Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Ian plans to ask out Ashley after the Power of Veto Ceremony

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1am Wil, Kara and Britney continue talking in the arcade room. Kara is talking about how you can’t truly be friends with people you’ve only known for eight days compared to true friends you’ve known on the outside for a long time. Britney and Wil talk about how as much as you want to you can’t totally open up and trust people you don’t know that well. Joe comes by the arcade room as he heads to bed and says good night. After he leaves, Kara says that she has started to like Joe and that Joe was unhappy that Dan didn’t pick him to be on his team. Kara tells them that ever since she was nominated the cameras were waiting for her to break down. Britney tells her that as soon as you start crying, the cameras start following you. They laugh about how the cameras zoom on them.

Joe, Frank and Jenn are in the kicks room. Frank asks Joe if he thinks everyone vote individually or as a group. Joe says as a group, its too early for people to break away from the group. Joe tells Frank that Kara already shot herself in the foot. Joe tells Frank that if there was a vote right now, I think it would be 10-0 vote for you to stay, I don’t think she would even get one vote. Joe says it’s a long week, things could change a lot by Thursday but that’s the way it is now. Joe tells Frank that right now, he’s doing well, but she is cracking. Joe says that when you’re up, you have got to hold your composure. He added that the only negative he’s hearing about Frank is guilt-by-association with Boogie being his mentor. Joe tells him that the other coaches don’t like Boogie. Frank says that the coaches fate is connected to us, our fate is not connected to them.

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Willie tells Frank he’s safe this week and Britney thinks coaches will be playing the game in 2 weeks

10:43pm Head of Household room Janelle and Britney They are counting votes and figuring out heir long term strategies using Bobby pins and gummy bears. Janelle really wants to get rid of Boogie. Britney points out that they can get rid of Dan before they are allowed to play. They agree that they have to drill it into the other players heads that Dan needs to go. Janelle: “If we lose power next week they could figure it out.. The jig is up” Britney: “You know they (Production) wants the power to flow.. the power to shift” … Feeds cut…. when they come back they are trying to figure out when the double eviction will be. They both think that a player will be coming back this season because the numbers don’t add up. Janelle is worried about Willie, she brings up that Willie had a Final 3 deal with Frank and Joe that they started the first day. Britney says that Joe isn’t going to go through with it there’s no way. Janelle and Britney are certain they will be coming back into the game, they don’t know when though but guess it will be in 2 weeks.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Willie: “Day 70 someone is going to hang themselves”

7:39pm Britney Willie, Janelle and Shane HOH They are talking about the other players are asking him questions about his last name. Shane doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Willie explains that his brother is Russell Hantz, he’s known to be a smart player in the game he got to the final 3 twice. Janelle asks him if Willie thinks his last name got him on the show. Willie explains that his connections got him in the door but he had to still go through all the casting procedures. Janelle says that she helped Porsche get on Big Brother she gave her Kasstings phone number (Casting company is called Kassting). Willie says Hayden was the person that got him inside… Feeds cut… Willie tells them he’s going to tell everyone his brother is Russell Hantz because everyone is starting to talk about it. Willie is just worried that Dan and Boogie are going to try and make a big deal about Willie’s Brother.

Shane says he doesn’t plan to use the Power of Veto because it’s in his best interest. Shane is 50/50 on who to keep, he thinks if they keep Frank they need frank to cut a big deal with them for next weeks HOH. Britney thinks that Frank is pretending to not like boogie because he’s trying to trick us into keeping him.

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Big Brother 14 – JoJO Has MAD Street SkillS yo

4:15pm Arcade room Britney and JoJO Talking about Danielle saying how she’s “SO ANNOYING” “IRRITATING” JoJO says that Danielle wants to be in a showmance with Shane. They both doubt that Shane would be interested in Danielle. Britney points out that Danielle has talked about her personal S## life with every single person in the house. Britney continues about every single guy Danielle has been with has cheated on her. JoJO: “She’s doing something wrong she doesn’t know how to hold on to her man..She’s the type of girl that doesn’t know what to get what she wants”. JoJo says she’s playing the social game, she’s still needs to talk to Danielle even if she’s annoying. JoJo says Danielle is so stupid that she “abuse’s Danielle” right to her face and she doesn’t realize it. Both girls go round and round how awesome their team is. Neither of them trust Jenn they like her but they don’t trust her. Britney calls Jenn Sneaky and weird, Britney says that every time she’s in HOH Jen sneaks in, Britney: “U have no problem telling her to leave”. Britney explains to JoJO that Willie is going to try and cut a deal with Frank to throw next weeks HOH. JoJo thinks that a great idea.
Brintey: “You’re doing great!”
JoJo: “Ohh thanks, I’m social, I’m smart I can bullshit.. ”
JoJo says the big brother house is kinda like her life back home, “I’m not proud of it .. I’m good and getting what I want out of people”. JoJO goes on and on about how she “tricks” guys into getting her what she wants. JoJo lists a dozen luxury good that boyfriends have purchased for her. JoJo says that she’s been studying Big Brother for the past 5 months she knows things change minute by minute.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Zombie Talk, Condom Pranks and Final 3 deals

3:00pm Storage Room Frank and Shane Shane is telling him that Him and Willie are going to over Frank something and if he’s willing to take it they can go far. Frank is worried about Dan because he’s been going around the house “Throwing Me under the Bus” Shane explains that if they can get Dan out that is one less Mentor playing in the coaches competition. Shane wants them to think long term, Shane knows Frank is a straight shooter and he wants the 3 of them (Willie, Frank and Shane) to work towards the same goal. Frank mentions that he really doesn’t care to be on Boogies team and he hopes that there is a coaches trade.

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Big Brother 14 – Janielle To Frank “Check.. ohh is that Check Mate?”

10:01pm Hammock Wil, Britney and Janelle They are talking about JOJO and how she’s so out there. Wil has a problem with her being such a hypocrite. he points out that she’s out in the backyard hanging out with the guys giving them massages. Britney points out how how Dan is

Wil mentions that during dinner Dan brought up religion and birth control. Dan was telling them that Birth control is not supported by the church. Britney jumps in says that Dan and his wife do not us birth control. janelle says she doesn’t either. Wil says that dan was asking him what his religious background is, wil says his father is agnostic and mother was catholic. Wil’s father is a surgeon and was very scientific, Wil wonders why Dan was talking about religion when he was so strict about religion being private earlier in the game. Wil felt like Dan was be degrading to him. Wil wonders if Big Brother after dark is watching him. Janelle and Britney are certain the cameras is on them.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Willie wants to Keep Frank “I’m putting all my eggs in one Basket “

8:51pm hammock- Kara and Frank Talking about how screwed they are, Frank tells her that he’s sure he’s the target, “Do you think it’s possible to get Shane to use the POV” Kara doesn’t think there is a chance. Frank says they need to wake the players up he thinks they can work on Shane enough he might use it. Kara really doesn’t think it’s going to happen. Frank: “We have 15 percent chance of getting him to use it.. I’m going to get a good sleep tonight and start tomorrow”. Frank isn’t going to campaign against Kara because there is nothing mean he can say about her. Kara wonders why Ian doesn’t get called into the Diary Room very much. Frank doesn’t know thinks it could be because there is nothing exciting going on around him.

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Big Brother 14 Update – Britney wants to Take out Dan “He’s running around the house brainwashing people”

6:45pm Head of Household Janelle and Willie Willie mentions how awesome it was that Shane won the POV Contest. Janelle agrees, they both laugh at the look on Boogie’s face when Frank didn’t win it. Willie: “I don’t think he can manage in here without Dr.Will.. think of it every time he’s been in this game he’s been with Will” Janelle says that Will told him what to do but Boogie is here to win it for himself, “You know he’s a multi millionaire.. he runs all those business”
Willie: “ya ya this is to prove a points”
janelle: “He wants to be the man this year”
Willie: “It’s not going to happen eventually one of his people will wake up”

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Big Brother 14 Spoilage – Ian doesn’t care about the Money he just wants his name in Wikipedia

5:40pm Kara and Dan Dan that right now it looks bad for them but what if next week lightning strikes and Ian wins HOH, “You’ll see all those people scatter like rats” Kara is nervous that Willie is flip flopping and she knows that Janelle and Brintey are a team. Dan thinks if Willie wanted Kara gone he would have a tough time convincing people that Frank was less of a target than Kara.

Dan says if the nominations stay the same and he thinks it will they need to not get cocky they need to lock in those votes. Dan advises Kara that after dinner she needs to grab Willie and talk to him. Dan wants Kara to offer Willie a deal if she stay then Kara will return the favor, “say if you can guarantee my safety I (Kara) will never put you up” . Kara warns dan that the girls all talk whatever he tells Britney will go to Janelle. dan wonders when the POV ceremony is, Kara was told by production that the POV Ceremony is Sunday afternoon.

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New Super alliance is formed “Box of wine Debutantes and the keg stand Bourgeoisie”

4:20pm bathroom Frank and JOJO YO
JOJO is talking about Jordan and who would of thought that she was going to win Big Brother 11, She thinks Jeff had something to do with it. JoJo Then mentions Porsche and how far she got in the game last year. She thinks that anything can happen in the game. Frank starts to hint about the players not doing what the Mentors say. JOJO thinks there will be a twist coming up switches up the teams. Frank doesn’t know but is sure that a twist will change the mentors rolls in the game. JOJO loves everyone in the house even “little Ian” even though she’s certain he’s scared of her.. JOJO laughs says that Ian is going to be getting girls after this. Frank goes one about the Mentors needing them more than they need the mentors.

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