We’re nearing the end of the season here with 10 days to go. It’s all about winning competitions now. Monte won the Head of Household for the week and nominated Brittany and Alyssa. Brittany was the target. The veto was played but not by Monte who didn’t get up in time to make it to […]
Tag: Alyssa Snider

Alyssa “I feel good with Turner. He’s the homie so I hope that he pulls through on that end”
7:15pm HOH room – Alyssa and Monte
Alyssa – I checked in with Turner and Brittany earlier today and I just wanted to check in with you so that I can get it over with and enjoy my night and not have to stress about it. I feel good with Turner. He is the homie so I hope that he pulls through on that end and so I am feeling decent with him. Brittany same sh*t. She is undecided. She’s like you know I am tight with Taylor and she has been my girl throughout the game and you know I love you but I have to think this through.. so I am pretty sure I know what that means .. which I know might put you in an awkward position so all I ask is that you think about it and make the best decision for your game and I love you no matter what.. I just wanted to make that very clear that there are no hard feelings but I hope you think about it and weigh your options ..

Brittany – “If there is a 1% chance I will do it”
3:50 pm ALyssa and Brittany
Brittany says she hasn’t been able to talk to Taylor to ask if Turner is voting her out.
Britt – All I Know he told me if he was going to break it it would break it to you tonight. If he doesn’t talk to you and he doesn’t break it that is a good sign. If he does let me know how that conversation goes.
Britt – even if it’s a tie you have a fighting chance.

Turner “She was like if you vote me out then you do not have my vote ..and we can’t be friends outside of this house”
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Monte Nominees: Brittany Taylor & Alyssa POV Players: Monte, Brittany, Alyssa, Turner, Taylor POV Winner: Brittany Veto Ceremony: Brittany use the power of veto on herself. Taylor nominated Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed 7pm HOH room – Monte and […]

“They made it impossible for me to help you this week.” **Updated**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Monte Nominees: Brittany Taylor & Alyssa POV Players: Monte, Brittany, Alyssa, Turner, Taylor POV Winner: Brittany Veto Ceremony: Brittany use the power of veto on herself. Taylor nominated Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed 8:05 am Taylor secures her vote […]

Turner “I am probably going to vote Alyssa out.. but don’t f**king tell Alyssa that!” *UPDATED*
7:35pm HOH room – Monte and Turner.
Turner – I just figured it would be easier for me to divulge my actual conversation with Brittany rather than with Taylor there because sometimes I don’t know what to share but I tell you everything so I was like I will just wait. Monte – yeah, what’s happening? What was the real shake down. Turner – so it was for the most part like that but I did learn some interesting things so I was just like but honestly I did pull her into the corner because I just didn’t want it to be all weird .. so I just wanted to talk it out because I knew she knew and I was just lie having a conversation about it .. but the interesting things I pulled from the conversation .. like I don’t know this is probably best not to say in front of Taylor but for no reason maybe it doesn’t matter.

Power of Veto Ceremony Results “I’m being put in a vulnerable position for the 5th time” **updated**
11:52 am Taylor and Brittany
They hug “I love you”
Britt – A girl has to win.
Taylor – the people that were against have to choose between us
Britt – how poetic would it be the girl who wasn’t invited to Girls girls and the girl who broke out are the final 2 girls.
Taylor – we just have to get there

Monte “I probably didn’t give America what they wanted, they probably wanted to see me slap him.” **Updated**
12:10pm Backyard – Alyssa and Monte suntanning and chatting about their outside lives, Amazing Race, etc. Montes – I think this season has been awfully entertaining. And maybe we’re biased because we’re in it but at the same time I can’t think of half of the sh*t that happened here that happened last year. Alyssa – I know. Monte – not even a quarter. Its just so much stuff. I think we’re giving the people what they want. Alyssa – I think so too. Monte – plenty of drama, plenty of shock factor, twists.. there hasn’t been any .. well Daniel kind of exploding on me was something but I probably didn’t give America what they wanted, they probably wanted to see me slap him or something. Alyssa – Daniel .. shut your mouth! Oh my god yeah he was out of pocket. Monte – he is 35 years old and acts very much like a child.

“Two Guys One Girl” **Updated**
3:18 am Turner joins them..
Taylor asks “If I go up Monday will you vote to keep me in the house?”
Turner – Even though she’s my best friend I’m totally fine with sending her home and us three making it to the end. I know Brittany is pitching a final 3 with every single person in this house.
Turner – we can make it to the end easily I’m totally fine with sending Alyssa out
Taylor – we go
Turner- we go
Turner – you with it?
Taylor – lets do it

Monte “It was just so f**ked to have that conversation. It just disgusted me man!”
6pm Backyard. Turner and Monte.
Monte – that conversation I had with Brittany.. it was so out of pocket. It was so hard to keep a straight face. She was trying to get me to say something instead of just telling me. The same old bullsh*t as last week. She said that she feels closer to Taylor because Taylor filled her in on everything that happened last week.. but Taylor couldn’t have said anything more that what I told her last night.. So that is BS! I honestly can’t f**King trust Brittany. I honestly don’t know if she will vote for Taylor. I think she is going to assume that you’re going to vote for Alyssa if Taylor is on the block. I think she would actually vote for Alyssa to stay.. Turner – and then put the blame on me? That it was the opposite.

“I feel like it is way better for my game for you to stay this week.”
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Monte Nominees: Brittany & Alyssa POV Players: Monte, Brittany, Alyssa, Turner, Taylor POV Winner: Brittany Veto Ceremony: Havenots: Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed 12pm Bedroom – Taylor and Brittany. Brittany – I know that trusting anyone in this house […]

Monte to Turner – “I’m telling you this as a person and a human you are not going up 100%” **Updated**
7:58 am Monte and Turner
Monte – I’m telling you this as a person and a human you are not going up 100%
Turner – thank you
M – I thought about this all morning.. WHy the hell would I put you up. First of all I don’t trust those two would make the decision to keep you over Alyssa and especially now that you have Michael on your resume. Secondly I have also been pondering this whole girls thing they said that Alyssa brought it up and Brittany is putting it on Taylor. Taylor is putting it on Alyssa, Alyssa is putting it on Brittany.. I’m like BRO if you are gone I’m done next week.. I’m out.
T – that is what I was thinking..