Big Brother Canada 3 Episode 28 Recap – And Then There Were 3

With the finale of Big Brother Canada 3 in just 2 days, tonight is when we learn the identity of the final 3 house guests. Before the live feeds were turned off for the season we knew that both Sarah and Ashleigh were guaranteed spots in the final three. The remaining spot comes down to who Ashleigh would want to be sitting next to in the final 3. As Ashleigh was on the block and had won the veto its safe to say she used it to remove herself from the block and Brittnee was the only remaining choice to be the replacement nominee.

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Power Of Veto Competition Results! Sarah & Ashleigh are Guaranteed Final 3!

Big Brother blocked the feeds for the power of veto competition. This veto competition is the most important one of the season as the winner is the sole person who decides who they want to evict and essentially who they want in the final 3. If Sarah the head of household were to win this veto she would then decide who is the sole vote by using the veto or not using it.

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POV Ceremony results “I’m not packing my bags yet” -Z

9:45pm Hot Tub Brittnee and Zach
Zach tells her “I’m not packing my bags yet”
Brittnee laughs says she wouldn’t expect anything less
Zach – so what you are saying B I don’t have your vote
Brittnee – Right now no.. whats your argument
Zach – I don’t have a argument .. because . . well you know I got to ride one thing and one thing only.
Zach – what have I done in this game

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POV Ceremony! “They have to see me packing like I’ve given up. That’s the only chance I have”

10am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power Of Veto Ceremony to take place. As the veto holder, Kevin has the option to veto one of his nominations or choose to not use the veto on either nominee. Originally when Kevin nominated Brittnee and Bobby the plan was to use the veto to remove Brittnee and nominate Bruno as the replacement. However, Kevin’s plan as of last night is to not use the veto. If Bobby doesn’t have a secret veto he gets voted out “that’s what happens to liars” and if he does have a secret veto (which he doesn’t) and uses it then Kevin would then nominate Bruno and try to get him sent home over Brittnee.

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Power Of Veto Results! “That’s so much frigging money! A lot of money!!”

3pm – 11:10pm The live feeds were blocked for the power of veto competition to take place. AFTER just over an 8 hour competition in which Kevin, Bobby, Ashleigh, Brittnee, Sarah, Pili all competed in, KEVIN WON. He also won $10,000! Guessing from how long the feeds have been down it is likely this was either an endurance POV or a competition where one player competed at a time.

When the live feeds return – Kevin and Pili are in the HOH bathroom – Pili tells Kevin I am so frigging stoked for you!! Pili wonders if she has to put the lobster costume back on? Kevin tells her no, your 24 hours is over.

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POV Ceremony Results “He’s going to go hard this week!” “He’s not going to be able to do anything!”

3:40pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power Of Veto Ceremony to take place. The original plan this week was to b@ckdoor Bruno but after the house guests learned an evicted house guest would return Zach got scared and changed his plan to not going after Bruno/Bobby just yet. He decided to wait to see how the POV competition would play out and then decide what the best game move would be for him. After winning the veto Zach has talked extensively about keeping the nominations the same and having Godfrey be this weeks target.

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