Tiffany “If I can’t beat you, I can’t beat them.. so you bring your a$$ back in and take them out!”

8pm Bedroom – Derek X and Tiffany.
Tiffany – I really was so willing to share my secrets with you. I have never even done that to this day with anybody else. Derek – That’s what I was telling them (production), I owe my entire game to Tiffany. Tiffany hugs Derek. Tiff – you are amazing! You are supposed to be here. You’re so dope! I was like I bet he knows math! Chaddha (Hannah) is very smart. She is a little strategic. Its almost like I would rather you try to convince SB to put Chaddha on the block. Instead of you being on the block trying to campaign. Derek – Chaddha said that she is willing to go on the block. Right now I just have to focus on me not hitting the block. Tiffany – we could make everyone thinking that we’re voting out Claire but then we could vote for Claire to stay. If you touch the block, you’re probably going to go so you have to convince her to put up Chaddha. Unless you want to keep Claire and Chaddha goes home.

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Tiffany “That was not a goodbye hug that was a your a$$ better fight for it.”

In the bathroom – Tiffany gives Derek X a hug. Tiffany – that was not a goodbye hug that was a your a$$ better fight for it. Derek – no I will. Tiffany – this is me going to beat your a$$! Derek – taking left hooks, taking right hooks .. I’m bobbing and weaving. Tiff – he’s bobbing and weaving! Tiffany leaves. Hannah joins Derek. Derek – should I talk to Alyssa? Hannah – yeah it can’t hurt. It’s not like we’re doing anything today. As far as the rest of the house goes, if you end up going on the block.. where do you expect your votes to come from? Derek – you. Ky is telling me I have his vote but that is a game time decision. Hannah – okay. So you might have to work on Ky. Derek – he is telling me I have it but, there are three days between.. Hannah – so you pretty much know that you’re going up. Derek – no, I don’t know for sure if she’s made up her mind but it would not be a surprise. Hannah – yeah, it would either be me, you or Tiff.

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“DerekX lied to me and manipulated me a lot when I was on the block and then he sent Christian home”

9:45 am X and Sarah Beth
SB wants to meet with him, Alyssa, and Kyland today and think things through
SB – DerekX lied to me and manipulated me when I was on the block and then he sent Christian home.
Sb says she’s also worried about DX’s social influence in the game points out how many votes DX could get depending on who he’s up against.

Sb – The second he put me on the block he started planting seed with me to make me distrust you guys. He was telling me that in his one on ones with Alyssa and Christian they both Said they trusted me the least out of the royal flush. He said you are clearly at the bottom of the totem pole. When it came to picking Veto he was telling me if you get houseguest choice I don’t think you are safe picking any of your teammates They won’t want to use it on you in case one of them goes up. He told me about the alliance you guys made with the aces that you didn’t include me. But you guys told me about that
Sb – he played with my emotions the whole week.

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“The first time I’m going to cry in this house is going to be when DX leaves.”

12:51 am Hannaha and Tiffany
Tiff – I’ve been a better friend and had a better friend in DX than I even had with Claire but Claire’s my girl we gamed together, I trust her. We trust each other we have our backs.
Tiff – for me losing either one of them hurts like hell I just think he. I guess because he’s been targeted since day 2 I feel so bad for him. He’s so fun this house is going to be motherF***ing boring.
Tiff- when you want to go do stuff you always go looking for him.. I love Claire she’s my girl the fun is different.. HE cooks what the f*** we going to eat?
Hanna – you’re preaching to the choir

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DX “Ky, I’ve given him no reason to come for me but I don’t trust him.” Hannah “because he’s sketchy & he’s associated with Sketch-B.”

10:20pm – 10:47pm HOH room. Hannah and Derek X.
Derek – I think I have the most money by far in the house right now. X is right behind me. Hannah – what do you mean? Derek – if he got $75 and $75.. Hannah – what about Big D? Derek – he got $100 and $50. Hannah – yeah same as X. Derek – but I think X probably got a $100 this week. Hannah – no I think he only got $75. The 3 $100’s were you, Big D and Claire. Derek – Damn who were the $75’s? Hannah – Me, Alyssa and X. Hannah – I think you really need to win Veto. What happens if you don’t get picked? Derek – then I watch from the sidelines I guess. Hannah – then me or Tiff have to win. Derek – I cannot keep putting my game in hands of you three girls! What the f**k. Hannah – but imagine how epic it would be if my first comp win was tomorrow? Derek – imagine if X wins and I’m sitting next to Claire. Hannah – going back to the coup d’etat, who is the biggest threat to your game?

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HIGH ROLLER Results! Xavier “You didn’t even cry this many tear when Christian left. I’ll be alright!”

5:48pm Bedroom. Alyssa and Xavier.
Alyssa – we have the votes regardless. Xavier – We’ll figure it out. I am not overly worried. We’ll figure it out. I just don’t want you beating yourself up. Alyssa – well that is going to happen so.. it is my fault. It is literally no one else’s fault. If you had to pick one person, its my fault. I have to walk around knowing I put you on the block. Xavier – no, I’m picking production. Alyssa – I put you on the block. I took a tiny ball while everyone watched and it land on your face. I did that, no one else. Literally its my fault! Stupid! Ahhhhggghh! Xavier – you didn’t even cry this many tear when Christian left. I’ll be alright! Alyssa – can we do another for safety? That is so stupid. Everyone had been sitting f**king pretty. Xavier – its alright. Alyssa – I could have gotten out Tiff, Hannah, DX, KY… that would have been hilarious. This isn’t funny! Any other scenario would have been funny.

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“I swear to god if you guys send me to Jury with Britini I will f**ing haunt you.. I will haunt all of you “

11:46 am Hannah and DX
DX – you spinning the wheel
Hannah- I think I might be on her radar..
DX – she’s asking you to spin the wheel that means you’re not on her radar
Hannah says she’s not asking her.
DX says the vibe that he and X are getting from SB is Alyssa and Hannah are going to play.
DX – she wants someone to play
DX – she wants someone to play yesterday when I talked to I thought that someone was me now today she’s like it’s up to you if anything I should be more concerned.. yesterday she was saying I should now it’s up to me so if I don’t play I’m not safe.
Hannah – are you a target
DX – not right now she will consider it
hannah – and piss off kyland

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“I’m actually thinking, As much as it sucks I might do the same noms that happened last week.”

8:31 am Sb and X
SB – Ky was a proponent of putting him up
X – keep going I want to know how that makes sense.
SB summarises Kylands thinks people will take him off after winning the roulette. SB says she’s not confident people will do that
SB – I’m not going to do that
Sb – I’m actually thinking, As much as it sucks I might do the same noms that happened last week.
X says Claire was thinking about keeping Brit over BIGD. X says the week before there were conversations with Claire about flipping the vote to evict SB (Too bad sb doesn’t know the truth)

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“for me priority number one is getting a target out Priority number two is getting the power out”

2:00 am – 3:00 am SB and Ky
Looking through pictures of Sarah Beth’s pictures.
Sb – If I win HOH again they’ll give me a picture of my other cat.. it’s the most gorgeous cat ever
Ky brings up how there’s a lot of variables this week with all the powers so there’s not the wrong play for her “things can happen this week that we never account for. Don’t put that sort of pressure on yourself to make the right decision”
Ky says it’s very possible if he hadn’t won the HOH last week she would have gone home. “You are more than capable you have my support”
SB – let’s get down to business. I don’t know what I’m going to do
Ky mentions people were worried about the Brit vote flipping

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Tiffany “I could put some paranoia in DX to make him think she is going to backdoor him & make him play..”

7pm Bedroom – Tiffany and Azah.
Azah – I don’t know how we’re going to get out of this. If Ky is down for the cause he needs to show his F**king cards and do it .. do what he needs to do. He sat there and played Dr. Will Smith all last week with people he didn’t need to. I am not playing with this girl. Oh my god she needs to get out. Tiff – I don’t believe she is as colourful as she plays. I don’t believe she is as meek as she plays. I don’t believe she is as emotional.. I don’t believe SH*T! Azah – Big D has been saying that for weeks. Tiff – I don’t believe it. Azah – I know, this B***H got 5K too! Its not a lot. Tiff – I don’t care! Did you get 5K!? Azah – no. Tiff – we’ve been in here thinking like a motherf**ker .. she hasn’t done nothing and she get 5K!? Azah – I told Brit last weekend can you throw the veto to me? Big Brother blocks the feeds.

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