“y’all will see the block 50% less if I’m still in this house cause I’ll be taking one of those seats..”

5:10 pm Brit, Tiff and Azah
Brit has been going over her 2 hours conversation with Ky in the HOH.
Brit says Ky told her there’s an unpredictable factor with both her and BIGD
Brit – The unpredictable thinks about BIGD is if I go home this week then he is the perfect pawn. If anyone sits next to bigD will go home next to bigD, If BIGD goes we eliminate an unpredictable factor of BIGD being the ultimate pawn. If I go in his eyes we are eliminating another unpredictable factor but the fact of the matter is the people that I trust in this house I’m not unpredictable.

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“It was basically a threat. I was like well game on!”

7:18pm Backyard – Britini and Claire.
Claire – how are you doing? Britini – I’m nervous. I am nervous man! I mean I started compiling together all my arguments today or earlier on. I think I have .. I mean I know there are reasons for me to be in this house. I know that for a fact! This move is only beneficial for one persons game and that is him (Ky). It doesn’t benefit anyone else in this house for me to go. I am a shield for every female because I’ve won a comp. I really don’t know how that makes me a shield but I am a shield somehow .. right!? And then you’ve got the fact that with me in this house you’re going to hit the block 50% less. Claire – MMmmhmmmm. Britini – that seems to be my home. You’re going to hit it less. And that fact that like there are big threat competitors .. and the only way to get them out of this house is to beat them and I can help in that effort. That I can do! There are definite reasons to keep me in the house. I’ve showed that.

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BIGD – “I feel like it’s a Frenchie part 2 if that makes sense”

11:05 am BIGD, X, Azah, Alyssa
They talk about how late the meetings were last night.
BIGD – I dunno.. I dunno .. I feel like I don’t know what I’m going to say yet. I might say anything. I dunno. At this point, I’m mentally drained. I have the worst headache ever. I feel like sh1t this morning.
BIGD says he stayed up late end never talked to Kyland.
BIGD – I feel like it’s a Frenchie part 2 if that makes sense that’s what it feels like a Frenchie part 2 I don’t know what to do.. and ..when Frenchie was on the block when Kyland was HOH I remember begging Frenchie you should go talk to him..

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“I don’t know what he’s [Ky] thinking. I don’t see a world where he uses it”

1:21 am Ky and Brit
Ky apologizes for holding his meetings so late say “it’s the game”
Brit – the first question I want to ask you is how generally are you doing
Ky – I’m doing well I appreciate all the things you are saying. I think because of the timing and the lateness and the nature of the position of being HOH I’m going to in general. outside of that question for tonight I’m not going to be answering questions from people. Not answer questions not make promises.

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Big D “I wish you hadn’t made that deal! I wish..” Kyland “I wish she could be a f**king adult!”

5:20pm HOH room – Azah and Big D.
Big D tells Azah about how Britini is going up as the replacement nominee as the target. Big D – if we would have won (veto) we would have been calm and collected because guess what Alyssa would be going up. But Alyssa won, so Britini is not going anywhere.. she’s not going home. She will go to jury and we will have time to spend with her when our time comes. You never know she could go to jury and I could be the next out spending time with her. We never know… but I don’t think that is that case. Azah – my struggle is I am doing this and I am trying to play my part in this.. Big D – I asked myself last night .. do you think you’re a villain? Azah – yeah, I feel like there are two things that I am struggling with .. I honestly empathize with Nicole F..

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Tiffany “Ky breaks your trust so he can earn it back.” Derek “I see why women hate men!”

1:12pm HOH room. Kyland talking to the cameras.
Kyland – I am taking Claire off the block. She would have to say something crazy .. like I don’t even know.. I can’t think of what that would be so.. I mean I guess I could but it shouldn’t happen. It would have to come from DX basically. DX would have to tell me why we have to send her home. The three of us have had the power to .. and influence to make major decision in the house.. and the other three have not. And honestly what that comes down to is that some of us are looking at the greater strategy and others are only looking at what is in front of them. Whereas, others are looking at other peoples game. Basically what I am trying to figure out right now is how do I bring everyone together to show why not everyone should make decisions ..because probably decisions that I make are wrong but like I am checking on them and looking at options that a lot of people would miss..

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“I wanted to be in a showmance with KY but he chose Sarah Beth nobody chooses the Black Girl so I’ll just have to go home and Check my DM’S”

1:34 am Detective Meeting
They start off joking around.
Tiff – I wanted to be in a showmance with KY but he chose Sarah Beth nobody chooses the Black Girl so I’ll just have to go home and Check my DM’S.
Feeds flip When we’re back they are speculating about what the next HOH is going to be.
Tiff asks Kyland if Brit knows.
Ky – no, why would she know anything?
Kyland is justifying taking Brit out because she didn’t spend her BB bucks and she got BB bucks during OTEV. She’s saving her cash for roulette plays next week.

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Kyland “So 100% both of you will vote out Britini, right?!” Xavier “Yes, 100% 100%!”

8:35pm HOH room. Xavier and Kyland.
Xavier and Ky talk about the veto competition. Xavier asks if there was a deal beforehand to throw it to her (Alyssa). Kyland – there was not a deal for me to throw it to her. Alyssa said that she .. I told her if you want to know I can tell you but I think that if you do know it is harder because then everyone will ask you and its a lot easier if you say you didn’t know. Right before she said we can reconnect and talk. So 100% both of you will vote out Britini right?! Xavier – yes. Ky – over Big D because Big D is staying up. Xavier – 100% 100%! Big D and Azah will vote to keep her. Ky – Azah can vote for Britini. It will be 7 – 1. Xavier – oh yeah Big D can’t vote. So yeah it would be 7 – 1 because everyone else would vote to evict Britini.

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Kyland & Alyssa WON VETOs!! Ky “Claire is a little bit nervous so if I take her off she will feel good & Alyssa just won’t use it.”

Bedroom – Azah and Big D.
Big D – I didn’t even say nothing. I didn’t even acknowledge her. She was whispering to Derek the answer. That’s why I don’t like that B***H! This whole season I have been calm but with her I can’t be calm no more! I do not like her. Azah – I know she is going to tell Ky. Big D – I’m not worried about that punka$$ b***H! I really cannot stand her.

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