Big Brother 13 – Sardines and Seaweed for the havenots and Porsche is on to Shelly

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2:07pm Backyard Shelly and Jordan Jordan is eating slop with the same pissed off look on her face. Shelly is saying she thinks Dani is under the impression that Shelly is on her side. Shelly plans on using that and if Shelly wins HOH next week she’ll put Dani up. Shelly isn’t worried about Jeff and Jordan she says that they are the strongest competitors. Shelly adds her only goal this week is to make sure that Jeff is safe and she thinks she can do it. Shelly adds that Rachel is very easily manipulated and Dani is probably going to take out Brendon and see if she can work with Rachel. Jordan wonders if Dani is thinking about taking Rachel to final 2 because she thinks she’ll win against her.

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Big Brother Spoilers: The houseguests are now playing the Have / HaveNot competition.. *Updated*

11:20am Porsche and Rachel are in the storage room talking. Porsche is asking if she’s sticking together with her four alliance. Rachel says yes but it is five with Dani but that they need Porsche’s help. Porsche says okay. Rachel tells Porsche she wants to keep her in the game, too and that she needs to win HoH. Rachel tells Porsche that they need to stick together. Rachel says that Porsche needs to win an HOH. Jeff comes into the storage room. Rachel says that whoever wins and that the last four are on slop. Porcshe tells Rachel that Adam and Kalia are flippy floppy. Porsche says that she wants Kalia to go because Kalia will be pain in the ass in the jury and that Dominic will be fine in Jury. Rachel asks if Porsche is in it to the end. Rachel says that her and Brendan are the biggest target. Porche says that Dominic is frustrated that he didn’t win. Rachel says that last summer she won every quiz, and that you have to get smart. Rachel tells Porsche that you need to anticipate, and think about who has fans. Rachel says thats how you need to think. Rachel says that Porsche is a target.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Rachel on Slop Day 1 “I Miss Wine” **Updated**

9:05pm HOH Bathroom Jordan and Kalia For the past 2 hours these 2 have been chit chatting.. conversations will blow you’re mind, for example Kalia is complaining how she is the biggest girl in the Big Brother 13 House and some days it makes her feel insecure. Jordan tries to make her feel better telling her that he’s a normal weight. Kalia says that she’s in a house with a bunch of skinny girls with big boobs. Kalia now proceeds to throw lawon under the bus..

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: America voted to let the HaveNots eat Jelly Beans and Jerky!

1:55pm When the live feeds come back from showing TRIVIA, All the houseguests are in the kitchen talking and making lunch. They talk about how the competition was about winning flavours. Adam tells Dani that he will trade his jerky for her golden key. America voted to give the havenots Jelly beans and Jerky! Dominic asks how many people do you think take the time to vote for the food we eat. Brendon says probably a lot! Dani talks about how excited she is that she will be able to sleep because there wont be any snoring because the snorers will be in the HaveNot room. So that means Adam and Dominic are HaveNots. Up in the HOH room Lawon comforts Kalia and tells her that he just wants to make sure she is okay. Cassi and Shelly are talking in the havenot room about how they tried really hard in the competition and that its just a game. They are talking about how Rachel acted in the competition. Shelly says that Rachel needs to put her big girl panties on and grow up! Shelly says that Rachel was over in the bush puking for a half hour. Shelly says that they all had to eat it …and it wasn’t that bad. Sounds like the HaveNots this week are Adam, Dominic and Shelly, Cassi AGAIN!

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: The houseguests are now competing in the Have/HaveNot competition!

10am Kalia, Brendon and Shelly are in the kitchen making breakfast and waking up. Brendon tells Shelly that big brother usually wakes them up early on a havenot competition day around 8:30 and then hold the competition around 11:30 / 12am. Dani gets ready in the bathroom. Then comes into the kitchen and asks when big brother locked down the backyard? Brendon tells her early. Dani asks when the competition will be held? Brendon says he thinks around noon. They talk about how the havenots will have to get some random food to eat again. Adam, Kalia, Dominic, Dani, and Brendon are all in the kitchen talking about music.

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Big Brother 11 Spoilers A new twist for the Have Nots

Red Room CHima, Natalie and Lydia. They are trying to figure out the have nots competition. Lydia wonders if the team will be fair or if they are going to get screwed again. Chima tells her not to be worried the producers “got the MEMO”, “I don’t give a fuck what they say they are fucked if we leave and we will leave” Lydia agrees saying “they” big brother production better watch out. Chima says this late in the game the producers cannot bring in new players America has grown to love an date us they can’t get replacements now. Chima starts bashing Russell talking about how stupid he was leaving his rosary here and how he?s not even a catholic he?s a “fucking Muslim Terrorist” Natalie asks CHima if she could talk to Michelle for her, Natalie thinks that Chima has a strong relationship with Michelle and Michelle will listen to her. She remind Chima to bring up Natalie?s offer to not out Michelle up next week if she wins HOH. Natalie also wants CHima to tell Michelle is she’s putting Natalie up she will be going back on her word with Chima.

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