Tim “I’m sick of being treated like a group of special needs mentally ill patients”

9:35am – 10am Nick and Tim stayed up until the sunrise and asked big brother if they completed their task. Big Brother told them they would get back to them. Tim waited another half hour and asked again. Big Brother told him again they would get back to them. Tim said he was going to bed because as far as he was concerned they stayed up all night. They then went to bed and got an hour of sleep before big brother woke them all up. Tim gets into the pool. I am so sensitive today. I feel like crying.

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Jared “Can we still be friends or am I too cancerous?” Mitch “Cancer can be treated” Jared “So can little rats!”

1:40pm Bathroom – Phil tells Jared that any time anyone brings you guys up I try to defect it. Jared tells Phil about how Kelsey told them how when she was watching Mitch would go around from group to group. Phil says I’m voting him out. Its guaranteed. Jared says he’s still trying to pitch us against each other. Jared tells Mitch that was quite the speech. I ddind know you had it in you. We were all surprised. Mitch joins them. Jared asks can we still be friends outside of this or am I too cancerous. Mitch says cancer can be treated. Jared says so can little rats. Mitch leaves.

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Nikki “I want rid of Cassandra! I want her out! I f**king hate her!”

9:05am In the kitchen – Joel says he is having a hard time with people making comments about being gullible and making fun of how I do in challenges. Nikki asks who said you were gullible? Joel says Jared. Joel says I don’t feel like its necessary or that its right. Nikki says don’t listen to people. I’m sure people say a lot about me too. Joel says its been said a lot and over the last couple weeks. When thing pop up like being made fun of it brings me back to my childhood when I was made fun of. I don’t like to think about that stuff.

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Tim “Maddy is like a loaded gun and she doesn’t know how to aim.”

12:40pm In the storage room – Cass tells PHil that Jared was pissed off at me and your brother. Your brother was saying the pros and cons of both. Your brother said as of right now Dallas is going. Phil says no he didn’t. Cass asks were you there for the conversation or was I? Phil says he wasn’t. Phil goes to grab his brother. Phil had it confused and thought that Cassandra said Nick said Dallas was staying to Jared. They clear it up and Phil tells Nick to leave. Phil tells Cassandra that Nick doesn’t know what’s going on. I don’t tell him anything.

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Dallas “On my mothers life you will have my honour and loyalty”

2:10pm In the HOH room – Tim comments on how Nikki says that Maddy and Ramsey kissed. Dallas says she’s got a boyfriend bro its dirty. She’s got no loyalty. Nikki says I could be friends with her but deep down I don’t trust her. Dallas says she wants Jared to go, the brothers to go and then you (Tim) right after. Her phony attitude is pissing me off. Tim says you two were like brother/sister. You looked after her. I wondered if you felt like game aside it was a bit of a slap in the face. (When Maddy got Nick to use the veto to get Loveita out of the house during the double eviction.) Nikki comments on how Maddy was just making out with Nick and now she is with Ramsey … and she has a boyfriend.

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Emmett Blois Assists Loveita & Kelsey in a Poker Chip Hiding Competition!

6pm Emmett, Loveita and Kelsey are in the house. Loveita and Kelsey have poker chips that they have to hide around the house. Loveita has black poker chips and Kelsey has white poker chips. Emmett comments on some of their hiding spots asking them if they want to lose this competition. They have 10 minutes to hide all their poker chips. (Soon the house guests will enter the house and tear it a part to find the poker chips. Who’s ever poker chips the house guests find more of will lose the competition.

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