Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel asks Brendon if he is going to propose to her on finale night… Brendon says no ..maybe in a year or so..

Watch everything that happens tonight after the live show!! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial   12pm Brendon and Rachel are in the bathroom.  Rachel and Brendon are kissing and talking.  Rachel tells Brendon that she didn’t know she could like someone after only 40 days. Then Rachel says that Brendon has her whole heart. […]

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Brendon and Rachel Fight, “What am i suppose to do bake everyone cookies”

6:45pm Hayden and Rachel HOH Hayden tells to her that Brendon has apologized and he explained some things to him and Kristen. Rachel says everything she’s done in this house is not personnel it is for game. She wants to see them fight for it she wants to be with competitor (fuck she keeps saying the same shit yo) He tells her he isn’t a person with a bad temper he’s pretty even keeled, but he knows what it feels like to have your emotions running high. He was really surprised at her taking that Jab and him and Kristen, he thinks there would be better ways for her to have dealt with the whole nominations. Hayden knows that either him or Kristen will go regardless if they win POV. rachel doesn’t think it’s 100% been decided. Rachel again tells him she’s making the big plays in this game she had to make a big move because she a big player, Her game moves doesn’t reflect on how she feels about him as a person. Hayden is easy going tells her he understands they hug and he leaves.

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Hayden tells Kristen that the Brendon/Rachel showmance is disgusting.

3:40pm Monet and Enzo are talking in the Have not room. Enzo says that he thinks Kathy would be a great replacement nomination …. ..then he says that Andrew would be an even better choice. Monet says they wont do that, ..they want to put up someone who’s guaranteed to stay. Enzo says that they better not put him up as a pawn because he will go after them next week. Enzo says that he wants HOH …but not just yet he wants to watch people and see what everyone is like and then get HOH, put two people up and back door someone.

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