Veto Players – “Just Rough Picks”

HOH: Sarah Beth
Nominations: BIGD Xavier and Claire
Power of Veto Players: Azah, ALyssa, DF, Xavier, Sb and Claire
Power of Veto:
Power of Veto Ceremony:

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Big Brother Spoilers – DX wasn’t picked for Veto chances are very high Veto will be used and DX will be the replacement. Fun times.

8:10 am X and Claire
X says how the house got lucky they got two of the least freak-out people on the block.
Claire – this game there’s a random chance so much of BB is just luck..
They go on about being on the block is just part of the game.
Chit chat

8:45 am Tiff and X
X – I’ll give it what I got.. if it works out it works out if it doesn’t it doesn’t
Tiff – you’ll be fine you don’t have anything to worry about
X – How do you feel? I know this puts you in a weird position
Tiff – I don’t think so. I’ve accepted things the way they are so ..
I’m mentally prepared for anything
X – I get you

8:50 am X and Alyssa
They suspect it’s hide the veto.. Alyssa points out some spots that are good in the coral room.
8:58 am Studying faces now

8:53 am Camped out for the season

8:57 am Tiff talking to the camera
Tiff – hopefully, I get picked for veto cause I want to win SOMETHING.. My boy X is on the block too I don’t want either of them to go. I don’t know what will happen something will happen. (Yeah DX goes up you know this)
Tiff – We got to keep the 6 together and that might mean I have to lose Claire There might be a battle back she can always come back we’ll see.. Bye

9:17 Am Xavier and Alyssa
DerekF, Azah, and Alyssa picked for Veto. Alyssa says Everyone will use the veto.
9:18 am Claire and Azah
Claire – just rough picks

9:25 am Claire and DX
Claire – I can’t imagine her target isn’t one of us
DX – How did my name not get picked

9:38 am Hannah and DX
Hannah – do you think SB will keep Noms the same.. Azah might.. I don’t think BIGD is going to win
DX thinks BIGD is going to take X off the block
DX – SB might
Hannah – I’m sorry.. you never know what is going to happen
DX – I don’t really mind too much..
Dx – if there ever was a time for Claire to clutch
Hannah – If Claire wins she’s taking herself down
Dx – Yeah but thats..
Hannah – better than X taking himself down or Alyssa pulling him off
DX – I don’t care if I go up against X
Hannah – Okay
Hannah – ideally noms stay the same.
Dx says SB might leave the noms but he would rather Claire win it over SB.
Hannah – Azah is our best chance at keeping Noms the same..
DX – for me it’s Claire, Azah, SB
Hannah – then BIGD
Hannah – I really like her in as a person she’s great but in this game she’s bothersome like a pest.. she’s gets drawn for everything

9:51 am Hannah, Tiff and DX
DX – Clearly we’ve angered the BB gods and they’re never picking us for the veto.
Hannah – the four people that needed to get picked didn’t get picked.
Hannah – I thought at least two of us get picked
Tiff – Best case scenario?
Hannah – Claire wins
Tiff – no best case is it stays the same
Hannah – he’s thinking possibly Azah
Tiff – will SB keep it the same?
DX – best-case Claire wins I go up against X I don’t care (like a boss)
tiff – I just don’t want you on the block
Hannah – best case is Azah but even with that they’ll probably not stay the same

9:45 am DF and Alyssa
Alyssa – they thought you were the target when you weren’t
DF – these mother f**ers really want me gone
Alyssa – no matter what if it’s not Azah next to him he has the votes
Alyssa – right?
DF – yes yes I promise
DF – these mother f***ers want me out of here
Alyssa says it’s obvious “they” are working with Kyland “Azah knows that right”
DF – she does I think she does.. last night proved it we were hanging out. look where everybody was.
Alyssa – what has Claire done for me… What the F***
DF – NOTHING not a damn peep
Alyssa – like why are you questioning what I do
Alyssa – I just hope Azah knows she’s at the bottom of their totem pole. I hope she appreciates me saving you
DF – She says all the time she always has your back

10:06 am Fun times

10:56 am Chating about places to hid the veto.
DF says the places he had thought of production told him no.
X – there’s not a lot of places to hide it
DF – there’s not
X – especially the size of the veto ..

DF goes on about wanting a competition that requires brute strength to in.
Alyssa – if is me and yo to the end can I throw it to you?
X – yeah
Alyssa – I want to win it but I feel I owe you.

11:05 am Sb tells DF if he wins she wants the veto played on Xavier.
Sb promises him Azah won’t go up.
DF pushes for DX to be the one that goes up says he’s the only one that has money for the final twist and he was the person that really pushed for the flip (Sigh)
Sb – if noms stay the same Claire is going to go.

Sb mentions she only got $50 “I have eyes I have ears I know I’m not America’s favorite in this house”
Sb points out she was on the block last week and lost a teammate.

DF thinks Frenchie will be America’s favorite
Sb – I miss Frenchie man ..
Sb – I think America probably feels really grateful to.. because listen.. I’m not going to lie if I had won that first HOH This is what I would have done I would have made a BIG alliance and then road my way through.. halfway through jury. Like what happens in most modern seasons
DF – that usually happens
sB – “yeah but Frenchie.. I don’t know if he intended to do that or failed at that. He ended up creating such chaos that I really think it prevented any big alliances from forming. People are so grateful for that I remember reading online that everybody HATES that. they HATE the big alliances they think it’s so boring they don’t want that to happen again blah blah blah.. and so I think there’s probably so many people grateful” (yikes)
DF – Frenchie’s coming back he’s being invited for Allstars for sureSB – I would like to see Frenchie play another season
DF – there’s no reason for them not to

11:30 am Chit chat around the house while we wait for the veto.

11:31 am Tiff and Kyland
We come into this conversation after it’s already started. They’re talkign about the vote.
Tiff – you tell me which way to vote
Tiff – X personally hasn’t talked game to me for four days so I don’t know where his head is with me
Kyland – I haven’t talked to him for three days too
Tiff – I haven’t talked to him since before HOH
Ky – I’ve probably said 20 words to him since the HOH
Tiff – I don’t know I kinda don’t feel too good with him
Ky – I mean I wouldn’t go that far we still gotta..
Tiff – I feel comfortable with the 6 but.. I don’t think I am in his.. I think he includes me in the 6 and that’s it.
Ky – I feel that way about everyone at some point .. not you since we talked
Tiff – I got you
Tiff brings up her one on one with X where he more or less told her he’s not making deals he’s happy with the final 6 he has.
Ky – after week three I am pretty confident he has me over DX..
Feeds flip

11:55 am Claire whispering about winning the veto it’s her veto..

12:46pm All the house guests are sitting around waiting for the veto to start. Derek X came out of the diary room and they thought since he’s the Veto host that it would be starting but he said its not time and they didn’t giving him an estimate of when it would start. Kitchen – Hannah, Derek X, Kyland and Sarah are chatting about the live feeds and which of their family members would be watching.

1:14pm – 1:35pm Bedroom – Xavier and Tiffany.
Xavier – I would prefer no member of the cookout be the replacement.. so I would prefer if it were DX because he is the only one that is left. Tiff – if she does not want to target him and she wants to target Claire. Xavier – then I don’t know who she would put up. She would probably put you up next to Claire. IF she wanted to target Claire she would probably put you up next to her. I think she would probably take out DX over Claire. Truthfully. So I think if I came down, then you would go up. Tiff – are you sure he would go up or do you think she would put someone else up? Xavier – if he was available to go up, I think she would put him up. Tiff – what if Claire wins? Xavier – I think he (DX) would definitely go up. Basically in any scenario he goes up. But I don’t want you seeing the block and I don’t want anyone else seeing the block. Tiff – I know you’re safe no matter what. Did you know out of everyone in the cookout .. you were one of her targets? Xavier – yeah I am sure I thought I was. I am not really tripping about that. Everyone’s time will come. From a competition and social standpoint. It doesn’t surprise me. If someone was to go up I would rather if if had been me. If Ky had gone up, people would have taken a shot at him. Tiff – if Claire goes .. I have the perfect pitch for going after SB. SB told me that you and Claire were safe but now she’s on the block.

1:50pm Bathroom – Kyland and Xavier.
Xavier – from now on a member of the cookout pretty much has to win. Everyone has to gun for it every single time. There are so many times each season when people don’t take a shot at the threat … when you have a chance to take that shot, you F**King take it! (talking about taking the shot at DX) Kyland agrees.

2:07pm – 2:40pm Chess room. Derek X and Claire.
They’re chatting and watching their pet spider on a course they made.

Claire – Ky probably thinks its best if we get rid of Chaddha (Hannah) because then its just the Detectives. SB might feel like she’s got you because you filled her in on the plan. Derek – I loose my showmance .. F**K! Claire – or its you. Derek – or its me. Claire – or f**k it, its me. Who knows. Derek – that doesn’t not make sense what you’re saying. Hannah was sort of trying to target her in the past. That is interesting. They can’t put up Big D again right?! Claire – no, and Alyssa can’t go up. Derek – she has no reason to put up Azah though. Claire – I don’t think Ky wants to lose you yet and he doesn’t want to lose me yet. I don’t think SB wants me out. Derek tells Claire strategies for different types of comps like a maze, puzzle, etc.

3:18pm The live feeds switch to the kitty pound.. The veto is starting now..

4:25pm Still blocked..

5:20pm Still nothing..

7pm Still puppies and kittens..

8:14pm Puppies all day all night..

8:51pm No feeds for you..

Please consider a donation to keep the madness going. BIG thanks to the people that have already chipped in.

117 thoughts to “Veto Players – “Just Rough Picks””

    1. That probably won’t happen. If DX goes on the block, SB had practiced a speech mentioning the flip that she may use at the Veto Ceremony; if she does prepare for the backlash and the truth to come out as to who really was involved

  1. Everyone except Claire and maybe SB will take X down. Derek X needs to step up his social game if he wants to stay in the BB House.

    1. There is no amount of social game that will save DX now. He’s played a good game on the whole, albeit too naive and gullible. And the veto picks are not in his favor. Every player will take X down, unless Claire wins and takes herself down. SB will put-up DX. Cookout votes to evict DX. Now the only question is does DX stay #1 in all of the polls while he hangs out in the jury house? My money is still on him for AFP.

      1. You hit it on the head – though DX may be America’s Favorite Player – he’s charming and smart but WAY too “naive and gullible.” There were many opportunities he’s missed to insulate himself or to demure an opinion.

      2. I’m gonna be real petty & only vote for non-pocs, just because I don’t like players who don’t play, strategize, or do anything but vote by color winning game. Blast away. This is a horrible example to set.

    2. WTH? He has one of the best social games this season. That’s part of why he’s seen as a big threat. Everyone loves him. America’s Favorite Player for sure!

    3. It doesn’t matter what social game any of the non CO have this year as it’s ALL about skin color. DX made it far considering there’s only a few of them left. From now on it will be a race war on every show after this season. I wonder how the non CO or dare I say white, Asian, Hispanic, etc will feel once they see how their game was sabotaged from day one. SMH…

        1. You are spinning the truth. It’s never been about the color of skin. What shows have you been watching? Who’s the real racist with your comments. Yes people here is a perfect example of Reverse Racism!!! Way to go Irene keep stirring the color pot. Shame on you!

          1. If I was shame, I would have not said the truth. I have been watching big brother with the hope of one day there will be enough is enough and the casting will be equal. What I love about it is that the CO are so nice to the non-CO not like the pass alliances that you love. Nothing has stopped me from watching big brother then and why is it now your have something to say, if it was not racism then, it is not racism now. Easy ?

      1. Maybe this season is their way of being so blatant about putting a POC in the winner seat it will shut the rascism yappers up for seasons to come? I’m actually beginning to think the non POC are getting paid to allow this to happen. It’s just too obvious.

        Any way it presents itself… ALL racism sucks.

      2. In all fairness, look at it from the other person’s shoes regarding the past history of BB, excluding the celebrity versions, in the US, how many Black winners? How many Black players have even made it to final 6 in the last 5 or 10 seasons? I think they said David was the first or 2nd black male in what, over a decade to even make jury. The CO is just one season, multiply that by 10 or 20, and that is what players on the otherside have been seeing.

  2. Bye bye Baby D. No chance he doesn’t go up. Especially if everyone thinks he has 200 BB bucks. They’d be fools not to vote him out. Do you suppose his name was not even in the bag……?

    1. There are other houseguest who names has not been drawn since the game and they are in the CO. It makes no difference if his name isn’t draw because the others can have the same argument

      1. DX needs to create some sort of drama between SB, Hannah and Tiff. And make Ky think the joker part of the cookout is after him.

          1. Pluuuuease people. Its all going to plan ya? Am I wrong? Nope, been right since July 10, 2001….Claire, Derek X Factor, and Sarah (it would have been you this week if not for HOH), are the remaining non POC players. I usually use POWC, but DX is, well POYC, maybe I should use POWYC for my next post….

            So, I might start watching the st-show to see which POC is the chosen one to win, once operation ww has completed….That will be a preview to where Big Brother will end up over on the highly watched Bet Channel (lol anyone)….

            On the Survivor US front (yawn), with the delays, recasting (to make the 50% POC quota), I will be giving it a very hard pass and predict here the final 3 in Survivor will be a POC (we are all people of colour btw, but never mind, we play their game at meaningless word salad).

    1. I’ve said for a long time now that it was mistake that Derek X wanted to backdoor christian! Have said it even prior to renoms week 5 that it was a mistake because he would be doing the cookouts dirt work and thus become the biggest physical male competitor in the house with 11 people left.

      People gave me hard time with this post and opinion and other posters insulted me and acted as though that I didn’t know what I was talking about and I would be the worst player ever….. Welp I hate to say I told you so Folks but its only one week later with 10 people left and Derek is in deep SH!T! Derek X has put himself in this bad position.


      1. I get what you’re saying but I like him making a big move and doing a true backdoor. It made for interesting game. I realize DX was putting a target on him self and now America also gave another reason for him being backdoor. What I don’t get how he can’t see that’s what the house wants to do. The fact he thinks he has the vote is nuts. I do think he has improved from week one, he just was never part of CO.

        1. DX missed being HOH by a second. He knew he wasn’t good at balancing on beams. Yet he took the hardest beam first, rather than the easier one. That cost him 5 seconds. I love the guy. But he’s not 100% into the game. eg, saying he’d only tell people he trust about the money. (Trust is making an emotional game choice) .. Thinking SB will save him because he let her keep the $5,000. And knowing something is up because all the white males are gone and not paying more attention to this angle. + thinking if he went on the block he’d be safe next to X or anyone. He needs to put his social game into over drive immediately.

        2. If Derek X was wise he would have joined FORCES with Christian like Alyssa wanted, and together they could have BURNED their way Through the Cookout, (& maybe even F2 like Cody & Derrick). But instead you all laughed and rejoiced when he lied to, deceived & backdoored CHRISTIAN. Thought he was real slick by doing what everybody else was Scared to do, by coming for the Almighty KINGS.*** He even upped the Ante by DARING to put TWO KINGS** on the block at the SAME DAM TIME .
          OH the juicy KARMA of it All, that One of those Kings, (the one that survived)… would be the one to “Lie to, Deceive and BACKDOOR” HIS deceptive ass right out- side the house to meet Sweet JULIE.***
          (What can u really say about the Kings ?, X might win it All, NOBODY could beat Christian outright, and as This week’s events has proven, even the Female KIngs are Badasses !)*** ..make NO MISTAKE about it, ..this is CHRISTIAN’S REVENGE !!!*******
          …and I LOVE TO SEE IT.

          1. He needed not to get Christian out but no one could talk him out of it. This is why he is AFH and the same reason he sent Christian home is the same reason he is going to jury.

            1. It’s just not right that everyone thinks Derek X deserves AFP when he allowed the cookout to steamroll this season when he was just a puppet for Hannah and Tiffany. Why reward someone like DX who made this season so predictable and repeatedly has shown himself to be shady by selling out people that we’re either on his team or in his alliances just to do the dirty work for Tiffany, Hannah, and Frenchie by keeping Kyland.

              He doesn’t deserve AFP for bad gameplay- DX being eliminated in 10th place is not something that deserves to be rewarded when he would have made it alot further had he kept christian. I mean for god sake people he put SB on the block in week 5 now SB is going to backdoor him two weeks later LOL DX has totally done this to himself he should have gotten ride of SB instead of Christian!
              The fact that SB is backdooring DX is further proof he made an awful decision during his HOH.

        1. Those two girls used Derek X to backdoor Christian. That is still bad gameplay by Derek X. It’s obvious he shouldn’t have done that during his HOH reign.
          He was literally used like a puppet that week, and because of it he’s now put himself in a likely position to get a dose of his own medicine in being backdoored.

          1. See above – Tiff did NOT want Christian out that week & spoke about it several times. She understood why Baby D was hell bent on taking him out but she was also the one trying to keep Christian via the vote flip.

            Kyland was the one who pushed DX — check prior feed talk & Ky kept saying to DX “this is what we planned for” (meaning back dooring Christian) & that’s b/c Ky knew the showmance wanted him out & would target him next.

        2. It’s true that was a mistake but the reason Christian went on the block is all tied to Kyland who spent the entire week prior setting that up. Tiff didn’t want Christian out that early – Ky was the one who pushed it. Tiff’s preference was for Ally to go that week & once SB was on the block that was definitely her preference.

    1. I thought she had a gf outside or is that thrown out the window? I dont know if hell fight for her or not, apparently shes the wrong colour.

      1. Well that’s not a nice thing to say yeah she does have a girlfriend but he’s not into black women if you look on his stuff he likes white women so she is the right color and that was an ignorant statement to make about peoples race

    2. They won’t. She has a girlfriend and if you notice they haven’t kissed or had sex. The only thing that has happened is Kyland trying to cuddle with her

      1. Just because they havent kissed or had sex doesnt mean they dont have chemistry. they could end up together after the show which is what happened with Memphis and Christmas.

        1. I was going to say that Christmas in Memphis didn’t kiss or have sex but they had a strong hug connection like these people do yeah she has a girlfriend but obviously she doesn’t care I wouldn’t be doing that if I had a significant other would you?

  3. Other than an act of God (er, GROD), I think X has this season wrapped up. Five out of the six veto players will take him down. The only one who won’t is the other nominee. DX evicted this week. Easy pickings for the Cookout to take-out SB, Claire, and Alyssa. Then, X enters beast mode and wipes-out his fellow alliance members. Game over.

    I am, however, interested to see how far X drags DF. All the way to F2? Would they do their final speeches to the jury from DF’s couch, so that he doesn’t have to get up?

    Disclaimer: Not fat shaming, just pointing out that DF is permanently attached to the couch.

    1. I think the best move for the CO is as long as SB, Claire, and X don’t win the veto, they should leave the noms the same. This would hide the CO from taking X off the block. To show the rest of the house that they aren’t working together. That’s what I’m hoping for because I want DX safe to play the coin game next week! Now that will mess up the CO for a week of fun. Or at least that’s what I’m hoping for!

      1. Is that really the best move for the CO or are you trying to keep DX off the block? I ain’t hating. I’m just asking. LOL

  4. So much hope…I had so much hope when the first episode aired. Every night when I settle in to read Simon/Dawgs take on things my heart breaks a little more knowing that NOTHING unexpected has happened. BB needs to change their motto to Expect Exactly what you have been Expecting!

    1. I doubt (big time) there’s a battle back……BB production has a plan and it doesn’t include any of the current evicted players.

      1. With production and crew dealing with their own COVID issues….highly unlikely they do any sort of battle back due to the pandemic

  5. Whether DX is next to Claire or X, he is going to jury. Some maybe tired of an alliance steamrolling, but there are many want CO to last as long as possible. Though I think it’ll fall sometime during TE. I wonder how long Claire will last. I’m wondering what would happen if BigD wins the third High Roller. Then he has power. I’m not fan of his personality but him being an underdog could be interesting unless he decides get another woman out. Though I could see him protecting CO. I’m just hoping for a fun Veto. Though if it is the hunt for Veto poor Big D concern about clean up

    1. I am just waiting to see fireworks when the CO is left. They all have big issues with each other. To end up in the final two chairs, it is going to be a war.

    1. You were liking her real personality. The actual person that gets called into D/R, told to drink this, who then becomes a completely suggestable waste of space, then gets sent out to Kyland.
      They ran out of the drink during her one on ones, but Grod brewed some more before Kyland spoke to her overnight (hence the D/R call).
      That’s what Ky was fighting about with production… don’t ever run out of SB juice again.

      1. I’m not sure even TPTB can make Tiff the winner. She can’t win anything and she has alienated most (if not all) of the CO.

  6. Veto pick makes it pretty obvious what they want, doesn’t it?
    Dx hosting the veto
    Azah, Couch and Alyssa playing.
    uh. yup.

    Why I said there was a chance for a split vote if it is Claire / Dx on the block: each of Tiff Hannah votes for their extra person, Azah has expresseed she can’t vote out Dx, they made a deal, Alyssa will do what X wants, that leaves Ky and Couch. So, If production WANTS to…. there is your drama.

    1. There’s another way to have drama. If she gives a speech at the Veto ceremony claiming that the reason for him being on the block is that he was trying to get votes to flip against her ( as she was practicing saying yesterday when she was alone), be prepared for backlash to happen and the truth to come out ( whether he would do it there or on eviction night is unclear)

  7. To not be backdoored, I do not understand why DX doesn’t remind SB that he literally handed her $5000!!?! Or why Hannah or Tiffany doesn’t do it!

    1. Oh I am still fuming over this inability to withstand her whining and say, “All’s fair, now give me that cash!” … least he would have that. But I suppose being as vengeful and grudge holding as SB is, she would have tried to get him out even sooner if he had.

      I truly dislike that player.

  8. Is it known if any of the past houseguests, after their season ended, complained or stated that the game is rigged?

    1. It is not credited as a gameshow, it is a reality tv show. Therefore, production can do whatever they like, scripting and all.
      Former HGs have said that production will keep a “player” in the DR for hours until what they want said is said. If the HG refuses to do what production wants, production then waves the contract around and says that they can take away their stipends if the HG doesn’t cooperate for the show.
      Other HGs have said that they would get called to DR and be given time to practice for the next comp.
      It’s partly why former HGs don’t watch the show anymore. The ones that do, they are still trying to milk their 15 minutes.

      1. The call ins for comp practice were most noticeable in 21. The night before a comp, there would be a 1.5 hour D/R call in. Completely out of place. The next day that person would win the comp. For HOH’s it was especially noticeable because the call would come an hour after everyone did goodbye messages, and people in the house would actually ask ‘where is…”

      2. Wow! That is very insightful information! I didn’t realize that production went that far with the houseguests. I have heard about their making suggestions to put ideas into the player’s head. But, to threaten their stipend and allowing others to practice for the next comp??!!?! This is worst than I realized. I then would think, all the more reason they would keep DX. If you view the online polls, he is consecutively #1 as a favorite. GROD loves her ratings and I cannot imagine any scenario where she would want him gone this early! It doesn’t take a genius to know the audience would watch to see how far he could go playing against the CO. Plus, his having all the money next week and how that would play out. Thank you, Sir Kirby Williams!

        1. Grod may love her ratings, But CBS/Viacom love their public image more.
          With all of their past practices and bad publicity from complicity in those past practices (not just with Big Brother but with multiple corporate issues and issues from other shows)… they want to be able to point and say “See, we’re not like that <anymore>” all the while baking in a new excuse if future problems arise.

        2. DX doesn’t deserve to be americas favorite after he just handed the cookout a win on a silver platter. DX and Kirby Williams aka JACOB are unfortunately inept when it comes to strategy; Folks you don’t want to become the biggest physical male competitor in the house with 11 people left! How hard is to understand that people it is strategically dumb what derek X did week 5! Already, when there are still 10 people left, DX is now in serious trouble getting evicted which is what I said he would be in prior to renoms in week 5 if he went through with his backdoor.

          JACOB Kirby you reap what you sow because you insulted me first saying I would be worse than Frenchie and gone quicker than Jodi when I mentioned it was a dumb move by DX for wanting to go through with that backdoor because he set himself up to go sooner rather than later not thinking three steps ahead in wanting to be the biggest physical target/threat in the house!
          NOW YOU ARE WRONG and had no idea what you were talking when I anticipated that DX was going to be in a horrible predicament walking out the door just shortly after week 5. I told you guy; I tried to warn you – now DX is going to get backdoored himself week 7 fitting how karma works.

          1. BB Fan, my man. I hope you are well and the times are good.

            You are taking this tv show way too seriously and even fired over the first insults at me, to which when it all began, I went looking back to see why you called me out pf all people. Of what you mention, I recall, but was after you fired first. You drew first blood, not me. It also seems like you are using this forum to play your own version of BB by trying to create a target and then spew whatever words.

            Unfortunately, production has pulled me into the DR, shown me every comp that is left, have given me a Coup d’etat and another Golden Veto, so I am all set and feel super safe.

            My your current reign of HOH be prosperous for you, although you may want to aim the target somewhere else because the Grod really loves me and has guarranteed me final 3.

            1. You are proving again sir how completely inept you are about big brother and posting truly exposing yourself as the real wannabe version of Jacob from Big Brother 9.

              Because YOU drew first blood at ME GUY when acted like a smart ass
              AND FIRST ENAGED ME!

              I NEVER MADE A COMMENT on your post until you FIRST POSTED on my thread insulting me by saying “Dude you would be worse than Frenchie gone quicker than Jodi”

              That is a complete insult when all i said was Derek X was being dumb and short sided with trying to backdoor christian because he was going to make the target that much fatter on his head with wanting to be the most physcial male with 11 people left! He was going to ensure his demise quicker by wanting to go through with that backdoor! His HOH (DX) reign, ensured that cookout had all power and could control the majority votes for the rest of the season!
              Now there still 10 people left and he’s already in trouble!
              So yea Im justified because I was right.

              However, you gave me the first dig starting with your first comment referring me Dude you would be worse than Frenchie and gone quicker than JODI?!? Yea I had to back myself up and CALL YOU OUT for coming at me first because you gave me the first dig man acting like I didn’t know what I was talking about KIRBY first comparing me to Frenchie and JODI, and being worse at this game. In turn I flipped back on you with the bonehead from big brother 9 Jacob because you were showing how incompetent you were by insulting my intelligence about this. When all I have done is predicted Derek X future in advance weeks ago!

              It’s not Rocket Science Guy wanting to take out your meat shield and want to be most physical male competitor with 11 people left is a terrible strategy- I told you so man. How? There is 10 people left and DX is in deep sh!t getting a dish served cold getting a backdoor himself being in a horrible position

              The best players know that the best way to get DX out is to MIRROR his STRATEGY with a backdooring of a another physical threat, the only problem is that the backdoor plan is NOW on him! He opened the door himself, for someone to mirror his technique and strategy with DX getting backdoor himself a couple weeks later. You could see this coming from a mile away when he wanted to backdoor christian. That’s why it was a bad move.

              So all I have to say is dont let the door hit you on the way out, because you can’t accept that I was right and you were wrong.

                1. DX wanted to make a big move not knowing there was CO. It really was his idea. I think he thought the risk was worth it. Problem he didn’t realize he pissed off people with power and then his big mouth spill what America gave him which put final nail in his game

                2. Welp DX put SB on the Block week 5 instead wanted to backdoor christian and now week 7 SB is going to backdoor DX. Irony is not lost that DX got a dose of his own medicine with a backdoor- DX should have gotten rid of SB in week 5!

        3. If you look at why reality tv was started and it was Sumner Redstone (VIA Comm, MTV, CBS, BET, Paramount; he was the guy before Les Moonves). Redstone saw hiring union actors as too high a price, with too many demands, he did not yield a high enough profit so he decided to find non-unionized people to put in roles for television. Through this, he could pay whatever price to someone for their opportunity to be on television while producing a show that nets ratings and sponsor money. Someone with demands or is difficult comes on, it’s an easy boot off the show (Chima). Think of Cody (BB19), he doesn’t talk much (probably wouldn’t want to ruin Jess’ chances to make future appearances and money), but with one of his noms self-evicting, his week should have been over, but here was a guy who wouldn’t play into their rules and probably saw through the non-sense (extra with Paul’s safety, which he should’ve been able to guess), so make it difficult for him and get him targeted and out early.
          Other HGs have come from wealthy famiiies (many recruits – have you ever wondered what all the millionaire’s kids do? Many get put on reality tv). HGs who come from a wealthy or influential place outside the show get the good edits and their nastiness and behaviour gets swept under the rug (kinda like in society..). BB21 – check each HGs background to see who comes from where, then think of how they grouped up.

          1. I do remember that Survivor was the beginning of Reality TV.  Who Wants To Be a Millionaire was a HUGE hit.  I remember watching Les Moonves being interviewed and his giving credit to the show.  He commented that he had been looking for a show that would have the same impact as Millionaire.  Shortly after, Mark Burnett approached Moonves with a show that was popular in Sweden, the original Survivor game.  From there the rest is history.  Yes, Moonves also saw how much money Millionaire was pulling in without having to pay an actor’s salary.

            1. Actually “The Real World” was the first reality show. Season 1 was filmed and aired in 1992. 8 years before Survivor premeired in the Summer of 2000.

              1. But, Survivor was the “beginning of Reality TV”. After Survivor, networks started producing reality shows left and right and haven’t stopped. Cops and The Real World didn’t affect our TV viewing.

        4. One more thing….Grod and CBS are similiar to EA Sports…it is not the ratings they care about, the only feedback they care about is the money they make. Which once again, even as ratings tank, this show and many others will continue on because the cost to produce vs revenue earned is too great compared to shows where you are paying multiple actors 5-7 digits per episode.

          BB HGs get about $1000 per week, another reason why jury is so important. Paid vacation in a beautiful place.

          1. But, higher ratings bring in higher revenue that CBS/Paramount+ charges advertisers. That is how advertisers’ rates are based upon. It is also how Grod is evaluated to keep her job. It’s all about $$$!

            1. But if you have high revenue but very high expenses, the net profit may not be as great as keeping cost down on a lesser rated show.
              Think of how many shows are cancelled after a year or two. All the movies with planned sequels that go dead, even with decent ratings. If the net profit isn’t good enough, move on to the next idea. If it was about declining ratings, the show would’ve been cancelled years ago, but currently they are looking at ushering in a new era.
              Also, Thursday ratings are obviously highest as live feeders tune in.amy don’t bother to watch Sunday or Wednesday shows because the feeders are already days ahead and waiting to see who gets evicted and next HOH.

  9. I’m sad that Derrek X is getting evicted with like 98% certainty. 🙁

    It seems like for the second year in a row Juror # 2 will win American’s Favorite Player so at least he gets that just like how Day did.

    Plus like her, I’d be shocked if he wasn’t asked to come back at least one time again in the future.

  10. Here we go.
    Get ready to wish I was dead.
    Dx or Claire?
    Who cares.
    From a game point of view, have either actually done something that marks them as a stupendous player?
    From my vantage point, no.
    Dx wins first veto, sells out his ride or die in order to keep Ky, his second choice, in the game. He wins a second veto that he didn’t need to win, and draws heavier scrutiny.
    No matter how much independent thought he shows, the moment someone talks to him he completely believes them. No matter how close he comes to figuring out the season storyline, he drops it.
    That’s why he’s gettting the hype, hope. Hope that as someone that can win comps, he’ll figure out what’s going on and stop the steamroll.
    Has he actually shown any indication that he will do that? He starts to put pieces together, and after a D/R call or any conversation…. he drops it. If he stays and wins HOH or coup what would he do? He’d listen to everyone. Either SB or Alyssa would leave.
    Claire? ditto without the proven comp ability.

    Both already know the storyline. Both are going to go with contractually obligated company line.
    Get on with what we always end up doing and save the hassle.
    Start figuring out which cookout member is least bothersome to your senses, and start making them the hero that’s going to “save the season” now.
    It’s what always happens.

    BTW: entitlement would be going through someone’s personal belongings without any ramifications.
    Hannah with SB’s letter. Meanwhile the Hannah fans on social media (seriously, hers are the worst of the season for this crap) are willing to come to your home and cut you a new one if you even raise an eyebrow about it..

    1. “BTW: entitlement would be going through someone’s personal belongings without any ramifications.
      Hannah with SB’s letter.

      I missed the story of Hannah with SB’s letter. Would you mind sharing what happened?

      1. Dx and Hannah were in HOH. Hannah searched around through her things for SB’s HOH letter, took it from it’s envelope and read it hoping to get dirt to use against SB.
        What she was interested in: the PS part of the letter that SB didn’t read to everyone. It was about her dead father.

    1. Does it… matter?
      SB wins? no change to cookout plan.
      Claire wins? no change to cookout plan.
      X wins? no change to cookout plan.
      Azah wins? no change to cookout plan.
      Alyssa wins? no change to cookout plan.
      Couch wins? it was rigged and no change to cookout plan.

      1. True reading feeds and CO will take their target out Thursday. All I have a question is who will get DX $100? If X gets it then him and Big D can play Friday? Have to wait see who HOH? Right now just eager to see what POV. We unfortunately know fallout but I refuse to let people crush my enjoyment of the actual competitions.

        1. Lol. Wasn’t trying to ruin enjoyment of the competitions… but given the competitions aren’t on feeds I figure being realistic about outcome is logical.

          Here are some what ifs to help in your enjoyment:

          • azah wins refuses to use veto due to deal with Dx.
          • SB gets a moment of clarity, realizes she’s been an idiot and does the unexpected with the veto.
          • Alyssa finally just up and says what she’s been not saying for 7 weeks: if you haven’t got a penis don’t even talk to me.
          • Tiff and Hannah have a battle of the pawns.
          • Claire wins and the entire house tries to convince her to stay on the block… or remove Xavier.
  11. They should have a triple eviction this Thursday and just get down to the 6 already. Let’s be honest, this veto is primed for DX getting backdoored. That will be followed by SB, Claire and Alyssa in whatever order they come up with based on who in the 6 wins HOH. Yawn, expect the expected.

  12. I want to be done with this season already. Instead of a strategy based competition we have to once again be subject to a blatantly scripted television show. It used to be one of my favorites, but no longer. I’ll take Survivor any day. Even Bachelor in Paradise is better than this crap. (debatable)
    Count me OUT!

  13. If white people or any other race besides black did the cookout they would call it racist I’m sick of the fucking bullshit they have had more rights for a long time I get laid off they keep them because they are scared of a lawsuit while they shop online and disrespect their managers because they can. I I was a single mom busting my ass I’m not fucking privileged never given shit tired of the bullshit

    1. Racist, lots of people already calling it that, where have you been? Anyway, it isn’t because it hasn’t been. It is an alliance of a same group of people they can relate to just like prior alliances.

      1. they formed the cookout alliance BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK! and are evicting “others” (as Tiff calls them) BECAUSE THEY AREN’T BLACK!
        If only 1 cookout ends up in the final 2, say like BigD, they will cast their jury votes for him to win BECAUSE HE IS BLACK! What dont you understand about that?
        Name one alliance in past seasons that did this? You cant because ITS NEVER HAPPENED!

        OPEN YOUR EYES, Stop being a racist apologist

        1. Do you know the reason of so many blacks being cast? Do you know the reason of the CO? Easy, It is their time like every alliances before them, what I love and what I love is that they are kind and caring for the non-CO not like prior alliances. Do get mad, it is the game. Just a game if it was not racism then, it is not racism now. Easy. I know big brother like the back of my hand ?

        2. Ur are so mad for no reason, just relax and watch the show like before because it is much better than then, the CO alliance are good people, you can see real tears for the non-CO members not like prior alliances. I can remind you of so many but I am here to tell you all if it was not racism then, it is not now and I am enjoying the show usual

  14. @Simon, I just want to thank you and people who help you. While waiting we’ve been able to kill time talking about everything. I unfortunately don’t have $ to give you but I do give you my praise and gratefulness. You are awesome

  15. This summer blows.
    Alas, I aspire….hoping there’s another prize that exposes SB’s greed during this veto comp. Anything to piss off the other houseguests and make them turn against her again!

    1. Don’t worry. She’ll be gone soon. After DX leaves, it’s between Claire, SB and Alyssa who goes next, and the other two will follow that one probably the following week in a double eviction. There’s no mystery in this, as this is what they’ve been saying all season long, and it’s pretty clear production is in full support of this clean sweep.

  16. Why do I have the sinking feeling that the veto is an individual timed comp?
    I think by now everyone knows that I have ABSOLUTELY no trust in the individual time comps.
    I just have this sinking feeling that they are about to grind out of existence the last vestige of credulity I have left.

    So that should make the feeds come back.
    and they are back.
    Who knows what the veto comp was. All i know is Xavier won veto.
    yay steamroll that was going to happen anyway.

    The veto included disadvantages.
    BBbuck bankruptcy. Solitary confinement. a future veto disadvantage. 3rd nom if not HOH?
    OFFS. eyerollllllllllCOMEONstillrolllllling.

    Guess we know what X was fight with production about (yeah, he and Ky both had words with production)…
    X took three punishments in a veto EVERYONE was using to take him off the block.
    Sideye. Oh that there is…. oh. build fan favor through adversity edit coming.

    From the sound of it:
    Couch went for prizes and prize money.
    He says SB did too.
    Azah is not impressed. her time in the comp i think she said was 11:47.
    Azah worries SB is putting her on the block? Whu?
    Claire and Azah bonded over something …. that Azah tried to win?
    X goes into solitary on wed night, comes out before the live show.

  17. At least not long High Roller game Friday. Only Big D to play. I’m hoping he wins so there’s something different next week.

  18. Yeah. There’s going to be some bad blood after this season is over. Calling it now.
    We all know Tifff and Couch ain’t attending the same real life cookout… EVER.
    Britini left totally mindfucked and is going to be very hurt. That’s a given. Take away her difficulty with processing and understanding appropriate emotional response… and she’d still be very hurt.
    Claire is currently crying, not because she lost veto, but because she let Tiff down by being afraid to go for the third nom punishment that cost her the veto… so she’s not upset she’s lost and thinks likely going to jury. She’s upset she let Tiff down. That’s really going to leave a mark later. Especially since Tiff is upstairs right now trying to convince KY to target Claire not Dx on his hoh. What. it is. SB is saying we have to get Dx out right now in another room. Isn’t that cute. She thinks she has a say.
    Dipshit horse’s ass would no doubt say that neither Claire nor Brit has the right to feel any kind of way but happy for the cookout (again, they aren’t people with feelings, they’re objects to be traded and disposed of)… but he’ll cam talk to the viewers about being kind and having a generous thoughtful spirit concerning the houseguests that have been evicted. Such complete bullshit done ONLY for the sake of trying to present himself as morally righteous and empathetic for viewer support. How about giving him the solitary confinement, and maybe tape his mouth shut. Give the viewers something to celebrate.
    So X took all sorts of punishments that are going to have ZERO effect on his standing in the game, and through faux adversity, he will rise in the viewers hearts as the Cookout member that deserves every viewers support? Wondered how they were going to accomplish setting one apart from the rest when most of his game has been downlow.

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