Jordan wants Porsche out, “She told me she never wanted to play game… she shouldn’t win she never did anything”

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3:35pm HOH AJ Adam tells Jordan that he basically told Kalia that he’s pissed off at her and he’s not using the Veto. Jordan asks her if there is anything they can do to get Adam to flip sides. Adam says no way, he’s telling kalia he’s thinking about it but in the end he won’t be using the VETO. Jordan asks him flat out if he has a final 2 deal with Porsche. Adam says no. Jordan asks if he’ll take JRA or JPA. Adam says he will take the vets to the final 3 that’s the way he wants to play. Jordan starts saying that Rachel and Jordan played the game the entire time they deserve to be in the final 3. She doesn’t think that Porsche deserves to win because she didn’t play the game and she’s only on the show to further her career. Jordan: “She told me she never wanted to play game… she shouldn’t win she never did anything”. Adam keeps telling Jordan that he’s 100% going final 3 with JR she doesn’t have to worry. Jordan starts saying that it’s not about who is your best friend it’s about the game and who is a bigger threat. She says she had that deal with Kalia week 2 but thinks Because Kalia put JEff up then the deal is really off.

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Kalia: “If Rachel tries to take a card out of my hands.. it’s going to be philly take it to the streets”

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12:07pm Adam, Porsche and Adam Adam: “I apologize now if I get violent..Not that it will be on purpose” (Adam actually is a really nice bloke.. wish he would do something)

Kalia is saying that if it’s OTEV and given all the tension in the house there’s going to be blood… Kalia adds that rachel is probably going to get really physical. Adam and Porsche agree. Kalia: “If Rachel tries to take a card out of my hands.. it’s going to be philly take it to the streets”
(They are planning it will be otev one of the more physical comps in Big BRother)

Everyone is on edge they are just walking around waiting for the comp to start. They keep talking about how physical it’s going to get and how there ready to “Throw it down”. Even Adam is pumped

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Big Brother Spoilers: Porsche says OH MY GOD Adam if you win this veto looks REALLY GOOD! *Updated*

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8:35am – 9:40am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. When the live feeds return, Rachel is heading into the downstairs bathroom to grab something’s and then goes backup to the HOH room. Adam is laying in bed staring at the ceiling. All the other houseguests are still sleeping in bed. Jordan wakes up and heads into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Porsche is now up and in the bathroom with Jordan. Rachel joins Jordan in the downstairs bathroom. Kalia is now up and in the bathroom as well. Adam and Kalia are in the kitchen going over the events of the house. Kalia says that she has stared at the houseguest pics for ever and feels like there is no way she couldn’t get them. Kalia asks Adam if they ever said anything bad about her or Porsche. Kalia says that they were saying bad stuff about each of us to one another. Adam says that all they said was that if I didnt go up then for me to not use the veto if I won it. Kalia asks Adam if he did win it …would you ever consider using it on one of us? Kalia says because then we would have the votes to keep you safe. Adam says yeah na….
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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel & Jordan say they can’t let Adam win the veto because they think he might use it..

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12am In the candy room, Kalia and Porsche are talking about random stuff. Porsche says that she really wants to move out to LA for real, for real. Kalia starts talking about not having a period. Kalia looks at her birth control pills and counts the days till they’re done. Porsche says she is going to be really upset if the two of us are going to be the next two out. Meanwhile, Adam is in the fortune room staring up at the ceiling in silence. Adam heads into the kitchen and finds Jordan at the kitchen table studying the memory wall. Adam helps point out the differences between the houseguests faces. Adam then heads to bed and tells Jordan not to stay up too late. Adam goes into the candy room and shuts off the light in the candy room. Porsche and Kalia talk and make random noises as they lay in bed. Rachel joins Jordan in the kitchen and they both study the memory wall together. They both point out the differences between the houseguests faces. Jordan says that she doesn’t think the face morph competition will be tomorrow. Rachel says that she doesn’t think so either. Rachel and Jordan talk about going to bed early to get a good night’s sleep. Rachel and Jordan head up to the HOH room to talk.
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Big Brother 13: Jordan and Rachel have Second thoughts about Adam, Rachel: “I trust Kalia as far as I can throw her” **updated

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8:30pm Purple Room RKP Talking about Tori Spelling being in the house and how geeky Adam was. Kalia: “He literally turned into Phillip when she was here”. Kalia retells a bunch of stories of Adam fumbling around interacting with her. Kalia also mentioned that Tori was shown where they sleep and said “oh you don’t make your beds” Rachel: “I always make my bed” POrsche: “Half these beds aren’t even being slept in”

Rachel: “remember when Sarah McLachlan no.. Shania Twain was in the backyard for Big BRother 3”. Kalia and Porsche say they never knew that. rachel: “Oh ragan use to always talk about it.. I guess it wasn’t Shania Twain.. We’ll ask adam he’ll know” (It was Sheryl Crow). They start talking about Reality show etc etc…

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Jordan doesn’t think Porsche deserves to win BB13 she’s already won “10 grand” + her stipend

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3:31pm HOH Adam, Jordan and Rachel Adam is swearing that he will not use the Veto if he wins it and he will fight his hardest to win the veto. Adam goes on about how he wants to stick to the plan go final 3 with JR. Adam thinks the number one thing they need to do this week is get rid of Kalia because they know the next HOH will be questions and she’s already proven herself to be very strong at those comps. Rachel says that Kalia offered her a final 2 yesterday. Adam again swears that he is friends with Porsche but they have no game agreement.

Rachel says it will be Porsche and Kalia on the block. Jordan is pissed at Porsche and Kalia for suggesting that Rachel puts up Adam/Kalia or Adam/Porsche. Jordan says the only reason they are suggesting that is because they want to get her up on the block. Jordan doesn’t care who wins the game as long ad Porsche or Kalia are not in the final 2.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel opened Pandora’s Box & got stuck with Jessie AGAIN while the others got a shopping spree WITH Tori Spelling! *Updated*

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11:50am When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, All the housguests are in the kitchen try on clothes. Rachel says that she grabbed Adam a tshirt and he signed it for you too. Adam says awesome …thanks ..these tshirts are worth $3.50. They are all trading and giving each other the clothes that they grabbed but didn’t want. Adam asks so he is a wrestling star now? Rachel says yeah impact wrestling. They talk about Rachel got stuck with Jessie. Rachel yells I can’t believe you met Tori Spelling!! Adam says I can’t believe you got stuck with Jessie AGAIN! Jordan says that she was listening to them from down here and heard shopping spree. Rachel opened up Pandora’s Box and got stuck with Jessie, while the others got shopping spree. The girls are all giving Rachel some of the clothes they grabbed. Adam talks about how its the best day because he got to meet Tori Spelling. Rachel talks about how Jessi was doing all the posses and stuff. Rachel says that when she saw that it was Tori Spelling …she thought there is no way I can open it ..but says that she does a wedding show..

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel & Jordan think if nominations are this morning ..they might have a night POV competition.. *Updated*

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8:30am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Rachel and Jordan are getting ready up in the HOH room. Jordan tells Rachel about how she talked with Adam after she left the HOH room to go to bed. Jordan says that her and Adam were talking about and about how they talked about the different scenarios. Rachel says that there are there is still a lot of game left to play. Rachel says that she doesn’t think this will be a full week. Rachel and Jordan are talking about how maybe there will be a double eviction or another fast forward. Rachel wonders if there will be a night time veto tonight… if we have nominations this morning then maybe it will be. Rachel says then maybe there will be another eviction on Sunday. Rachel tells Jordan no to tell any of them. Rachel says that there is only one more live show before the finale. Jordan asks Rachel if it seems like she is over it. Rachel says that she knows how it is when Brendon left I didn’t want to anyone …and I am sure its the same with Jeff. Jordan says that she isn’t over it and doesn’t want it to seem like that. Rachel says that she just wants Jordan to try in the competitions. Jordan says oh I will. Jordan says that we are different players that balance each other out… I am good at social and you are good at competitions.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia tells Rachel, if you can guarantee that I won’t go ..then you can put me up.

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12am – 1:25am Porsche, Rachel and Adam are still playing cards. As they play they talk about past competitions and other random stuff. Rachel talks about dying her hair red again. They ask where Jordan is and Adam says she went to lay down and asked to be woken up in the backyard opens up. Jordan is laying down in bed. Kalia is in the diary room. They talk about the golden keys and how long ago that was. Rachel talks about he being banned from the internet because she had a fee problems with what people said about her last season. Porsche asks really banned? Rachel says yeah from Brendon. Kalia comes out of the diary room and joins the card game. The conversation turns to bashing Shelly. Kalia says that she will have some words for her when she gets out …she used people to stay and we all used her for a vote when she swung from side to side…. and we used her for cleaning. Rachel asks I don’t know why you didn’t vote for her to stay. Kalia says that moments before Jordan said she was leaning to vote for her…and then because of who would be the least pissed at being voted out. Kalia says in her goodbye messages she told Shelly has been lying to everyone and flipping back and forth from side to side and that she can flip her vote out the door. Rachel says that is pretty much what she said too. Adam joins them again. They play a while longer and then end the card game.

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Big Brother 13, Jordan to Adam “We’ve saved you 2 weeks now you owe us” **updated**

9:20pm Purple Room JA Jordan tells him that she’s worried about that he’s spending too much time with Porsche. Adam reassures her there is nothing to worry about. Jordan tells him that they have saved him 2 weeks now Adam owes them. Adam tells her not to worry. Jordan starts talking about the comp saying she was burnt out so quickly. Adam starts to explain that it was like strength endurance a very hard comp. He goes on about how he got to a point where he knew he wasn’t going to win so he stopped trying as hard. He brings up that this wasn’t the first time he’s taken it easy in a comp. Adam doesn’t think he should give it his all when there is no chance he will win.

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Big Brother 13: Adam ” As of right now I don’t deserve to win Big Brother 13″ **updated

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5:46pm Hammock Jordan and Adam Jordan tells him that if it’s JRA in the final 3 then it’s a free for all. Jordan: “I am worried about you and Porsche.. there’s something between you 2 besides you guys just talking”

Adam: “I’ll stop you right there between POrsche and Kalia I would rather have Porsche but Between you and POrsche I will take you” adam explains that he only talks to porsche on a friend level. Jordan starts sayign that POrsche goes around and tells stories that is why she doesn’t talk to Porsche. Jrodan says jeff told her not to talk to POrsche and she never did. Jordan: “I don’t trust her”

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers, Rachel : “Adam is a wild card.. Shelly will stab you in the front Adam will stab you in the back”

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3:46pm backyard couch Shelly/adam smoking talking to Porsche about her HOH blogging and tweeting..

3:55pm Jordan and Rachel are walking laps around the backyard they are going
over all the possiblities of comps for the coming week. (this is pretty much what these 2 talk about all the time.. they are getting themselves very prepared for this weeks comp)

Jordan complains that her hips feel really fat. Rachel: “Oh my god Jordan you are so thin”
Jordan: “thank you” (they go back and forth about this for awhile)
Jordan points out that JR and KP are all so nice each other to their faces but when they are not around they rip on each other.
Rachel: “we’re both going after each other.. thank god kalia is sleeping I hope all she does is eat and sleep before tomorrow” Jordan agrees, she thinks as long as it’s not questions she’ll do great

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