8:25pm – 10pm HOH room – Justin, Shelby and Morgan. Justin – this has been a wild and crazy week. The last thing I expected was for Alex to go home. If you would have asked me … I would have told you. Morgan – yeah and I figured. After the blow up fight .. it was everyone just exploding. Justin – I was just like C’est la vie, C’est la vie! I don’t like none of that sh*t. I don’t like all that confrontational sh*t. I’m going to go kick it down stairs.
Tag: Whitney Hogg
Big Brother Over the Top House guest. A early member of the “ballsmashers” Whitney ended up being a turn coast and joining Jason Roy’s couch smokers.

Big Brother Over the Top Double Eviction Madness
Tonight’s double has been a bit of a shit show as CBS tries to figure out how they will run the Care Package vote. We have 1 hour to vote the Double Eviction Care package. First they posted that all cast members are eligible then they posted that only ones that haven’t won are. They […]

Justin “I think its really going to be f**king hell” Jason “Lets just hope Donald Trump didn’t win!”
8:40pm HOH room – Shelby, Alex and Morgan. Shelby – I can’t wait for Morgan and I to release our inner b***hes together but with this double eviction .. we could go home right after. Alex – I really wish it was not. I wish double eviction was next week and not this week. Alex – coming in here I said I wanted to be close with the nerdy people. You (Shelby) are a bit nerdy and Scott was nerdy.

Veto Meeting Results “SUCKERS”
2:12pm HOH the remains of the ball smashers
Going over comments they can make during the eviction.
Alex – Kryssie I’m really proud you haven’t quit the game yet
Alex – Danielle I’m so proud of you, you’ve acknowledged there’s more than just you in this house
Shelby – Jason even if you won this game you are still going back to the basement.. your mom’s basement (ouch)
Morgan – Jason you’re going home to a basement

Kryssie “I can’t wait for you to break their hearts tomorrow” Jason “Y’all b***hes better love me after this!”
9pm – 10pm London bedroom – Jason, Kryssie, Danielle and Justin are talking about actors/actresses and movies. Justin and Whitney head out to the backyard. Justin – You’re going to have to win HOH soon. Whitney – yes, I know that. Justin – I’m ain’t going to be able to take care of you forever in here. Because my people think that you’re going to choose me and Kryssie over them which is true. Whitney – which is true.

Power of Veto and America’s nomination results “we’re going through with our plan” -Jason
3:40pm Jason and Danielle HOH
Jason tells them what the girls are selling.. Basically offering him safety during the double. They have relized that Kryssie, Whitney, Justin are a three, Shelby, Alex and Morgan are three and Jason, Danielle are 2.
Jason – are we missing too good of a shot we’ve been aiming for a long time..
Jason – they’re selling to me if Whitney wins she’s taking me out for sure
Danielle isn’t sure about that

Justin “I think this is one of the greatest stunts pulled!” Jason “Shelby will be mortified!”
8:15pm Backyard – Jason and Justin. Jason – I can’t be acting like its cool being in the kitchen with her. But yeah, no I’m fine. Justin – can I tell you something? It really worked!! Jason – do you think that everyone is buying it? Justin – yes! Jason – I’m no oscar award winner but as long as they’re buying it. Justin – they’re definitely buying it.. Kryssie was like are you okay!? Jason – Danielle reacting or is she just saying she’s okay?

“If this was the real world I would drag Shelby’s by her ugly a$$ f’ing hair.. Like b1tch I will kill you”
1:51pm Jason and Kryssie Backyard
Jason – You and Justin HAVE to win during the Double… Danielle has to win tomorrow
Jason says if Justin wins Veto he’ll moan about using it on Whitney.
Jason – then guess who’s’ getting backdoored.. You
Jason – it’s unlikely you’ll go but still
Jason – Whitney is a smart player Shelby gave me way more information than Whitney did.. And we saved Whitney.

BB Math – Shelby is nominating Whitney & I am nominating Danielle. One of them is America’s nom..
8:15pm Justin, Jason, Danielle and Kryssie are in the HOH room. Jason is using candy to show them who he should nominate and why. Me and Shelby are not voting. She (Shelby) is nominating Whitney and I am nominating Danielle. One of them is America’s nom and it stays as that 3. But there is no way it would stay as that three.. everyone would use the veto this week. If Danielle comes down and we chuck up Alex .. then we have 3 for sure that are going to vote out Alex.

“I do not believe they want Danielle out that is too good to be true”
12:10pm LNJ Jason says Whitney is really nervous because she’s “Their” target. Explains that the other side will get rid of them first before Whitney but she’s still their target. They watch Justin working out. Jason comments that Justin lose some muscle during his have not week. Before his have not week he was looking […]

Shelby “This f**king sucks. I hate being HOH! I can’t even express to you how much I hate them!”
9pm Backyard – Danielle joins Justin and Jason. Danielle – they (the plastics) did something really nice for me. Jason – they really thinking you’re going home. Danielle – they gave me some of the ice cream I like. Justin – they didn’t give you the whole thing though? Danielle – no. I didn’t even expect this. Jason – they must really believe I want you to go home and they’re like this is Danielle’s last week, lets be nice.

Care Package 5 Co-HOH Results “Wow this is very complex”
1:02pm Jason wins the Care package
Jason – thanks America.. I got Smores stuff and a best friend necklace..
Neither Shelby or Jason get to compete in the next HOH. They share the HOH bedroom. Big Brother will explain how the safety ceremonies go later.
They both Play in the Veto in the event of a tie during Eviction the person that performs best in the veto will break the tie.