Amanda says I can’t stand one more day of Elissa walking her c**t rag around this house.

12:05pm Amanda tells Aayrn there are still a few days, see what you can do. Aayrn says I think I would rather just accept it. Aaryn heads into the rainbow room to talk to Gina. Aaryn tells Gina that Amanda told her that McCrae won’t vote for me to stay even though Amanda wants me to stay. Gina says oh no, I though they voted together. Aaryn says that Gina needs to be careful and stay in the middle of things. Aaryn is crying. Aaryn says just be careful of Amanda and McCrae. Gina says f**k them throws up her middle fingers. Aaryn tells Gina that Andy will work with you. Spencer is going to go against them (Amanda & McCrae). So stick with them and Elissa even though she wont have the power next week. Gina doesn’t understand why they would keep Andy over her. Aaryn says because they have been with him since the beginning. Gina says we still have a few days to figure it out. Aaryn says I just want to let it go. I know there’s no hope this week. Gina says what should I say if they ask me?

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Big Brother 15 Spoilers – Power Of Veto Ceremony RESULTS!

10:12am – 10:50am The Big Brother live feeds switch to TRIVIA for the Veto Ceremony. When the live feeds return we learn that Amanda used the Power of Veto to remove McCrae from the block. As Head of HouseHold Elissa then nominated Andy as the replacement.

10:50am – 11am In the havenot room – Amanda and McCrae just finished talking to Judd about coming clean with him. Andy joins them and they tell him they just finished telling Judd everything. Andy says oh my god this is the most stressful week. They reassure Andy that he is safe. Judd asks Amanda and McCrae if they are interested in make a 1 week deal with him. McCrae and Amanda says yes, we are going after Elissa so there’s no problem making that deal. Amanda says if you get HOH don’t put me up and if we get HOH we won’t put you up. Andy says Ah this will be a long three days. I trust you guys but.. They tell him he is fine, don’t worry.

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New Year’s Granny strikes “Nice Yummy pad for you Elissa stick it on there real good.. Gorgeous “

4:39pm Bedroom Amanda and Andy
Amanda says Andy is staying 100% he doesn’t have to worry but they need to get GM up on the block.
ANdy says he’s been telling people whatever they want to hear so if anything comes back she has to know his loyalties are with them.

Amanda says she is going to keep torturing Elissa and when they get called down for photobooth she is going to be a all over her. Amanda suggests that after that he needs to go up to the HOH with Elissa and console her.

Andy reiterates his loyalties are with Amanda and McCrae he’s been talking mad sh!t about them for the past day trying to get GM put up. Amanda tells him they need to keep working Elissa.

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ELISSA & McCRAE FIGHT! McCrae says if you keep saying sh*t you are going to get the pitbull!

1:15pm – 1:40pm Judd and Elissa head out into the backyard. Judd comments on how you can’t even tell now that the hot tub overflowed. Amanda is now up and in the kitchen. She comments to Judd that she doesn’t sleep well with all the animosity in the house. Amanda heads outside. Andy joins Judd in the kitchen and comments that if I am going up, I am going up in style! Judd and Aaryn head out to the backyard and join Amanda on the couch. Aaryn says that Gina said she went upstairs and she (Elissa) said us throwing the parachute off the balcony was childish games. Judd says there is nothing better to do in here. Aaryn says that Gina said she was going to stay in bed and not talk to Elissa until late tonight and then tell her whatever she wants to hear to stay off the block. Andy joins them. Amanda says that Elissa was pretty adamant about her not going on the block. Aaryn says she bit her lip on the inside and now there’s puss.. I think its infected. Amanda says it’s probably a cold sore. Aayrn says it’s not a cold sore. Spencer joins them.

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Elissa says I should have put Amanda/McCrae up together and I wish I would have done that.

10:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Gina comments to Judd that the wake up music is the best part of her day. She then goes back to bed and tells Andy “Oh my god my shoulders hurt from pop, lock and dropping.” Andy brushes his teeth and then goes back to bed. Up in the HOH room – Elissa gets ready for the day and heads downstairs.

11:15am In the kitchen Elissa and Judd talk about how they got to see Zingbot and baby Zinbot. Judd says it was great except for the fact that he was dehydrated and needed medical attention. Elissa and Judd head out into the backyard. Judd notices that Andy had put the hose into the hot tub to fill it up and left it running while he went back to bed. The hot tub completely over flowed and water is all over the backyard couch area.

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Elissa tells Ginamarie we just have to pretend so that they’re shocked when I put Andy up.

1:05am Judd and Andy head down from the HOH room after talking with Elissa. Andy says that was really weird. Judd says I don’t think she wants to put up Ginamarie. Andy says I know. Judd says first she didn’t put up Amanda and McCrae, then this happens and now she won’t put up Ginamarie. Andy says I couldn’t tell if she was being sarcastic or not. Judd says she was pissed. We just have to be on it all day tomorrow and I guess we have to say it in front of Ginamarie. Andy says do it without me because she trusts you more than she trusts me. Say Andy is solid you can trust him. Judd says if she would just trust, we could have a solid final four. Andy says I know. If she puts me up, I go home! Oh my god! Judd says what she doesn’t understand if she puts up Ginamarie we could have a very easy week. Andy says exactly. If she puts up you, then we will be harassing Ginamarie all week and so will Amanda/McCrae and all of them. They hear Elissa come down the stairs and leave the lounge. Andy says Hi to Elissa and she doesn’t say anything.

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GM going up but Aaryn still the target? “She’s walking around here like a pig in a swine house”

10:22pm Cockpit Spencer, JUDD and Andy
JUDD – Amanda’s coat tails are wearing out
JUDD tells Spencer that Amanda, McCrae, Aaryn and Andy had a final 4 deal.
JUDD is sick of everyone kissing Amanda and McCrae’s a$$ everyone was when he left and everyone still is when he comes back.
JUDD says he’ll make himself a target he’s not kissing anyone a$$”
Spencer – I’ve had to.. it’s been hell I’ve been on the block 6 times
JUDD wishes Elissa had put Amanda and McCrae up then they would have been able to get one of out at least.

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Big Brother 15 Spoilers – Power Of Veto Competition RESULTS!

10am – 1:pm The Big Brother Live Feeds switched to TRIVIA for the Power of Veto Competition. When the feeds return – we learn that AMANDA has won the VETO!

1:15pm Amanda WON THE VETO! McCrae and Amanda are in the bedroom talking. Amanda says I was going to say no one comes between me and my man! I won something and it was a hard one to win. I am going to start winning things now. Amanda comments that Ginamarie was close to winning it. Was I the only one that never dropped? Could you tell that I was going to win. Spencer says Gina was at 242 when you won. McCrae says that he was doing piss poor in that one. Spencer says the best thing is that neither of you are going anywhere! Judd joins them and says that he thinks Elissa might put me up now thinking I didn’t try hard enough! Amanada tells him to push for Elissa to put up Gina. Amanda, Aaryn, Spencer and McCrae head into the rainbow room and talk about pushing for Gina to go up. McCrae says don’t push too hard. Whatever you push for she will do that opposite.

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Aaryn says Elissa told me she made a mistake. Great, you made a mistake! I am on the block now!

1:20am In the lounge room – Judd talks to Andy and tells him that the best thing would be for me to win it and not use it. Andy agrees. Judd says it wouldn’t really piss anyone off then. Andy says no, McCrae said not to use it. Judd asks why would he not want it used on him? Andy says I don’t know. Andy says its just that there are a lot of different scenarios where if Elissa is pissed at Amanda and wants Amanda to go, she might want you to use it. Judd nods and says I don’t really care what happens as long as I don’t go up. Andy says yup. Judd says this sounds awful but.. Andy says no this is how I play this game. Judd says as long as you or Spencer aren’t the replacement vote because I don’t want ya’ll to go up either so I think it would be best for me to just not use it. But try to win it. Judd and Andy worry that they might look like they aren’t playing when they really are trying and Elissa might put them up because she said if she sees people not trying she will put them up as the replacement.

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Jessie f!ng*red herself during Dawn of the Dead “90% sure” JUDD

10:18pm Bedroom JUDD, Andy, Spencer, Amanda and McCrae

Aaryn: “it’s funny how JUDD told Elissa he didn’t want her hug and he’s not on the block”
JUDD says he told Helen the same thing .

Spencer: “He gave me a fist bump then told me to f** off” They laugh
Spencer: ”We did stick up for you ability to get your d!ck hard”
Spencer explains that Jessie was going around saying that JUDD couldn’t get his d!ck hard. He adds that they all stuck up for him and told her he just wasn’t interested.
JUDD: “Thats the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard in my life”
Andy:” That was a weird fu***g week:”
JUDD: “Two times before we came back here.. last week. I’m pretty sure she was (shows his two fingers implying mas@sterbating. see image) when they were watching a movie.. I’m like 90% sure”
Spencer wants to know if he helped her along. Judd says he didn’t. Tells them Candice was in the room.
JUDD says he say the movement and heard noises.. “like a soft sob I was right next to her”
Aaryn: “did candice notice”

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McCrae tells Elissa if I go home this week, Amanda will be pissed and who knows what she will do!

1:15pm Judd leaves the lounge room and Spencer tells Andy that Judd was just talking trash about Amanda just now before you came in. Spencer says that Judd knows that there were two people that didn’t want him out. He knows I was one of them and he wanted to know who the other person was. Andy and Spencer laugh about how Elissa said her husband was so sexy. Spencer says he’s ugly he looks like Mr. Bean. Andy laughs. I am so glad you are here so I can laugh at these things. Andy tells Spencer that we could vote out McCrae and keep her (Aaryn). Aaryn joins them and the conversation ends.

1:20pm In the kitchen – Elissa tells Judd just please if you, me, Spencer and Ginamarie can work together we can go far and get out Amanda and McCrae. Judd says yeah. Judd talks about ever since Julie said that the jury members weren’t out of the game, I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.

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Elissa tells Ginamarie you’re sticking your neck out for Aaryn and she is spitting on you!

11:20am – 11:30am During the backyard lockdown – Amanda comments that they said we won’t be out here for too long. Amanda asks Ginamarie what would you do if it was Candice that came back into the house. Gina says she hugged me. Amanda asks what?! Gina says yeah we hugged and she said happy birthday and when she fell off I said goodbye. Aayrn says I expected Jessie to be sweeter but she was worse than Candice.

11:40am Big Brother cuts the feeds to the we’ll be right back screen. When the live feeds return – The outdoor lock down is over and the house guests are inside the kitchen. The find that Big Brother gave them all their own slop bowls and they traded out the large table for the smaller table. Andy says and they cleaned the counter. YAY! Most of the house guest say that they aren’t going to use the slop bowls. They talk about putting them in their bags. Andy and Judd head out to the backyard. Judd talk about how coming back in here he just wanted to start with a new slate.

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