Big Brother 21 Week 5 recap and Live Eviction Results

Holly wins Head of household beating out Sis in an endurance competition. Holly sticks to the six’s plan and puts up, Sam and Nick. The target is Nick. Nick goes on to win the Power of Veto and obviously uses it on himself. Holly was considering Nicole as the replacement nomination but under heavy pressure from Christie she puts up Kat. Sam is the target.

In the hopes of helping out his bottom feeders, Sam wants to expose Christie’s game. He was going to do this during his eviction Speech but decides to do it the day before. The core of his information was how during Cliff’s HOH Christie was 100% on board with getting out Jack. She was going to accuse Jack and Michie of bullying and use that

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Big Brother 21 Week 4 Recap and Live Eviction Results

Summary of tragic events

Last week Cliff was evicted by the 6shooters ostensibly because “Nicole was unjustly treated by Bella and Nick” The real reason is Christie convinced them all that Cliff is targeting the couples and he’s building an army. An army containing Ovi, who is evicted and Nicole who was on the block beside him.

In a huge shocker Cliff wins the camp comeback then goes on to win the Head of Household competition. For the first time since week one, the fandom is happy. Cliff’s plan is simple. He wants to reduce a number on the 6shooters by temporarily teaming up with Nick and Bella. He makes it clear this is their last chance to turn the tide. Cliff nominates Jack and Jackson and we are all filled with hope.

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Big Brother 19 Final 4 Eviction “The Puppet Master”

Here we go Folks the final 4 eviction episode. Tomorrow is a special Friday episode where we’ll find out who wins the first of three part final HOH. Following that is the much awaited Season finale on the 20th. We’ll keep updating but with just 3 people in the house don’t expect some major game to go down.

Make sure to vote for America’s Favourite Player. Choice the person you liked the best. From what I’ve been told you need an active CBS all access account for your vote to count. I have an active CBS all access account and was only able to vote 20 times for my selected houseguest. Let us know in the comments who you are voting for and why.

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