Frank – “She’s not diabolical .. she’s goofy .. She’s so f*****g goofy.. She’s like this big kid”

8:00pm Storage room Frank, PAulie and Corey
Frank trying to get Da’Vonne out this week..
Hammers with with all the same reasons we’ve heard before, Tiffany’s a lone wolf, DA’Vonne can influence people, DA’Vonne is close to more girls.. Etc etc..
Frank’s pushing the angle that Da’Vonne is getting hooks into the girls.

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Natalie “Paul is Paulie’s little b***h. He is literally up Paulie’s butth*le!”

5:25pm HOH room – Nicole, Zakiyah & DaVonne Nicole says that Frank never cooks for himself and never cleans up when others cook for him. On his season he had Chef Joe cook for him every night and now he has Bridgette cooking for him every night. I’m confused he tells me to clean up and stuff. I cook and I clean up. DaVonne says I’ll never for get the day he stood at the refrigerator and let you take out the trash.

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“[Showmance] were up all night talking about.. ‘I wonder if this is the love of my life’ it’s bad.. I was watching it’s horrible” -DA

11:51am Da’Vonne and James living room

Da saying that the showmances (Nicoel/Corey/Paulie/ZAkiyah) were up all night talking about “I wonder if this is is the love of my life.. They are never going to choose one of us over them”
Da – I’ll tell you more later
Da’Vonne – it’s bad.. I was watching it’s horrible…. Nicole gone…
Jame s- you got to win HOH

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“What benefit does she have to anyone, she can’t win sh*t, she’s not smart, she’s got loose lips!”

12am HOH room – Paulie, Corey, Nicole and Michelle are talking. Michelle says that Bridgette is rescuing the Gorilla (Tiffany’s Stuffed animal). She (Tiffany) was like I’m just going to assume it slipped through the cracks. I didn’t hide it. Day did. Nicole says some people are doing these high school pranks. Its the only thing she has. Paulie says she did it to herself. Between our crew and their crew we have 4 comp wins and they have 4 comp wins ..

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Natalie “I shouldn’t have started liking you. You hurt my feelings bad!”

5:05pm – 6pm Havenot room – James and Natalie. Natalie is upset with James because he suggested to cuddle with Nicole in the bumper cars. Natalie says I just feel stupid! I opened up to you so much. James asks why do you feel stupid? Natalie says I feel stupid and dumb. Especially after today with everything you said in front of everyone. I feel like I look stupid. I should not have started liking you.

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Michelle – “Don’t give her the time of day to save herself.. She’s a knock off of her sister that can’t play Big Brother.. “

3:09pm Michelle and James
Michelle is blowing up because she doesn’t want to be around Tiffany and everyone is calling her mean due to her being rude to Tiffany (People says she’s mean to Bridgette also but it’s not mentioned in this conv)

Michelle – she betrayed us.. After what she did I don’t see how you guys can be OHH TIFFANY OHH TIFFANY I don’t want to be around her..

James – if you don’t want to talk to Tiffany thats likes what you do.. I’m not going to do it
Michelle – I don’t get why.. She betrayed all of us

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Paul “Pots & Pans motherf**ker! Nicole “Evil Dick did pots & pans” Paul “Evil Dick has nothing on Evil Paul”

12:10am HOH room – Paulie, Corey and Michelle are talking. Paulie says the way I look at it Tiff goes home this week and if we can get Frank or Bridgette out next week. Then the following week we go after Day .. then take care of Bridgette and Natalie. Bridgette will then have no one and if she does have any information it would have been from Natalie.

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Tiffany – “Da is a piece of Crap… f****g b1tch.. she basically F***ed my whole game.. Mamma demon”

9:14pm Frank and Tiffany
Frank says he talked to her earlier today and she told him she’ll vote his way if he has the votes .
Tiffany wants to know what MIchelle has against her.
Frank says it’s petty something she heard you said thru Da, “Something like I hate that Girl or some other bullshit”

Tiffany – Da is a piece of Crap…
Frank – I know she is

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Paul tells Frank “I think from what I can generally grasp is that Day is ah gone!”

7:50pm Corey asks should we tell him about the eight pack because they told him. Like hey we were in the eight pack but it was just to get Jozea out. We wanted to get you but you were over there with him (Jozea). Ncile says she asked me if I trust him (Paul) and I said I did because I didn’t want it to get back to him. Corey says she’s (DaVonne) being shaddy.

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Tiffany “I think it would be golden to have her [DaVonne] F**king a$$ sent home this week”

3:35pm – 4pm Tiffany talks to Paulie in the safari room. Tiffany says at this point I have nothing to lose and I want to be completely honest. I’ve been playing so wrong this whole time. I’ve been played like a little rag doll this whole time. Tiffany tells Paulie about the eight pack and how it formed. I wanted to work with you really bad because of our siblings. Michelle, Day and Nicole told me I couldn’t trust you.

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