Big Brother 16 Commercial – “This Summer there will be Twist after Twisted Twist!”

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The season première of big brother 16 is scheduled to air in just over 3 weeks and a new CBS Big Brother 16 promotional commercial has just been released. They state that this season will be filled with twist after twisted twisted which means this season is sure to be filled with all the crazy unexpected drama we crave!
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“Big Brother began as a social experiment..”
Howard Overby “It’s genius”
“It became a summer phenomenon!”
Dan Gheesling “There’s always a twist, there’s always a turn…”
“Strangers living in a house, cut off from the outside world..”
Amanda Zuckerman “One could go crazy”
“90 Microphones recording every word!”
Helen Kim “You never know what who’s listening”
“76 Cameras watch their every move 24/7!”
Julie Chen “And that’s just the beginning!”
“Because this summer there will be twist after twisted twist!”
Jordan Lloyd “Expect the Unexpected!”
“Julie Chen hosts Big Brother Season premiere CBS Wednesday, June 25th!”

If you haven’t already signed up for your big brother 16 live feeds.. now’s the time to do it! Save 20% off monthly subscription price with the limited time Early Bird offer:
CBS Interactive Inc.

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19 thoughts to “Big Brother 16 Commercial – “This Summer there will be Twist after Twisted Twist!””

  1. Hope you all like the new site.. It’s a bit rough around the edges but we’ll be polishing it up before the season starts.

        1. I love how the “yo” thing all started back with Enzo. This site will have WAY too much fun if he is ever brought back as a houseguest! hahahahaha glad to be back for year 9 with you guys! hope you had a great winter!

    1. I gave a thumbs up for the site, it’s really an amazing update. I would like to know if you can condense it some though? it’s so large.

  2. I actually like the new site…Will take some getting used to, but it’s nice nevertheless

  3. I hope the new format makes life easy for you. Personally, I thought the old format was just fine.

    1. There was major technical and mobile usability reasons for changing the site. The old site had been tweaked for years and had most the kinks ironed out but it was old. Old depreciated code and a old server it had to be changed. In hindsight would have been better to do it before Big Brother Canada but oh well..

      I have a bug list the length of my arm which I’m working on round the clock to fix. Essentially the site it the same layout with a few things in different spots. The biggest change is the featured posts at the top. These will highlight the Nominations, POV winner, HOH winner, POV Ceremony and have nots.

      We may do a post in a bit here highlighting the new features..

  4. Glad to be back, Simon….love you guys! I wanted to ask if the live feeds are going to be censored this year. Does anyone know?

  5. Was wondering where I was for a second, new format, new page….looks good guys! Can hardly wait for the 25th hope it’s not all stars I want new faces!!

  6. Why do these people think they’re going to be famous through this show? I barely remember them after a week. So stupid…

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