Big Brother 16 Live Eviction and HOH Episode Predictions, Results and stupid thoughts

Going to start by saying this is a great cast, there are a lot of interesting people in the Big Brother 16 House. More importantly there isn’t a single personality that overpowers everyone else. We’re actually able to see a multi dimensional game not just the same two people running the show from the same bed. With that said it’s been a bit quiet for the first week, the polar opposite of BB14 which is known as having the most explosive first week. This can only mean one thing… grenades are coming.  (I’m expecting big things this year).

The only thing we need is a spark to light it up and that spark comes in the form a love triangle..
1) A 26 year old ex pro baseball player with a daughter and a potential to lose it big time, Devin
2) A 26 year old modelling cowboy who makes cookie dough Ice Cream and expects a “I Do”, Caleb,
3) A 26 year old model whose employing one of the oldest and more treacherous games in the BB books, Amber.

Current Alliances 
Just a rough guideline to see where everyone is. The game is too much in flux for the alliance breakdown to be too reliable. A single HOH can change this alliance structure in days so take it with a grain of salt.
Bomb squad (Still around in name only, unless Devin wins HOH) = Derrick, Cody, Frankie, Zach, Amber, Christine, Devin and Caleb
Final 3 = Frankie, DEvin, Caleb
Bomb squad 2 = Derrick, Cody, Frankie, Zach, Christine
Zankie = Zach, Frankie
Zankie side alliances = Zach (Cody, Derick), Frankie (Christine,
Double D’s = Devin and Donny
Bros’ = Devin and Caleb
Outsiders (unofficial) = Donny, Jocasta, POWPOW, Brittany
Not a showmance = Hayden, Nicole
Stud (unofficial) = Cody and all the girls
Nicotine = Christine and Nicole
Team America = Joey + Donny + ???

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Whose in danger?
Everyone except for Caleb wants Devin gone.
POWPOW will probably go up as a pawn every week.
Brittany is seen as a threat to the fragments of the bombsquad but Devin’s craziness is overshadowing this.

OBB predictions for tonight
Joey goes home (13-0, 12-1, 11-2)

Actual results
Alex was not a team America task (LOL I thought it was)
Devin Votes to evcit Joey
Derrick Votes to evict Joey
Frankie Votes to evict Joey
Cody Votes to evict Joey
Zach Votes to evict Joey
Brittany votes to evict Joey
Nicole Votes to evict Joey
Victoria Votes to evict Joey
Hayden Votes to evict Joey
Jocasta Votes to evict Joey
Christine Votes to evict Joey
Amber Votes to evict Joey
Donny Vote to Evict Joey

Evicted Houseguest is Joey
Team America Player Donny

HOH Competition
Girls are in one group Boys in another. There will be one girl and one boy HOH this week.
HOH Winners are Amber and Devin

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92 thoughts to “Big Brother 16 Live Eviction and HOH Episode Predictions, Results and stupid thoughts”

  1. also i can easily see zach voting out powwow this week just to stir the pot… thats what i would do if i was in his position

  2. Welcome to Big Brother Hall of Fame Class of 2014
    The first inductee is Brendan Villegas
    The second inductee of Big Brother hall of fame class of 2014 is……………………you guess it, it’s Sovereign Six alliance!!!! congrats into the hall of fame
    Also in the first time the final 2 Hall of Fame Class of 2014: Comment 1 from Big Brother 11 Natalie M. vs Jordan, Comment 2 for Big Brother 12 Hayden M. vs. Lane, Comment 3 for Big a Brother 5 Drew vs Cowboy, Comment 4 for Big Brother 9 Adam J. vs Ryan, and Comment 5 for Big Brother 10 Dan vs Memphis. Please leave the comment until final inductee!!!!!!!

    1. 5
      thats tough between dan and memphis and lane and hayden but dan and memphis is the winner….. why don’t you have any of the ones pre season 9? if u had them then i would say dick and danielle

      1. oo u do have players pre season 9 didn’t see cowboy and drew but why no dick and danielle?

    2. Need more comments vote before final HoH. So post the comment, Simon & Dawg; your welcome to post the poll before I have to count them!!!

    1. so dumb they are just making it look like a little crush when he is OBSESSED but i do think they got ambers side of it right

    2. ITA. The BB producers have their agenda of dumbing the show down as much as possible from the get go. Such a pity since this cast really looks promising. I mean, they didn’t even acknowledge the existence of the whole “house vote story”: Joey, as bad as she might be at playing this game (and she really was terrible), made an announcement to the house that Caleb was going to ask everyone for their pick to be the replacement nominee, thereby ‘challenging’ Caleb (and Devin) to du what he said he would. It was an awkward moment for Caleb, and much talked about in the house. It didn’t even ‘exist’ according to the show.
      BB should cut the useless time wasting segments, like watching Donny walk into the house with his POV, contemplate the wall and much later, say that he decides to… use the Veto to save… himself. Duh. Waste of time.

  3. Joey said ‘keep me in the me cause I’m a strong competitor’….
    Uhhhhh…..does she understand how this game works????

    1. People who vote with the house, particularly this early in the game when there are so many people it would be near impossible to tell who voted for whom, are just sheep. It’s pathetic they lack the gumption to vote how they want. The people who insist that the entire house vote the same are even worse. It’s a sign of complete insecurity that they can’t handle the fact someone, somewhere might possibly disagree with them.

  4. I also thought Alex was a task! I think she just didn’t understand the game, then it was too late to do any damage control. It DOES seem like the ladies never want to work together…

  5. i really hate the outside of the house where the evictees go… i miss the old one! i miss the old big brother i don’t like these changes over the past 2 years……… also it would be great if they started designing the HoH room for each person. i hate chaaaaaaaaaaaaaange

    1. and i REEEEALLY hate the 2 heads of household shit… totally stupid i just want one season of normal big brother with minimal twists and an all new cast (or all stars but not a mix) for instance big brother 10….. no major twists and it turned out to be one of the greatest seasons of all time

      1. Hopefully, they/we won’t task him overly, I don’t think he’d lie very well. Give him some of power.

  6. britney haynes with the tweet of the year after amber wins HoH

    “PLEASE let her get pictures of her family members that he will subsequently start referring to by nicknames in conversation.” god i miss her she is the only person that has ever even came close to being as funny in the DR as chill town

    1. Brittney fan forever! One of my favorite female players of all time. Not many ladies keep feedsters entertained, but she always did. Who can forget this line? ” I lost my dignity on a slippery wiener”. LOL

  7. Groan, it will be an intolerable week with Devin as HOH. I guess CBS doesn’t want him to go home yet.

    1. WHAT?!?!?! I’m a Westcoaster and didn’t notice the results. Nooooooooooo, you have GOT to be kidding me! On the other hand, what an interesting week ahead. And, it doesn’t mean he’ll stay HoH. And, all the more reason to target him next week if he does. Hooooooboy…
      I agree with Simon: this is an interesting cast, and I like most of them just fine.

    1. Yup this is going to be a fun week.. If Devin actually does become HOH he’s going to have the worst HOHitus ever it will go down in history.

    1. How sweet would it be to see Devin’s nominations win the Battle of the Block, take themselves off the block, and then Devin gets voted out after the veto comp?

    1. He looked like he was going:
      “Hulk Sad!”
      “Hulk Mad!”
      “Hulk Happy! Hulk win HoH!”

    2. I’m thinking he was the one that notified someone in production about the foul. Just because of that look and leaving straight away like he did.

  8. OMG.. Devin!!! HoH!! I thought he was going to throw it?! This guy is just full of lies and full of himself! Bomb squad still intact though him and Amber but hopefully Amber stays all week!!

    1. Some competitions are hard to throw with no one noticing no matter how much one might claim to want to throw it.

    2. Doe’s this mean we get two more weeks of watching Devin talk about his daughter and watch this loof cry?

  9. My tv cut out before Julie came back…last I saw Cody got HOH…what was the foul? I can’t stand Devin!

  10. All I have to say about this episode is why the eff is “voting with the house” a thing? It’s not a “house”. They’re all individuals. This started a few seasons ago and has never died. What happened to the people with balls. Ugh. I know it’s the first eviction but I guarantee this voting with the house hing will continue. As it has in previous seasons.
    The “I’m going to be a target if I vote against he house” excuse is so ridiculous.
    Also I had high hopes for Devin but he’s officially in my bottom 3.
    I’m team Donny for the foreseeable future.

    1. I agree. I don’t understand house votes. No one ever deviates from the pack and think about their individual game. Honestly, Pow Pow isn’t good for any of their games. She’s always going to be a pawn next to whoever she’s sitting next to.

    2. I hate the voting with the house. It was a lot more fun to watch when people voted for what was best for their game. I think by voting with the house they think they are playing it safe.

      1. He’s gentle and genuine, which rare quality in real life, much less in the Big Brother house.

  11. LOL both Hayden and Cody eating grass like 2 steps away from the buzzer which allows loose cannon Devin to take the HOH. Oh well though let’s go NOMS to come through and dethrone his crazy ass out the door.

  12. lol this week is going to be great …paranoid devin just evolved in super HOH paranoid devin … tensions will be high this week

  13. You know, I still wonder if they will go with the backdoor of Devin now that Amber is alongside him as HoH. And I wonder how all the girls will feel when they’re all put up for eviction lol. I bet they’ll be wishing they had started the girls alliance now.

    I still do not see hope for this season. All the HG’s are like past season’s where everyone just does what the house wants or the HoH. And there always ends up being a house full of floaters who just sit around all summer and don’t have any elaborate game play. Same people winning comps. And with the way it’s looking, the bomb squad will rule the house no matter what until their the only ones left.

  14. Cody face when Devin became head of House hold …PRICELESS……LOL……the Devin and Caleb continues….Lol..

  15. This is going to make for an amazing week. All of the love triangle crazy they didn’t show this week will have to come out now. Hang on tight boys, this week may get bumpy!

  16. Amber is going to have a tough week…all her friends are not in Bomb squad alliance…..the only people i see her nominating is Hayden and Nicole…..she’s close to Pow Pow, she sleeps with Victoria, she loves Donny, she respect Brittany, and is close with Jocasta……..Devin has it easy…he dislike everybody but Caleb…

  17. OMG! Devin is HOH. I just can’t. Hopefully he’ll lose BOB competition and get back doored.

  18. Team America Player is condemned to suffer a dreadful fate! Donny is doomed to go home next week!

  19. Amber probably wouldnt have the courage to put Devin on the block as a veto replacement if she remains HOH.. I have a feeling Brittney is out the door unless she wins the battle of the block competition.. these people really are playing like sheep right now… hate that.

  20. How is Amber playing a game? I’m seriously over people suggesting she’s using her womanly wilds on anyone, when the only women who have been trying to play to their looks have been Victoria and Pow Pow–with Nicole touching and flirting all over Cody

    1. I agree, I don’t think she’s game-playing. Sorry, guys, but this is “guy thinking”. “Don’t hate her because she’s beautiful”, right?

    2. I agree, I don’t think she’s playing games either. This is “guy thinking”. She’s a very pretty girl is all.

  21. I was so excited when it was believed that Cody won. Much less excited to see Devin actually won. Like someone else said, I really liked Devin at first, but now I can’t wait to see him go. On the plus side, Zach and Frankie are safe another week.

    1. Team Zankie, I am glad they’re safe as well. I felt sorry for Cody and wanted him to win so bad because deep down I wanted to see more of him lol! Devin will need Jocasta to come up to HoH and pray with him because this boy is battling his demons! The struggle is real in regards to Devin! I can’t wait to see Caleb lose it with Amber as HoH and having power over him lol!

  22. Line of sheep being led off to slaughter one by one:
    ‘vote with the house’ CHOP
    ‘vote with the house’ CHOP
    Hasn’t any of these guys actually watched this show????

    1. I watched the HOH comp over and right when Cody rang in they switched the camera directly to Hayden so you couldn’t see that part…you’d think if it was a foul they would show the video!? There are cameras everywhere afterall.

  23. Ok. So we need to put the other two into Team America who can sway the way votes are going. That way, maybe it can deviate from being all one-sided.
    Also, I really don’t understand why someone didn’t just give Joey a vote. It would have flipped everyone out. People would start suspecting each other and alliances will fall!! And No one would know who did it!! I hate these early, “Oh you dare not vote against what we want…”

  24. Lets bring Crazy back. We have seen this weeks HoH before… it will be like if Rachel Riley got a sex change. Bring on the Cray Cray and the Paranoia. I predict Devin will force Amber who he wants on the block like he did Caleb LOL… Nominees will be….

    Brittany/ Victoria… duh Devin
    PowPow/ Hayden… maybe Donny or Jocasta
    or some combination like that.

    It will be a week of scandal… betrayal and paranoia… what is going to happen… Cray Cray… and if Devins nominees are safe after the Battle of the Block a whole lot of crying crazy pharmaceutically enhanced, drama… Have fun.

  25. So annoyed. I can handle amber but d@&$Head needs to go! Now we have to deal with his bipolar ass another week. Devin will put up Donny and Britney will go up. A bomb squad member might be a pawn this week to make sure they have players in the pov comp to make sure they have the numbers in the comp. Britney or Donny is targets this week unless Victoria mouths off about Devon’s win.

    Victoria, Donny, Britney and pow are going up.

  26. I only hope Devin will soon crash and burn. As for the vindictive and hateful Caleb, hope he will be next in the exit-line.

    SO sorry J was evicted! 🙁

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