
Big Brother 14 Spoilers The PLAN is to get Frank to throw HOH to Prove he is with them..

11:20am Danielle and Jojo get in their bikini’s and head out by the pool to sun tan. Kara then joins then.

Willie, Shane, Britney, Janelle and Wil are up in the HOH room talking. Willie tells them that he wants them to all stick together. Willie and Janelle tell Shane and Wil that if it comes down to it …it might be good to throw a competition to Joe or Jojo because then it keeps the target off us. They talk about how they are in a tough situation ..that it would have been better week one to get out Jodi and Ian. They talk about how they will get all together to hash it out. Willie and Janelle talk about how Frank has a mind of his own, that he thinks for himself without Mike. They talk about how Wil will be perfect for endurance competitions. The conversation turns to talking about the Power of Veto competition. They start talking about Danielle and how they have no idea how she got on the show. Willie says that she comes in and interrupts their conversations in the HOH and makes things super awkward. Britney asks how does she not notice how awkward it gets.

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Frank told Janelle she reminds him of his momma. Mike laughs, she’s like 5yrs older than you..

9:30am Mike, Frank, Joe and Shane talk about how lazy the girls are in the house. Mike and Frank start going off about how lazy Danielle is, how she doesn’t clean at all. Frank says that she thinks because she is a have-not she feels like she doesn’t have to clean up after herself. Mike says I don’t even understand why Danielle was picked… like what is her role. Joe says the southern bell … some people just interview really well and then nothing when they get the job. Mike comments on how she knows a lot about medical things. Mike says then yesterday Ashley said what medication she was taking and Danielle asked how many milligrams. He says that there is no way she knows that medication … I think she is a nurse or something.
The conversation changes to talking about Ian and how his motivation is to get his name on Wikipedia.

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Big Brother 14 Ashley “My calf’s no those are my knees, they don’t tan as well as the rest of my skin.”

7am Mike is up and out in the backyard sitting on the couches trying to wake up. After a while he goes out into the yard to stretch and then starts running back and forth. Shane gets up and heads out into the backyard. He tells Mike that is back is so stiff as he makes his way over to the couch. Shane tells Mike that his back is messed up working out yesterday. Shane ask if somewhere down the road the coaches will be able to trade. Mike says that he hopes so… they want us to affect the game but not be the game.

Mike tells Shane that from listening he thinks Willie is going to keep the votes the same. Shane says yeah and that he will vote Kara out to keep Frank in the game. Mike says that he still is able to influence his team. Mike asks if Shane would use the Veto to save Frank? Shane says that he’s open to it if I can be guaranteed safe. Mike says that he doesn’t even want to ask him to use it (the veto). Mike asks if Shane would have a problem voting out Kara. Shane says that he enjoys looking at her but that he wouldn’t have a problem voting her out. Mike tells Shane that it’s smart to keep someone in the game that is a bigger target than you. Shane agrees. Mike says that it’s unfortunate that I have to go up against Dan. Frank Joins them. They talk about how Ian is so nervous and that if there was a big brother history challenge he would go out first or second.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Frank And Janelle Say They Want to Play Boogie

12:15am Ashley, Ian, Danielle, and Jojo are out in the backyard talking about how horrible the have-not room is to sleep in. They ask Ashley if she is going to sleep up in the HOH bedroom again or not. Ashley says that she feels better but that she’s going to ask the diary room and see what they say. They all head inside. Ian and Jojo say that they’re going to go to bed. The girls head into the bathroom. They talk about how they can’t wait for the Big Brother Wrap Party at the end.

Dan, Willie, and Britney continue to talk up in the HOH room. Dan tells Willie that he isn’t going to lie, Boogie and I talked about we’re not working together and we don’t have a deal. Willie says that he appreciate Dan being honest and not denying everything.

12:35am Frank and Janelle are whispering by the chess set. Janelle asks Frank if he listens to what Boogie tells him. Frank says that he listens but that he doesn’t do what he says because Boogie doesn’t have his best interests at heart he has his own interests at heart.

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Big Brother 14 – Janielle To Frank “Check.. ohh is that Check Mate?”

10:01pm Hammock Wil, Britney and Janelle They are talking about JOJO and how she’s so out there. Wil has a problem with her being such a hypocrite. he points out that she’s out in the backyard hanging out with the guys giving them massages. Britney points out how how Dan is

Wil mentions that during dinner Dan brought up religion and birth control. Dan was telling them that Birth control is not supported by the church. Britney jumps in says that Dan and his wife do not us birth control. janelle says she doesn’t either. Wil says that dan was asking him what his religious background is, wil says his father is agnostic and mother was catholic. Wil’s father is a surgeon and was very scientific, Wil wonders why Dan was talking about religion when he was so strict about religion being private earlier in the game. Wil felt like Dan was be degrading to him. Wil wonders if Big Brother after dark is watching him. Janelle and Britney are certain the cameras is on them.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Willie wants to Keep Frank “I’m putting all my eggs in one Basket “

8:51pm hammock- Kara and Frank Talking about how screwed they are, Frank tells her that he’s sure he’s the target, “Do you think it’s possible to get Shane to use the POV” Kara doesn’t think there is a chance. Frank says they need to wake the players up he thinks they can work on Shane enough he might use it. Kara really doesn’t think it’s going to happen. Frank: “We have 15 percent chance of getting him to use it.. I’m going to get a good sleep tonight and start tomorrow”. Frank isn’t going to campaign against Kara because there is nothing mean he can say about her. Kara wonders why Ian doesn’t get called into the Diary Room very much. Frank doesn’t know thinks it could be because there is nothing exciting going on around him.

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Big Brother 14 Update – Britney wants to Take out Dan “He’s running around the house brainwashing people”

6:45pm Head of Household Janelle and Willie Willie mentions how awesome it was that Shane won the POV Contest. Janelle agrees, they both laugh at the look on Boogie’s face when Frank didn’t win it. Willie: “I don’t think he can manage in here without Dr.Will.. think of it every time he’s been in this game he’s been with Will” Janelle says that Will told him what to do but Boogie is here to win it for himself, “You know he’s a multi millionaire.. he runs all those business”
Willie: “ya ya this is to prove a points”
janelle: “He wants to be the man this year”
Willie: “It’s not going to happen eventually one of his people will wake up”

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Big Brother 14 Spoilage – Ian doesn’t care about the Money he just wants his name in Wikipedia

5:40pm Kara and Dan Dan that right now it looks bad for them but what if next week lightning strikes and Ian wins HOH, “You’ll see all those people scatter like rats” Kara is nervous that Willie is flip flopping and she knows that Janelle and Brintey are a team. Dan thinks if Willie wanted Kara gone he would have a tough time convincing people that Frank was less of a target than Kara.

Dan says if the nominations stay the same and he thinks it will they need to not get cocky they need to lock in those votes. Dan advises Kara that after dinner she needs to grab Willie and talk to him. Dan wants Kara to offer Willie a deal if she stay then Kara will return the favor, “say if you can guarantee my safety I (Kara) will never put you up” . Kara warns dan that the girls all talk whatever he tells Britney will go to Janelle. dan wonders when the POV ceremony is, Kara was told by production that the POV Ceremony is Sunday afternoon.

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New Super alliance is formed “Box of wine Debutantes and the keg stand Bourgeoisie”

4:20pm bathroom Frank and JOJO YO
JOJO is talking about Jordan and who would of thought that she was going to win Big Brother 11, She thinks Jeff had something to do with it. JoJo Then mentions Porsche and how far she got in the game last year. She thinks that anything can happen in the game. Frank starts to hint about the players not doing what the Mentors say. JOJO thinks there will be a twist coming up switches up the teams. Frank doesn’t know but is sure that a twist will change the mentors rolls in the game. JOJO loves everyone in the house even “little Ian” even though she’s certain he’s scared of her.. JOJO laughs says that Ian is going to be getting girls after this. Frank goes one about the Mentors needing them more than they need the mentors.

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Live Feed Update – Dan Instructed Danielle to throw the POV Competition to Kara

2:58pm HOH Willie, Shane, Britney, Joe, JOJO and Janelle. Britney is saying that Frank is going to be very week with Skill competitions, She’s trying to convince them that Kara will be the tougher competitor. They start chatting about the POV how they had to run around collecting coins. The general conclusion of the bunch is that Danielle and Kara are very stupid.
Britney: “Dan has those girls brainwashed”
Willie: “Danielle is a WAY better player than Kara though”
Britney starts to impesonate DAN saying how he told Danielle to sabatoge the other players during the POV so that Kara could win it. The group laughs at this, eveyone is calling Danuielle Brainwashed.
Britney: “Hey JOJO what would you do if I came up to you and told you to throw the POV competition”
JOJO: “I would be insulted”
Britney Calls Dan and Danielle a idiot for trying to get Kara to win the POV, Brit: “Didn’t they know if Kara goes off the Block Danielle goes up”
Janelle and Joe leave. JOJO, Willie and Brit are explaining to Shane how if Kara leaves this week Dan will be over in the game. If they get rid of Frank then Boogie is coming after them.

Jenn walk in.. Willie quickly tells her they need a couple more minutes in private so Jenn leaves.
Britenay: “She is SO fricken annoying.. she’s the biggest sneak”

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Big Brother 14 Power Of Veto Results

The Power Of Veto Players were: Shane, Willie, Frank, Wil, Danielle, and Kara. With Jojo as the host of the competition.

SHANE has WON the Power of Veto!

Britney, Willie, Jojo and Shane are in the HOH talking. Britney says that we need to be really wishy washy about what we are going to do. We don’t want them to know what we are going to do. Britney says that we have both the HOH and Power of Veto in our hands. Shane has the Power of Veto in his hands. Shane won the POV! The competition was about getting coins in slots. They talk about how Danielle was stacking the coins for Frank and that they were working together. Britney says that Shane won with quarters and nickels. Britney says that even with them cheating they couldn’t win!

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