“Two Guys One Girl” **Updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Monte
Nominees: Brittany & Alyssa
POV Players: Monte, Brittany, Alyssa, Turner, Taylor
POV Winner: Brittany
Veto Ceremony:

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation Taylor will be the replacement nomination and it sounds like Alyssa is going to be evicted. Brittany continues to spiral.

12:48 am – 1:50 am Brittany, Alyssa and Taylor
Brittany says she hates puzzles.
Taylor – I know this week is going to be hard no matter who you are next to.
Alyssa cries about the stresses of being on the block.
Chit chat …
Alyssa says she wouldn’t go out of her way to visit Nicole.
Chit chat … .

2:26 am Alyssa and Taylor
Alyssa – I’m going to try to head to bed and be a normal human being tomorrow. Eat something good take care of yourself..
Alyssa – Love you
Taylor – Love you to
Alyssa – I’m sad this is the game and I know it. Whatever happens happens. Crappy things..
Taylor – I just wish it wasn’t one of us
Alyssa – so soon.. it’s okay we’ll figure it out.. I’m trying to stay positive
Alyssa – Tomorrow is a new day blah blah blah.. I’m happy to have you here I really am
Taylor – Good night

2:51 am Taylor and Monte
Taylor is saying that last year she just watched until the cookout made it to 6 then she stopped because she didn’t want to see them turn on each other. She ended up watching the finale.
Taylor – I don’ think I’ve been more upset with being on the block than this time.
Taylor – you are trusting more people to save me if you trust me I will show you with action

Monte – Brittany is in a position where she is safe. She continues to lie to me.
Monte – how does it benefit your game to NOT take the shot nest week?
Monte – Even if Turner wins HOH next week what is the worst thing that can happen? Turner puts you and Brittany up I choose You
Monte says if he puts Turner up it’s too easy for them to take a big target out and evict Turner. Monte is then stuck having to win veto the following week.
Monte – as opposed to having someone that is not targeting me specifically for next week.
Monte says Turner’s actions recently have shown him he can trust Turner “he comes to me with information hot off the press. He lets me know where his head is at. If he wins HOH he’s talking Game.. Brittany completely ended all that last week and is only doing it now because I won HOH”
Monte – and wants to do it more now that she won Veto

They start to talk about how Michael sat on the Kyle information for 1 month.
Monte – you Take out Indy then the following week they go to Dyre fest. All that time we were in here doing nothing.. Nothing, why not bring it up then?
Monte about Brittany – she says everything wrong in our conversations. They wait until Michael wins the veto to share the information with us
Monte brings up that Michael and Brittany told him in the have not room he proposed to put Terrance up but they were wanting Kyle.
Monte – Ohh so you guys had this thought already what to do. This wasn’t something that came off the top of the DOME.
Monte – she said it was bad for her game.. she said sharing that information about Kyle was bad for his (Mikes) game. He then promised Turner not to take him out the following week and Turner took him out the week after
Monte – you think that is the reason why Michael left? She just keeps saying the wrong shit to me.
Taylor – it’s so f**Ing weird
Monte – Brittany and Michael had it in their head they wanted Kyle up that is why they shared the information when they did

3:18 am Turner joins them..
Taylor asks “If I go up Monday will you vote to keep me in the house?”
Turner – Even though she’s my best friend I’m totally fine with sending her home and us three making it to the end. I know Brittany is pitching a final 3 with every single person in this house.
Turner – we can make it to the end easily I’m totally fine with sending Alyssa out
Taylor – we go
Turner- we go
Turner – you with it?
Taylor – lets do it
Turner – Fire
They fist bump
Taylor – we should name this guys girls
Taylor – Girls guys
Monte – 2 guys 1 girl
Taylor – please no
they laugh..
Taylor – have Julie Chen say that.. 2 guys 1 girl..
Monte – even if Brittany tries to pull a fast one it’ll be split I’ll pick Alyssa
Monte – my biggest concern is Brittany continues to say stuff that is so off putting and not owning up to anything about last week. She’s trying to blow smoke to cover her tracks
Monte – Apparently she came up with the both of you the night I won HOH saying she wants to solidify a final 2.
Taylor and Turner – mmmmhmm
Monte – what the hell..
Taylor – I was laying their tripping balls from that panic attack..
Monte – her true colours will come out when you and Alyssa are on the block. if she starts pitching to Turner about Alyssa than .. I think that is the proof in the pudding right there that she was never to be trusted. I know how much you’ve had a relationship with her.
Turner – she was pitching for me to get Michael out of this house then she wins (Veto) and says it’s for Michael. Where the f** is any loyalty right now. What the hell.
Monte – even her explanation didn’t make sense to me
Taylor – what she tell you
Monte – she said something about he was my only friend in the house and you know it just felt like we were so close. He said all those things to give me a sign what was out there.
Turner – what the f***
Monte – that is what she said.. he laid out all that information to help her..
Turner – What
Monte – how does that possibly work
Taylor – yeah

Turner – as long as she doesn’t win HOH or Veto we’re chilling
Monte – the two of you vs her in HOH I feel pretty good about the odds there.

5:00 am Chit chat.. Monte just made himself a coffee!!!!

5:10 am Turner and Alyssa are having some coffee to.

6:16 am who needs sleep?

6:31 am Waiting for the sunrise

7:00 am Sunrise!

7:47 am Taylor Alone
“Oh my god how how how did I end up in an alliance with Turner and Monte called Girls Guys and I named it. I literally signed up for third place”
“The only way this works is if I win HOH and Brittany wins Veto”

8:36 am Taylor still on the hammock alone
“I don’t win this game unless I dominate these next few comps otherwise I am carried and I don’t want to be carried by the guys I never wanted to be carried by the guys it’s not the game I want to play”
“I will work out every day I will play mental games, Games that test my brain I will look for patterns and do puzzles that I can do”
“I have to stay sharp. Turner cannot win this next HOH. It has to be mine”

10:06 am Turner is cleaning the kitchen. Taylor is laying in the hammock.

10:48 am Feeds are quiet

11:04 am Turner is adding to the Towel Pile The camera pans to it.
Turner – don’t focus on that.. ohh my god.. okay yeah.. .you go right back to looking at my towel pile

11:11 am Turner hauls the towel pile away
“The towel pile is no more”

11:25 am Turner and Brittany
Brittany – I heard the sunrise was not memorable
Turner – no it was not.. it’s almost memorable because of how unmemorable it was.

Turner – Is there LA weather in Texas or do you get clouds
Brittany – Umm we get a lot of clouds
Turner – OHH that’s DOPE

11:33 am chilling

11:45 am Brittany is showering. Alyssa and Monte making food and joking around.
Alyssa says she’s been to LA twice before once when her Mom won tickets on the radio to the finale of American Idol. The other time was when she auditioned for Love Island.
Feeds flip.. When we’re back
“the whole character was sexy and ruthless.. so I didn’t do that but I did come.. ”
Feeds flip again ..

(This batch of houseguests have some messed up sleeping schedules. )

29 thoughts to ““Two Guys One Girl” **Updated**”

      1. turner’s in a pretty good spot. he wins next week’s hoh, which is likely, he’s safe. problem is he doesn’t decide who goes home, the person he keeps safe/veto winner does, and monte/taylor is a bad combo as they’ll protect each other. he really should fight harder to keep alyssa. that way monte and brittany target each other next week if he’s hoh and he has weaker competition in the final hoh which is must win regardless.

  1. Why would you want to vote out Alyssa over Taylor? Alyssa wins nothing so you can get rid of her next week. Turner has to know that Taylor is taking Monte to final two.

  2. Tylor otb – great. But make her the target! She doesn’t need to trust Brittany to save her. There is no reason for her to evict her. Alyssa can be stupid enough to do so. She is also less of a threat for that last veto.

  3. I don’t think Turner has any intention AT ALL to vote Alyssa out. He has proven time and time again he will convincingly concur, nod and agree to do anything and then do what suits his game. That’s the name of this game. That’s what Michael should have done. Turner still has time to convince Monte to get rid of Taylor. If he does, he wins the game. Knocks out Monte next week and rolls to the end. If Alyssa does leave, Turner wins HOH and puts up Monte and Brittany. Monte gets evicted and Turner rolls to the end with whoever is left. Doesn’t matter. He wins against anyone but potentially Monte.

  4. I have been wanting Alyssa gone for so long because she’s totally useless But I do think if they keep Taylor she will end up winning

    1. I prefer Taylor winning. Unfortunately, Monte will win. Very sick of him agging on Brit constantly. Build a bridge and get over it, big boy.

      1. For sure he’s being too self-righteous about her. She’s clearly in panic mode, it’s not evil or personal.

        He sees everything she says now through a negative filter. The fact she said that him putting up Turner would rebuild their relationship for next week, is just common sense. He wants to see it as a threat so he can ride on his outrage.

        1. They don’t have a relationship to rebuild. Brittany wants to take over Michael’s position, but Monte and Turner have no reason to want anything to do with her.

  5. I hope Alyssa is the one to be evicted. Nothing against her personally, but I just feel like she has contributed absolutely nothing to this season other than her showmance with Kyle. Not saying Taylor is some amazing player as she is not, but at least she has been involved in the game and has been a significant part of the storyline this year. I feel Taylor, Monte, and Turner would be at least somewhat acceptable winners of this season (even though I don’t think any have played super great). I do not think Alyssa and Brittany would be good winners though and would bring down the stock of what I feel has been overall a fairly good season.

  6. Goodness, why in the world would you want to keep Taylor? Wake up before it’s too late! She’s the biggest snake of all!

  7. while turner feels like he will be targeted when its down to 3. who cares, your going to be final 3. play the game and make it happen. its still a smart way to go. because if turner left this week. monte would next. and that would kill the season if neither of them are in final. hopefully both are.

    1. yeah, i never understood the obsession with final 2 deals over final 3. final 3 is just about who wins that final hoh which renders any final 2 deal irrelevant. at this point everyone should just be thinking keep players who are weak in comps. turner has to be top of everyone’s target list, alyssa should be at the bottom, and i’d give monte a slight edge over brittany and taylor but it’s pretty close between those 3.

    1. Turner will most likely share the information with Brit about the formation of “Guy’s girls”, in an attempt to keep Alyssa, and if he does it before Taylor does, that may be enough to “spook” the already spiraling Brittany into thinking she needs to change direction and save Alyssa for her best opportunity to advance to the final 3.

      I’m sure she’d ask Taylor about it, and if she denied, that may spook her even worse, but if she admitted it with the proper explanation, Brit could say “Why didn’t you come to me and tell me sooner? Why did I have to find out about this from Turner and not you?”

      You really can’t blame Taylor for saying yes to this, as her ass is on the block and Monte could easily send her to jury on a split vote, and Brittany should see that, but the paranoia in there runs rampant, and there’s just no telling what might happen if she finds out from the wrong person about this new so-called alliance. Taylor may have been better served to leave the whole naming part out of this deal.

  8. When Alyssa was talking earlier, why does it not surprise me that she came to California to audition for Love Island.

    That is so Alyssa, love island did not pick her. So she tried to make BB24 her version of Love Island, with 10-Second Kyle.

    Please evict Alyssa, she does not deserve 750k or 75k, she has done nothing all summer.

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