Candice says Gina is ignorant, she can’t hold a conversation without it being all about herself.

12:05pm Andy, Judd and Candice are out on the backyard couch talking. Candice gets called to the storage room. She says yay, I hope its my new clown suit. She says that she asked for a child size suit. She heads to the storage room and finds a smaller suit. She changes and then says thanks Big Brother! She heads outside and says it’s getting better. Judd says it looks the same to me. Candice says that she just wants it looking god for the live show. So I can pop that pu$$y! Candice talks about Howard. She says that her white mom will really like Howard especially when he has his shirt off because she likes big black men. She says that he black mom probably stopped watching a while ago.

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Judd says Jessie would be a bitter jury member but give her a compliment and you would get her vote.

9:45am Helen wakes up and heads to the backyard for her morning run. At 10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the feeds come back, Judd is in the kitchen saying we still in this b*tch. He tells Gina to write that in her blog. Judd heads out to the backyard. Helen says it’s day 45 people! At midnight we’ll be half way! Up in the HOH room – Gina tells Aaryn that the toilet downstairs it all fu*king orange. Gina says ah it’s nice to be queens. Aaryn says you the queen, I’m the princess. Gina says no we’re both queens. Aaryn says this week.

10:30am – 10:50am Out in the backyard – Helen talks to Andy about how she was talking to Elissa last night and she want to keep Candice. I talked to her and she says that she will vote Candice out but it’s a constant battle with her each week.

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Aaryn tells Amanda that her feet look like duck feet. Amanda says says “EWw.. I look like SNOOKI!”

1:30am Out in the backyard – Andy, Elissa, Helen, Candice, Jessie and Spencer are talking. Candice looks at her clown-tard and says I HAVE A HOLE! They gave hole! I think this is a pee hole?! This is a pee hole! They gave me a pee hole! Spencer says it’s going to be hard to navigate that. Canidce says maybe it’s for a pen!s? Andy says only for a tiny pen!s. Andy asks like what size of a pen!s can fit through that?! Candice says maybe yours! Andy says that’s true. They start talking about Amanda’s tanning sessions that will happen throughout the night. Candice says I am definitely staying in bed because everything I get up I have to put this sh*t on. Jessie suggests Candice stay in bed all day. We could bring you food and stuff. We could just come to your bed to hand out. Candice says I like Jessie’s idea – I should just stay in bed all day because I don’t have to put this clown suit on. They asks Andy to do some improv.

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Big Brother 15 Bachelor Party YO “Who stole my chicken cutlet t!ty”

11:26pm Bachelor party
JUDD is talking about his buddy back home called SCOOTER, “He’s a party Animal.. my partner in crime we do all the scheming”

Andy says he was a bit bummed to see Howard go he thought he was a nice person. Andy, Kaitlin and Howard were the hardest two for Andy the other four he didn’t give a sh!t.
Andy brings up when he was in the room with Helen and Jermey during Jeremy’s last ditch effort to stay in the house, “I was with Master Chen… OHh that was racist .. Master Kim.. f*** I’m going to sit Jeremy down and chop his head off with a samurai sword” Amanda says he’s a racist now. Andy explains Helen always calls herself Helen Chen bot he was thinking Chen instead of Kim.
They talk about Jeremy leaving. McCrae felt a bit sad for Jeremy leaving, he respected how he went out and how he tried to stay
Spencer: “His I’m a champion when I poop speech didn’t help him”

Andy: ‘If jessie burritos herself in the bed tonight I’m going to baby shake her”

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“I’ve never seen a veto where people are fighting during the veto” -Amanda

9:25pm Amanda and McCrae Cockpit

They are giving each other foot massages. Andy joins them (Drink)
MC asks him whats the word. Andy: “Helen is in the back yard talking about her childhood nobody cares” Amanda asks about Candice if she’s sad. Andy thinks she’s doing alright he caught her crying a couple times. Andy says that deep down Candice doesn’t think Amanda is lying about what Howard told her. Andy says Candice is a bit upset because she feels she cannot go to the HOH room.

Amanda: “It’s her own damn fault.. she never dropped it.. that racism stuff she never could drop it” Amanda adds that in this house you have to drop sh!t, After Elissa called her a stripper she dropped it after a day. They wonder if Candice will just roll over this week.

Andy doesn’t think there will be a lot of strategizing and scheming. Andy: “it’s going to get tough these next couple weeks” Amanda list off all the people they need to

Andy: “JUDD scares me because he’s playing a similar game to me”

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Big Brother Spoilers the Clownie reveal “it wasn’t entertaining she F****** sucks ” -GM

6:19pm HOH MC and Aaryn with Amanda in the shower

Talking about how humiliated Candice is going to be when she leaves in the clownie-tard. MC points out that it’s going to bug Candice a lot because the clown is Aaryn’s doll. MC jokes that she might self evict.
Aaryn: “It’s the best revenge of what she did to me”

Gm joins them.. says if she’s choking while she sleeps she is allowed to take the cone off. She’s also allowed to take it off while she changes her tops.

Andy joins them (Drink) says Candice just go called into the Diary room to probably get her clownie-tard

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GM gets the Cone and Candice has to wear the Clownie-tard for a week, “Imagine how bad her a$$ will smell”

4:55pm HOH Jessie, GM and Aaryn.
Aaryn saying if they put up Elissa the will have more blood on their hands. She advises they put up Spencer. Aaryn adds Amanda told her if ELissa goes up Elissa goes home. GM: ‘Good then Elissa goes home”
Aaryn: “over Candice”
GM: “Ya”
Aaryn: “But we’ve burnt so many bridges with Candice”
GM: “Candice can’t win sh!t”
JUDD comes up and GM asks the ladies to leave so she can chat with JUDD in private

JUDD says everyone was telling him to go for prizes and he doesn’t want GM to think he didn’t try for the Veto. GM tells him he is not going up and in return she wants him to keep her off the block if he won HOH. THey shake on the deal.

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Big Brother 15 SPOILERS – Power Of Veto RESULTS!

12:30pm – 2:20pm Big Brother switches the Live Feeds to TRIVIA for the Power of Veto COMPETITION! When the feeds return, we learn that JESSIE won the VETO!

Summary of the Veto Competition:
Jessie won the veto
Candice has to wear a clown suit for a week
Spencer won a trip to the Bahamas
JUDD won $5,000
Amanda is going to be spray tanned throughout the next 48 hours every time music plays. “50 SHADES of Orange” (50 times?)
Ginamarie has to wear a dog cone for 48 hours. “Cone of Shame”

Judd and Ginamarie go up to the HOH room. Gimamarie is happy for what Judd did during the competition. They talk about how Jessie won the veto. Candice has to wear a clown suit for the week. Spencer won a trip to Bahamas. Gina says that Spencer wanted to be greedy and take that trip instead of trying to win the veto. Spencer is going up in Jessie’s place. The competition had to do with frogs.

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TROUBLE IN PARADISE! McCrae says you’re yelling at me telling me to SHUT THE F**K UP!

12:15pm In the havenot room – Judd asks what if I won it and I used it on Candice so that Jessie would go home. I would say here you go Candice I just want to ensure Jessie goes home. Judd says worst case Amanda a bigger target goes home. Amanda jokingly says f**k you Judd. Judd says Candice could be MVP if she is friends with Eddie Murphy. Judd says I struck a deal with her. Eddie Murphy might put me in the Nutty Professor 4. Judd leaves to let Amanda and McCrae talk. McCrae says we are in an alliance with Aaryn. She is acting like a whinny little bit*h but you need to think about your alliance before you think of yourself. I want you to stay here of course but if you can get Gina to use the veto then you will look like the puppet master controlling people.

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BIG BROTHER 15 Spoilers – MVP Nomination & VETO Player RESULTS!

10:30am – 10:55am The Big Brother 15 live feeds switch to TRIVIA for Big Brother to reveal who America chose as the 3rd NOMINEE and for the house guests to pick VETO PLAYERS! When the live feeds return, we learn that America chose AMANDA as the 3rd MVP Nomination.

THE POWER OF VETO PLAYERS ARE: Candice, Jessie, Gina, Amanda, Spencer, Judd!

HOST of the POV: Aaryn

10:55am Up in the HOH room – Amanda, Jessie, Helen, Andy, McCrae and Gina are talking about the MVP nomination. They all agree that Candice is still the target. They wonder if Candice got MVP. Amanda has been nominated by America as the MVP. Amanda tells the others that Spencer told her that if he wins the Veto he will use it on her to prove his loyalty to her. Amanda wonders why anyone would use it on her.

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Aaryn says if I get MVP you all should self-evict because I have done nothing MVP worthy!

8:30am Big Brother wakes up the House Guests. When the live feeds return, Helen and Andy are talking about who the MVP might be this week. Helen says that if Spencer goes up it would be Ginamarie. They continue speculating on who it could be depending on who goes up. Andy asks who do you think we need to take long term. Helen says that she thinks taking Spencer to the final 3 would be the best option. Helen says I think we need to take out McCrae soon, if we take Amanda to the end no one will vote for her. Helen says McCrae needs to go before Amanda as she is easier to beat. Helen says that McCrae will always been seen as less of a threat than Amanda. They think if they keep Jessie and Aaryn in the game they we go after Amanda. Helen says that others will take Amanda and McCrae out for us. Andy thinks we have a good solid few weeks of being safe. Andy and Helen leave the storage room.

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Aaryn asks if H & C go home because of us, do you realize how that looks? Gina says what like black on black crime?

1:05am Ginamarie talks to Aaryn about how she hasn’t been a havenot and people want her to throw it. Ginamarie says I am here to compete, this is a competition, get off you’re fat a$$es and do something about it. Can you play like everyone else, I don’t understand it. Aaryn says MVP was already passed out. Gina asks how do you know that? Aaryn says because it’s the night before. When Elissa got it it was the night before. Gina asks how do you know that did she tell you? Aaryn says Helen told me. Gina says don’t believe everything you hear. You can listen but don’t believe it. Gina says it could be tomorrow morning. Gina comments that I haven’t heard anyone called into the diary except for me because I am HOH. Aaryn says because you know how he came over the speaker and called me? Gina says yeah. Aaryn says he did that to Amanda too in the cockpit. Gina asks he did what to Amanda? Aaryn says called.. Big Brother cuts the feeds. When they come back, Gina says that sucks, whatever!?

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