Last night the finale of Big Brother 17 aired and Steve Moses was crowned the winner by a vote of 6 – 3 taking home the 500,000 grand prize. Steve had said numerous times through out the season that it wasn’t about the money, it was about the experience and if he left without a dime he would still be happy.
Tag: Austin Matelson
Big Brother 17 House guest

Big Brother 17 Finale Night
It’s finally here the finale for Big Brother 17. Personally I really enjoyed the season much better than the last 4. Tonight we’ll see Vanessa and Steve face off in the final Head of household competition. The final HOH competition looks to be a crossword called B.B Gazette. Both Vanessa and Steve have told each other they are taking the other one to the end.

Big Brother 17 – After the 2 day feed outage
Liz votes to evict Steve
Johnnymac votes to evict Austin
Vanessa breaks the tie evicts Austin
Evicted houseguest is Austin
Doesn’t wear shoes.. (LOL)
Austin says Vanessa would have made it to the end she didn’t have to scumbag him and Liz.

Steve “I had a Final 2 with her and I gave her a taste of her own medicine”
12am Austin is in the kitchen eating. He then gets ready and heads to bed. Austin says tomorrow the backyard will probably be locked down. He says he’ll do some upper body workout. Liz tells him not to do anything to hurt himself. She says he needs to be on his game to win the next HOH comp. Austin says he’ll be good. I just want to get to the next comp. Liz says I love you. Austin says I love you. I think we’re okay no matter what though. I think Johnny Mac is serious. I think he’s crazy and he’s serious. If that’s the case then Vnaessa is going to take us to final 3 too. If that’s the case then we made it. Liz says I don’t want to jinx it. We need to jedi mind drill tomorrow.

“I hate all of you, you all need to go.. I don’t feel bad about any of this”
5:38pm Jmac and Vanessa
Jmac says she’s made a lot of moves she’ll get a lot of Jury votes.
Vanessa says the things she did are unknown.
Vanessa says Liz can win HOH’s, if they Keep Steve and they win the Veto they take her.

“you need to convince her to convince me not to vote you out”
3:13pm Jmac and Steve
Steve saying he doesn’t know what to say to Vanessa.
Jmac – It’s tough
Steve – I’m crunching numbers right now.. I’m going to run it by you before I tell her just to have another head go through it
Jmac – you need to convince her to convince me not to vote you out

Veto Ceremony Results! “Well Bucko! Its down to me and you!”
12pm The live feeds return to Liz and Austin in the kitchen looking for vitamins. Austin tells Johnny Mac they should get ready to workout. Austin tells Steve Well Bucko! Its down to me and you! Steve heads into the comic bedroom and tells Johnny Mac its down to Vanessa. Johnny says yeah. Johnny Mac says he’s going to go workout. He asks if Steve is going to come out. Steve says no I need to figure out what I’m going to do. Johnny Mac says come up with some ideas and then let me know. In the living room – Liz hugs Austin and tells him she love him. He says I love you too.

“You need to work on your relationship with Johnny. You need to have his vote locked in”
8:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Steve says they woke us up before 9am today. Vanessa asks but why? Steve says maybe we have the veto meeting coming up. Vanessa says yeah because its sunday. Are we not supposed to. Steve asks do you know what you’re doing? Vanessa jokingly says no, I’m going to flip a coin. Steve asks don’t tell me what you’re doing.. you know what you’re doing? Vanessa says yes. Steve says okay. Vanessa says I know why we have to do it soon. They want us to sit out side while I do it so then they could set up the comp. Steve asks for the next HOH? Vanessa says yes.

Johnny Mac “I’m sick of everyone playing nice! Its time for me to do bad things!”
12:30am Backyard Hammock – Johnny is talking to Austin & Liz. Johnny says I was really only loyal to Becky. When she was gone I had to work with what I got (Steve). Austin says when she (Becky) came up and told them all about how much she hated Vanessa she left you out of it so we didn’t know. It would have been good to know you guys were together. That might have changed things. We just assumed she was with the gremlins. Johnny says it felt like at the time there was nothing they could say to get James and Meg nominated over him and Becky.

“The goblins aren’t my friends, I just didn’t take them out”
9:33pm – 10:17pm HOH Vanessa and Jmac
Vanessa – bro what am I going to do
Vanessa – now that you’ve won this veto it’s actually better for me, you’ve won 4 vetoes, very impressive it s a great record.
Vanessa- who has a better chance of winning Liz or Austin
jmac – Austin had more on his plate.. than those two have

“you are not going home this week, you have the most trustworthy person on your side”
She asks Steve who will win in the end Liz or Austin.
She tells Steve not to touch her skittles.
Steve asks her if she can explain this
Vanessa says he can not those skittle scenarios are private.
Steve goes through the jury votes, Says he will vote for Liz in the finals.
Vanessa – really

Power Of Veto Competition Results! “I had no idea Johnnymac was close to winning it”
4:42Pm Feeds come back
Liz and Austin have to be careful what they say.
Austin – Worst case Scenario we just make sure we have his vote.
Liz – I’m pissed how it happened I could have won it.