Big Brother Canada LIVE FEEDS are back BUT GARY is still out seeing the doctor..

8:25pm The Big Brother Canada Live feeds get turned back on. Emmett, Talla, Jillian and Andrew are out in the hot tub room. (Gary is no where to be seen. He is probably still seeing the doctor about his eye.) Talla and Jillian are talking about hair cuts / styles. Jillian heads inside to shave her legs and get ready for bed. As she walks away Talla says nice bum Jillian .. It really is nice! Andrew says it would be nice to play chess right now. Emmett agrees and says that he thinks Big Brother just didn’t want to have all of us up there. Emmett heads inside. He goes up to the HOH room to shower with Jillian. Jillian takes off all the make-up that Gary put on her this morning. Emmett tells her that she looks way better now.. you look healthy now .. before you looked sick!

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Gary asks what if you were PREGNANT? Jillian says I wouldn’t be pregnant, I couldn’t be..

5pm Jillian, Talla and Gary are in the kitchen. Talla comments that her stomach is really hurting right now. Oh my god I feel like I am going to puke! I am feeling nauseated! Jillian asks did you take a pill? Talla says no. Jillian asks did you take a vitamin. Talla says no! Jillian says if you took one of my multi-vitamins they make you sick if you don’t have a lot in your stomach. Talla says I don’t feel good. Jillian says maybe you are pregnant. Talla says yeah .. no! Gary asks what if you some how were.. no you would have known by now. Talla says yeah. Gary says but you would be showing by now. That would be funny if someone was pregnant and they just started showing. ..because you can’t take a test. Well yeah you could ask for a test. But what if you were pregnant .. what would you do .. just stick it out I guess?! Gary laughs.

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Andrew says I am not going to beg you to keep me, you just better fu*king do it that’s all!

2:30pm Andrew and Jillian are playing a game of chess. Talla and Gary are talking about Gary wanting to be a Dj. He begged his mom to pay for Dj school for him. He went for a week and then quit because the travel to and from was too much. He says that his mom was pissed that she couldn’t get her money back. He says that he still wants to be a Dj. Gary starts rapping and Jillian, Andrew and Emmett tell him to shut the hell up. Talla tells Andrew if I fart it will come right your way. Andrew tries to put a pillow between them. Talla says nothing can stop it!

2:40pm – 3pm Jillian is annoyed with Emmett because he was giving Andrew chess advice. Jillian tells him that’s a new low. Talla says I know what diagonal is .. it means up .. horizon. Gary says that he respects her teachers.

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Emmett to Talla “You are playing Will Kirby’s Game”

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11:20AM Gary, Jillian and Talla Playing chess for the last 30 minutes nothing but Chess talk going on.

Emmett joins them, Jillian says she’s “Doing Good” but doesn’t want him hovering over her with his “Judging Eyes”. Emmett starts giving advice to Jillian and Gary. Gary jokes around doesn’t like it when Ememtt does that “Emmett thinks he’s a chess change.. b1tch you can’t beat someone in three moves.”

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Emmett to Jillian “Andrew is going home you have to get it through your head”

9:51am HOH Milkmance

Jillian tells him she knows one way that they both are safe.. Emmett: “No you don’t you think you do”

Emmett is saying he would like to keep Andrew but it’s just too risky.. Jillian points out that sooner or later Talla is going to win a competition. Emmett isn’t sure she will he still thinks their safest bet will be to get rid of Andrew even though personally it’s something he doesn’t want to do. Emmett says If Andrew wins the final HOH he’ll take Jillian over Emmett.

Emmett says they need to distance themselves a bit to make Gary think “Hey maybe they are that close”

Jillian points out that Talla will beat her in the endurance during the final HOH

Emmett: “that is why we are taking Gary”
Jillian: ‘Talla will win HOH tomorrow.. thats just our luck”

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Big Brother Canada Gary says I’m just looking forward to Thursday to give my b@lls a wash!

8:10pm Emmett and Andrew head out to the hot tub room. Emmett comments on how the chess board will be gone Thursday morning so might as well get as much use out of it as we can. Andrew says yeah they gave us Gary and the chess board .. I would much rather give Gary back. Andrew starts talking about how they he or Jillian need to win the HOH and POV to send Gary home and then its the final 3 like we planned.

Emmett and Andrew head inside to get ready to workout. Andrew heads to the bedroom and comments about on how Gary is fixing his ball and chain. Gary is annoyed with it because he spends more time fixing it. Andrew leaves and comments to Emmett in the bathroom ..imagine if Big Brother had given Gary a real ball and chain.. but I guess it would destroy the house.

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Talla impersonates Andrew “Hi, I’m Andrew TOTES BRUTES! Flonk! Pissed! You couple of Ya Whos!”

5:20pm The house guests are on an indoor lock down. Andrew, Jillian and Talla are in the kitchen. Talla does an impersonation of Andrew. Hi, I’m Andrew .. TOTES BRUTES! Flonk! Pissed! You couple of Ya Whos! Andrew laughs why weren’t you me then! Talla says I could do that for hours. Talla leaves to take a shower. Andrew asks Jillian if Talla talks about him. Jillian says no, I don’t think she wants to talk about it. Andrew tells Jillian that she is in a very good position right now… She gets to compete in HOH and if she wins it .. she just needs to win two more competitions and then she is in the final two. Andrew says I should be in a good position but I’m not right now. Jillian heads up to the HOH room to lay down on the HOH bed. Andrew goes to nap in the main bedroom. Emmett and Gary finish up their chess game and head down to the kitchen to eat.

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Big Brother Canada House Guests have to dress up as each other. Jillian screams YOU LOOK LIKE A STR!PPER!

2:30pm Emmett comes out of the diary room and says okay .. we have something fun to do? Jillian has to dress up like Andrew. Andrew like Talla. Gary like Jillian. Talla like Emmett. And Emmett has to dress up like Gary.

Andrew asks how am I supposed to dress up like Talla? Emmett says I don’t know put on her clothes. Emmett goes out to tell Talla. He tells her its a task. Talla asks why are you telling us? Emmett says because its my HOH thing, we are going to take photos. Emmett tells them that they have an hour to get dressed up. Gary tells them that Emmett has to look as gay as possible! Andrew is complaining saying this is ridiculous! Emmett tells Talla .. I usually don’t wear a shirt. Gary wants to give Emmett his tight jeans. Emmett says my nutz are going to blow up in those. Emmett comes out of the shower with Gary’s pants. Jillian screams and says AHHHH… YOU LOOK LIKE A STRIPPER!!!

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Big Brother Canada Spoilers Morning Chores and HUSH HUSH?

9:30am Andrew and Emmett kitchen Emmett telling him that in the middle of the night production turned the bathroom lights on. They’ve been doing that a lot during his HOH and it’s pi$$ing him off, he’s going to ask them today why they are doing that. Andrew points out how there is so much light that enters the HOH room from the hallway, “Good thing you can put up the sheets” Andrew says Big brother wakes them up at 9 every morning unless they have some sort of special activity to do.

They start chatting about working out.. Emmett says he use to do preacher curls and his lower biceps were “So Huge” you couldn’t see the vein. Talk moves to sports… Emmett says he’s played competitive Soccer and Hockey, “I played junior C in University.. not super serious.. there’s guys there to drop the mitts and there’s guys there to score goals”

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Andrew says You’ve got two options vote me out so I am at peace or keep me in so I can get rid of that!

8pm Andrew tells Gary that he will play him in a game of chess. Gary says okay. Andrew says I haven’t even beat Jillian. I never played when I grew up. Jilian comes into the kitchen and says oh thanks, you haven’t even beat me. Andrew says I am the sh!ttest one! Andrew says I should have .. I had her on the umm.. Jillian says on the block! Andrew says OH SHUT UP! Jillian laughs and says you said you had her on the block. Andrew says I did not say that! I am on the block. Gary says as long as you know that! Andrew says oh I know. Jillian asks is Andrew mad at me .. he just told me to shut up in a serious way. He’s never been serious to me before!

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Big Brother Canada Power Of Veto Ceremony RESULTS!

6pm When the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds return we learn that Gary used the Veto on himself and Emmett as head of household nominated Talla as the replacement nominee.

Talla and Gary are in the kitchen. Talla is making dinner. Emmett and Jillian are up in the HOH room playing chess. Emmett wins “Checkmate!” That was a good try, I made lots of stupid moves! Maybe next time! They head downstairs. Emmett asks Gary ..where’s everyone at? I mean Andrew I guess? (Everyone is in the kitchen but Andrew.) Gary says that Andrew is sleeping. Emmett and Gary talk about playing a game of chess later. Emmett asks if he is going to lose again. Gary says that he is going to take his time, last time I got too excited to kill your guys.

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Big Brother Canada Emmett talks to Jillian about putting her up on the BLOCK as the Replacement Nominee..

2:30pm Jillian, Talla and Gary are out in the backyard. Jillian says that she loves going to Jamaica and other hot places to lay out in the sun so that she doesn’t look pasty white. She asks if Gary likes the sun too. Gary asks black people don’t like the sun because it makes them darker? Jillian says no because it doesn’t benefit them aesthetically. Gary explains that black people like the sun because it enriches their colour and makes them stronger. They head inside.
Jillian and Talla are in the storage room talking. Jillian says that Emmett told Andrew that he might be going home. Talla asks why Emmett told Andrew that he is going home. Jillian says that she isn’t sure .. because he didn’t want to reassure him to the very last minute. Jillian says that Andrew confronted her and she told him she still wasn’t sure. Talla asks why didn’t Emmett wait till Thursday.

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