Brittany Wins the Brochella Veto! “That’s my Bestie! She crushed it! **Updated**

11:14pm HOH room. Michael
Michael – that’s my Bestie! YES! I could have had my 5th veto but its okay! The goal was defense not offense. And now Brittany got a comp win. A solo comp win and I am very proud of her. She crushed it! Brittany joins him. They jump up and down and hug. Michael – this is so good. That was perfect! This is perfect. I was as long as Monte or Jasmine don’t win. Its perfect. Brittany – at least I won it so we’re in control. Have you been thinking any more? We were so focused on Terrance can’t play HOH but you can’t play HOH next week. Michael – my thoughts today were if we get rid of Jasmine and they get rid of Alyssa. We’re still Leftover strong. Its a little bit of a risk that if we win, why would we get rid of Terrance.

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Joe “Terrance said the plan is to put up Kyle.. and I said Ok!”

Backyard Couches – Turner and Joseph.
Joe – what did you tell Terrance. Turner – about what? Joe – like in your talk. I didn’t say anything… he put me up because he was talking something about game and I just said FACTS because I didn’t hear him and then he was like they’re working together. Joe – yeah, I just told him .. he said that the plan is to put up Kyle. And I said okay! Turner – yeah. I didn’t out you about anything. I didn’t say anything about you. Joe – me neither. I am not going to betray you guys. Turner – yeah 1000% BRO!

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Kyle- “I can’t believe I told Terrance everything my entire game”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers Brochella HOH (Inside the House):  Michael TEAM BroChella:  Brittany, Jasmine, Monte and Taylor. Nominees: Jasmine and Monte Dyre Fest HOH (Backyard):  Terrance TEAM Dyre Fest: Alyssa, Joseph, Kyle and Turner Nominees: Joe and Turner POV Players: POV Winner: Veto Ceremony: Havenots:  Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed […]

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“What do you think happened with the Ameerah vote? that’s when it all started Me, Joe, Monte, and Turner were in the HOH room”

11:39 am Kyle and Alyssa (Hard to hear)
Kyle – what do you think happened with the Ameerah vote
Alyssa – what do you mean
Kyle – that’s when it all started like.. Joe was sketched out by Ameerah. Me, Joe, Monte, and Turner were in the HOH room. Joe was going off about Ameerah She told him about Old Skool so he knew about that. He flipped it. He flipped everything. Monte and Joe, Turner went to Britt and from that moment on. Ameerah. Nicole, Daniel, SHould have been you but they got Indy. They are trying to get you, and Jasmine, inside. When Taylor won Veto is was supposed to be you no one used it last week. They wanted you.

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“She gave me a very compelling argument.. she doesn’t want to go on the block on her Birthday week..”

4:20 am Taylor, Britt and Michael
Michael say he hopes the logical thing happens they take Jasmine and Alyssa out this week
Michael – I’m nervous about a situation where Alyssa and Joe are up that and Turner and Kyle don’t do the right thing or they split the vote and Terrance is the tie-breaker and Joe isn’t here to tell us what happened.
Michael – If Terrance tells us who is voting we’ll know what happens.
Britt leaves.

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Big Brother 24 – HOH Teams Revealed! **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers Brochella HOH (Inside the House):  Michael TEAM Brochella:  Brittany, Jasmine, Monte and Taylor. Dyre Fest HOH (Backyard):  Terrance TEAM Dyre Fest: Alyssa, Joseph, Kyle and Turner Nominees: POV Players: POV Winner: Veto Ceremony: Havenots:  Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed The twist For the […]

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“A few more hours till its all over ..but really its not over because its a birthday week!”

6pm – 8:16pm The live feeds were blocked for the halfway party. The house guests got pizza and cake with everyone’s face on it. Jasmine – I am glad its the halfway point because this was FIRE! I am excited! A few more hours till its (her birthday) all over but really its not over because its a birthday week! Turner – its your birthday month. Jasmine – basically. Turner – its your birthday year. Jasmine – Turner, I am really ecstatic that you were able to celebrate my birthday with me. I am glad everyone was here, it made it special. Jasmine – I want a March baby or a fall baby. I am not birthing a baby in the summer. I am sorry .. I just feel like that is too much!

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Michael- “you have told us who the target is and switched it back and forth literally every single day”

1:04 pm Brittany and Michael
Britt – like you were saying yesterday if it comes down to who formed the leftovers that’s a side. The more they don’t see it the better it is for us.
Britt – how can we keep them focussed there.
Britt – we’ve been viewing it like a Monte, Joe, Taylor and A Kyle, Turner and us. If it’s actually a Turner/Kyle Vs Joe/Monte and they are fighting it out. You me and Taylor we slide through.
Britt – how do we do that without showing we’re doing that..
Michael- Kyle not using the veto has already started the fighting
Britt – I know Taylor is

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“I cannot provide details but the world is going to know the true version of Jasmine.”

8:17pm Backyard – Michael, Kyle and Brittany.
Michael – are you guys prepared for Jasmine’s Birthday? Kyle – have you two prepared your 3 minute speech? Brittany – I have not! Kyle – it could be very awkward. Turner its your turn. Michael – its your birthday, that’s gas! Brittany – you’re born today? FACTS! I cannot provide details but the world is going to know the true version of Jasmine. Remember our argument? Like how will the edit be… The truth will.. Big Brother switches the feeds.

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“The leftovers wholeheartedly trust you so you can move how you feel” **updated**

Kyle says he told Alyssa that his social connections with other people in the house have declined. He had suggested to her they spend less time together. She told him her social game was fine.
Joe says it’s difficult for him to hear from Indy that she has the votes to stay knowing that she doesn’t. The same thing is going to happen when Alyssa goes up. She’ll think she has the votes.
Joe – we’re both looking at two different realities
Joe says when Indy was an option before Alyssa he thought the personal relationship he has with her could cost him 750K dollars.
Kyle – she did accept the fact.. hey we need to balance this
Taylor – when she came to me to chat yesterday.. she was explaining how time with you is time where she’s not consumed with the game. I told her that Joe..

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Taylor and Joseph as “Skid and Fancy” – “Nobody get on my nerve!”

7:28pm Hammock – Alyssa and Kyle.
Kyle – last night I was out here with Jasmine and Indy. She was like I’m the one on the block and she is out looking for people and she is not treating me good. Alyssa – she will figure it out .. she was just emotional last night. Kyle – she was very emotional last night. Alyssa – she came to me today and was like I love Kyle so much I want him to know that I wouldn’t come for him. I said you should let him know yourself that then. She was like yeah, I am going to wait till Wednesday. She said that she was super emotional last night saying that she didn’t want to be here but said that wasn’t true. Kyle – I mean the day before I am using the veto she tells me that whether she stays on the block or don’t use it she is going to leave and go home rather than stay in jury?!

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