summer.”
I hope it’s the pressure cooker competition
I’ve been thinking it would be the wall but the pressure cooker would be even better!
probably will be the wall but if it is the cooker holy crap
I just saw what that comp was, I wish it was that too… 14 hours? Goddamn
Well they haven’t done the Pressure Cooker since Season 6 right? Back when competitions were inventive – the past few years have been the same set of competitions over and over with different themes. The Wall has been Pirate Ship, Ski Slopes, and Surf Boards; OTEV has been more things than I can count, and speaking of counting, when was the last time they didn’t do that counting comp?
It bugs me that the comps are so predictable now that they can guess them ahead of time so easily…
Ah, ok TY.
Good for Helen she did not want to help persons in her alliance.
Judd will come back and suck up to mcranda…no judd
Rachelissa getting a golden edit as expected. All the shit she said to Aaryn (“your wins were flukes, you’re not a threat, production will carry me far because I’m Rachel’s sister”) was left out.
I have a feeling if Judd comes back, he’ll just team up with Amanda.. what fun would that be.
Candice such a girly girl. LOL I think Jessie might win her way back in and HoH. This is probably going to on for a while.
I don’t care who comes back, it;s just if they’re going to go sheeping for Amanda, the hell is the point? I want them to come back and makes some waves… Drama fireworks, maybe someone getting into a physical fight, and getting expelled, I want the GOODS.
How smug is spencer to blatantly be wearing clothes for the hoh comp for an eviction
He wears the same clothes for every eviction.
Please someone get out Amanda !! She is a bulky an rude!!!
It’s really cool hearing Spencer say “hi” to his “former” coworkers.
OMFG with the fake tears…. and the Worst actress in BB season goes to….
Me too, but unfortunately I’m sure Amanda will order the house to immediately target and evict whoever gets back in. And they will do it because none of them make moves that are good for their own game. Everything they do is to push McCranda to the finals together. They must think 3rd place pays something.
I’ve seen people throw comps to someone before, but I’ve never seen the house throw the season to someone. At least Dan Gheesling had to work for it to make idiots out of his housemates. This bunch were fools when they showed up.
I hate when HG’s are brought back in, I say get’m out the next vote.
Yes, it’s unfair for the game to be double elimination for some, but something needs to shake up the season. Another week of Amanda controlling the HOH and deciding who gets evicted is redundant at this point.
Lol I meant rude an a bully!!! 😉
No missy, with amanda, bulky sounds about right.
??? ??? (Korean) or Peace out Helen.
Anyone but Judd, putting judd back means another puppet and minion for Mcmanda.
Amanda’s getting good edit tonight, they don’t show her being a bully to Aaryn.
Still bulky though.
Damn Andy was sniffing even before the vote. WIMP!
Please not Helen! That would be the worst thing ever.
Wow! Helen’s crying, never expected that.
The best episode ever will be when Amanda gets sent home.
Elissa put a jacket on, so it my be Endurance
I am so happy that Helen is gone. But I think it Is total BS that a juror can come back. CBS is really determined to rig this game and break up those who have made it this far. At least the master manipulator and chief bully was just shown the door. It will be a travesty if the big fake gets back in.
Even in her interview Helen is still delusional
At least Helen now realizes that she played a shit game
It was nice to see her admit to making mistakes
Well…at least Helen admits that she done FUCKED UP!
Love how quick the fake waterworks stopped when Helen found out she could possibly come back. Watch her choke now after doing that premature happy dance.
MC “My Queen”
Queen of the Turds. Amanda got Hershey stains on her panties cause she is too damned lazy to clean and change them.
Team anybody but Hell-en to go back in the game.
Helen, finally admits that she was wrong to evict Howard and Candice but she waited until was in front of Julie and the TV audience. She is a stooge!!!
It’s so pathetic to watch all these HG cower down to Amanda, at some point will to grow some balls (no offense Andy) and make moves for there self. Hellen was the worst . Can’t believe she didn’t see this all coming down and believing she had a secret deal with Andy and Mcree. Did she really think McPussy would take her over his bed partner?
OK, JU Double D is on point, now I don’t fear him coming back and sheeping…..
Give Judd one day and he’ll lock his lips on that amazon’s crusty hole again! Judd is predictable!
I know what you mean. Why should the game be double elimination for some people and not for everyone? But in this case I hope whoever it is wins HOH and puts up McCranda because the only thing unpredictable at this point would be if Amanda were finally overthrown.
Unless it’s the one that calls everybody Boo. If so, just let Amanda kick her out again.
“Amanda is really the devil” JUDD
Then he runs right up to her and McCrae – hope he doesn’t make it back in!
Gosh, I hope its any one of them but Helen. If the show is rigged like many people think, it will be Helen, since Elissa is a production fav, and needs her.
Go bear shirt
The Bear shirt just may become more famous than any of the HGs
Awww, I wouldn’t have said shit to the HGs, just let the Jury winner walk back through the door. Imagine their faces.
his A$$ is GRASS!
his past is gonna
ketchup with him!
Did anyone catch Candice say Happy Birthday Boo, to GM….LMAO
I had to rewind the DVR, I still couldn’t believe it. Maybe they can bury the hatchet and work together?
Where did Helen run off to before any one else?
Helen had to make a quick exit. Every times she lies and cries, that monstrous ZIT is reborn!
Wow, the look on Amanda,GM, and Aryn’s face were PRICELESS
Did Julie just say “Everyone” will be competing for HOH?” I hope so!!!!
O yes! I heard correct! Please let a jury member win. Anyone of the jurors that will put up Andy, Amanda, and/or McCrae!
LOL. Amanda did not look happy when they walked in.
Don’t care who comes back just so long as someone sends amanda home. Sounds like helen is the only one that would do that. My prediction is yet another actor wins and does whatever Amanda wants.
This is going to be good if a Juror can win HOH.
Elissa’s the only one that gets to wear a jacket? more favors from on high?
As with previous seasons (go back and watch), the HGs can wear jackets if they choose to. She was the only one who decided to bring one so she can wear it.
I just want someone to win HOH who will put Amanda up.
I really want Helen to come back. I wasn’t a big fan of hers, but after her interview with Julie you could tell how much she just loved the game and she did admit to some of the stuff she did. Also, she’ll take down mcranda and their little puppet, Andy, too!!!!!! Go Helen!!!!!!!
Jessie got 2 balls, Amanda has 0 balls(not that you should be surprised)
Actually ILL WILL, McCrappy’s BB wife doesn’t have 0 balls. She has two balls in her manly hands at all times—her BB husband McCrappy’s. Maybe I should reword that since it is so evident that he doesn’t have any either.
Yay Elissa won…let the ass kissing begin
What a surprise, another rigged competition for Rachelissa! Can’t wait to see her waste her HOH on playing the game personally and targeting Aaryn (because she hates her) and either McPussy, Spencer, or Andy (because they were making fun of her during the competition). Meanwhile, Demanda will get to skate by another week.
Did you not see how elissa held on and pulled herself up?!? I’m sorry, but she won this Hoh because she has incredible balance from being a yoga instructor and she’s ripped. Production did not give her this win.
Yessssss! Elissa won she better put up mcanda or Andy this week should be interesting
HaHa Elissa just won HoH. Sorry 3am alliance, you guys will fall apart.
Great job Judd getting back in but its too bad your such a wimp. I’m just hoping that Elissa puts both Mc and Amanda up and that Andy the rat is used as a replacement if needed
Thank not only God but Jesus. Put up pizza boy and rat Andy. Back door Amanda’s nasty ass. BYE bitches!! Finally.
How long before Amanda starts her crocodile tears? And starts kissing Judd’s ass?
Hey Simon, who that guy from the security?
Pucker up amanduh. Time to kiss some Elissa ass.
Amanda will get screwed by Elissa.
Happy for Elissa backdoor Andy or Amanda.
ELISSA WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now lets see yeast infection, the racist sisters, and Andy the rat quiver in terror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I am so fucking watching BB After Dark!!!
Go Elissa!! Get rid of McGrody and Slimda!!!
Amanda and Mcpussy is in trouble now lol
Yay for Elissa’s win!! Hopefully she will do something worthwhile.
Yaaaaaaayy Elissa won HOH !! Finally something good happened in this house I hope she puts up amanda/mcrae or amanda/aaryn and amanda is outt 🙂
I am so glad Ellisa won HOH … I guess the she devil and her whimp will have to sleep with the other jerks…lol… Helen isn’t around to tell Ellissa to play nice.. this just might be interestin …. you go girl Ellissa ..
PRODUCTION PUSHED HELEN OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is that someone’s freaking head at the corner of the box?
Is that for real???
Wow, I totally saw a hand come out!!!!!!!
they must have realized no one likes her and it would be bad for ratings if she stuck around. too bad her little puppet elissa won HOH i was really looking forward to seeing her whole alliance annihilated.
lol thats too funny.
I thought that hand looked familiar! It was THING from the Addams Family!!!
I dont see a hand, just a body walking by in the background. Dosen’t look like she was pushed off…But the guy MAY have told her to jump
After looking at it on YouTube, it appears she was tapped to jump. You see the shadow come toward her, a hand goes toward, her right foot moves, then she jumps. The shadow then goes toward Candice and she jumps. May they were offered $$$ to jump.
Cue Amanda hiding behind a trashcan.
Way to go Elissa!
Yea, Elissa can catch under hand pitches in a comp that was rigged for her to win
Posting this when 69 comments are published…must symbolize how Helen helped herself to get fucked in the ass. LMAO
A side note, I’m annoyed Judd is back in the house…once a sheep always a sheep……
Such baloney!!
Finally Elissa can now say “Who wants to see my HOH room?”
Correction: “Who wants to see Grodner’s HOH room?”
Are you kidding me. How do you rig a game like this? The stand is moving and they are being sprayed with water. And then balls are being thorw at high speed. What part of that is rigged?
Elissa won it fair and square, no help from production, although eventually someone will cry the her balls were softer and given right to her………
Completly rigged a 5 year old could have caught the balls thrown to that clumsy bitch. Production literally had a hand in her winning. As in soft under hand pitches.
They had to catch balls on a moving platform…what does Grodner have to do with it…Amanda said to Elissa “Helen is going home and there is nothing that will change that” If Elissa plays her cards right, she will say the same for Amanda. Now watch how the “flock” except maybe Judd, will turn on Amanda.
Elissa, the BB15 gods have spoken…Send “Onion Twat” home…
Pop Goes the Weasel…Andy, Andy, Andy….McManda has lost their leverage…McCrae can finally be rid “Onion Twat” and can breathe a sigh of relief…That is if Elissa puts them up…
That will be when Amanda “wins” hoh
What is happening in the house???
Can’t wait for Rachelissa fans’ excuses when she doesn’t have the balls to put up Demanda. Then it’ll suddenly be a “great game move on her part.”
All I’m gonna say is if Elissa puts up gm and aaryn as opposed to mc and Amanda and Judd goes with mc and spencer I’m gonna be done.
They can’t be that dumb. They can’t. No. No way. Right?
How much you want to bet Mcranda hangs with Elissa in her HoH room all day & talks Elissa into putting up Aaryn/GM or Aaryn/Spencer!
I am giving Elissa the credit she deserves, finally someone is going to make a move against the bedbugs. So happy to see Judd’s rockin’ shirt back in the house!
Congrats Elissa on HOH win!!! Now let’s get Amanda out the house
Rigged, Elissa’s feet came off her platform. Should have been disqualified!
A few seconds before that, Amanda did the same thing, slipped off but grabbed the ball holder.
Happy Elissa won because this guarantees Amanda and McCrae go up. Worse case scenario Aaryn goes up as a replacement, either way a big move is getting made this week.
Everyone else is too “shook” as GM would say, to put them up. However, it’s worth noting production did want her to win this week, she said “production give me the wall” and that’s exactly what they got. I’m sure they know its boring watching the McCranda show and wanted to shake things up.
Guarantees Amanda and McCrae going up?? No way! She wil make it personal and put up Aaryn and GM- guaranteed!
Haha Elissa’s gonna put up Yeast Infection and McPussy up once and for all and use rat bastard Andy whenever needed!
Great! Now we get to watch Judd fall right back in line with Amanda, McCree and Andy. Some Re-Set!!
judd told the house guest start over they will send him packing again .. he been lied to bambozzled run a mock and he will still run back to these people he never learns… EVEN though we saw him say in jury he’ll be going after amanda i doubt that …
They are lining up to kiss Elissa ass. McCrae is really sucking up right now….Amanda knows she is more than likely going home.
I hope Alissa don’t let smelly Mccrea/amanduh lay up in her HOH bed!
Jealous of Candice – did she swallow Howard while she was gone? She looks disgusting and I’m so glad (no surprise) her fat ass and annoying voice didn’t get a chance to come back. Would have been some great fireworks but I couldn’t take another second of her. I was hoping for Jessie.
So happy about the results. Judd did acknowledge Amanda has to go. Confident he’ll vote that way. I’m looking for Elissa to put up McMonestatanda. Rat boy as an alternate or Aaryn.
MAN! I love that deer-in-the-headlights look that is stuck on Andy’s face.
Hey “blows”,
U are right it is rigged butt for “Amanda “!!!!!!
See her get pushed off the ramp wtf!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that is bad!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully “e” will be smart and nail either Amanda or “wussy Andy”
Get Amanda out and maybe Andy’s balls will finally drop. “Its too early to get her out”.
The only way this could get any better is if it turned out to be a Double Eviction week!
Finally something worth while happened! Judd better not run back to McCranda like I think he will. Blah
He already has….
I don’t see how it was set up that Elissa won, she caught the balls. I do not get what that hand tapping Helens foot is about, can someone explain that? Thx!
I hope Elissa shuts the HOH door on McCranda’s face! They don’t need to be laying in someone else’s bed.
Go JUDD! Clean the house! 🙂
Elissa hates that amazon. You know she aint gonna let that diseased, crusty onioned ass, sow anywhere near her bed.
Bet Amanda put up, or did it herself, someone to shove that tampon in El Vaseline!
Elissa hates everyone. She thinks she’s better than everyone. She is just dispicable as the rest of them but 1000% more annoying
Judd – – – snore. ANY of the other three would have been more fun. Judd will just fade into the background for a few weeks of safety. He is irrelevant for the next few weeks.
ok elissa put the screws to andy the rat and amanda. i warned you you little b****. be nice to see the rat squirm.
Ok Elissa, don’t fail us now. Time to put up mccranda. If you fail at this mission ou deserve to lose this competition.
Amanda is scrambling to put the blame on Helen for evicting Judd…little does she know that it is Elissa that she has to worry about. LMAO
Elissa – one week of listening to her slow, nasally voice in the HOH room. It will be classic when Judd visits up there. You will need subtitles and a Red Bull listening to those two mumble to each other. Good luck Dawg and Simon scribing this one!
Might be a bad week for Simon and Dawg, but Lurker007 is back in business! So Excited…
The video of Helen is interesting. Someone was there behind her….can’t see if they clearly had something to do with her jumping off randomly. She wasn’t struggling at that point in time. AND I also noticed her running off somewhere when all the jury members came back in. Hmm I wonder what went on with that.
Anyway, I am SO freaking happy that Elissa won!! Whew. I would be happy with any of them except her going home at this point.
Elissa is a fool if she doesn’t nominate Amanda and mcrae, get one of them out, preferably Amanda and go from there. Maybe backdoor Amanda if felt necessary but she sucks at comps so could straight up nominate her.
Rachelissa: “Judd, are you mad at Amanda and McCrae?”
Judd: “No, clean slate.”
As expected, Judd is going right back to sheeping for Demanda and McPussy. No balls whatsoever.
Wahooo, Elissa….awesome competition and done openly so nothing was rigged. Everyone got to see what was going on in this competition. This is where all the yoga pays off because it’s not only physical, it’s mental. Amanduhhhh, bend over and kissy your yeasty bottom goodbye 🙂
I dont think it was done openly and honestly… hanging on to the ball box and completely falling off the board … she should have been out!!
So excited to see Elissa finally win an HOH! Now let’s hope she takes out Amanda!!
Well as if Elissa’s head couldn’t get any bigger now we have a whole week of listening to her say ummmm mmmmmm hhmmmmm lol and now amanda is sooo going to be up her assevery single day! hopefully elissa says theybcant lay in her bed haha So long Aaryn
Elissa says Ummmmmmmmmmm
Personally, I hope Elissa and Judd win in either 1st or 2nd. The rest of that trash can be left at the curb.
I am not stoked that Judd is back… Jesse would have taken out Amanda and teamed up with Elissa. (props to Jesse for saying “****** you Amanda!” Before she left the house haha! Judd is going to be brainwashed by Amanda and be with 3AM alliance… so now is it going to be called 3AMJ? lol Judd is too blind to see who he needs to target. He won’t go home next week. Judd, GinaMarie, and Andy (although he might be a pawn) are all safe. Mcranda and Aaryn should be worried haha…suckers. There is no way Elissa will work with 3AM or Andy, Andy is way too far up Mcrandas ass. The only people she might be able to work with are GM, Spencer, and if a miracle happens then Judd. Hopefully Elissa can make a deal with Spencer and GM, that is her best route to secure her safety for next week. If Elissa can update Judd and convince him to come on her side that would be amazeballs. America adores Judd right now but if he sticks with Amanda then he will lose that status… lol.
Worst case scenario: Elissa nominates Mcranda, but then Aaryn wins POV and takes Amanda off the block and then Andy goes up and goes home (which isn’t that bad since 3AM becomes 2AM, Amanda loses an ally, and the rat is gone, but he isn’t the biggest threat)
Best case scenario: Elissa makes a deal with Aaryn, GM, and Spencer, tells them that if they vote out Amanda and don’t nominate her next week she won’t put them up. Amanda and Mccrae get nominated and Amanda goes home.
Second best case scenario: Elissa nominates Andy and Aaryn, Elissa wins POV makes a deal with Andy, takes him off of the block, and puts up Amanda…. guaranteeing Amanda or Aaryn going home.
Ideally its in Elissa’s best interest to get rid of Amanda or Aaryn…both are HUGE moves and she could win the game by using the following to convince the jury to vote for her to win: she survived the block a few times, had been targeted many times, comp wins, and taking one or hopefully two of the biggest threats out during her HOH. If she is in the final 2 against GM she would have everyone in jury except Amanda, Aaryn, and McCrae’s votes 2 win.
Judd’s Bear Shirt is back in the house, how can you not love that??? Any which way this week goes, it’s going to see someone big go!
GO ELISSA GO!!! YOU GOT THIS GIRL! DON’t screw it up! Get rid of the stanks!!
So Elissa making up stuff and telling Judd lies about how he got evicted…
she told him that Aaryn, Helen and Amanda had a secret alliance and were called the triple threat or something like that… and they planned it for WEEKS to get Judd out… WHAT A LIAR… here we go with her being such a “good person” and then turning into the lying “evil person” 5 minutes after she wins HOH. Piece of crap! Can’t stand Elissa!
Spencer: Did you f*ck Jessie in the jury house?
Andy shows up
Judd: No, I’m still loyal to my girl at home. I remember the weekend I took her home to meet my dad. He whispered to me, “Where the fuck did you get her from, son?! She’s cross-eyed, bow-legged, and she’s got no teeth!” I said, “There’s no need to whisper, Dad. She’s deaf as well.”
Boy did I miss Judd! … and you!
elissa should demand production sterilizes and de-crabs that crusty bed.
I think a new mattress would be in order… love how when Amanda heads into the HOH she lays out on the pillows with her greasy head, puts her filthy feet on the blankets and starts giving McCrae a tug and rub with no shame in her game. She is for sure, KLASSY!
Good, this season needs a huge shakeup and hopefully this does it…
I think it will this might be an entirely different game soon
Wishing like hell that Elissa blows the roof off this house! I want to see Amanda have a crappy week of worry, backstabbing, lying, double dealing all done to her. Please let Rat Bastard jump the sinking ship of McManda and jump onto a leaky dingy that will sink slowly til next week. Damn 6 a.m flights… I have to miss all the fun for tonight… Go Elissa girl! You are my yoga sister!
That would be awsome if it really happened and completly possible. They were throwing underhand pitches to Elisa and 90 mph fast balls at everyone else
Did you guys see the gif where it shows production pushing Helen off the platform. She didn’t fall on her own, she was pushed off from behind
That’s some BULLSHIT!!! Production lobbing balls to Elissa while flinging them at the other house guests. I knew they would find some way to rig the comp in her favor. There is no way that clumsy uncordinated BITCH should have been able to win that comp.
What was with the heckler?
Go Judd. At least somebody came back worth rooting for
Im glad that cunt helen is gone. i wish the worst for the Asian in life.
Wish horrible things to you too racist pig!!!
Where’s Elissa’s head? Right now she’s talking strategy with Sandy and telling her everything she wants to do. She tells him not to say anything to McCranda. Sandy is going to go to McCranda and going to tell them everything in probably one minute. Elissa didn’t really listen to Helen’s suggestions, she should have. Oh wow, she is now talking to McCrae saying she’s going to put him up against Aaryn and that he should win the power of veto, but not to worry because they are going to vote Aaryn out. McCrae says to put Gina Marie up instead of him. McCrae looks desperate. I want Elissa to win but she’s playing so bad, she has to put Amanda and McCrae together. I’m getting very disappointed here……………………
BOOOOMMMM!!! ELISSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!game on FINALLY an HOH that is not Amanda’s puppet–tear it up!!! tear it up!!! tear it up!!!
I can clearly see that hand behind Helen but to me it looks like it tapped her and then she jumped. I am thinking they gave her money to do that. Lets face it 99% of today’s reality shows are rigged and or scripted.
It seems my a few of my comments disappeared…I am still new to this site are we allowed to post youtube clips?…Yes Name you are right most reality shows these days are scripted it just really sucks when you invest yourself into a show and you see something like this…I would post clips of the competition but I am not sure if they are allowed hopefully the MODs can clarify for me thanks…
It seems my a few of my comments disappeared…I am still new to this site are we allowed to post youtube clips?…Yes Name you are right most reality shows these days are scripted it just really sucks when you invest yourself into a show and you see something like this…I would post clips of the competition but I am not sure if they are allowed hopefully the MODs can clarify for me thanks…PLEASE DELETE my double post under “Name” new here getting used to the layout here sorry
The Jury/HOH competition was rigged last night. There are several cases of proof:
A) Soon after big brother finished airing last night at 10pm EST there was an update on wikipedia’s Big Brother 15 page stating that ” Judd would return and Elissa would win HOH- how could this be known if the competition was still happening? The post was quickly removed within a few minutes.
B) Here is a clip of a hand tapping Helen to jump off and also you can see the platform open up/move downwards making her jump off: http://imgur.com/nLddgbF
C) Soon after Helen leaves Candice casually jumps off
It has been rumored that it will be made to look as if Elissa will win the game but in the end Amanda will avoid all twists and turns of the game and become the winner of BB15. If Amanda is not put up this week and or evicted we can safely say the game is rigged and she will win. (This in my 2nd post of this, just wanted to post it where more people will see it and weigh in)