
Boogie says he would just like to put it on record, that 2 people will be gone by Sunday night.

9am Boogie heads out into the backyard. Boogie says that he would just like to put it on record, that 2 people will be gone by Sunday night. The show is over a month from Sunday, and there are 11 people sitting here right now. Technically it’s a month from Wednesday, 5 weeks from today. We got to get some people out of here. Boogie wonders how Franks date went with Ashley. Boogie then starts working out in the backyard, stretching, running around the yard and lifting weights.

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Ashley says I just wanted some ice cream, and I got a lot more than I bargained for..

12:30am – 12:45am Ashley and Frank are still up in the HOH room. Frank starts talking about how the tickle monster went away after Danielle put him up on the block. He says that he wasn’t going to play with her anymore. Frank comments on how the diary room asked about the tickle monster. Ashley says that they didn’t ask her. Frank tells Ashley about how mean Janelle was to him. Frank says that he heard her comment that the tickle monster better not come after her because he stinks. Frank explains he was stunk that night because he had just worked out. Frank says that Janelle was nice to Ashley. Ashley says Janelle was always talking about showmanaces. Ashley says that Janelle asked if she was mad about Shane and Danielle were having one. Ashley and Frank start making out. When Frank grabs her a$$ she laughs and they stop making out. Ashley says I just wanted some ice cream, and I got a lot more than I bargained for.. Frank says what you didn’t think I would make out with you. The conversation turns to Wil masturbating and how it’s not helping his game right now. Frank tells Ashley that he hasn’t done it. Frank tells Ashley that she can sneak up to the HOH later tonight and they can hide under the blankets after Showtime. Frank talks about how Danielle has two sides to her personality, one insecure and one fierce.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Britney: “Here’s Ashley crisp panties on about to go on her date..with Frank”

10:13pm Cam 1-2 Bathroom Britney and Ashley (Ashley getting ready for her date with Frank)
Britney asks her what the chances of your getting lucky tonight are
Ashley: “Zero”
Britney asks what’s the chances of her making out.
Ashley: “Zero”
Ian’s comes in from the toilet. Britney jokes that the room is really feeling awkward now.. Ian and Ashley. Britney: “here’s Ashley crisp panties on about to go on her date.. and here is Ian her ex at the watering hole after taking a gainge deuce.” (Ian was washing his hands) Ashley jokes about Ian not calling her back so she had to move on. Ian jokes back says he’s really heart broken she’s going on a date with someone else.

ian laughs.. curls up on the bathroom couch . Britney tries to get him to leave says she needs to talk to ashley alone.. they are discussing Douching. Ian leaves..

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Big Brother Spoilers – Britney: “Frank you have a curly hair on your chest for every good deed you have done”

7:10pm cam 1-2 Hammock Britney and Ian

Talking about who Britney should have picked as players. Britney says the best players would be Shane, Frank and Ian.
Ian mentions that one of Janelle’s biggest mistakes was choosing Ashley over him.
Britney bring sup that during her season there was a couple girls that could really compete (Annie and Kristen) she was hoping to get one of those on her team. britney “I thought JOJO and Ashley could compete…”

Ian was shocked by dan’s second pick.. Britney: “What do you think his strategy was.. you think he was planning on going into the game”
Ian: “Ya.. “
Britney: ‘that is why he was playing the social game so hard”
Ian “The first 4 picks made perfect sense to me.. and in the order they were picked”
Britney: “really”

Ian: “I had Jodi as first boot.. Joe and JOJO were pre jury boots.. Frank pegged as unitard”
Britney: ‘When are we going to get some good blowouts “
Ian: “Wacky wednesday”

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Wil about Britney: “What does her husband think… Here’s my harlot wife with all these gentleman”

3:04pm Cam 3-4 Ashley and Wil Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

Wil is saying that Jenn has released that Boogie wasn’t looking out for her. She feels like she’s been just following what boogie has been feeding her. Wil is confident that Jenn is on their side. He deconstructing things Frank has said and twisting them to make it sound like Frank wants him to stay in the house.

Wil and Ashley are starting to think Wil is safe this week. (Crazy)

Wil tells her if she wins HOH she has a lot of options she can put up Boogie and Dan and if POV is used put up danielle.
Ashley: ‘that would be sick!!” (Team tits yo )
AShley: “I am definitely putting up boogie and dan.. 100%.. “
(I predict the HOH comp involves a gravity Bong)

Ashley: “one of us needs to win hoh.. we can do some damage to them”
Ashley thinks they have a good chance of winning some type of america’s choice comp or a crap shoot . Will agrees thinks if he stays in the game he 2 of them have a good chance of winning the Head of Household.

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Danielle wished Julie had asked Janelle how it feels to be one of the best players taken out by one of the youngest players.

1:20pm – 1:40pm Danielle and Boogie are in the bathroom talking about his ear infection. The conversation turns to talking about Janelle and how she acted when she was evicted. Danielle comments on Janelle’s face when Julie read the vote as 8 to 1. Danielle wonders how much Janelle hates us now. She says that it’s the first time she has ever walked out of here and talked to Julie. Boogie says upclose and personal, and now she can blog and chat. Danielle says that it’s nothing personal, but she got personal with me. Danielle asks Boogie if Janelle dislikes her now. Boogie says she is probably okay. Danielle says she just can’t believe she was that vindictive, mean and catty. Danielle tells Boogie that Janelle tried to make her feel bad right before she left. She says that Janelle told her she never said those things about her and that she wasn’t coming after her. Danielle says that she thanked her for being nice but that she believed a percentage of the things people told her Janelle had said. Danielle comments on how she wished Julie would have asked Janelle how it feels to be one of the best players taken out by one of the youngest players in the game. Boogie brings up how he thinks Janelle was jealous of Kara and that’s why she wanted her out so bad.
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Joe says he still doesn’t understand why it’s called tossing someone’s salad.

9:45am – 10:50am Danielle, Jenn, Wil, Ian and Boogie are awake. Boogie heads out into the backyard to lie on the couch. Boogie starts talking to the camera and how he has a really bad ear infection. He says three times on the show and an ear infection every time. Ashley gets up and heads into the kitchen. She tells Jenna that her back feels the best it’s ever felt. Ashley curls up on the bathroom couch with Danielle. Ashley asks Danielle what’s the matter. Danielle says she is sleepy and doesn’t want to get ready. Ashley asks for the diary room sessions or for life? Danielle says for life. Ashley tells Danielle that she only has two more days in the have-not room. Dan and Ian are in the kicks room talking. Ian says that he had a couple kids in his university that had no idea how to make their bed. Ian continues to talk about stories from his university dorm.
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Danielle asks if she is the only one in here that has had her salad tossed?

1am Jenn and Wil are talking on the backyard couch about how they think Boogie and Frank are working with Danielle, Dan, Britney and Shane. They talk about how they think Frank made a dumb move that will end up costing him his game. Jenn says that it would suck if Wil leaves. Wil asks why would they want to keep Joe? Wil says that he just doesn’t know what else he can do, it’s a giant group against us. Wil tells Jenn that at least she has the balls to play her own game. Jenn says that she kind of feel like it’s guilty by association; you know because you were with Janelle. Wil says that he just hopes that if he goes home on Thursday, that Dan takes out Frank. Wil says that if you don’t want Joe in Jury, then … Jenn says well, he is the kind of guy they would take to jury. Jenn starts talking about how she is the only person of ethnicity here. Wil says that he guess it shows the viewers. He says that he think there are a bunch from the mid-west.
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Halloween Costume – Frank To Boogie: “be a set of butt cheeks and baby Brady can be a little p00p”

Ian: “Frank is wants the FLoaters out of the house”
Britney brings up to him that they made the deal with Frank a week ago and last night night he was thinking about putting them up. Ian isn’t worried about Frank, he thinks Frank will be going after the floaters.

Britney: “Getting rid of Janelle never benefited me”
Ian: “It’s benefited the quack pack”

Britney: “Yes You see how unselfish I was? she would eventually put up Dan and Danielle but she would have never put up me”
ian tells her to cool her Jets about Frank he’s Good with them right now. Ian says Frank is useful.

Britney seems a bit pissed that Ian has such a man crush on Ian. Dan joins them.
Britney asks him if he’s going to try for the HOH.. Ian would rather Dan or Britney win than himself.

Boogie and Joe Join them . Boogie tells them that he got double the Big Brother Stipend when he did the VH1 Show. Boogie really enjoyed doing it he wishes it had been renewed. Dan asks him how he got on it.. did he come up with the concept. Boogie says the studio was calling around looking for a location and they called him. Since they didn’t have a host for the show Boogie pitched the idea of having him and his business partner host it at their restaurant.

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Big Brother 14 – Guess What’s in Joe’s Secret Blender Salsa?

3:15pm Cam 3-4 Random conversations kitchen Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

Joe big idea is to have a cooking show called ‘’Joe’s cooking with friends. He tells Jenn he’ll invite her.

Joe has prepared a cooking show for some of the houseguests. He’s going to make

(Ashley, Shane, Jenn, Dan, Britney)

The reality in your life you don’t have all the ingredients and this is what this recipe includes what you have in the cupboards. Joe calls this Blender salsa .. Joe’s Special Blender Salsa .

Joe tosses a bunch of stuff in a blender does a song and dance and WAM BIAM he’s created Joe’s secret Blender Salsa.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Power Of Veto Ceremony Results!

12:05pm When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, in the bathroom, Shane tells Joe that he had a nice speech. Britney tells Dan in the bathroom that it is a good thing he didn’t go up, because we would not have the votes to keep you. Britney says that was nervous, we should not have even had to be concerned. Shane says he thought for sure he was going up. Joe says yeah but I am still on the block, I guess I didn’t reach his heart. I guess my heart to heart didn’t work. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Ashley tells Wil that she liked his speech. Wil says thanks, but that he forgot the middle. Wil and Ashley sit there staring off into the distance. Joe joins them. He says to them that he guesses he didn’t reach his heart. Wil says that if he is going home he is going out with a bang. Wil whispers to Ashley that they are definitely against us. Ashley says it will be okay we still have time.
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