Kyle- “I can’t believe I told Terrance everything my entire game”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Brochella HOH (Inside the House):  Michael
TEAM BroChella:  Brittany, Jasmine, Monte and Taylor.
Nominees: Jasmine and Monte

Dyre Fest HOH (Backyard):  Terrance
TEAM Dyre Fest: Alyssa, Joseph, Kyle and Turner
Nominees: Joe and Turner

POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:

Lock your ranks in before midnight

2:28 pm Feeds return. BroChella nominees are Monte and Jasmine. Dyre Fest nominations haven’t happened yet.

2:31 pm Terrance and Turner
Turner – even if he did say that it would be fine if it was game talk
Terrance – no it was .. I hate when people misconstrue shit.
Turner – don’t tell him I told you
Terrance – the whole game with him flipping his vote against Indy all of that something just doesn’t sound right. something sounds fishy. It’s bullshit someone is giving lip service.

Jasmine is on the block and has to feed herself all on her Birthday month. The cruelty of the Big Brother Game on Full display.

2:35 pm Kyle, Terrance and Alyssa
Terrance about Joe and Turner “they’re panicking”
Terrance – I wonder if they did theirs and now we are about to do ours
Kyle – Probably
Terrance – I wonder how ours is going to be
Kyl e- they might let us inside..
Terrance – no we’ll do it near the Chinese checkers.. up there.
Terrance – They are panicking

3:10 pm Alyssa and Kyle (Hard to hear)
Kyle – What do you think he’s going to do?
Alyss a- put them
Kyle – it’s working
Alyssa- what you said to me…
Kyle- how do you feel about that?
(can’t hear reply)
Kyle – I hope Micheal takes out Monte so bad. I don’t think he will
Alyssa – I don’t think he will either

Kyle – I’m sorry I didn’t fill you in earlier they were already sketched about me hanging out with you I didn’t know what to do
Alyssa – you did what’s best

Kyle – Michael is playing too good of a game he’s won 6 comps
Kyle – I feel I have a relationship with him but then he picks Taylor and Monte like okay. I’m sure they have a relationship with him too.
Alyssa – I thought you would be there for sure
Kyle – I thought so too. especially that last one. I’m kinda glad thought that he didn’t. If MOnte was here it would be a totally different story
Kyle – are you mad at me
Alyssa – no what would I be mad at you
Kyle – I kept so much shit from you for so long. I feel bad
Kyle tells her Joe has been trying to get her out for weeks.
Alyss a- why
Kyle- he knows you are smart and you are a phsycial threat
Kyle adds that once they joined the five swatters he could see how good of a liar Joe was. Everything they told him he ran up to the HO room and ‘Layed everything out”
Kyle – what Jasmine was saying what indy was saying…everything
Kyle – he is the best player in the game right now
Kyle – one of us just has to win Veto.
Kyle – I’m worried about the four remaining in there forming a tight alliance. Monte, Brittnay, taylor, Michael .. I think Michael is smart enough to know he can’t take Monte and Taylor they are too strong competitors.
Kyle wants to Offer them him, Alyssa and Terrance instead.
Kyle- I can’t believe I told Terrance everything my entire game.. it was either I do it or Joe do it and then I’m the target.
Kyle tells her Taylor and Joe were PISSED at him when he didn’t use the veto.
Kyle – Joe wanted to keep Indy because she will do whatever he says.. but I won the veto.

3:12 pm The torture She’s still healing from her injury.

3:17 pm Jasmine shows Taylor her tattoo
Jasmine – what does that say at the bottom?
Taylor – I cannot tell the numbers.. I see a 3 a 5 and a 6 and a 8
jasmine – the first number is a three then there are dots
Taylor – yes

3:22 pm Joe and Turner
waiting for noms

3:30 pm Feeds cut to pound kittens

4:07 pm still pound

4:18 pm Feeds return. Turner and Joe are on the block.


4:30 pm Alyssa helps Terrance out.
Terrance – this is going to be an awkward night.
Alyssa – it’ll be a long seven days out here.

As Alyssa scrubs, she asks him which punishment he would have rather had
Terrance thinks he would have “Vibed” with punkaroo better

4:41 pm Terrance and Turner
Turner – Bro like..
Terrance – it was just when you came and told me about joe was saying that I said something about you.
Terrance brings up the “OTEV move” and Turner knowing about it. Joe must have told him.
Terrance – When I said the OTEV thing you said FACTS
Turner – I Swear to god bro I think I just said Facts ….
Terrance- OHH OHH I thought you said facts like you knew facts


25 thoughts to “Kyle- “I can’t believe I told Terrance everything my entire game””

  1. I don’t get why Terrance would think being with Kyle would be a good move, he’s proved he’s not loyal. He’ll always choose Alyssa over anyone else. I hope Turner can get in Terrance’s ear and steer him towards getting Kyle out. I’m kind of hoping for Joe to win POV and then Kyle goes up and gets the boot. I think Kyle will survive against Joe, but hopefully he’d go before Turner. The only one I care about on the outside is Turner, he better not go this week.

      1. Alyssa is using Kyle? PLEASE they are officially boyfriend and girlfriend they just haven’t announced it. They had sex already thats not USING kyle.

    1. Isn’t chosing Alyssa better than knowing Joe will ALWAYS take Monte over anyone else. Joe has done nothing but talked about everyone in the game. He is a horrible player.

  2. Kyle is NOT winning this game…

    The Leftovers control who wins so even if he is sitting with Alyssa or Terrance they will vote against him. He’ll be fidgeting like Paul when he knew Josh was going to beat him and make him a 2x runner up lol. 😀

    1. You forget, the LOs might be down two members after this week. And, if Kyle brings in Alyssa, Sweet T, Michael, & Brittany, they will be the majority! Leaves Taylor, Turner, & Jasmine on the other side.

      I don’t mind Kyle not using the veto to BD Alyssa. I have always thought it’s a stupid thing to get rid of one of YOUR numbers! The others weren’t satisfied getting out Indy because she was a vote for Joe and Monte, and maybe Taylor (You know, GIRL POWER!)

      Kyle should have said something about Taylor having a personal reason not to putting Jasmine on the block (it wasn’t because it was Jasmine’s BDAY). She honestly thinks Jasmine has her same thoughts and maybe it’s true. Jasmine might not vote against Taylor in the end.
      But, Taylor will not vote against Jasmine in the finals (Girl power…again!)

      Kyle knows or at least he thinks he knows Alyssa would give him her vote in the end. Who knows, maybe she has the thought of not voting against a woman in the finals (Girl …)

      I’m a woman and I’m not a fan of any of this mentality! The BEST player should win, no matter sex, race, or sexual orientation! Stop giving trophies to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

  3. I hope Turner wins the Veto, either way, a Leftover is going to Jury all because Kyle panicked and spilled his guts to save him and his showmance.

    If Turner wins the Veto, then Terrance puts up Kyle. Turner votes to evict Kyle, Alyssa votes to evict Joseph, Terrance breaks the tie, evicts Joseph.

    I think Kyle might have messed himself up, but then again, him outing the Leftovers, that’s not going to be a big deal when they are back in the house.

    Monte has been saying that he didn’t see why they have to keep hiding that they are all working together, Joseph was the one who didn’t want to make it known, he knew if that came out, his jury management efforts were down the drain.

    I’m hoping either Joseph or Kyle are evicted, I hope Turner wins the Veto so he’s safe.

    Not really a big fan of Terrance, Kyle, Joseph or Alyssa. Hope Jasmine get evicted, and then Joseph or Kyle are evicted, knowing about the leftovers now, it’s not really a big deal except for Joseph who was worried about Jury Management.

    1. Unless Turner knows for sure that Kyle exposed everything (ie: one of Terrance/Ally spilled some tea) I don’t think he keeps Kyle although he’d double-check with Terrance to see what his preference is.

      I’m guessing Turner will know the cat is out of the bag at that point anyway so voting to keep Kyle would put him in good stead with Ally, Kyle & Terrance.

      Doubtful he’d risk giving Joe a sympathy vote (for jury management) either.

  4. Which houseguest will explode first? Joe in what’s happening he’ll? Jasmine without minions? It’ll get boring but worth it. Interesting picks for both hoh’s. Kyle was read like an audible book. Now the great silence. Nah, he doesn’t know how when or where to enjoy the quiet. Cl

  5. Anyone else wish Kyle would wear a big boy cap??? He looks like a 11 year old spoiled kid on the beach in the Hamptons. Ok, maybe its just me. But it drives me nutzz!?

  6. Oh Kyle!! Spilling your guts to Terrance? Your showmance just screwed your game. You are acting like a teenager who has fallen in love for the first time.
    There was potential for you to win, but the wrong head got the better of you.
    Enjoy the jury in a few weeks…

  7. Kyle Terrance shouldn’t talk about ppl cuz there the ones on the block. So guess what Terrance you nor Michael can’t play next week so guess what your gonna be on the block with Kyle or alyssa. I’m gonna laugh.

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