Big Brother Canada Season 3 Finale Summary and Results

Final 3 Jury Twist.

The Final 3 are locked in the vault where they have to decide on who to evict from the Jury house. They must all come together on this vote it has to be unanimous. AS a result of this vote the Jury will go down from 10 to 9. Ashleigh proposes they both pick two people they want to keep on the Jury. She picks Zach/Pili, Sarah picks Willow/Brittnee. Godfrey doesn’t think this is the best approach to take says he doesn’t have two people. An argument ensues but is cut short to be shown on the Wednesday show.

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Big Brother Canada 3 Episode 28 Recap – And Then There Were 3

With the finale of Big Brother Canada 3 in just 2 days, tonight is when we learn the identity of the final 3 house guests. Before the live feeds were turned off for the season we knew that both Sarah and Ashleigh were guaranteed spots in the final three. The remaining spot comes down to who Ashleigh would want to be sitting next to in the final 3. As Ashleigh was on the block and had won the veto its safe to say she used it to remove herself from the block and Brittnee was the only remaining choice to be the replacement nominee.

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Big Brother Canada 3 Week 6 summary and HOH/Eviction Spoilers

There’s three groups in the house
Bru Crew – Bruno/Bobby/Godfrey
No mans land – Sarah/Willow/Brittnee
Diapers – Zach/Ashleigh/Kevn/Pili.

The first two are targeting the Diapers. The Diapers think the Bru’s Crew and No mans land is more or less targeting each other. If the Diapers win the HOH except Bru’s Crew and No mans land to turn on each other. There’s only 4 weeks left and still 10 people in the house how they are going to cull the herd is the BIG UNKNOWN

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Big Brother Canada 3 Week 5 Summary, Eviction and HOH results

What a week we just had, You can’t call Big Brother Canada 3 boring and predictable any more. A lot went on this week it was easily the best week so far for BBCAN3. I’ve tried to compile the complete week’s posts with all the videos enjoy 🙂
Summary of events

  • Johnny was evicted from the Big Brother House by an unanimous vote. Says in his exit interviews he’ll blow up Zach’s game if given the chance to come back in.

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Big Brother 16 Spoilers Rewind Episode

Most of the time twists rarely work out on BBUS and they end up BORKING the game. With that said as far as twists go I didn’t mind the BB rewind. The timing though was horribly wrong. They should have pulled it out during the Zach, Donny or Nicole evictions, one of the BIG fan favorites. Instead it happens near the end of the season and doesn’t give us anything other than one exciting episode on TV.

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Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Week 9 Summary of Events, HOH/Eviction Results

One big Question came up this week, were Derrick and Frankie sincere about keeping Donny or was it just a ploy to save face with the fans? I think it was a bit of both with Frankie wanting to keep Donny more  than Derrick.

Donny knows the power centre of the house and he knows he’s on the outs because of this he started talking about how dangerous Derrick, Christine and Frankie are. Trying to cobble together something to challenge that group of 5 or if possible drive a wedge in so he can join up with a fragment. All these attempts failed.

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Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Week 8 Summary of Events, HOH/Eviction Results

  • Donny and Nicole are on the block, Nicole gets sent to Jury.
  • HOH Winners are Frankie and Derrick
  • Frankie and Derrick plan is to evict Donny. To do this they need to nominate 3 pawns out of their own alliance.
  • Zach is asked to be the pawn who throws the BOB. Zach declines they are forced to draw the nominations using Skittles.
  • Christine is picked to be the pawn up against Donny, Cody and Caleb are picked to be the other 2 nominations. Official nominations are Derrick’s Noms (Donny & Christine) Frankie’s Noms (Caleb & Cody)

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