Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 2 review and eviction results

What a frustrating week for us Big Brother feed watchers. Surprised to see this level of delusion coming from Allstars but Kevin and NicA have really upped the bar.  It was a bit of a treat albeit painful at times.

Let’s for a moment look at this from her point of view. The entire house is against the same people, Janelle/Kaysar. She’s with J/K and has a final 3 with Kevin/Da’Vonne. Everyone (including Da and especially Kevin) is filling her head with brain worms soaked in Kraken that are against J/K. It’s one boiling pot of messy gameplay and interlocking cowardly alliances that are focused against J/K. The main delusion – J/K’s plan was to get NicA out of the house because the only game they know how to play is a house divided and a split vote would create a house divided. There’s more to it, but pretty much crazy pants. It’ll go down in BB history and for someone who has a podcast in the Big Brother community, it might be weird. Of Course, she’ll rationalize it away. Would you? David is pretty much stumbling around.

Week in review

Memphis of all people wins the Head of Household competition. His first HOH win ever, this AllStar proclaimed. His target is Ian but chooses not to tell anyone in his alliance. He hopes to get as many people as he can to play in the safety Suite to reduce the number playing the following week. It worked! The problem is Christmas (someone in his alliance) ended up winning the safety suite and using it on Ian, keeping him safe. Memphis decided to nominate NicoleA and David, His target is David. He was basically going for the softest targets he could when his hard target wasn’t available.

The power of veto is played and again Memphis wins. At this point, the house is full-on anti  J/K and the brain worms burrow deep. Memphis runs a very opaque HOH, His grumpiness, and propensity to leave the HOH room locked up like a teenage boys porn stash really rubs the house the wrong way. Come Monday he decided to not use the Power of Veto. For the next 3 days NicoleA plus the entire house blame everything on Janelle and Kayar. Check these memorable times: Here, here and here.

For most of Monday-Thursday morning, the vote was very close 6-6 or 7-5 for David to stay with Memphis claiming he’ll keep NicA in a tie. Now it’s looking like it’ll be more like 4-8 for NicoleA to leave. Tough to call. as the cats say “love the season really awesome.. never watched it”

Results from the show

David – Grateful to be here pun intended..
NiCA – plugs her podcast .. she wants to play allstars not allsacred

Tyler Votes to evict NicA
Enzo Votes to evict David
Christmas Votes to evict NicA
Kevin Votes to evict David
Janelle Votes to evict NicA
Da’Vonne Votes to evict NicA
Kaysar Votes to evict NicA
Bayleigh Votes to evict NicA
Cody Votes to evict NicA
Ian Votes to evict NicA
NicF Votes to evict NicA
Dani Votes to evict NicA

NicA is evicted. Admits she made a terrible mistake..

HOH Competition

Hot Mug Shots…

Tyler wins HOH

6:07 pm Ian and Nicole
Nic – she just came up to me and said WHINNY WHINNY WHINNY
Ian – did you have these issues on the race
Nic – no we helped them.. she was invited to my wedding
Nic – In here she doesn’t like me because Rachel doesn’t like me
Ian – I bet you any money she’ll keep throwing our names out
Nicole – I didn’t plan on saying that it just came out and now I’m in trouble.. it’s going to be bad it’s going to be really bad.
Cody joins them “you know what they say about looking for trouble. You usually find it”
Nic – I already found it she’s been talking about every second of every day
Ian – our names have been dragged thru the mud
Nic – I’ve been called the b-word
Ian – not to mention worse words as well
Nic – for the girls at home stick up for your damn self
Nicole does the whinny whinny again to cody feeds blocked left and right.

6:07 pm Janelle, Christmas, Bayleigh
Preparing the Have nots room. Janelle and Abyeligh are have nots Christmas is helping them.

Feeds go down at 6:10pm

6:32 pm No feeds for you
7:09 pm no feeds never
7:54 pm Feeds still down.. weird.
8:40 pm there’s not feeds and never will be

155 thoughts to “Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 2 review and eviction results”

    1. There are days that I would turn on the feeds and think my computer froze… nope, it was it was this action pact season of people who stare out into space and don’t talk.

    2. Seriously it’s like watching 2 realities simultaneously,one where an evil blond giant is mercilessly harassing everyone and another where everyone is accusing a nice middle aged blond woman of saying horrible things that they are actually saying.

  1. First? Can’t tell, comments must need to be approved.
    Anyhoo, who thinks Nicole A deserves to leave?
    Who thinks David deserves to leave?
    I say they both can go, neither add anything in game. NicA spent the week whinning and crying. Grow up girl. David spent the week all by himself, alone in a house with 15 other people contained in a finite space. Why is he here? Neither are enjoyable to watch.
    Rooting for J/K for the HOH win tonight! Let’s shake things up!

      1. Nicole fought harder than anyone I have ever seen. I have watched all 22 seasons. Yes she is young and emotional. But not because she lost because she was lied to and betrayed by everyone in the house. Give her a break

    1. Totally agree but what can you expect. Neither of them are all start quality players. They were either the backups that replaced josh dan and derrick. And if thats not the case the show is making a push for more minorities which is great and should happen in regular season. But bailey and david dont deserve to be here. And then it changes the way the game is played

      Its not right that all the black players are saying they will not vote out someone who looks like them. Imagine if the whites in the house decided to only vote for players who didnt look like them. Both ways are a form of racism and not a fun way to play the game. Branch out build relationships, do things. A vote shoild be earned and the color of your skin does not so it.

      I want to love this season but hate the handful of players who dont deserve a seat at this table. It really sucks and they have to know they dont beling. David played for a day and went home. How did that make him an allstar. And nicole a – she got dragged along because she was easy to win against and didnt do anything. Once the playees who dont belonf go home. Then i think this is gonna be great! The real game willstart.

      I was not the biggest fan of memphis but relieved he called david out on being a nodoby on this show.

      1. Dayvone has made a career out of being a token. She has never offered a thing to any of the shows and us only there because of her skin. I think CBS should be ashamed that they only cast a very few black players and Dayvone is best of that

    1. Seriously thought Nicole was going to stay when I posted that!
      She can go, but would’ve been a number for J and K, and I think she realized that sometime today.

      Let’s go Janelle or Kaysar, win this HOH!

        1. I have the feeling that enzo’s vote was his attempt to blame it on DaVonne or Bayleigh had Janelle and Kaysar voted out David as well

        2. I wonder if his vote has anything to do with the spat that he and Cody had last night…Cody complaining that Enzo doesn’t give the alliance any feedback — I mean, if that is what happened between the two as I don’t watch the live feeds but saw a little review of it. =/

        3. Enzo has never trusted David. He vote for the first time on big brother who he wanted to go. Not HOH choice. I hate alliances.

  2. Julie is laying all the facts on NicA lol. Is Enzo trying to be slick? Cause confusion?

    Go Janelle! Go Kaysar!

    1. The fact that Julie gave NicA so much info on what’s going on in the house makes me think nobody is going to Battle Back this season.

  3. I wonder if big brother will chastise day for voting out someone based on their skin color?? I highly doubt it. I will be rooting for Janelle and Kaysar to win the rest of the way. Too bad they are the only Allstars on the other side of the house, so there probably fucked

    1. No one should be voting based on skin color. Was NicA discriminated against because she was voted against by some because of skin color? I don’t think it’s right. Either way, skin color has nothing to do with big brother

    1. The veto was definitely harder on women. This one was not harder on women. Every single one of them had the Strength to push it the length of the table. Stop with the conspiracy stuff

      1. Just wanted to see what the people would say.

        The first HOH, Janelle and Bay were super close to finishing a couple times, ball just rolled off. Nicole managed it, she might be the weakest.

        The past POV, we’ve seen them on Survivor and done to a more difficult degree. It comes down to focus, not about strength… it just happened that the two Nicoles, whose minds are racing like crazy about every little thing, are having difficulty with focus. NicF was probably thinking that Janelle is looking at her or talking about her, etc…

    2. I don’t know about that. Janelle did very well! Dani did pretty good, although she was either going for it or throwing it because IIRC I think she ended up sliding two just off the end. Didn’t Christmas have a competitive score? I think it was fair as far as men vs. women go. I also don’t think it was a total crap shoot, as there is obviously skill involved, and it depends on how much time they got to practice their sliding skills yesterday. Hell, a good bar tender can slide you a beer and have it stop right in front of you!

    1. Would Tyler put up both or just one and then he hopes that he wins so he can replace the pawn with the other part of the duo?

    2. I’ve got my shrine! I just hope and pray Tyler leaves the dark side and moves into the light lol. It would be glorious if Tyler realizes the idiots he’s aligned with. Especially Cody! I’ve been a bit disappointed with some of his comments so far. Hope I’m wrong about his maturity level and he uses logical thinking. He fell in pretty easily with the bro’s mentality.

      1. Later in the game, Tyler would want Dani out but this early it’s Kaysar/Janelle all the way.. Maybe just maybe if the veto is played and Tyler might get an idea. That is why I’m hoping for someone in the Dani, sh1tmiss, dani, cody, Tyler, Enzo, NICF power block to mess up and break it apart. With that said we’ve seen these alliance last 5 weeks.

  4. Okay.
    so the ego won’t be as bad all over feeds in terms of a flashy hoh being a complete dick.
    not as bad as if it had been xmas or nicf or cody again.
    i’ll hate the week, in terms of everyone else’s ego.
    i won’t stay away from everything until eviction night just to avoid it.

    1. I don’t know, he might get all uppity as he puts those old school players from 1930 up on the block with a Memphis backdoor option to tell to the DR…

  5. I wonder what Tyler is going to do… all I know is Cody, Dani, Nicole F, Christmas and Enzo are going to be up his ass all week in that HoH. Hopefully Tyler will do some house cleaning but I think they will push him to get Janelle and Kayser out for them… or target Bay and Da’Vonne for them.

    I hope he does a shocker and Targets Cody or Dani… that is a one in a million thing but it would be fun to see him backdoor Cody or Memphis.

  6. I just can’t anymore with this season…. it’s season 19 all over again…. Jaysar will be otb, one goes home….. ugh btw, I can’t stand Franzel, Dani or Christmas… as Cornbread once said ; “F**k y’all “

    1. Man, All Stars 1 – even when one person was voted out, the house was still full of entertaining players. This season, we may see the few greats gone before jury and be left with….

        1. How long before a petition starts for CBS to just play the first season of All Stars and BBCAN8 this season…maybe a day or two after Kaysar are both gone?

  7. If Tyler targets Jaysar (which is likely, no F2 with either), I hope he only puts one up so the other can win HOH and remove save the team.

    Other than Jaysar, some may think he’d target Memphis (but they do have an alliance), so I guess Kevin or Ian?

    1. Grod tried.. she had Kaysar and Janelle play last in the HOH. We need someone to f* up the big alliances and Janelle to win veto .. it’s a stretch.

      1. Production needs to figure out their best attribute and gear a comp to that lol

        No, but seriously. 🙂

    1. Nicole F looks really smug in that picture…. bay is going to be her target watch them push to nominate Bay and Da’Vonne … it is going to happen…. nominate Kayser and Janelle with a backdoor of Bay happening. Never ever trust Nicole F…. she is heartless in this game.

      1. Davonne sucks at this game. Yeah you’ve been on 3 seasons. But you were out the 2nd week your first round and first in Jury the second time. Not to mention you’ve never won a comp, and you totally sucked at this one.

        1. Davonne shouldn’t have been an all star. Zero comp wins in three seasons comes off and tries to act like a comp beast. And has a social game that is so horrific!!! And tonight on the show Davonne logic or really lack there couldn’t have be more apparent.

          I’ve said it for the longest time even back when she got right back on a second time on big brother 18 when she came out of th luggage box she was not deserving because she is not a good game player at all !!!
          She got evicted week two on her original season for a reason.

          1. Covid19 required fillers that is why Day, NicoleA, Bay, David, Nicole F and Kevin are there … none of them were mind blowing players. Enzo was entertaining to most people. They sometimes talk about the ones who couldn’t come.

            1. Nicole F is totally an All Star she won a season of Big Brother haha
              And Kevin was a tie breaker question away from Winning season 11!!!
              Though I was happy Kevin lost that Final HOH- he was that close to winning!!! Kevin Deserved a second chance.

              Davonne did not deserve a THIRD CHANCE to play especially being called an All Star Big Brother player!!!

              To say Kevin and ESPECIALLY Nicole F are on the same playing field as Davonne as a player is an absolute joke !!!

              Davonne was the 2nd evicted in Season 17 And made the 1st round of Jury placing 11 place in season 18.
              Nicole won season 18 where Day was 1st round Jury. That’s not even close!!!

              1. A chunk of people this season aren’t really Allstars more like fan favorites, classic BB characters, and the such. There are heavy hitters this season for sure but there’s also a lot of plain bb characters.

            2. Kevin said during the first days on the feeds that he knew for months, thought the call must’ve been to be an alternate, but they confirmed to him that he was going to be on…

      1. Well yea Nicole already Won Big Brother and will last longer in the all star house than Janelle this season. Implying Janelle would be 0-4.
        So yea NicoleF should be feeling good! I hate to tell you but you might want to change your profile name after next Thursday.

        1. Nah. I like who I like, I don’t need or want to change anything. I prefer the old school style of BB so obviously I’m going to support an old school player. Laying in bed for the majority of the season then “winning” isn’t really anything to be proud of imo But to each his own. The best person doesn’t always win, in life and big brother. 🙂

          1. Well have fun the rest of this season not watching Janelle in the big brother house lol or ever winning this game haha Nice try Home Girl 😉

            1. You do realize this is a game on tv? It’s not that deep. I feel like I’ll survive ok if Janelle is voted off lol But thanks for the witty chat, “home girl” 🙂

          2. You do realize in season 18 Nicole Franzel and in season 6 Janelle won the exact same amount of competitions right lol

            And Nicole only has one less HOH win playing in one less season than Janelle.

            And how about season 6 when Janelle was sucking face with Mike in the Gold Room when Mike was hitting on all of the women in the house haha
            Did you forget that Janelle was in love with Mike after two weeks haha probably so

            And let’s not forget how infatuated Janelle was with Dr. Will when he was in a relationship with somebody else outside of the house named Erin.
            And Janelle Was completely manipulated and attracted to Dr. Will and it led to the complete derision of the S6 alliance in season 7 completely causing it fracture and play into the
            HANDS OF CHILLTOWN!!!!
            Janelle had a huge hand in allowing Chilltown to go that far which ultimately lead to Mike Boogies win because she would not pull the trigger on Dr.Will week 4!!!

            Janelle not going after Dr. Will who already had a relationship with somebody outside the house her name was Erin really screwed Kaysar and Howie over because it was the reason why James flipped forming the Legion of Doom. Which put chill town in a great spot because they have an alliance with Daniel Reyes and James Rhine. Janelle kept protecting CHILLTOWN in SPITE OF IT.

            If you really think taking Dr. Will to the with his running mate Mike Boogie to Final 4 when Boogie himself already has what he called a Ho-mance
            How is this great IDEA ???
            If really think so…..
            You completely misunderstand the game and the point because Jenelle was so wrapped around Will‘s finger that if Dr. Will would’ve just made out with Janelle on a consistent basis she would’ve taken him Dr. Will to the end and she would have lost !!!

            Janelle was begging for Will in the hot tub and Will denied her and that made Janelle mad not wanting Will anymore because Will said that he was done and he called her a psycho!!!
            And Erica confirmed with Janelle that Chill town was telling Erica the same conversations in the same words that was being said to Jenelle
            About how chill town has their back and both girls were secret members of chilltown when they basically were double dealing chilltown. Erica is the ONE who convinced Janelle over smoking cigarettes in the backyard to VOTE OUT WILL there. That’s the reason why Janelle finally voted out DR. Will in the final four.

            And at that point it was far too late Because Janelle completely screwed Kaysar in big brother all stars season 7 the fact that she took Dianne out instead of back doored Will week 4 completely screwed Kaysar over in season 7 and was the reason why case he got back doored week five in the first big brother all stars!!!

            I think your memory serves to fail you that Janelle got around the big brother house just as much as any other person. She would even jump in the showers with Will, Mike Boogie , And Erica doing GOD knows what??
            I mean even Mike called Erica a HO-mance. And dr.will was talking to Janelle and Ericaabout having the ménage trios alliance haha I mean come on!!!

            Dont act like Janelle is so self righteous and free from sin from when she was in her mid-20s in the big brother house.

            1. You do realize I don’t care about any of that? I read the first sentence of your book, then moved along to the next comment smh

              1. Ignorance is bliss home girl 😉
                It’s good to know when something is brought to your attention about someone you like you just
                wave it off !!! What a hypocrite!
                But again I expect that from a little girl 😉 Nice to know when your person does things that are similar it’s OK
                And you don’t even care to recognize it.

          1. It’s better than following the tagline of a couple of basket cases in big Meech and Joséa the wanna be Messiah.

            Trying to act like the biggest snake in
            big brother history Is a freaking joke
            Especially when
            When Christine flipped in big brother 16. And the eight pack of alliance fell apart because of Frank, Tiffany, and Davonne.
            Frank Tiffany and Davonne and their inability communicate, trust one another to keep it together in the bigger alliance completely screwed up everyone’s game and especially Nicole‘s because you get put in a terrible position to choose when you were supposed to be in an alliance with these people all along that was not Nicole‘s fault that big Alliance fell apart and at that point when that happened big brother 18 became a complete free-for-all.

            Frank and Davonne completely sank their own games on big brother 18 as well as their parachutes Bridgette and Michelle!!’

            Its time admit that Paul made a stupid decision in taking NICOLE to the final two!!!! Instead of James who won one competition all season long!!!!

            If you all really think Nicole is that big of a rat or a snake you are really softer fans of the game than I ever could imagine because you should really go back and watch chill town and see how they operated.
            They considered lying to be a sport!!!!
            While trying to sleeze on all the woman in the house!!!!

  8. Welp. Pretty sure this is the point where imma have to check out for the season. Unless there’s some major mix up (which I guess there’s always the chance of) where Memphis goes or something like that, I don’t see both Janelle and Kaysar being here next week, and likely Janelle will be evicted come next Thursday. Glad that White Bro’s are dominating for another season in a row, makes for real interesting television.

    I take solace in the fact that regardless of when she goes home Janelle is likely still gonna win AFP and I hope she gets in a huge fight with Nicole F if this is her last week there (which according to the HN choices that could’ve already happened).

    1. I was actually “shocked” Julie was that “matter of fact” with Nicole A. about what went down in the house this past week. She pretty much set her straight on the fact Janelle had her damn back all the way, and I was pleasantly surprised to see her do that!

  9. After an entire week of knowing Jaysar and Kevin were Nicole’s only 3 votes she only had 2 on her side and it wasn’t any of those 3 people?

      1. During BB13 BB15 there was a competition where Helen was rumored to be pushed. Someone doctored up a video to make it look like a shadow behind her legs pushed her.. or maybe the shadow was grod I dunno.. either way Helen fell and Elissa won the HOH. It’s a BB folktale.

        BBTwitter is thinking that Tyler only got 11 because either the mug was closer to the 3 than the 4 or that the mug was still moving when he hit the buzzer.. again same thing as above. Tyler got pushed.

        There was also the time in Big Brother Canada where the fans did “roll the tapes” and the Milkman Emmette was found to have bent the rules. Unintentionally maybe. But the fans got BBCAn to redo the comp. .

        1. Wasn’t Emmet called for rule breach in three comps total in the season?
          One he was yelling out advice to Jillian and there was an express instruction.
          One they were supposed to carry things one at a time and he had 2 in his hand.
          More than one person d/q in that comp.
          I really can’t remember the third…. but remember the three times anger because Gary had bent rules in the very first comp of the season and got away with it because they never expressly said you can’t tie your shirt tails around the pole or some such, but Emmet was called out for a third time.

          1. Ohh man you’re right! loved that season. I was just thinking the bee comp where he had the pollen balls in his hand.

            yeah I can’t remember the third either.. damn it’s in a post here somwhere. I have a lot of that season’s feeds on youtube. backed it up the other year.

            1. I just binge watched that whole season over three days! I really enjoyed it going to start watching all the Canada ones.

              As for Emmet, his three violations were using his hands to transfer the balls in the bee pollen challenge, giving advice to Jillian and taking one of his hands off the bar in that epic endurance competition where Jillian beat Topaz after like three hours.

              Since I’m binging them, I don’t have time to read your old articles and see how the players are really gaming, so my question to you is how are the edits for BBCan? I’m always disappointed with most of BBAmerica edits as they don’t really tell you all that’s going on most of the time, but I did really enjoy season one of BBCan. I think Peter and Gary were probably my favorites, but Emmet and Jillian played good games too.

              1. Edits in BBcan are sometimes just as problematic as the American version.
                HUUUUGE plots including entire alliances and entire beefs between houseguests are completely left out.
                Seasons one two and three were closest in house to edit.
                After that it gets worse in terms of feed to edit translation.

        2. Simon you may be right that Tyler hit the buzzer too soon, but he got 5 and 4 on his first 2 shots. And,regardless it was only a 3 on the 3rd. Unless they review and rule he hit the buzzer to soon.Which I would agree with. His score would still be 12.

          1. I think the problem was his first shot was on the line between 4 and 5, and Julie said the rules were if it was on the line, you would get the higher number. They initially only totaled him up to 11, but then changed it to 12, which according to the rules would be correct. Timing doesn’t really matter since nobody else scored a 12, but I was wondering why everybody was standing around watching their shots, when they should have been moving on to their next ones after they released, or moving to the buzzer after their last one. These people don’t think some times.

  10. I love Dayvonne but her saying that she promised herself to never vote out someone who “looks like her” really rubbed me the wrong way… might be just me haha

      1. She didn’t say never. What she said was she would not do it. Period. She didn’t mention early or late. She seemed to waffle on that later after David pissed her off though. Good to know her morals are only good up and until you make her mad. I mean she DID say it was a moral question for her didn’t she?

    1. What if it had been Memphis or Cody that said the exact same words. Why the double standard. Racist like her sicken me. Maybe one day we’ll all judge on character and not skin color. Does that sound familiar Dayvonne?

  11. There is a rumor going around that Janelle actually won HOH. That Tyler had 11 when he rang in??? Can this be confirmed?

    1. Tyler got 11, Helen was pushed. The Grod’s not changing this HOH. She feeds on your dejection.

      Kraken shrine focus your energy on that to save J/K

      1. Are we at the point of releasing the Kraken? I don’t drink but this season has tanked so fast and so badly I may start…

      2. I rewatched the video and he got a 5 on the first push (4/5 line therefore 5) and a clear 3 in the next two boards that’s an FB 11! Bye bye B1tches!

        1. He definitely got a 4 on the second one lol. I took a picture but can’t upload it due to size. Julie said if it is touching a line they get the higher point total. His was even more than half over the line. BBTwitter is going absolutely crazy about it though lol. My favorite is the crowd “yeah he got a 5 and a 4 but he hit the buzzer while it was in the two on the last one.” When he legitimately waited until it stopped moving in the 3 to hit the buzzer.

      3. Hahahahaha – If he rang in too early, wouldn’t he only have 9? Only his first two shots would count then wouldn’t they? That makes sense to me, so let’s get on the DQ train! Who was second? Ian?

  12. Opinion:

    Tyler IS nomming Jaysar. Get real. He just IS.
    question is:
    does he want to nom them together, or back door. or does he already have a renom in mind just in case.
    That’s the only parts of the equation we’re waiting for.

    1. I think he’s going to go for the kill and put them both up. Guarantees one leaves unless there’s a twist we don’t know about.

      1. They’re going up for sure and I don’t think a twist will come. maybe veto on Janelle might give us a scenario where they both stay. I don’t know. it’s definitely not in their favor.

        1. Do you think at this point, she in particular actually cares? Lol. She’s made the home to my kids talk a few times. Flat pay.

        2. Fan vote, diamond power vetonor coup d’etat….Janelle obviously wins, throws it in their face, let’s them sweat before the ceremony, great ratings, why wouldn’t they?
          Someone get Mickie’s mom to make the call in to production.

        3. Can’t they go talk to him? Offer him something? I would love to see Jaysar & Tyler & Bay work together.

    2. Opinion:
      he doesn’t swing at Memphis.
      he doesn’t swing at Dani.
      It’s week three people. Pisses off too many people.
      10% he aims Da for renom. again. too soon. Have to get out one of Jaysar (his pref will be Janelle 100%)
      90% he aims Kevin for renom.
      If required.

    1. Last week they came on right after the show aired on the east coast. Maybe this week they’re waiting till after the west coast. Or maybe it’s a Willie situation

      1. Yeah I thought that was weird how they came on so fast last week. Was hoping they would be back on soon this time. I bet that fight will be edited down when it airs.

  13. That moment when you look up all this crap about Franzel, Rachel, Janelle and Janelle Dani Franzel whatever. you hit search
    and Dani’s husband pops up doing a cast about the show with Rachel…
    Search intensifies
    and it’s all kinds of everybody is friends except for 2 that loathe each other and everyone is expected to choose sides or pretend to choose sides or be the enemy… oh. real housewives crap. But I don’t watch the realhousewives. oh crap.

    and suddenly you really just don’t GAF about ANY of this celebutard bullcrap but feeds have been down while they try to convince Janelle not to go Janelle on Franzel on Dani and her daughter’s birthday.
    They can’t even own it.

      1. Isn’t it both on same day? or is it one after the other? lol.
        I just can’t hear the words daughter’s birthday without seeing that clip.
        no matter what the situation.

  14. Could the feeds be down so long because they realized Tyler only had 11 making Janelle the winner? Could the feeds be down because maybe Janelle and Nicole are still fighting?

    1. They counted his points wrong so no conspiracy.

      He would have won regardless. Janelle was close though and sadly if she doesn’t win Veto (wonder if he will give her a shot) then she will go.

  15. Julie told Nicole about the 6 alliance. Would she have told her that if there was a chance that she could get back into the house in a battle back? I’m thinking she would not of!! There must not be a battle back before jury. I don’t know why they told Janelle she would not go home until September though. Maybe they are quarantining them before sending them home?

    1. More than one source is saying Keesha is home, but likes how the person doing her social media has been handling it, and has asked them to continue.

  16. I’ve been forgetting about Enzo’s game this season. He’s doing damn good. Everyone likes him nobody is targeting him.

    1. I agree. Annoying personality outside the game and listening to him, but still doing well. Nobody finds him like the sandpaper I do.

  17. So in the rules Julie says “The goal is to LAND each mug on the highest scoring zone…” So if Tyler’s mug had not actually landed prior to “whistling” out then it should not count…ie it’s dead.


    this TOTALLY didn’t happen and i’m TOTALLY playing

    So Memphis won the safety suite and saved janelle cus she asked and well he’s got to keep up the pretense that he’s on both sides.



    1. SCENARIO 2

      Janelle has offered to endorse Angela’s cookbook if Tyler does them a solid.

      What. she offered Franzel’s safety to Ian… like she can’t say eat vegan mudcake with a smile?

  19. who made Enzo a have not? With Bay and Janelle? oh. this is going to get reallllly bad.

    I can pretty much guarantee this statement by tomorrow:
    yo yo yo not cool. all youse guyz gonna be making 200 alliances wit yo da cockaroaches and de ants yo and yo i thought the vegan diet stuff was leaving skidmarks yo this slop yo nawwww dis is no good. hey dere janella da hun, yo go make me a sandwich yo. yo I’ll vote for you if yo you sneaks me some food. yo.
    (you realize janelle is one of the only people that has been cooking their meals, right? )

    Janelle telling Da and Kevin she doesn’t play the snitchy snitchy ratty ratty in the corner backstabber game. if you have something to say be up front.
    telling them not to trust the crying and the little snake moves
    Da… been there done that (she just doesn’t know history repeated itself yesterday an she’s got invisible snake fang marks as she speaks)

    Kevin Janelle convo. whu?
    oh this is going to meander. it’s not a draggg, it’s reading a room.
    *read silently to yourself Kevin, don’t tell everyone you found waldo every ten seconds.

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