Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Keith confronts Lawon, Lawon “I will go hood on this mother f*ck*ng a$$!”..”He messed with the wrong m*ther f*ck*r”

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5:10pm backyard near pool, cassi, lawon and Dom They are going over where the house is going to vote. The general consensus is that Keith is on the way out, but they’re hearing too many rumors that maybe Rachel is wanting to use the POV. Dom brings up the conversation he had in the candy room with Rachel and Rachel was starting to think that maybe using the POV is the right thing. Lawon says he’s worried about that but wonders why they would keep Keith or Porsche. Cassi thinks that maybe Keith has started to make deals to save himself. CAssi brings them up to speed with Jeff wanting to meet with her and Shelly. She tells the guys nto to worry after her and Shelly have their meeting with the vets she’ll come down and share the news.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Dom’s Wooing Dani

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4:00pm HOH Rachel, Brendon and Dani Brendon is thinking Dom is a major threat he thinks he explains that he went to DOM to offer him an agreement and DOm told him “What are you going to do for me” brendon was taken a back from that, “He’s either incredibly stupid or doesn’t know how to play this game”. He repeats some of his conversation with DOM where he said to dom “Any one who is lucky enough to work with us has an advantage theres no advantage for us to work with you…I told him straight up”.. Dani: “Umm how is there not though” Brendon explains that the disadvantage would be that they would have a larger target on themselves. Dani : “Wait were you offering him something?”. Brendon says no. Dani reminds them that the other side has the numbers in a big way. Brendon doesn’t care because the other side is not uniform in any way. Dani understands that Brendon adds “he’s thinking right now it’s us versus them that’s how he still see’s i”. Dani schools him is that he’s probably thinking that if he comes over here then they will all hate him and they will still have the numbers. Bendon

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Jordan’s Worried about Dom “He talks about Backdooring alot”

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3:00pm Jeff Jordan pool time A bit of game talk they both are feeling at a disadvantage in the game. Jeff tells Jordan that the word in the house is that if the newbs win HOH Jordan and Jeff are up on the block. Jordan “WHAAAAAT… Brendon and Rachel are better choice” Jeff doesn’t think it means anything he thinks they need to get a small group on their side because right now they don’t have a group. Jeff wants to pull in Shelly and Cassi. Jeff says he’s been thinking of group lately and if you put adam/dom, adam goes home. Kalia/lawon lawon goes home. His plan is if the newbs win HOH get them to put kalia and lawon up with the thought that everyone is taking kalia out then take lawon out instead. Jordan says she worried about Dom he talks about backdooring alot. Jeff says he’s going to start taking it easy for a bit he thinks they’ve all scared the newbs too much.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Rachel wants to call a house meeting to confront other houseguests…

11am – 11:15am Rachel, Adam, Shelly and Keith are in the backyard. Keith is working out on the elliptical while Adam and Rachel talk about how it’s difficult being in the house and how you need to start new routines. Adam starts talking about how much he loves 90210. Shelly and Brendon talk about her husband. Brendon and Rachel talk to Shelly about having children at a later stage in life. Brendon tells Rachel to soak it all in … They talk about how expensive it is and how once you have a child you need to make time for each other. Rachel gets called to the diary room, and soon after Shelly gets called in.

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11:20am Dani, Shelly, Lawon, and Porsche are in the bathroom joking around. Lawon and Dani are laughing and talking about last night. Yelling and dancing Big Booty, Big booty!! Most everyone is in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Porsche then heads into the candy room and gets ready while talking to Jeff and Jordan.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Brendon tells Keith that he needs to confront Lawon about stirring the pot..

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10:15am Keith and Brendon are awake and in the lounge room talking. Keith asks Brendon where Rachel is? Brendon tells him that she’s upstairs still asleep. Keith tells Brendon that he wants to talk to her. Keith says that it’s not about the POV. Brendon says we have all day. Keith starts explaining to Brendon about his blow up the other night and why he did what he did. Porsche is outside the door listening in on their conversation. Keith is telling Brendon that he did it to see who the mole was and who they could trust. Keith says that him and Porsche can be trusted… and now after what happened she doesn’t trust me. Keith says that Kalia needs to go and that Porsche and I can be trusted. Keith says that he’s not asking Brendon and Rachel to use the veto on them … and that he’s a straight up honest guy.

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big brother 13 Porsche

Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Brendon opinion on counting votes “it’s not rocket science but if it was I would be good at that to”

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4:35pm Ktichen Cassi and Porsche aka Keiths Angels LOL – Basically Porsche is rehashing the conversation she just had with Keith. key points is that she still mad at Keith and she doesn’t think they’re will ever be trust again. She mentions keith’s plans and the “keith angels”. Cassi just listens doesn’t add much. Porsche brings up the mystey6 and how they have “requested” she go up to the HOH later to talk to them .Porsche wants to make sure she’s looking good for when she goes up there so they don’t think she’s falling apart. Adam walks in and talk changes to general Bsing.

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Keith Big Brother 13

Big Brother 13 Spoilers – kalia on Keiths Game: ” literally shot himself in the dick last night”

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BIG BROTHER 13 – 3:00pm HOH Rachel, Jeff, Jordan

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Jeff is thinking they should try to get Adam on their side by telling him they have another couple on their side.. he also thinks they should try and flip Cassi and Shelly. Rachel: “if Keith goes home this week both Dom and Cass are going to be like CRAP what do we do now” Jeff says that cassi know she has a chance with us but DOM has no chance, Jeff: “I was making fun of him downstairs” Rachel completely agrees says that Dom isn’t even hiding that he’s with the other side.

Brendon barges in. Jeff: “You came in with a vengeance”.. They start chatting about how dani must feel at a disadvantage because when they get to final 5 they have their pairs but she’s by her self. Rachel feels sorry for her, Jeff says not to worry non of them mystery6 are going to backstab each other let them just get to final 5 and play it out at that point.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Shelly tries to talk Rachel out of quitting and tells her she has more people on her side than she thinks she does..

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12:40 – 1pm Jeff and Jordan hang out in the bathroom in silence while the other are in the kitchen eating and talking about random stuff. Jordan gets up and they head into the storage room to find something to make for lunch. Most of the houseguests are in the kitchen eating and talking. Adam says that he wants the POV to happen already. Brendon tells Adam that they usually pick the power of veto players a couple hours before it happens.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: * UPDATED * Adam asks Shelly what happened last night? Shelly says that she doesn’t have a clue!

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10:10am – 10:20am Adam wakes up and goes out into the kitchen and starts talking with Shelly while she cleans the kitchen. They talk about what happened last night with Keith. Adam asks Shelly what happened last night? Shelly says that she doesn’t have a clue. Adam says that he has a clue and says that he takes it all in and observe it. Shelly says that she thinks Keith must feel a little bit crazy for all that last night. Shelly and Adam talk about how they are concerned that Dominic and Cassi because they stayed up all night talking with Dani. Shelly says that it’s just weird. Adam says that he is going back to bed, and then he tells her that he had a dream where he had to go back to the office but that he was still a part of the Big Brother game. Adam heads back to the bedroom and Shelly continues to clean the kitchen.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Keith says he’s going to drop a bomb .. Dani asks yeah, what like how Brendon does all the time?

4:20am When the feeds come back, Dani, Jeff, Jordan, Brendon, Rachel are talking in the HOH room. Dani says hey guys I figured out our alliance name … the DCA… the Dream Crusher Alliance. Jeff laughs and says yeah. Jeff, Jordan and Dani leave the HOH room. Brendon and Rachel continue talking game in the HOH room. Rachel says that it is so weird that Dick would leave. Brendon says yeah its so weird because Big Brother is Dicks life. Rachel says that she wants a clean slate. Brendon says he won’t turn on anyone in this room and that they can’t doubt them. Brendon says that we can totally trust everyone that was up in this room. Brendon says that we need to focus on getting hold of this thing and that they need to be afraid of three players. Dominic, Kathy, and Keith. Brendon says that they are missing a vote and that they think they can.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feeds july 7th

Big Brother 13 Spoilers – “It looks like menstrual Blood.. Like Rachel are you Bleeding”

I think POrsche said that could of been dani
10:10pm Fortune room

Here we go… lounge brief talk about playing a prank on Dick. Dani Joins them, they start asking her if DIck is another twist she says no. They start suggesting hiding his key, Dani joins in reminds them she hasn’t talk to her father in years. They Dani if Dick is doing a live blog in the DR she doesn’t think so they all agree that wouldn’t be fair. Adam charges in asks tells them he found a piece of paper in the living room it was under a nominations chair cushion. Most people are giving Adam a hard time saying he’s making the paper up. Adam swear to them that he’s telling the truth. Brendon makes Adam promise him he’s not lying about the paper and if he’s lying he has to give up bacon and cigarettes for a week. Porsche says she feels like she’s playing the game “clue” with all the secret message laying around. Jordan brings up that the POV is tomorrow.

Follow @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. There is also a Facebook page.

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