HOH Part 2 Winner is HOLLY! “Everything happens for a reason!”

Holly – I thought I did it in 12 minutes. Why did they make us wait forever?! I was like is Nicole taking 40 minutes.. what the heck!? Jackson – I’m going to be sick. Holly – they made me wait for an hour after I came in. Jackson – I am literally speechless. I am without speech. Holly – that was a hard comp. Jackson – everything happens for a reason. If we saw these two on paper, I guarantee you I would have said you should have won the first one and I should win this one. And I would have bombed that! Holly – do you think?! Jackson – I never would have gotten out.

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“I was told in the before that I was a country Laura Croft “

10:10 am Final 3 Champaign breakfast
Nicole mentions how she didn’t do “that Great” in the Competition last night but says it was an amazing set.
J – That was an experience
H – that was one of the most fun things I’ve ever done in my life
N – like when in your life will you jump from rotating pilers
N – It was very nancy drew, Indiana jones-esic and I love it.
H – I felt like Laura Croft
J – you looked like Laura Croft. I say that to you all the time
H – I know. I was told that in the before that I was a country Laura croft
Nicole says they are the “bionic woman and man” adds that they looked like they were moving in “fast motion” and she was in “slow-motion”
N – they’re not your average people. I don’t know what the f* they are some kinda robot people

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HOH Part 1 Winner is Jackson! “I want to prove to people that I deserve to be here.”

9:40pm The live feeds return to Jackson in the bathroom showering. Holly joins him in the bathroom. Jackson – that puzzle was really hard. Holly – so hard. They talk about the competition. Holly talks about a squishy rock by the treasure chest that she used to jump up on to get back onto the platform. Jackson – I didn’t know. I was jumping up without it the hole time! I’m an idiot! That was exhausting. That was hard.. 25 trips. Holly – That was a full body workout! That was a really fun comp! Like that is a comp. That’s the kind I want to compete. Physical, mental, strategy. Jackson – the next one (HOH part 2) will be physical. The last one will be mental. Holly – if its mental.. Jackson – its not, stop saying that.

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Big Brother 21 Week 12 recap and Live Eviction Results

We’re almost there.

Last week Nicole and Cliff high on power planned on getting rid of Holly thus turning their backs on the Jackson/Holly/Cliff/Nicole final 4 deal. After hours of house arguments including some massive lies from Jackson and deals from Holly, Nicole and Cliff go back to evicting Tommy. In order to secure the vote to stay Holly has to augment her original final 4 deal and agrees to throw the next HOH and POV. The HOH is played Holly drops in minutes, Cliff falls

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Big Brother 21 Week 8 recap and Live Eviction Results

Every week we get so close to Christie being evicted, This was the closest yet. I truly thought this was going to be the week. At least there will be no lack of funny faces in posts to come and plenty of CHOMPING.

Last week ended with Kat being evicted. Jackson went on to win the Slip n Slide Head of Household competition. From the moment he won the HOH it was clear Christie was going to be nominated and he wanted her out. Jackson spent considerable time talking to the other players securing the votes to evict Christie. It’s no surprise he ends up nominating her with Sis. The power of Veto is played and Jackson pulls out the win . Jackson doesn’t take Christie’s deal. He does not use the veto keeping Christie/Sis on the block.

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