The live feeds return, In the bedroom – Helen and Candice comfort Elissa. Howard comes over and tells her it don’t matter just have fun with the competition. Don’t worry about the votes. Elissa was nominated for eviction by America ask the MVP.

In the lounge room – Aaryn is talking to Amanda and McCrae. Aaryn swears that she isn’t the MVP and says that they are going to think I nominated her. Aaryn says it is not me! America thinks I am egotistical they would not give it to me. Amanda says America didn’t vote. Aaryn leaves the room. McCrae says that he doesn’t believe Aaryn for a second. He thinks it would be so easy for her to play that off like that.

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Judd says take this seriously or I’ll have to back door you. Elissa says I love to be back doored.

8:15am – 8:30am Big Brother comes back for the we’ll be right back screen to say “Rise and Shine, it’s time to get up for the day!” Judd gets dressed and heads downstairs. Spencer talks to Howard in the havenot room. Spencer says if we win veto and get Judd to put up McCrae. That way Aaryn owns us you know. Spencer says they will will have Gina, Kaitlin, Aaryn and us. Spencer says we need to keep Judd focused. Howard says that he will talk to Candice and Spencer should talk with Andy. Spencer says that he isn’t going to say anything until after the veto, I don’t want to get him all shook up. They leave the havenot room. In the bedroom – Amanda, McCrae, Spencer and Andy are talking about sleeping in the have not room. Helen joins them and Amanda asks her if she thinks Elissa got MVP. Helen says that Elissa said that she didn’t get it and I believe her. Helen says that Elissa thinks America’s got it. They all think it is America voting on the nominee. Meanwhile in the bathroom Elissa, Aaryn and Candice get ready for the day.

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Spencer says we aren’t power wh*res that suck the di*k of whoever’s in power.

1am Elissa is talking to Judd about the twist Julie mentioned to them. Elissa says that she trusts if Amanda or McCrae got it they would tell her. Elissa says that she is worried that Howard may have gotten a power. Elissa tells Judd that she didn’t get the MVP power. Elissa then heads into the diary room. When Elissa comes out of the diary room she tells Judd that she doesn’t have MVP. She says she thinks there’s a twist to it.

In the lounge – Amanda and McCrae are talking. Amanda tells McCrae that she thinks they’re (Amanda, McCrae and Andy) are in a good position because no one is coming after them. Amanda says that she is worried about Howard and says we need to backdoor him. McCrae says he is worried that Howard may have some kind of power. Amanda disagrees and says that if Howard had a power he wouldn’t be going around trying to secure safety with us. Amanda says we need to get Judd to backdoor Howard so that we don’t have any blood on our hands.

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Howard says if Elissa doesn’t get the MVP “She up sh!t creek”

9:57pm Hammock Howie and Candace
(It can be difficult to understand Howard sometimes he talks and talks but never gets to the point)
Howard: “I’m going to talk to you and it’s going to stay between us”
Candace is now worried that she’s in danger asks him if he would tell her if she is in danger. Howard says he hopes she’s not.
Howard trusts her and he hopes she wants to take him far because he hopes to take her far.
Candace: “thanks you”
Howard: thanks you”

Howard starts in on the game talk .
H: “This is my thing about Elissa.. and I just want you to watch her for the week” Howard says Elissa is the type of person that once there mind is set on someone there is no persuading them otherwise, “Even if its not true she’s not going to think the other way”

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Big Brother Spoilers Elissa is worried Production is late giving her the MVP this week

8:07pm JUDD and Elissa
She’s asking him why he was called into the Diary room. JUDD explains it was just a regular DR session.
Elissa: “If you got the MVP you can say it”
JUDD asks her if she has it.
Elissa: “They haven’t told me anything”
JUDD: “Maybe it will be later”
He says he’ll tell her if he gets it.
Elissa: ‘You promise”
JUDD brings up that he’s worried about Aaryn being mad at him.
Elissa doesn’t think he should worry: ‘She’s going home anyways”

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Big Brother 15 Spoilers Nomination Results “I was hoping a t!tie would pop out” -Spencer

4:58pm Bedroom Howard, Aaryn and Kaitlin

Howard: ‘For what it’s worth I have no control over what is about to happen”
H: “But I will say this.. Before Jeremy went home I was the 7-4 vote I was still loyal to you guys”
A: ‘I know you were “
Howard tell them he has no control he’s in no mans land right now.
Howard says after whatever happens this week they can conjure up something he tells them he’s not coming after them.
Of course Andy rolls through. Chit chats then leaves

Howard tells them again he wants to concoct something after this week.

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Amanda’s not being a dictator “He can’t be a pu$$y about this we have the votes.. he’s the HOH”

2:53pm HOH Amanda, Helen and Elissa

Amanda is thinking that MVP twist will mean it’s going to someone else so they can’t risk not putting Aaryn or Howard up in case MVP goes to someone else. Amanda thinks because it’s been going to the same person CBS wants to change it up.

Helen says she talked to JUDD and he’s wanting to put up Kaitlin and Gina. They’re all groaning over the thought. They don’t want him to do that they want to get rid of Aaryn or Howard this week. Preferably Howard.
Elissa says she wonders if it is going to go to the biggest villain or the worst player.

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Big Brother 15 SPOILERS – Have / HaveNot Competition RESULTS!

2:15pm – 2:35pm In the lounge room – Kaitlin and Gina are talking. Kaitlin says that she is here to compete. Kaitlin says that just so Gina knows me and Aaryn are going up on the block. Gina says they are just picking on because we are pretty. Gina says they got Jeremy out, they got what they wanted and now they are still coming after us. Kaitlin says that Aaryn is the target this week. Judd joins them. Gina says that this is a game and I am here to compete. People are mad at us because we haven’t been have nots. Gina says I already told Andy I would take his spot. Kaitlin and Gina talk about how they already know they are going up on the block. Judd asks how do you know that? Who told you that? Gina says Aaryn. Judd says that it pisses him off that people are saying that because I haven’t even made my decision yet. He says that he is afraid because of the twist that Julie mentioned. Kaitlin says that Aaryn twists peoples words. Judd asks did Helen tell you that too? Gina says no I haven’t heard that. Andy comes in and says that the nomination screen is up. Nominations are today.

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Judd says I wish Helen wouldn’t have told Kaitlin I was going to put her up because now I have to.

8:50am – 9:50am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen to wake up the house guests. When the feeds return, Judd and Gina are seen changing their batteries. Gina heads back to bed and Judd goes up to the HOH room to feed the fish and shower. Jessie get called to the diary room. Downstairs Elissa, Aaryn, Amanda and Helen are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Helen start her morning run throughout the house. Spencer talks to Jessie in the kitchen about her “glorious morning”. Jessie tells him about her dream where he mom told her she hadn’t gotten around to watching the show yet. She says then she was called to the diary room early. Jessie says she was trying to make coffee but ended up making a mess of it and had to start over. Spencer gets called to the diary room. He tells her not to hurt herself while he is gone. Jessie heads up to the HOH room.

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Judd laughs I had a vision from Nick last night and he needs you back in Staten Island. I’m sorry you have to go up.

12:45am In the lounge – Candice, Elissa, Amanda, Aaryn and McCrae are talking. They’re talk about tanning. Everyone leaves but Amanda and Elissa who talk about relationships. Elissa says that it is so exciting for Amanda and McCrae to be able to start something new. Amanda says from someone who has dated people with money and without money it is so much easier to date someone with money. Amanda says that my ex .. or my boyfriend makes good money so its definitely been easier to be able to do whatever you want and go on vacation whenever/wherever. Elissa says but isn’t it so much better to be able to build that with someone you love. Amanda says that McCrae makes in two weeks what I make in half a day. Elissa says that she thinks McCrae is smart, he is an undercover genius. Amanda says that it will be interesting to see what life is like outside the house, he is talking about moving to Florida with me.

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Big Brother Spoilers Amanda about Elissa ‘She’s actually dumber than you give her credit’

9:30pm Cockpit Amanda and McCrae
Talking about how annoying Candace is. They point out that she always wears people stuff then drops it off in random spots throughout the house.

Amanda is talking in code about what I believe is sexual acts. McCrea says that there is people on the internet that will figure out what she’s saying. Amanda doesn’t think they are that interesting.

JUDD and Andy join them
Amanda: “What’s happening”
Judd: ‘Hungry as fu*** need a cig.. I’m not worried yet”
Amanda: “Well it does come fast”

JUDD says that he was talking to Elissa and she’s super worried.
Amanda: ‘She’s actually dumber than you give her credit.. you think she’s strategizing.. you have to think very simple.. she’s just worried what the twist in”

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Big Brother Spoilers JUDD: “I’m not going to do what someone tells me to do”

8:07pm Cockpit Elissa, Jessie and JUDD
Judd tells her Amanda just wants to make sure Elissa will work with them for the MVP. Elissa says of course.
Elissa: ‘You would consider putting me on the block”
JUDD: ‘No no I just want to make sure we have enough time to discuss it.. you don’t have to nominate until Sunday right”

They start speculating on what the twist is.. Elissa thinks something will be unleashes on the house. Jessie leaves. JUDD tells her they have to talk about it and agree together 100%, “you have as much power as I do”

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