Amanda’s not being a dictator “He can’t be a pu$$y about this we have the votes.. he’s the HOH”

POV Holder: ? Next POV July 20th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 22
HOH Winner: JUDD Next HOH: July 25
MVP: ?
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy
Have Nots Jessie, Candice, Andy, Spencer


2:53pm HOH Amanda, Helen and Elissa

Amanda is thinking that MVP twist will mean it’s going to someone else so they can’t risk not putting Aaryn or Howard up in case MVP goes to someone else. Amanda thinks because it’s been going to the same person CBS wants to change it up.

Helen says she talked to JUDD and he’s wanting to put up Kaitlin and Gina. They’re all groaning over the thought. They don’t want him to do that they want to get rid of Aaryn or Howard this week. Preferably Howard.
Elissa says she wonders if it is going to go to the biggest villain or the worst player. (It’s already gone to the worst player for three weeks JK.)
Helen: “It has to be Aaryn or Howard it cannot be Kaitlin”
They agree the number one target is Howard then Aaryn followed by GM
Elissa: “Jessie wants Kaitlin gone over Aaryn”
Helen: ‘And she’s talking to Judd”
Helen says Howard and Aaryn have to go.
Helen: ‘I wanted to be low key this week”
Amanda: “We have to stick with the knock outs and Jessie isn’t a knock out”:
Elissa: “she thinks she’s part of an alliance”
Helen: ‘She thinks she’s part of the house” (Jessie isn’t a superfriend anymore)

Amanda stresses they have to get to JUDD before the nominations and make sure he puts up Aaryn or Howard.
McCrea joins them and the girls leave
Amanda says she thinks the MVP will go to someone other than Elissa so they cannot risk not putting Aaryn or Howard up.
McCrae and Amanda cannot understand why JUDD won’t do it to them it doesn’t make sense gamewise. McCrea doesn’t get his logic that JUDD is going to get blood on his hands if he puts her up
Amanda in overdrive trying to get Aryn and Kaitlin up.

Amanda: “He can’t be a pu$$y about this we have the votes.. he’s the HOH”
Feeds switch


3:10pm JUDD and Elissa Cockpit
JUDD saying almost everyone he’s talked to say KAitlin and Helen have a deal. He’s also heard that Elissa will put Aaryn up if he doesn’t. JUDD says if he puts Aaryn and Kaitlin up he doesn’t want Elissa to put up GM because he wants to use her as a replacement nominee. He does not want to put Howard or Spencer that is too big of a move for him right now.

Elissa says she would put aaryn up if she knew she had it but she doesn’t know so she’s saying she’ll put up GM or Howard.
They agree they can trust each other and are friends.
Elissa: “I’ll be friends with you for the rest of my life”
JUDD says he’s putting Aaryn and Kaitlin up and doesn’t want GM as the nominee.


3:19pm Cockpit Andy and JUDD
They are talking about who his targets is. Judd wants to call the group together and they can figure out who is the biggest threat is. Judd thinks Kaitlin is strongest in competitions and has the most friends.

Andy asks him if Elissa will put up one of them, Andy, McCrea or Amanda. JUDD doesn’t think that is going to happen, he’s confident there will be no surprises with Elissa’s MVP. JUDD doesn’t want to nominate GM because it will just cause more friction between them. He’s fine with Elissa putting her up.

JUDD: “Maybe I can back door someday I’ll have to see how the VETO goes”
Andy isn’t sure that Howard is the best target because even though he’s strong he’s not coming after them. Andy points out that Aaryn is trying really hard to break up their group.
JUDD is worried about getting out another guy he’s feeling like there is a girls alliance in the house.
Andy: “There is no way Helen and Elissa would form an alliance with Kaitlin”
JUDD says that he’s heard that KAitlin and them made a deal.
Andy explains they only told her she was safe for a week if she used the POV last week.
JUDD: “Helen told KAitlin I was going to put her up”

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3:24pm Gina and JUDD
Gina: “Are we backdooring someone is that why me and Kaitlin are going up”
JUDD: “I told ELissa if she got MVP she wouldn’t put you up. in return I want your vote this week”
Gina says yes
GM: ‘I’m in beast mode right now”


3:46pm Cockpit Amanda and JUDD
JUDD tells her he’s going to put Kaitlin and Aaryn up and he’s asked Elissa to not put GM up. “She can put Howard up”
Amanda his happy about his plan.
Amanda likes the nominee choices


3:49pm Cockpit JUDD and Helen
JUDD tells her the plan Kailtin/Aaryn go up if POV is played GM is the replacement. MVP can put up a pawn.
JUDD: ‘Lets just make this a easy week and get one of the girls out”

Helen likes the nominee choices


3:54pm Jessie and JUDD cockpit
Tells tells her the plan..
JUDD: “This week i have no big targets on me”
Jessie likes the nominee choices

CBS Interactive Inc.

4:00pm HOH Jessie, Elissa and JUDD
JUDD is worried that the special power is something that the fans will vote and he’s worried it’s going to mess up his game. Elissa wonders if it’s a Pandora’s box.
Jessie says she would not open Pandora’s Box “Not this week”
Elissa would open it for sure “I could not not open it”


4:08pm Howard and Candace
Howard’s telling her they need to start distancing themselves otherwise people will start targeting them as a pair. He needs her to get close to the girls and he’ll work the guys.
He says that Jessie is really upset because of what the girls have been saying to her. Candace mentions how it sucks for Jessie becuase she was going to spend the week in the HOH and now she’s a hav nots.

Howard is rubbing lotion on her back he thinks the lotion stinks. “It says lavender.. that’s a colour not a scent”


4:24pm Cockpit Andy, McCrae and Andy
Talking about JUDD and Elissa’s nominations and how JUDD doesn’t want to backdoor Howard.
Amanda: “I’m like NO you are putting up Howard or everyone is gunning after him”
Andy: ‘He doesn’t want to put up his”:
Amanda: “NO.. HE HAS TO”
Andy says he wants to get rid of KAitlin or Aryan this week
Amanda is freaking out about this keeps saying that Howard is after their group. JUDD is making a big mistake

Amanda says that JUDD has to backdoor Howard and if he doesn’t he has 7 people gunning after him
Andy: “I’m never going to GUN after him”
Andy says getting rid of Aaryn won’t piss anybody off. Amanda start in on how big of a threat Howard is compared to Aaryn. Aaryn is alone and Howard has Spencer and Candace.
Amanda: “If he doesn’t backdoor howard when he has the chance to my mind is going to explode”
Amanda blames the difficulties they have with JUDD on Jessie she calls her a idiot
Andy points out that JUDD has been talking to Elissa a lot.
Amanda says they don’t want to leave it to Elissa to BAckdoor Howard like last week, “She probably won’t”.
Andy says that Candace, Howard and Spencer are not targeting JUDD so he can understand why he doesn’t want to make a big move like that.
Amanda: “The house wants Howard gone.. blame it on the house”
Andy points out that JUDD is a bit worried about the twist if he takes out Howard than Candace gets a power and is out for blood.
Amanda says JUDD needs to stop being a pu$$y .
JUDD joins them
Amanda: “Thank god you’re here.. come in”
Amanda says Howard is going to target JUDD and Jessie because he wants to break up the couples.

Amanda tells him there are only 2 people that will mind if Howard goes home. Spencer and
Andy thinks that Helen, Ellissa and himself can work on candace and get her to realise Howard is using her.
Amanda says that Elissa will put up Spencer with her MVP they just have to make sure that JUDD puts up Howard when the VETO is used.
Amanda drills into his head why Howard is a target, Andy also tosses in a lot of comments about how scary and bad Howard is. McCrea stays silent.

Amanda: “This irritates me that you want a girl going home.. why should it matter there is no girls alliance I swear” Andy mentions that the girls all hate each other.
Andy adds that Howard uses religion to entice people, he’s the ringleader of the other side.

JUDD: “I just don’t know where Howard’s head is”
Amanda: ‘You’ll never know where his head is he’s full of Sh!t.. don’t you agree”
Andy: “Definitely”


4:30pm bedroom gm and Aaryn
Aaryn saying that they are probably all going to be nominated
GM: “I feel like it’s us three and everybody else”
Aaryn says it makes sense they will pick us off one by one it’s easy. She doesn’t think that is a good long term strategy.
GM :”they won’t have anyone to count on to win big things”
Aaryn says the final 6 are Amanda/McCrea, Helen/Elissa, Candice/Spencer. She thinks Andy, Judd and jessie will be killed him off .
Gm points out that they all lost their halfs. Aaryn: “If they are going after showmance why don’t they go after McCrea now.. or Howard”
GM: “Pretty people.. aren’t they suppose to win things” (LOL omg )
Aaryn: ‘Not when it’s your competitors .. ” She points out that they voted out the three hottest guys.
Aaryn says she is not targeting Elissa at all why the f*** does she want her nomianted
Aaryn looks at the camera “Please someone tell me I don’t know”

FYI Feeds are on trivia Next update will have the nominations

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102 thoughts to “Amanda’s not being a dictator “He can’t be a pu$$y about this we have the votes.. he’s the HOH””

    1. What do you think will happen if the MVP that America votes for ends up being one of Judd’s nominees? Does that mean there won’t be a third nominee or does CBS have a contingency plan to put up the second MVP choice in this case? I’m thinking this might happen b/c it seems Judd will put up Aaryn and it really seems like she is the one that America would choose, b/c they want her gone more than the HG’s do.

      1. They said that if the highest vote getter is on the block, the one with next amount of votes goes up.

  1. Seriously, Amanda’s grudge against Howard is very disturbing. She is OBSESSED with him. I am starting to wonder if they have a history outside of the house

    1. nope its because he was the first one to throw out her name…but she needs to back off shes pissing people off!!! an shes becominng aaryn with elissa

      1. Everyone has thrown out everyone’s name. And Howard was justified in throwing out her name because Amanda is the only reason McCrae abandoned the MC. Amanda’s obsession is getting old. He threw it out but it’s not like he gunned for her.

      1. It was barely two weeks ago that Howard was laying the groundwork for Amanda’s eviction — calling her the most dangerous player in the house. Maybe it’s easy to forget since we are on the outside, and so much drama has elapsed since then, but you can bet that Amanda hasn’t forgotten.

        Of course Howard is her target — and he probably *should* be her target at least until he or someone else in the house gives her a reason to believe otherwise.

    2. Unfortuatly Amanda is right. Howard is the biggest threat in the house right now.
      He is inteligent and I would bet he will stomp them in physical comps when he applies himself.
      Plus he thinks he is a sly dog and the women are falling for it.
      I have to say though, he is probably the loyalist player in the house. Good to be on his team.
      Judd better back door him or he will regrete it.

  2. Two more weeks at best and Amanda and her keychain become targets. She’s really starting to p*ss everyone off.

    1. Completely agree. And I personally cannot wait for it to happen. Things will be interesting for sure. She’s ignorant in the way she’s going about things. Demanding everyone to target Howard. She needs to not be so damn pushy. Her nonstop bashing is going to get under ppl’s skin, and b4 u know it, they will all be gunning for her. And Andy, wow, what an idiot. He was actually making sense towards Amanda in the cockpit & defending Judd. Telling her, his choice to not nominate Howard or Spencer made sense for him, bc they’re not coming after him & he wouldn’t have any blood on his hands. Then 2secs later Judd comes in and Andy jumps on Amanda’s nagging bandwagon. WTH, Andy. You’re going to go down with her if u don’t stop. McCrae was smart by staying silent. Amanda needs a few pointers from him. And for Amanda to go off on such a tangent right now about backdooring Howard is stupid. Atleast wait to see if the situation even arises. Come on……that’s BB 101!! Keep digging that hole Amanda, just keep on digging. Bc you’ll be jumping right in….soon! I atleast hope Andy starts to realize(after that convo w Amanda) that she is playing her own game & not for the alliance. Bc Andy knows that it would be dumb to target Howard, when Howard is not targeting him.

      And please someone answer this question for me. Simon, Dawg, anybody? How is it that Amanda is so vocal with EVERYONE about wanting Howard out. But it’s as if Howard doesn’t even know, bc he doesn’t talk about it, or try to do damage control. He has to know though. Has too, right? So my question is, why isn’t he trying to dispel the rumors Amanda’s throwing out(He’s targeting couples(not true)) etc etc? Or is he & it’s just not posted? I’ve been wondering for the last week. Bc he isn’t doing anything about it. Plz help explain this to me. And Howard & Spencer both know how dangerous Amanda is, bc they wanted her out in the beginning. It’s like they’ve just forgotten all about that.

      1. I don’t have the feeds. That’s a good question Willow. Can someone explain if Howard knows Amanda is going hard to get him out?

      2. Willow, McRae is a bigger threat than Howard at the moment. He is pretty shielded by Amanda at the moment, so much so that Amanda herself is not catching on to his tactics. She does give him some looks though that must give her pause.
        As for Howard, he either is unaware of the heat he is attracting ( which surprisingly seems plausible), or he is playing it week by week and slowly building trust with some HG’S . He has stated in earlier weeks that you can’t think to far ahead. His strategy.

  3. Like I have been saying for weeks Amanda if you want them up win HoH and put them up yourself. I will not waste my HoH doing her dirty work, If Judd did not have to worry about the MVP I would put up Amanda and Mccrae

  4. Amanda: “This irritates me that you want a girl going home.. why should i matter there is no girls alliance I swear”

    Well seeing how she’s been targeting only guys and after this week only 3 guys would be left and 8 girls, I could see JUDD thinking there’s a girl’s alliance.

    1. I’m glad it’s eight girls and not eight guys, if it was eight guys I’d probably not watch.

    2. Don’t you mean 3 guys and *9* girls. Doesn’t Amanda have two votes? Hers and the wimp she has wrapped around her finger—–or whatever.

    3. At 6PM EST, TVGN had BB on for an hour and the few minutes I watched were all about Aaryn in a negative light.

      1. Yeah – I noticed they were replaying a couple old episodes. I flipped to see what they were showing but didn’t watch. The one I saw Nick was still in it.

  5. If Aaryn and Kaitlyn go on the block its bye bye Amanda( if the nom’s stay the same).


    Howard: Amanda
    Candice: Amanda
    GM: Amanda
    Spencer: Amanda
    McCrae: Aaryn
    Elissa: Aaryn
    Helen: Aaryn
    Andy: Aaryn

    It would come down to Jessie and she could be swayed to vote out Amanda

      1. There was a convo this afternoon between Candice, Helen and Jessie and all three talked about how they do not trust Amanda. I’m thinking that she has bullied and pushed too hard and folks are starting to resent the fact that she insists others get blood on their hands to fulfill her agenda. It is possible that Helen, Elissa and Jessie take the opportunity to get a strong woman out and break up a showmance (which we all know is rule #1 in BB).

    1. I think your vote counting is about right on Amanda so I don’t see Judd letting it stand if he can if POV is used. Thing is if MVP nom wins POV who goes up in their place?

      L:ets say Arryn and Kaitlyn are on the block. Amanda turns out to be second choice and goes up. She then wins POV and 3rd>>>> choice maybe the renom. Now it gets funny, really funny! Because it is possible Ellisa is 3rd based on Dan’s tweet regaurding early voting being misunderstood and thought they were voting to choose Ellisa MVP and not nom.

      Taking it a step further this could allow Judd to take out Ellisa with either McCrae or Amanda switching out. I’ll say this Jessie is a complete wildcard. She is a pure floater who won’t handle have not week well. If Judd smells blood he could even convince Jessie to vote out Ellisa. Might be fireworks this week. Especially with Amanda getting way more than she thinks from Arryn’s nom.

      Lastly I think the way the MVP is handled within the house will be eye opening potentially. Saying 1st Arryn and Kaitlyn are noms. If CBS explains MVP nom was Americas choice what would they think inside the house if Amanda goes up? It could change the dynamic a lot! Amanda and McCrae out and Ellisa, Hellen, Judd and Andy might add Candace/Howard as the new final 6. Lots of possibilities if production explains this weeks twist.

      1. Stann77. I disagree. Judd would rather Helen go before Elissa. He would NOT want to have the possibly of another Helen HOH. To painful for him.

  6. Just visited the Facebook site. Overwhelmingly voting for Aaryn. This will be spectacular if Judd sticks to his guns to nom Aaryn and Kaitlyn. That opens the door for Amanda to take the third seat! I thought Nick’s expression was priceless, but I think Amanda’s America’s Choice MVP selection (please, please, please!!!) would go down in BB annals as one for the ages! 10 votes for Amanda, everybody!!

      1. simon, i was wondering…how many voted for mvp without knowing the twist? wouldn’t it be funny if elissa ended up being the third nom!

        1. Probably a lot. I bet Aaryn got a HUGE majority of the votes so it might not take much to push Elissa into the number 2 spot.

          1. I’ll be really surprised if Elissa is *not* number two in the voting. If Judd puts Aaryn up I think she will be the 3rd nom.

            People vote for people they recognize, whether the vote is positive or negative.

      1. Just type in Big Brother in the search spot on Facebook and it is the first to show up. Once you are in, scroll down. On the right side, I found all of the posts from FB members. It was Aryan City!!

    1. I know my 10 votes went to the hoebag Amanda giving hand jobs to pizza boy!!! I hope her mother’s proud

  7. Why does gm keep referring to herself as one of the pretty people. Homegirl is a fuggo and aaryns personality makes her butt fugly too.

  8. If Judd decides to nominate Aaryn and Kaitlyn then it’s bye bye Amanda(as long as the nom’s stay the same)

    Vote would be:

    Howard, Spencer, Candice, and GM voting to evict Amanda

    McCrae, Helen, Elissa, and Andy to evict Aaryn

    Jessie would be the swing vote.

    1. From what Helen, Jessie and Candice was talking about earlier, I think all three of them would vote her out at this point. They are on to Amanda and her Sh$& talking.

    2. Just Imagine, Amanda Goes Up, Wins Veto Then elissa Goes Up As the Replacement Nom. :-\ I Would Rather See Aaryn Up As The MVP Nom, Win The Veto And Then Amanda Goes Up As The Replacement Nom.And The Kicker Would BeThe House Doesn’t Know America Is The MVP Until Eviction.

  9. Amanda needs to chill out…she is becoming a female version of Jeremy. Ps thanks for everything you do! I tell all of my fellow bb friends to check out this site!

  10. How did Aaryn go so high in the favorite votes on this site?? Was it the publicist that got into heads? She is the same mean gal she has always been…

    1. Aaryn has calmed down and Amanda has become the nasty racist, and then Helen came off as not too nice when she was HOH and Elissa bullying Judd and following him around like a dog has become annoying. Andy has always been an annoying little scurrying rat. Personally, hope Judd gets his brain back and jessie, Aaryn, Howard and Candice somehow team up and kick the other hateful people like Spencer, Amanda and QUEEN HELEN OUT OF the house with Elissa following right behind them.

      1. Hi Billie I do not know if you have been reading and watching the feeds. Helen and Elissa are not bad girls unlike Aaryn, GinaM and Kaitlin. These girls were so mean and bullies in the last two weeks when Jeremy was there and Aaryn was the HOH. Not Queen Helen she just did what was needed to accomplish on backdooring Jeremy. Yes, she was tough but she played her HOH game and the job was done. Good strategizing on Helen part. Just a game Billie.

  11. I don’t think Amanda is being totally crazy right now and here’s why. Yes, she is being a bit demanding but Howard is a HUGE threat and even if he is a good guy (i like him as a player), if they don’t get rid of him now they may not ever be able to get rid of him. Seriously, everyone says they have a target at the beginning of the week but the target is completely different at the end of the week. These HGs are just too easily swayed. I also don’t think many of you people know what a racist even is. When Amanda said she was a racist, she was joking. She has called Aaryn out on her racist comments multiple times and she has repeatedly stated that being racist and making racist comments is not okay.

    1. Sorry, but Amanda has said a lot of racist things not to mention all of the homophobic comments Amanda has made. Amanda is not a nice person.

  12. I dont understand how Amanda can say Aaryn has no one. She has who she’s always had. GM and Kaitlin. She clearly has a personal vendetta against Howard. Amanda is doing way too much. She has something negative to say about every single person in the house. If it isn’t Howard, it’s Candice, if it isn’t Candice, it’s Elissa, or Jessie, or anyone else who breaths in that house. She doesn’t like Howard because he lies, yet she lies just as much if not more. I hope America nominates her. Aaryn is irrelevant at this point her life is already ruined, Amanda on the other hand is coming off as a saint on the show, but the live feeds paint a different picture.

  13. Wow Amanda is starting to piss me off !! She has this compulsive, obsessive, overbearing personality that is a complete turn off. I mean she tries to control the game like Dan or Dr. Will but her personality is crap and due to poor skills she will never maneuver her way off the block if she is put on there cause she sucks at ALL COMPS !!!

    I mean I still want Helen gone but at least she won to be a bi***!!!

    It is too bad that if Aryan goes up.. GM is almost guaranteed to be America’s choice

    F*** Amanda, Helen, Elissa, and Andy cause he is just a weasel

  14. I cannot stand to even LOOK at AMANda anymore. Her voice turns my stomach!!! She needs to go and stop lying and obsessing over Howard!!

  15. Howard is playing a smart game. He is spending time getting the girls to exercise and giving massages building relationships while having spencer and candace in his back pocket. Meanwhile he is spending time with judd while trying not to helpful and not causing waves. Amanda realizes this and she is worried with good reason. Howard wont be on the block this week but neither will amanda because the mvp vote will be aaryn with GM as the second choice. With Judd not wanting to create and controversy I think this is going to be a boring week if you want surprises. Aaryn will be the house choice for eviction at this time based upon what I’m seeing which may not be the best choice long term. Any other player that wants to win should be trying to drag either aaryn or gm along to the finals for the jury choice.

  16. Oh my God, DeManda is getting on nerves bossing people! She is playing too hard when she doesn’t need to and it’ll be her down fall.

  17. amanda should go up third noms look what she call judd for not doing what she say if he do backdoor howard they should just give her the check right now she not think about him or others she dont want him coming after her its albout her not the group dont get me wrong i dont like ayran i want to vote for to be up there 100 times but amanda need to be put in her place that why i vote for her

  18. Please America Vote Amanda As Mvp Vote To Go Up. I Need A Good Night Of Television And Amanda On The Block Makes For Good TV. Go Vote Or Amanda!

  19. Can we believe any of the game talk coming out of Aaryn’s mouth. She’s talking about how close she and Judd are getting staying up late at night. I’m guessing she is bsing everyone.

  20. Elissa or GM need to get put on the block by America. They are so useless in this game. There are houseguests that I hate a lot more than both of them, but thats what makes this show good. You have to have hated houseguests in order to root for the ones you like. Especially in the middle of the game.

    Sometimes sitting back is a strategy. But Elissa and GM are clueless and boring. Neither one of them are doing anything that resembles playing big brother. If I have to watch Elissa win one more MVP, I’m gonna puke.

    1. personally I don’t think much about you opinion.. but we are all entitled … but where is it written that to play this game you have to be bossy, demanding, degrade others , calling everyone a liar (but yourself ) .. bottom line you don’t have to be nasty .. and one thing Amanda is and that is Nasty .. right to her core. As for anyone being clueless well I am sure there are lots that would disagree with you … I can only hope that America puts Amanda up as the third nom… just to see 1) the look on her face … and 2) see how she bullies everyone to find out who put her there .. let the true colours of Amanda come out .. ps: Amanda is a racist , just because she says joking afterwards don’t mean it doesn’t hurt someone or make what she says right …

      1. Exactly, and if you would bother to look up the actual definition of racist in the dictionary it is Amanda. Amanda does not like Howard not so much because he can win but it is because of who he is. She is racist to the core and you do not say you are racist on a whim.

          1. Yeah, I keep hearing all this crap about Amanda being racist, yet no one seems able to give a quote or a timestamp.

            1. I don’t have a time stamp but on YouTube when Ksitlin said the N-Word and was like oh crap ppl heard that Amanda was like soo who cares and she keeps saying Howard is the reason for racism in the house with Candice not Aaryn be ause the minorities are too fucking sensitive,she went to Aaryn and was laughing with her about calling Candice Shaniqua,she doesn’t think Aaryn is racist and well only racist don’t recoginize racist ,Amanda toldHelen don’t let Howard cone up to you and say we are minorities so we should stick together with is b.s yy would he do that.Amanda said Howard his using theRace card to advance in thegame(with a house. full of white ppl idk who would team with him just because he is black) and she said she is a Racist Amanda said she was and I believe her

  21. For some reason I don’t think Amanda will ever win anything, she’s just a influential floater.

  22. Yeah its funny how despite the fact it’s only been guys going home every week, Some of the girls (which they were right) were always thinking that an all boys alliance was going on. But nobody (except for Judd recently) is really questioning if there is an all girls alliance. (Which is a fair question to ask)
    These houseguests can’t be true fans of the show. Because if they were they would know that being big, muscular and athletic is not a guarantee of winning every competition. If anything being athletic is good for POV comp. But most HoH comp tend to be mental comp or if its physical some are tailored to someone little or light which would favor a girl or a little guy.
    Why can’t these houseguests that claim to be true fans of the show see that and point that out. This is not real world/road rules challenge competition its big brother.

  23. if you didnt vote hurry up in vote for amanda game changer aryan will already be up vote for amanda third noms hurry

  24. whoever wins that veto amanda will pressure that person to use it .. the diffrence between HELLEN and amanda DICTATOR only diffrence hellen was HOH . it amazes me amanda hasnt win anything yet always making demands … I have been sick of her from the get go messing with my african brother i want her gone ,,, but that could change if she leaves howard alone lol

  25. I’d love for CBS to throw a wrench in the whole house by throwing the biggest twist of all. Allow the HOH’s mail writers to clue them in on who is doing what behind their backs. Whoa that would cause major chaos in the house. Of course it wouldn’t be fair to do that this year but maybe in the future??? Just sayin…

  26. I think by allowing the letter writer to give 1-2 tips to HOH holder that would make all of them scramble to be HOH to get the advantage. No more sleepers and floaters. Grab a letter floaters! Then throw a MVP nom every week by Americas vote not a houseguest. Hmmmm

    1. Amanda is the female version of Jeremy, which is scary!

      When outside the Big Brother house, McCrae better not move to Florida with Amanda. If he does, he’ll be another domestic abuse victim!

  27. It’s good to see Jessie step up and use her noodle. She knows Amanda is bad news and trying to run the house. She will be out soon.

  28. I hope America isn’t stupid enough to waste a powerful vote on Aaryn, it;s a pure weak move she’s nothing in the game, she has nobody she’ll be voted out anyways.

    Amanda/Elissa,Helen would be a bigger move, they have the most influence on the game.

    Don’t be production’s puppet.

  29. I’m thinking CBS wants Aaryn in the house as long as possible, gives them time to develop an in-depth 48 Hours or 60 Minutes special on racism.

  30. do the men not realize that the women are systematically eliminating them? It is going to be a mean girls final if the men don’t wake up soon.

    1. I’m not sure why everyone’s hating on Amanda and wants her to go home. She’s playing the game and doing a good job in my opinion. Gina Marie doesn’t seem like she’s even playing the game! Same with Spencer and Jessie! Sure Amanda speaks her mind, but girls playing the game the best out of everyone she’s a smart cookie!!!
      Go Amanda and McCrae and Andy!!!!!

  31. “Who should the fans nominate”

    I pulled a Topaz and accidentally voted for Elissa. I thought you meant for MVP
    Can you guys reset the poll and be more specific? LOL

  32. I think GM and Katlin on the block. Amanda is playing too hard. America will vote to put Aryan up but if she is up Amanda will go up. Better TV, the team may save her but at least it will knock her down a notch. Which I think she needs to win this game. She going to need the money to take care of the pizza boy. I really like him, he just needs to learn how to tone her down. Her being on the block may do that. She will actually have to campaign for herself and gravel with Howard for his vote. That will be good TV!!!

  33. Why the hell is it A – manda’s choice anyway. Judd is lookin out for his game he’s not latched onto someone like you with Mcrae. If you are so vocal about your choices how about winning something

  34. I don’t understand why everyone wants Amanda to go home? I mean the girls a smart cookie she’s playing the game well! Is it that people want her to go home or just want her on the block for entertainment?
    Personally, I would HATE to see Amanda go home before Gina Marie. Gina looks like she doesn’t give a crap if she leaves or stays.

    I would LOVE to see a Amanda, McCrae, and Andy Final 3!!!

    1. Amanda is bossy, refuses to see how forwarding her game may not be in the best interests of someone else’s game, her agenda is becoming very transparent to other HG’s, and Jeremy is gone.

  35. “Amanda is getting on my last nerve. I voted 30 time and getting all my friends to put her up on the block, she has won nothing but has all that mouth. She is the Queen of Floaters.

  36. I feel like Amanda wants to play other people’s games. She’s getting on my nerves by constantly campaigning against Howard. Mind her own business and win HOH herself

  37. I would be devastated if they break up Amanda and McCrae soon. I mean I know its Big Brother, but I love them! just so freaking cute.

  38. Aaryn and the rest of the triangle need to start making some of their observations to other HG’s. they spend way to much time wallowing in whatever to go out and be active players. Take a note from Andy’s book. Oh wait, he’s one of those. 🙂

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