Big Brother 17 Week 1 Summary and Live Show results Jace Vs Jackie

First week of the Live Feeds felt like 6 weeks, mostly thanks to Audrey and in some part Jeff, Austin, Da’Vonne and Jace. Audrey tried to play the entire house she had woven together this web of alliances then started getting those alliances to fight. For example she created this super alliance containing, Herself, Day, Jason, Clay, Shelli, Jeff, James, Meg with Jackie on the side.

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Big Brother 17 Episode 2 Results New Houseguests and The Amazing Race

Last nights part of the Big Brother 17 première introduced the 3 new twists as well as the first 8 houseguests to enter the house. The first Head of Household competition was played, Audrey had an announcement and the girls Davonne, Shelli and Audrey form a day one alliance. Keep in mind that the two part première was not live the houseguests entered the house last weekend. When the feeds start tonight we’ll have a lot of catching up to do.

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Big Brother Canada Season 3 Finale Summary and Results

Final 3 Jury Twist.

The Final 3 are locked in the vault where they have to decide on who to evict from the Jury house. They must all come together on this vote it has to be unanimous. AS a result of this vote the Jury will go down from 10 to 9. Ashleigh proposes they both pick two people they want to keep on the Jury. She picks Zach/Pili, Sarah picks Willow/Brittnee. Godfrey doesn’t think this is the best approach to take says he doesn’t have two people. An argument ensues but is cut short to be shown on the Wednesday show.

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Big Brother Canada 3 – Head Of Household WINNER! Who wants a shot?!

1pm – 7:10pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the Head Of Household competition. Shortly before the HOH competition began each of the house guests got a 30 second diary room session with Big Brother Canada 1 house guest Emmett Blois. They didn’t get talk talk game with him. He just asked them a couple questions and some of them asked him questions. He is also likely that he was the host of this HOH competition and will be appearing on the tonight’s episode of the Big Brother Canada side show.

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Big Brother Canada 3 Week 6 summary and HOH/Eviction Spoilers

There’s three groups in the house
Bru Crew – Bruno/Bobby/Godfrey
No mans land – Sarah/Willow/Brittnee
Diapers – Zach/Ashleigh/Kevn/Pili.

The first two are targeting the Diapers. The Diapers think the Bru’s Crew and No mans land is more or less targeting each other. If the Diapers win the HOH except Bru’s Crew and No mans land to turn on each other. There’s only 4 weeks left and still 10 people in the house how they are going to cull the herd is the BIG UNKNOWN

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