Big Brother Fast Forward / Double Eviction

CBS Interactive Inc.

The Big Brother Fast Forward / Double Eviction Twist was first introduced to the reality TV show during Season 5. There isn’t a twist like the Big Brother Fast Forward / Double Eviction that has the potential to turn the house completely upside down and change the entire dynamic of the game, virtually in an instant.

The basic premise behind the twist is that a whole weeks’ worth of competitions (HOH, Nominations, Power of Veto, Eviction) happens within a very short period of time. During the normal Thursday night live show the house guests vote to evict that week’s house guest and then compete for the HOH title. The house guests will compete like normal for the Thursday night HOH competition, however, following the crowning of the winner; they will be informed of the Fast Forward Twist. The winner of the HOH will then need to immediately nominate two house guests for eviction. They will then typically compete for the power of veto. Occasionally there have been the circumstances where there is actually no Power of Veto competition and the house guests vote for which of the nominees to evict. Following the Power of Veto if there is one, the POV winner has the opportunity to use the veto or leave the nominations the same. Then the house guests vote for who they want to evict from the big brother house. The Fast Forward / Double Eviction is usually a total surprise to the house guests, however, the viewing public is sometimes warned that it is coming up in the following week.

Typically in previous season the Fast Forward / Double Eviction happens during the point in the season where there are somewhere between 6 and 8 house guests left in the house. The first winner of the HOH competition is only in power for a very short period of time; anywhere from an hour to a few days and as such does not get all the benefits of being the HOH. The winner of the second HOH competition is then the reigning HOH for the remainder of the week. There is a good chance there will be a Fast Forward twist if the season starts with at least 13 house guests. Big Brother Season 9 was the exception to the rule, as it started with 16 house guests, but since they were paired up in couples and during the first three evictions two house guests were evicted each week.

  • During Season 5, the very first Double Eviction twist was introduced to the house guests and the viewing public. The point in the game the twist was introduced was when there were only 7 house guests left in the house.
  • During Season 6, the Double Eviction twist was actually used twice, which totally shook up the house. The point in the game the twist was introduced was when there were 9 house guests and again when there were only 6 house guests remaining.
  • During Season 7, the Fast Forward / Double Eviction twist happened when there were 6 house guests remaining in the house.
  • During Season 8, the Fast Forward / Double Eviction twist also came into play when there were only 6 house guests left in the house.
  • During Season 10, the Fast Forward / Double Eviction twist happened when there were only 7 house guests remaining in the house.
  • During Season 11, the CBS producers had planned on using the Fast Forward twist again; however, it was cancelled when they expelled Chima Simone for constantly breaking the rules.
  • During Season 12, the Fast Forward / Double Eviction was held when there were only 7 house guests left in the house.
  • During Season 13, The Fast Forward / Double Eviction was held when there were only 8 house guests remaining in the house.

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