Big Brother Spoilers: Lawon thinks of the best idea EVER! Put him up as the pawn, he’ll act all mad and then get info from the other side..

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11pm Dani and Kalia are up in the HOH room talking. Dani mentions that she thinks the POV ceremony will be earlier in the morning tomorrow around 11am or 12pm. Dani says that she wants to talk to Porsche about things. Dani talks about how Porche isn’t here mainly to win, just to make friends. Dani says that she is like the Jen from my season …except nicer! Dani says that she wishes PT were here, it’d be so much fun tho and we’d have a really strong competitor, and he would still be here. Kalia says that if she put Porsche up, it would make Jeff and Jordan feel a little bit better. Kalia says that he was like we would talk more if I actually put her up.. are you interested in doing anything with them? I think you said no. Dani says like Jeff said every week changes, and I agree but at the same time, you agree you’re in the same place. he has to go at sometime. I don’t want him in the final four. I don’t know. Kalia says that she doesn’t think Jeff can compete. Dani says that if he doesn’t play the veto next week, backdoor him he’s gone… that’s all you need. Do you know what I mean? There is a chance for every single person in this house to slip up and lose …it’s how you adapt to that. No matter what there are going to be people in this game who are always bigger targets. At the same time, those people are the people that win this game. The people that aren’t doing anything, no one is going to vote for them. You’re sitting next to Lawon. Kalia says I win. Dani says even if he does he’s playing for second place…. true. Kalia says I would just hate for myself to go out of the game for something stupid I did that I could have corrected.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Shelly to Jeff about Kalia, “She’s actually agreeing with this stuff.. She thinks it’s a great idea” **updated**

8:40pm Washroom Jeff and Shelly (i’m still in shock about how stupid Kalia is.. a dark day for Team D a Great day for team JJSA)
Shelly gives Jeff a quick summary about what Kalia is buying, Says that Kalia is thinking about putting up porsche and haveing her go home. Shelly tells jeff to make sure he makes Kalia think by doing this deal she has all of Jeff’s people on her side. Shelly reminds her he doesn’t need to follow through just say yes. Shelly: “She’s actually agreeing with this stuff.. She thinks it’s a great idea” Jeff is really excited says he’s going to go upstair right away and tell her.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 7th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 7th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother – Shelly offers Kalia the “Key to the city” Keep Rachel Join JJR Kalia thinks its a good idea

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7:00pm hammock Shelly and Kalia Shelly is proposing they put up Porsche and get her out instead of Rachel. Shelly’s reasoning is this
a) the person evicted is coming back into the house
b) If porsche leaves and comes back she still has nobody and Kalia gains rachel
Of course Kalia doesn’t think rachel will not go back on her word and take out Kalia and dani. Shelly says she needs to have rachel swear on brendons’s life that if Kalia takes out Porsche this week then Dani and KAlia are safe next week. Shelly is relly pushing for Kalia to make a deal with rachel thinks it’s the only way to win this game. Shelly telling Kalia that she won’t win the game against dani but she will win against rachel and Shelly.

Shelly adds that Kalia will gain Jeff, Jordan, rachel, Shelly and Adam if you get rid of POrsche. The only person you piss off is Dani and Lawon. Kalia says she doesn’t care about POrsche and lawon will do whatever she says. Shelly: “you’re a good salesperson you can sell it to Dani. (Kalia is really buying or at least appears she is)

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Big Brother 13 – Shelly calls Rachel a witch, Porsche calls Shelly a Snake

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5:51pm Dani and Porsche

Porsche saying she helped jeff with his hair and then moments after Jeff is being a ass to her. dani asks if Jeff is still a jerk to Prosche. POrsche says yes just now she was outside with them and he won’t even look at her, “ohh cool I should put a hole in your head”. Dani smiles says rachel approached her with a deal today up in the HOH. Dani doesn’t want to knock Rachel for trying it’s good she is. dani explains that it’s the same thing she is telling everyone that basically rachel is the biggest target and by keeping her she’s moving the target away from dani. Rachel is also so confident she is coming back because the viewers want to see her and she’ll be going after all the people that voted her out (It’ll be a lot of people) Porsche says thay Rachel told Kalia yesterday to keep her in the house and she will only target Dani. dani knows she doesn’t knock rachel for trying but it’s really a stupid deal. Porsche adds that rachel is trying to make it “COOL” to vote to keep her.. “they think i’m a stupid bimbo”.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Kalia 2 nomination options are Lawon or Adam and Rachel is counting on a twist

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3:00pm Backyard Jeff, Jordan and Team Bacon Adam is saying that Lawon told him he volunteered to go up. Adam is thinking that they should Keep rachel for another week just to keep around as a target. Jeff thinks thats a great plan if the can do that it will be very funny. Adam is worried if Rachel is gone then they lose the houses number one target. He knows they need to get her out eventually but in the short term if Lawon goes up they should vote him out. Jeff tells him that there’s still a lot of people in the house they need to stop worrying about the end game. Adam doesn’t think he’ll have a chance against lawon in the final 2, Jeff: “Don’t worry about the final 2 first worry about he final 6” adam agrees. Jeff tells Adam even if him or Shelly go up they are totally safe. Jeff counts the votes Jeff,JOrdan, Shelly/Adam they have 3 and there is no way Kalia is going to keep rachel. Jordan doesn’t really think Kalia will put up Lawon she doubts Dani would let her. Adam agrees says that he isn’t sure how true it is he just wanted to tell JJ what is going around the house. Jeff is not sure if it’s true he really doubts it is. Lawon might have just told Adam that to see if it comes around. Jeff thinks DKL is trying to find out if they can trust Adam. Jeff wants to make sure they do not tell ANYONE especially Rachel. Jordan agress.. Shelly comes out game talking ends.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel tells Dani that she is sorry that she took Dominic away from her but that she took her fiancé away & that really hurts!

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1:30pm Shelly and Jordan are suntanning. Porsche is icing Adams cake and tells Kalia that the party for Adam is between 4 and 5pm today. Adam has a shower and then shows Kalia his new face. She is shocked and tells him it looks good, that he looks totally different. Adam says that he doesn’t even recognize himself. Jeff is trimming his hair in the bathroom. Rachel finishes up working out and then takes a shower. Dani comes out and says that she is going to dye her hair. Dani then heads up to the HOH bathroom to dye her hair.

1:50pm Rachel goes up to talk to Dani and says that she is sorry that she took Dominic away from her but that she took her fiancé away and that really hurts! Rachel says that she sincerely apologizes. Dani says that she appreciates the fact that she is apologizing but that they turned their back on her and that she just couldnt trust them anymore. Rachel and Dani hash out their differences and why they acted the way they did. Rachel apologizes again for how she acted immature and says that she is a strong person but when it comes to Brendon she doesn’t know how to act… and think. Rachel says it sucks because she was fighing to keep him there and that she was ighting for him to be there. Rachel says that it physically hurts. Rachel tells Dani that she never apologized toher. Dani says that she never told her that she was a bad person. Rachel says she doesn’t want to argue with her. Rachel says that she is sorry. Rachel says that they never didn’t want to not work with her and that her doing what she did is why they felt betrayed.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Porsche tells Rachel that she went crazy for a few days ..she was yelling & screaming at people ..I am on my period & didn’t want to get in a fist fight..

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12:30pm Lawon mentions to Porsche that he is missing some jewellery like his Tiffany Bracelet. Porsche tells him to go look for it. Lawon says that its probably in his bag. Porsche then goes to lay down in the lounge room. The cameras switch to Rachel in the havenot room putting on her workout clothes. Rachel then heads out into the backyard to work out.

12:30pm – 12:50pm Rachel comes into the lounge room to talk to Porsche. Rachel says that she just isn’t sure where they went wrong. Porsche says that nothing really went wrong …but that friendships and alliances are different… and that when Jeff and Jordan stopped talking to me went with them. Rachel says I don’t understand I am the one going home. Porsche says that you went crazy for a few days there …and were yelling and screaming at people and I am on my period and didnt want to get involved in a fist fight or something. Rachel says that times got really hard and friendships didn’t stand by me … its not like a friendship like PT … this was my fiancé. Porsche says I know …just you have to keep yourself grounded. Rachel says that no one knows how it is …thats my fiancé and I am going to be without him for 6 weeks …you don’t know how hard that is… Porsche says but you went crazy and I’ve never seen you act like that before and I didnt want to be associated with that. Rachel says that it just hurts her feelings …that the love of her life got torn away from me … Dani ripped him away from me …and they were friends before BB. I am going to have his children one day … my soul mate … we are going to be sitting in rocking chairs one day when we are old. Porsche says that you need to handle it in a better way.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel says that Dani drinks and party’s a lot …and hooks up with lots of guys.. *Updated*

10:40am – 11am Shelly and Rachel are out on the backyard couches talking. Rachel says she is not the type to threaten people or anything like that. Shelly says I know you will be back… they want you back for ratings. Rachel says I don’t think so. Shelly says oh come on.. if I were to get voted out there would be a 30% chance to come back … and for you there is a 99% chance you’re coming back. Rachel says that they could just go in and ask what Julie Chen said …but she won’t tell Kalia that because she is playing for herself. Shelly asks what Dani is like outside the house ..and if Rachel knows what she is really like? Rachel says that Dani drinks and party’s a lot …and hooks up with lots of people. Shelly says well I don’t know about that. Rachel says that Dani will not play emotionally …that she will do whatever it takes to win. Shelly asks what happened between them. Rachel says that its all because they wouldn’t back door Jeff. Rachel says that Dani then threatened then saying that she would come after her and Brendon if they didn’t keep Dominic. Shelly says I think she really liked Dominic ..she was even talking about him last night and Adam and I were laughing about it. Rachel says they knew the kid for 3 weeks?! Rachel says that Brendon will never talk to her again. Shelly says yeah I know. Shelly asks so Brendon was voted out day 34?

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff says you made me dance for my dinner.. so expect next week for Big Jeff to make you dance as well..

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12:15am UP in the HOH room are Jeff, Jordan and Kalia. Jordan is apologizing for how she acted the other day. Jordan saying that she isn’t normally like that. Kalia says that she really wanted to talk to Kalia way before nominations because she knew what her plan was and she didn’t want her to think that she was trying to backdoor her or get her out. Kalia says that she knew she was taking a risk but she needed Jeff to play for the veto and win. Kalia says that she wants Rachel out. Kalia says that she was scared if you won you would take her off. Kalia says that she never intended to and won’t put up Jordon, and I won’t backdoor you or use you as a pawn. Jeff says but if Rachel had won, I would’ve been out, give me that. Kalia says I’ll give you that but Rachel was my target. I knew she would be so out of it this week so I needed to get her out this week, next week she’d be gunning and I needed strong people to play in the veto. Kalia says that she completely understands them being mad at her. Kalia says that she knew of the six people in the veto everyone was against Rachel.

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Big Brother 13 Jordan is pissed at the Floaters, Jeff: “you’re getting cutthroat.. I like it” **updated**

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9:21pm Kitchen dam, Lawon, Rachel, Jordan. Shelly and Jeff Adam is all over 4:20pm saying he was born on the east coast at 4:18pm just in time for his first 4:20pm (Team Bacon yo) Shelly doesn’t know what that means. They whisper to her “It’s smoking the reefer” Jordan wonders why they picked 4:30. Adam explains it was this high school and te students use to get together and get high near a statue.

9:42pm Adam saying that he wants Jordan to shave his beard. he needs to find out if production will let him. the reason is Adam wants jordan to is because she works at a hair salon. jordan: “I only work the work the front desk” Adam: “Doesn’t matter you’re still the most qualified..

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Big Brother Spoilers – Dani “notice how Rachel is BFF with Kalia” Lawon “Let her think in her RAT-CHEL world that it’s going to work”

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7:48pm Purple Room Shelly and Dani Dani is saying the person coming back may not necessarily be able to still compete in comps. She brings up that last year rachel came back for a day with the sole person to stir shit up. Dani: “Now imagine rachel back in the house for the entire season.. OMG I would need Dr Zachary every day” Shelly starts howling.

Shelly says that Kalia is waffling, she wonders why she won’t put Lawon up because Kalia hated him the first couple week. Dani explains that She’s worried that Lawon might go home because Rachel is pitching to everyone that he’s a floater (Drink) and he needs to go home. Dani adds that Kalia is probably thinking that people may start thinking that WOW Lawon really doesn’t do anything so they might vote him out over Rachel.

Shelly thinks Lawon can beat rachel easy, Dani: “thats the way I feel”. Shelly says it seems like all Kalia is worried about is JJ and getting back good with them. Dani knows thinks it’s a waste of time. Shelly knows JJ are pissed and she doesn’t think Kalia will get what she wants from them. Shelly adds that JJ are in a bad move all around and they’re not being very nice to people.

Shelly’s been trying to stay away from them for the time being. They go back to discussing the twist.

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