Sam “Dane is dangerous. Dane is a liar. Dane can’t be trusted.”

9:50pm HOH room. Chelsea, Sam and Kyra.
Chelsea – she was sitting here telling me I should put Dane up. She said she caught Dane in two lies today. Its like this desperate plea to try and get close anyway she can. She said I will forgive him but I will remember. She said I log everything in this game. And I was like so what about you throwing my name under the bus? Kyra – if you’re logging, do you think that we’re not logging as well? Sam – she came and sat next to me and said I want you to help keep this house together. She said there is no reason why we should go separate.

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Chelsea “..have we made a mistake? I can’t have a shadow that is going to ruin my game.”

11:20pm HOH room. Chelsea and Anthony. Chelsea – I am going to do the best thing for my game for the people that I am working with in this game moving forward so that we can all get far together. Anthony – I was jumping for joy when you won. Like honestly I wanted to win but happy you won. Chelsea – and I would have been happy if you had won too. Anthony – you have to get Kyra under control because that is going to put a target on your back. Chelsea – I know.

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Sam “When he threw out Dane name..” Chelsea “He [Maki] sealed his own grave.”

Sam – just know that I’m not going against the house. Whatever happens, happens. Chelsea – yeah, I’ve said the same thing. Sam – so I am not putting any effort in any more. Chelsea – neither am I. Sam – I’m done with it. Chelsea – its not up to me. Just let it be. Sam – just deal with it after. That’s what we’re here for. Chelsea – exactly. Sam – its too hard to predict. Lets just get through this week. Chelsea – its laughable to me that people think that he is a threat when.. Sam – when nothings happened yet. Chelsea – knowing the game doesn’t necessarily make you a threat .. its being good socially and being a comp threat.

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Mark “Without saying out loud, I think you’re thinking the same thing I am.”

9:15pm Backyard. Damien, Mark and Kyra. Kyra – I am here to campaign. At the end of the day this is just a game. We all know that. Maki is fun and we all love Maki but Maki is a threat and he’s showed that is the last three competitions. He was this close to winning the veto. He also would have won the HOH if he had stayed on there. And in that first comp he got to that second round. No one really knows where his head is at because he’s never really watched this game before and he is letting other people influence him and that makes him more of a wildcard than I am. And I can tell you honestly.. look me in the eye

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