The two-hour finale starts at 6:00 pm PST. As is the drill It will show copious amounts of filler and pharmaceutical/political commercials. In between, we’ll see the last two parts of the Final HOH. Part 2 for which we know Cody wins and part 3 where Cody and Nicole will face off. We’ll see the questions from the jury, the final vote, and America’s favorite player (if there is one.. lol) From what I’ve seen I think Cody and Nicole will take each other to the end. Cody should win this season but of course, it’s 2020 and I’m fully expecting some sort of upset. Cody winning final HOH taking Nicole only to lose again would be a perfect end to this fantastic year.
Tag: Janelle Pierzina

Power of Veto Ceremony results – “why didn’t you go for it?”
1:52 pm Enzo and Kaysar
Enzo – you didn’t like that nom
Kaysar – no, did you even consider it?
Enzo – I did bro, trust me
Kaysar – why didn’t you go for it.
Enzo – I got a good relationship with Dani .. there’s a lot that’s going on in this f**ing house. I thought of every f**ing thing
Kaysar – Okay, well I tried.
Enzo – I know bro I could be out next week
Kaysar – you’re in a good spot who knows what will happen
Enzo – we got a couple f**ing days..
Kaysar – I was going to have an impossible time competing against David.. now Christmas I don’t have the vote s
Enzo – you’re making me feel bad bro

“I want to do it this week (put up Dani) but I have to get rid of Kasyar because of you guys.. what the f***”
9:37 am Enzo and Cody
Enzo saying that Dani has started a lot of sh1t “between me and you YO, we play nice this week and we get rid of Kaysar because Kaysar ios coming after you and Tyler anyway”
Enzo – the girls to they’re ready to make a move on her (Dani)
Enzo – Dani is f**Ing our game up.
Cody says Tyler brought up Nicole knowing about the slick6. “He said how come you guys never tell me”
They’re agreeing that Tyler has doubts about them now because of Dani
Enzo – Dani is going around saying Enzo you better watch out Da’Vonne and Bayleigh are looking comfortable on your HOH she’s the one saying it to people..
Enzo – Christmas is telling me a lot of f**Ing sh1t you
Enzo – I’m done.. we have a good thing with Tyler. Dani did that purposely to f** me and Tyler. I’m done with her I’m done
Enzo – play nice
Enzo says whoever wins the next HOH Dani will get to and try to clip them.
Enzo – next week is double eviction .. she’s gone yo F** that yo

Ian “The last time I was a pawn if I didn’t win veto I would be 500K poorer.”
Bathroom. Ian and Christmas.
Ian – what are you thinking is going to happen? Christmas – he is going to talk to everyone again today and from what I know its going to be a pawn. He wants someone that would… Ian – definitely stay. Christmas – definitely stay and take it with grace. Even last night I said if you need to use me .. use me. Ian – My thing is I will take it with grace but I don’t think I would stay. I think for me there is risk. Christmas – I think you would absolutely stay. We would have Kevin, Me, Nicole, Dani.. Ian – at the beginning of this week, Kevin and I made a pawn pact. That if we were against Kaysar .. we would vote out Kaysar.

Veto Players Picked! Enzo “This sh*t worked out perfectly YO! That is f**king crazy YO!”
Head of Household Winner – ENZO YO! Have nots – Dani, Tyler, Da’Vonne Nominations – Kaysar & Kevin Power of Veto Players are – Enzo, Kevin, Kaysar, Tyler, Bay, David POV Host: Memphis Power of Veto holder – Power of Veto Ceremony – Safety Suite – Live feeds —-> Grab your Live feeds here. Try […]

“Cody doesn’t want you to say anything nice about Kaysar because it’s annoying to him “
11:04 am Dani complaining to Nicole about the bed in the have nots
Dani says she hung out with Enzo and Cody until 2:30.. “Enzo is obsessed with you”
Nicole – Aww I’m glad he likes me
Dani – Cody and I had our first fight he snapped at me for no reason and I got really mad. He got called into the DR
Nicole – it Happens, Just cause you disagree on something or what.
Dani – something about what I told him he was actin really weird.. I snapped at him and said LOOK, first of all, you’re being rude
Dani – he’s (Kaysar) is not coming after me it’s for you (Cody) what’s wrong with you right now
Dani – Kasyar went up to Enzo and was like tell me one thing did Dani throw me under the bus. I was like what.. I couldn’t believe it

“The girls think they run this house ..and we got rid of three of them already!”
9:25pm HOH room. Enzo and Memphis.
Enzo – man this HOH sh*t is exhausting! Memphis – I never knew. I never won. Enzo – everyone is trying to come up here and pass their agenda. And I am like hold up .. hold up! I won HOH. Memphis – I am glad you felt the same way. I was like I don’t give a sh*t about your agenda. Enzo – YO! You win HOH and you do what you wanna do! Memphis – I never went into someone’s HOH and did that. Enzo – I just went in and was like I’m safe? Okay .. goodbye! The girls think they run this house and we got rid of three of them already! Memphis laughs – but its so true. Enzo – now all anyone cares about are the votes… I am like I don’t give a f**k about who voted for who.

Nomination Results! “You might be the f**king floater that gets to the end.”
5:20pm HOH room. Enzo and Kevin.
Enzo – I am sorry that you’re up there but I’ve got to nominate two people. You know what I mean. You’re safe, just do what you do! That’s it! Trust me! Even if he wins the POV, you’re safe trust me! You’ve got my word on that. That’s all. I’m sorry. Kevin – I trust you. Ezno – you’re safe. There are too many people I like in this house. I’ve got to put someone up there and no one is coming after you. That’s why you’re up there. That’s it. I hate to say pawn but that’s what it is right now. There are too many f**king people in this house. I don’t trust anybody. Everyone is a flip flopper. Its good that you came up here. Kevin – is that true about the game talk? Enzo – no that wasn’t about you. That was about him. He hasn’t talked game to me all season and now today he comes up here and is all gungho. I’m like BRO where was this.

Enzo – “No no no he’s [Kevin] not the target. He’s a good floater I like him as a floater YO.”
1:25 pm Bayleigh and Da’Vonne
Bayleigh – the perfect person won .. Anyone else I would have been.. ehhh (lol)
Da’Vonne – I told them that I never threw a shot at our girl. if you ever feel in danger let me know I’ll pull the trigger
Bay – okay same.
Bay – it’s not that she doesn’t like me or I don’t trust her .. she has too many ties.. She’s not going after Cody, Ian, dani it’s me.. I’m the only option
Da’Vonne – it’s Kevin (pawn)
Bayleigh – there’s going to be a meltdown
Da’Vonne – he’ll be caught off guard
bay – so dave’s not going up
Da’Vonne – girl.

“I got targets.. thinking Kaysar.. he’s a good guy he’s a good kid but he talked no game with me for 4 weeks bro”
Cody and Enzo
Enzo says he’ll talk with everyone then they can have a bullshit slick 6 meeting. they’ll then have a meeting with just Bay and Day then they’ll have a real meeting with the core 4
They agree to not take a shot at Memphis.
Cody – no way
Enzo – they better win shit..
Cody – what are you thinking
Enzo – I got targets.. thinking kaysar
Cody – the easy ones .. like kaysar
Enzo – Kaysar.. I might put up a pawn..
Cody – who Kevin or David

“I’m putting up Kaysar and a pawn! And if Kaysar wins veto, I will f**king backdoor Ian! I don’t give a f**k YO!”
9:57pm Outside the HOH room. Enzo and Cody.
Cody – so what are you thinking? Enzo – I don’t know .. Memphis is saying that he didn’t do it. Cody – this is between you and f**king me. Yesterday, Dani came in the back room and asked do you think that you’re more susceptible to doing something crazy if you’re on slop? I asked what are you asking? She said lets vote the opposite way tomorrow to try and pin it on two people. She wanted me to do that. I was like F**K NO! Enzo – I am telling you YO! Cody – don’t say a word! Enzo – I want to talk to everyone and see who they’re going to pin it on. (It was Enzo and Dani LOL) You know what I mean? I want to see who they pin it on! Because yo! you’re never going to find out. No one is going to say nothing. Cody – no. But the only person that .. she asked me to do it.

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 3 review and eviction results
Last week the sweet and delusional Nicole Anthony was evicted from the house by a vote of 10-2. In the Head of Household competition Tyler pulls out the win. It was close (some would say Helen got pushed close 😉 ) between Tyler and Janelle. Tyler ostensibly says he’s doing what the house wants and puts up Kaysar and Janelle. In reality, he’s doing what he wants and what his 20 alliances want. It’s all going as planned.