Big Brother 15 Nominations Week One “The Moving Company Alliance” yo

9:26pm HOH Howard and Nick

Nick “Jeremy told everybody.. McRae knows I know.. everyone knows.. he totally exposed himself he told everybody.. “ (Didn’t catch it all but I think it had something to do with the blonde alliance)

Nick “The BlondeTourage.. Everyone knows they are together.. it’s so stupid”. They both comment on how the Blonde girls have been walking around spending all their time together since they’ve been in the house.

Howard says if Rachel2.0 stays for a couple weeks she’s going to be dangerous.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Zombie Talk, Condom Pranks and Final 3 deals

3:00pm Storage Room Frank and Shane Shane is telling him that Him and Willie are going to over Frank something and if he’s willing to take it they can go far. Frank is worried about Dan because he’s been going around the house “Throwing Me under the Bus” Shane explains that if they can get Dan out that is one less Mentor playing in the coaches competition. Shane wants them to think long term, Shane knows Frank is a straight shooter and he wants the 3 of them (Willie, Frank and Shane) to work towards the same goal. Frank mentions that he really doesn’t care to be on Boogies team and he hopes that there is a coaches trade.

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