Action packed week of Big Brother All Star. So much unpredictable game play going on. Ian was evicted with the only votes to stay being David, Da’Vonne and Kevin. Nicole voted to evicted Ian but was able to convince Da’Vonne it was David that did. Memphis went on to win the Head of Household. His target was David but to prevent some sort of upset he puts Kevin and Da’Vonne up hoping to backdoor him. Memphis tells the veto players: Dani, Nicole, Tyler his plan to get David out and says best for them to throw the veto to him or one of the nominees to minimize the blood, he didn’t mind the blood this time. Tyler is not keen on this idea as he’s tight with David. Cody the same. He wants Da’Vonne out. The girls want to win veto it to save Da’Vonne their new fake ally. Fun times: For veto Kevin got houseguest pick and chose Dani. Who put him on the block the week prior and was her main target at first.
The veto is played and Tyler wins. Memphis knowing that Tyler won’t use it changes his plan and the target shifts to Da’Vonne. Da’Vonne continues to trust Nicole about the Ian vote. She goes on to say some nasty stuff about David. Tuesday night the feeds cut for 22+ hours. We find out a trusty wall yeller was able to set Da’Vonne straight about who flipped the vote. Feeds are full of stars.
We’re almost out of none committee members after 7 weeks of some of the dullest Big Brother it might just get fun for a bit.
Death of the Live Feeds
I have a bad feeling where the feeds are going after this season. It’s never cut this much, conversations are hard to follow and huge swaths of the feeds are blocked without explanation. We can talk about who is to blame in the comments below but I think we can all see CBS has had it with the fan base and the fan base has had it with this season.
You can’t play BB when 1/2 the house are friends going to each others weddings and BBQ’s. They had a DEEP pool of people to call up. Spreading the players out from different eras would have prevented this but being as this is a COVID world maybe they just couldn’t get the talent.
Make sure to listen to the BB Breakdown! with Simon and Ken. ******* LINK *********
Results from the show
Tyler Votes to Evict Da’Vonne
Enzo Votes to Evict Da’Vonne
Nicole Votes to Evict Kevin
David Votes to Evict Da’Vonne
Cody Votes to Evict Da’Vonne
Dani Votes to Evict Kevin
Christmas Votes to Evict Da’Vonne
Da’Vonne Evicted
The BB Neighbor
Dr.Will is the neighbor. In the next HOH and Veto they will have a choice to go for the power or go for prizes. “Go for power or go for prizes”
Two hour Triple Eviction Next week!!!!
7:03 pm NO Feeds YO
9:46pm Still blocked..
Addios DaVonne!
Davonne has put herself in this position because for her own horrible gameplay.
She has no one to blame but herself and she is the reason why she’s lost all three times at playing this game.
It only took Victoria and Jenn C
One season to win A single Veto.
There was a reason why Davonne got evicted week two in her original season in BB 17. The writing was all over the wall as far as how inept she was when it came to playing this game even back in 2015!
Davonne should never be brought back to play big brother ever again because it’s obvious she can’t do it!
That’s because she not fake and a liar like the other houseguest. She fact checks and is authentic which is impossible to do in the big brother house. The others are comfortable liars because they do it in their everyday lives. She’s better on the challenge.
No she was terrible on The Challenge too. Her future should be on The Bad Girls Club.
That’s the show for Halloween.
She came in 3rd on The Challenge which was higher then some. There are others in BB who didn’t win either. Why is it such a big deal about Day? There were other duo’s in this season as well.
THANK you. & she won every elimination she was in on the challenge.
Davonne can’t separate game from personal hints thinking a final 2 is personal information .
She’s annoying. Implying everyone racist and playing a victim instead of admitting she sucks at playing the game. Why can’t cbs cast a competent black person. I had hopes for David but he turned into a super dud.
She couldn’t wait to lie to Tyler to tell him that she voted for him to stay.
Tyler the same one who lies every time the camera is on him? Okay Tyler fan that’s okay, show your support.
Tyler lied to her as well but put the blame where it belongs. Dani is the one who lied and switched information between Day and Tyler.
I just have to give you an LOL as that’s all you will understand….
You make no sense just like your display name.
You need an lol for blaming Day.
Asking a liar whether they are telling a lie IS terrible game play. This is Big Brother…
Something which most of them did…..
The challenge is edited. BB isnt, and we can see her gameplay here. Heck, she has played this game THREE times and been terrible every time. What more proof do you guys need?
Not a great observation. Janelle is one of the best players and has not won. Everyone has different strategies to playing the game of Big Brother, amd that doesn’t mean their a horrible game player. She should have already known the odds were stacked against her to make it to the end. It’s basically win every comp or go home. One comp won’t do it!!!!
do you know these people to say they lie in their everyday life??? This game is about socializing and lying and she has played three time so she should of known by now.
I watch the feeds and have heard them all talk about personal things in life that they regret lying etc. Didn’t say it was a bad thing we all do it. I don’t need you to educate me on the game bc you’re wrong, you don’t have to lie as a prerequisite for this game; they just choose to do it.
Nahhhh. She just really sucks at the game
That’s great. She sucks at the game. This is supposed to be all stars not the davonne power hour.
You can call it “being fake” or you can call it what it really is … A competition that requires self control. Day lacks self control AND she lacks the discernment required to understand Nicole is a snake and David doesn’t understand the game. Day is just really bad at BB.
DaVonne was going no matter whether she voted for David or not. She had too many gunning for her and, they were already talking about it. She was targeted from the beginning. Don’t get it twisted.
Don’t get it twisted- Davonne voted with the house majority for 4 WEEKS STARIGHT!
Davonne took out people that would’ve been working with her when she voted them out- Davonne has done this all to herself Every time she has left big brother all three times it’s been because of her own horrid gameplay.
Time and time again Davonne has proven to be horrible at this game it took her three seasons to win a single veto when it only took Victoria four weeks to win one in big brother 16.
Davonne has a horrible social game because she does not know when to use information to her advantage and leverage houseguest it in order to pull in numbers.
If anything why she’s such a bad player it’s because not only does she bring her game down but as well as her allies that are attached to her!
Davonne Threw Bay under the bus when she told Christmas who also nominated Davonne and bayleigh that Bayleigh wanted Tyler’s head on a platter talk about unnecessary information to give Christmas who put you on the block?!?
That is a clear cut example of bringing your ally down to make a bigger target for the both of you.
There’s a reason why Davonne got evicted week two and placed 16th place in big brother 17 !!
16th place, 11th place, and 10th place
Davonne precident should show why you should never bring houseguest back that performed as badly as she did in her original season!
Davonne had ample opportunities to change her fate in this game. She misread just about every situation.
No one to blame but herself. She sucks at this game.
Cody is the new HOH
Why does cbs keep pushing the committee? there’s obviously a split between dani/nicole and the other four, who are closer to enzo than either of them.
Grod will show you the story line Grod wants. The one where Cody or Tyler end up on her casting couch. If it wasn’t for these blasted feeds she would be able to get away with it.
I agree. They have had some horrible edits even with the feeds.
I know right Simon?
I literally laughed out loud at the Shitmas DR tonight which where she delivers the
“Something very strange is going on here. First Day/Kev pick Nic/Dani in POV & now Day gives this speech calling people out not including Dani/Nic. It’s obvious this little trio Dani/Nic/Day have something going on behind the scenes”
No Shit Shitmas – you’re in that frigging alliance.
It’s insulting how Grodner treats the fanbase — at least feign an attempt to make it seem logical.
The feeds were cut to punish the fans. So why dont we retaliate by not watching…if there is a plummet in viewers they might start listening…
I already shut down the feeds when Kaysar left. It’s not worth watching stars, pound puppies n kittens (as precious as they are) CBS is horrible. They clearly are intentionally destroying the BB game we loved. I’m not certain of their agenda but it certainly isn’t about Big Brother It’s over imo.
Well, you can see this destruction all around us. These “types” are kneecapping alot of what made life in the US enjoyable. Throw sports in there now as well. I have to be careful being too truthful as I’ve noticed alot of censoring of posts, even here, surprisingly….
Amen Foosa. Couldn’t have said it better.
The hypocrisy is strong here with many of the other posters.
I am waiting a little longer to see what happens to Kevin and David. I soooo want to see what happens when xmas gets booted too :).
Same here. Cody just won the HOH. I’ll watch the show to see what David does, and maybe Kevin, but then I’m done. Their already saying this will be an easy nomination week. Interesting….
Big Brother isn’t fun anymore. It reminds me of the awful High School clicks. I can’t wait to see them turn on one another during, not double, but triple eviction. Hahahahhahaha- ha
I haven’t watched since Janelle left.
I’ve kept up with spoilers, but haven’t turned it on.
I really think this season might be the end of Big Brother…
Give Big Brother a break it’s Covid season at least they were on !
I wish they don’t ever bring back past winners or fan favs because we suffer. They come in feeling privileged, refusing to follow rules knowing they will get away with it and our feeds get cut way too much. With new people at least there is some fear and more respect for the game and fans to continue acts that are not allowed and leave us with long periods of animals or whatever.
I’d like to see a season of just regular people again. Not the ones who are on “to further their career” or “to increase their Twitter followers”, just a good mix of regular people and go back to showing their daily interactions, not just their game talk. What I found the most interesting to watch in the beginning was human interaction, how different walks of life got along in this closed environment. Then throw in the fun challenges etc. Was entertaining! Now it’s basically scripted and none of them are themselves, they try to be who “the public” would like….boring snoring!
Yeah. Their actually complaining about the prize money not being enough tonight.
Julie might as well just given Day the mike for the entire hour. CBS is the worst.
Once I heard she and Baynard were invited back yet again to make fools of themselves, without having to get into the gory details here (avoiding post censoring as its racist to point out the obvious), the outcome was verifiably predictable.
These people suck up all the oxygen in the room, it’s tiring to be around really.
What was Day trying to say about David voting morally? A moral vote… ?
I am glad she allowed Day to talk.
Can’t wait until Davonne is gone… only bad thing is now we have to watch her attitude and bitterness in jury
i know, right? why couldn’t she be booted instead of bay? i’d so much rather put up with bay as a juror.
I see your point however bayleigh was a completely personal player that voted emotionally last time with her jury vote in big Brother 20.
Tyler was the absolute reason why level six had success because he took out that whole foutee alliance starting with his first HOH and taking out Steve then having Katelyn take out her own alliance member swaggy.
From start to the finish by Tyler allowed level 6 to be in a position with three people in the final four in bb 20
Tyler wasn’t even HOH in yet he had huge hand and influence behind the scenes that took out Bayleigh and swaggy in yet Bayleigh couldn’t even recognize that as great gameplay.
I think Tyler got ripped -off, he definitely should have won that season.
There is no question Tyler got robbed in season 20
he needed an advocate in jury earlier. those players were so clueless they didn’t recognize his game. overall kaycee had better jury management.
It wasn’t Kaycee’s jury management that won her the game. She just happened to be sitting in the seat opposite Tyler, and some in the jury were very bitter against HIM. That’s why she won.
Not saying Kaycee didn’t play a great game. She did – but she was second best to Tyler IMHO.
So we could watch HER attitude and bitterness in jury instead? Two seeds from the same apple as far as I’m concerned. Neither of them understand the game, nor play it well. Both will vote bitter, as they’ve both admittedly done in the past (and Bay said she would this season). Two peas in a pod. Too bad they can’t see past their own game and vote for the best player.
She went out classy and wasn’t bitter in her interview?
She literally said out loud that she would be an emotional juror and she would poison the jury so they would vote for who she wanted to win
Like someone has ever listened to her in life.
Because she had time to digest everything after the wall yeller stated it was Nicole who voted out Ian not David! CBS totally kept non live feed watchers in the dark! There is no way Da’Vonne would have reacted so calmly if she didn’t already no. And thats crap because all of the fans were robbed of seeing Da’Vonne’s first reaction to Nicole’s betrayal!
She wasn’t bitter to Nicole last time.
Why does Da’Vonne get to give a 10 minute speech for her “brief” speech?
Too bad for Da’Vonne that the best players make it to the end on game not skin color.
Would it be okay for Cody to say “I love being white” (Da’vonne said I love being black in her exit). Why did CBS never point out her obvious racism like they have in past seasons?
Because we all know he loves being white. He benefits from his dominant role in society, which is predicated on shitting on POC and other marginalized groups. So yeah, that would be obnoxious of him. And most definitely racist.
No.such. Tis a myth.
Read a book or two.
You are the problem with the world today. Ignorant and spreading stupidity. Racism will never go away because of people just like you who say that black on white hate is not racism. Maybe it’s you who needs to read a book starting with the dictionary in the R section.
You see what is going on in the world and you say what you just did? Wow. No, don’t read the book because you are choosing to be biased.
Haha yeah, racism won’t go away bc of people like me who have so much power in the world. Please wake up.
Do some reading on the myth of reverse racism. The dominant culture as a whole cannot be hurt by prejudice.
Really take the time to educate yourself. Be on the right side of history.
Thank You!!!!
“he loves being white. He benefits from his dominant role in society”,
Yeah judging someone by their race is just plain racist.
I’m guessing Cody’s terrible education at Temple gave him a head start over the even worse or lack of education of Davonne?
I’m guessing you need a psych evaluation quickly.
Your reply is ignorant and despicable. Your right about one thing though. There’s no such thing as reverse racism. It’s just racism, and Da’Vonne has shown more of that in the house than anybody.
This happens every minute of every day all around us. This is why I state the obvious, the biggest racists are people like Da’Vonne and there are so many like her out there.
And who wears a necklace of the actual continent their ancestors came from? Go back to your homeland then Da if you hate your own country that much; no one is stopping you. There are just so many well run African countries to head off to…..
This is ABSOLUTELY disgusting! People on the internet have nothing else better to do than bash others I guess. SMH why did God make people like you?!
Like I said before, it’s people like you that are the problem. An inconvenient truth, is still the truth. I’m appalled and disgusted by “people like you”. SMH why did God make people like you? See how that works? I can say absolutely the same thing about you. What I said about the DayDay was not out of line, it just hurt your feelings, then you attack me with such a statement. You need to stop talking to mirrors hon…
So you don’t wear clothes from other countries or have items made/sold/shipped from Taiwan , China etc in your home? Give me a f’n break. When did it become a crime to support your heritage? I’m Italian and I wear jeans everyday should I go back to Italy? You sound ignorant.
When ignorance begins to prevail like it’s doing in this country right now.
Yep, agreed, look at who is burning shiiite down and attacking people for absolutely no reason. The elderly, black, white, yellow people being killed and beaten senseless. Yeah, again another mirror talker you are Knotee.
if you wear your heart on your sleeve it will get hurt, as the old saying goes. BB is a game. Going into a game with the goal of a certain race as a winner limits your chances of staying in the game. Her game play was racial and was insulting to people’s intelligence! It was an embarrassment to decent people of color that try to get along with others in this world. I would have loved to see her or Kevin win the HOH and put a twist to the game. It is what it is.
You are willfully blind. Ignorance is Bliss I guess. I am stating this as you have the nerve to call Day a racist. You don’t own anything in this country to tell folks where to go. Native Americans are the only ones with the right to say that.
I’m wide awake as many others are; you may have heard about us…The silent majority. Just because you bark endlessly, does not make you the majority, nor right. Da’Vonne, Bayleigh found this out rather quickly. The house was willing to forgo their white privilege (thanks Ty), but even that was not enough for Da’Vonne.
No K-not-ee, the sun does not rise from the West no matter how many times you, “Seb” or any other snowflake states.
Why does skin color or “specialism” always have to creep into places where it’s so unnecessary. The moment Da’Vonne was confirmed this season, I KNEW it was going to be all about RACE. Enough already.
That was racist.
Because they know that would have been bull and it goes beyond that.
Too bad for Davonne that White people win the game due to their privilege.
You guys really don’t get it, do you? CBS is allowing 10 minute speeches and highlighting any and all racism talk because they are part of the propaganda. CBS is a part of the media, and mainstream media is pushing all this crap. A race war is being pushed down our throats and it seems we can’t even escape it on a big brother blog. Smh
Politics, race it’s all about division. And Americans better snap out of it before it’s too late
Nailed it
Again, your comment is just plain ignorant and shows what a hateful person you are. You are obvious green because you are so envious of others who are successful and deem them only as privileged instead of hard working. Why don’t you go talk to white people who have had to fight and work for everything they have, and then talk to black people like Bayleigh or Beyoncé’s kids to see what unprivileged lives they have because they are black. And I’m NOT white so you can sit down and stfu!
So thanks for the unqualified analysis of my psyche. Where should I send the check? School of racist idolatry? I am White, so I can talk to myself, thank ya very much! I’m a freakin doctor, you dumbass. I have privilege, no matter how hard I’ve worked, no matter my origins. And your comment about Bay and Beyonce makes no sense. I am also privileged enough to be able to grasp and communicate in the dominant language. I understand not all are as smart as I am, and thereby I give you a pass for being intellectually inferior to me. Bc in all my dominant brilliance, I alone can make that determination. So, how’s that feel? No reason for you to feel victimized or upset about that, now, is there? Stop trying to oppress people with genius IQs such as I, will ya?!!!!! I just want us all to love each other, while also having the average folk continue to bow down while I maintain my supremacy.
It’s too bad they don’t even out the playing field so that we can get a real clue as to who the real players are like they did when Tamar won. It’s a lot of pressure when you are preyed upon from the beginning because you are Black and people expect you to be a duo. People who contacted each other and made pregame alliances. I don’t expect you to understand though.
No shit! And then the great Julie Chen Moonves tells Kevin he has to “keep it short”! What? After we had to listen to all of her SJW stuff that had nothing to do with the game, she tells Kevin to keep it short? They should have told Day to shut up and sit down so that Kevin could have his FULL time!
da’vonne, if you didn’t carry the burden of propping up black players at the cost of your own game, you’d have a chance at winning. yes, the cultural barriers can be an obstacle for minority contestants, but to win this game you have to spite that expectation instead of allowing it to overpower your game. nicola was a good ally. david was not. you got what you deserved.
No, that wouldn’t help her game whatsoever. She is that bad….Maybe 4x lucky, let’s see how the schmucks in the CBS brass can bring here back again…
Davayn is not Danielle. I’m tired of her poor black us. If you multiply her 15 times to play in the house she couldn’t win… Bye Felicia
win the game by playing well not by thinking someone owes you day. you suck at the game.
CBS is drinking the entire pitcher of Kool-Aid.
WOW – the hugs sure showed how much Day despises Ty she almost did the condescending pat of the back thing you do when you don’t want to be near someone & she pulled away super quick… BUT then she hugs Dani/Nic and tells Nic she loves her?
I don’t get it.
I enjoyed Day DRs however her game play um… well let’s just say I saw a post on twitter today that made me giggle. It was a suggested zing for Day by Zingbot that truly resonated…
Day plays BB like she plays poker — which is why she was a dealer instead of a player. Zinggggggggggg
Seriously, her reads are the worst & I do admire that she is pro female and has a strong platform she wants to represent. That said, for a social BB player she’s has the worst read/takes of the house and never saw through Dani who was always using her. If you go back to August 25th Dani is caught on the feeds saying Janelle first then DayVonne (as targets). So her shift to work with Day had more to do with her anger at Tyler & wanting her to take him out.
Still ———– we’re not even finished the show but the tea Tyler just poured in his GBM MADE MY NIGHT b/c it exposed DANI & NIC! Day acknowledged both but is clearly more angry with Nicole. The only thing I am sad that didn’t get exposed is that it was Dani’s plan to pin the vote on David b/c Day is still far too accepting of Dani.
Hopefully she’ll be able to discuss in depth with Dani and Nic when they join her in jury! (putting that into the universe YO!)
EDITED TO ADD: I take it all back DR. WILL IS IN THE BB HOUSE– Now they can truly call this season All-Stars!
P.S. With next week being a triple-eviction here’s hoping two of the three exiting will be Dani & Nic!
I wouldn’t even mind seeing one of Cody or Memphis get nipped just so we get a true house shakeup.
PSS: we finally got confirmation from Xmas that Tyler is her true priority (which is good – hopefully shes shared with him the news about the Wise Guys alliance)
ian has probably figured it all out and can fill da’vonne in.
Maybe – but the detail of it being Dani’s plan to pin the vote on David — would Ian credit her for that? He really likes Nicole and credits her as a strategist so I’m not sure he would think that came from Dani instead of Nic AND he might also be feeling a little petty over Nic screwing him over even though he was classy in his exit.
Ding dong the racist is finally gone…. see ya davonne, now MLK can finally rest because I’m positive he rolls over in his grave every time she opens her foul disgusting mouth.
da’vonne’s not racist. she’s prejudiced. racism implies a view against another race from a place of systemic privilege.
We have already had this discussion and u lost. U can’t re define racism as bad as u want to. Ur the liberal professor who doesn’t know her/his ass from a hole in the ground
d is right. And if you say we already had this discussion and you still don’t get it, that is why we are still saying it
look up the definitions of the words. the distinction isn’t huge but it exists and it’s important.
OMG are you just trying to be funny? Pull up the muriate of quotes word for word that came out of her trap then pull up the Websters online dictionary for the official meaning of the word racist. And no, it doesn’t state that ONLY WHITES can be racist…..Sheesh.
You sound racist. It’s one thing to call out Davonne on her horrible game play but be fair with your criticism. There are many players who suck at this game, who have won and coasted by because they are white and privileged so they are included in the main alliance. Nicole being one of them. If Nicole was black she would have been gone long time ago. Only white people can be racist because white people have the power to oppress. A black person speaking or having negative sentiments towards a white person is a black person with negative sentiments period. They do not have the economic or institutional power to do anything about their feelings. A white person with negative sentiments can cast only three black people every season, a group of racist white people and rig the game for whites people to win every season.
so the Obamas have the ability to be racist then According to ur logic?? Or any other black person who is wealthy or born into wealth? U sound so ignorant. Judging someone by the color of their skin and not by the content of their character is racism. By the way janelle who is white tried to align with day and the other minorities in the house to fight against the main alliance, and u know what happened davonne shunned her and joined forces with the enemy lol…. day is a horrible game player and a worse person
Thanks Bobby for stating the obvious. They (the 3 “like us” have to stick together), didnt want anything to do with Janelle because of their racial biases (not David though in his defense). If they wouldnt live their lives through hate and race, Day and Bay may still be in the game alongwith Janelle and Kaysar.
No, because Obama was one biracial man in a leadership position. He was a puppet and he had no real power. Wealth and power are two different things. Your inability to differentiate between wealth and power does not make me ignorant. Your inability to educate yourself on systemic racism makes you ignorant. I agree, Day is a horrible player but as I said there are many horrible players who have been white that have made it to the end.
You just called the POTUS a puppet! THAT makes you ignorant. The POTUS is the leader of the free world, and nobodies puppet. Not even Obama, who was weak, but still a leader.
Corporate puppet?
And…Day SAID she voted out a previous player from this season “because she is WHITE”! Can’t get more direct than that!
Well said!
And yet you still watch it.
I love the game. Unfortunately big brother is a microcosm of the real world. Sue me.
from websters: racism – a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
there’s a superiority component that’s missing from da’vonne’s bias. her prejudice stems from a place of feeling isolated and discriminated, not superior.
How do you know that? She said last night she was a beautiful black QUEEN! That sounds to me like she thinks quite a bit of herself. She also thinks she deserves to win Big Brother just because she is black, so she is a bit delusional if you ask me.
Oh and where is the systemic privilege part you always mention in that definition? I many have missed it, but I don’t see it.
People here aren’t talking about systemic racism. They are talking about Day’s prejudice based on race which is racism. Its a real thing and a real problem in society today.
Then all the houseguests are racist. White people do the same thing it just doesn’t need to be said. The white houseguests align with other white houseguests who are similar to them. They other and isolate the POC and vote them all out because they have the numbers. Once the POC are out, they duke it out amongst themselves. This is the theme season after season. Black people aren’t racist they have no choice but to band together. If I was going to humour you. White people introduced the concept of race to promote the agenda for transatlantic slavery. So sucks maybe white people shouldn’t have created a view point that others people if white people didn’t want it to backfire. Davonne is not and can not be racist.
So what you are saying is that racism can only apply to white people, because of systemic privilege, which is a relatively new term having come into existence in just the last 10 or so years. So racism basically didn’t exist before the last 10 years then, right?
That’s how stupid your argument is. You’ll tell me systemic privilege has existed for all of these years, but nobody has ever called it that, but why not? Why only now do we define it THIS way, when before it was merely thinking one race was superior to the other, or simply hating someone because of their skin color?
I think we know the answer to that one. You provide it every time you say black people cannot be racist.
You must be a white Trump supporter
So nice of u to bring my race into the conversation…says alot about ur morals. Ur obviously a racist as well. Go do what ur white liberal masters tell u to do, and vote for biden or ur not black. His words not mine
This discussion is as worthless as Donald Trump trying to tell the truth.
Look at our society brought back the 1918 Pandemic, 1929 depression, 1968 Race Riots at same time hell of a job you’ve done there Donnie. Being anti-Trump doesn’t make you a liberal it makes you a human.
All brought to you by the DNC, with the hope that the low information voters will vote out the incumbent. Actually the pandemic spurred the economy to close which brought on the recession, but it’s the same thing. The rioting in Democrat controlled cities over police issues that the president has nothing to do with, well, only a moron would blame him for that.
And Rittenhouse had nothing to do with Trump??
Rittenhouse was at Trumps rallies and was inspired by Trumps rhetoric
Trump still didn’t condemn his actions!!!
Newsflash that kid was not JUDGE DREDD!
So go crawl back into the hole that you never deserved to come Out of, because you got played son.
da’vonne still unable to separate game from personal. nicolf could not give you a straight answer until you were out of the house, it would affect your ability to work with her should you have stayed. there was no way to answer that without game considerations. you suck at the game. please never come back. hopefully a black woman with game can win in the future. unfortunately your lack of game is disqualifying, not your race.
Couldn’t have said it better myself that is the exact reason why Nicole couldn’t say! Davonne still would have taken too personal Even if Nicole admitted in the house that’s why Nicole had to wait until the goodbye messages to explain Davonne is the type of player that wouldn’t get why you would have to hide information because of a secret alliance she’s too personal not to understand that.
I mean Nicole gave her 5K and Davonne When Davonne finished dead last in the veto when they tried to throw it to her and is still upset with nicole about that vote when Davonne shouldn’t of use the Vetoto save Kevin because Ian wouldn’t have left If Davonne didn’t use that veto.
Davonne just played for a third time and she still thinks that a final 2 is personal information-Further proves that Davonne never Deserved a second chance there’s a reason why she had 16th place in her original season and her Awful social game using Information throwing people under the bus by trying to fact check mixed with a terrible competition track record compounded by her straight paranoia
Makes her one of the worst players we’ve ever seen in big Brother history.
I mean 16th Place 11th Place and 10th Place was Da’Vonnes placement in three seasons with a social game that is awful and one veto in three seasons that is all proof that you need as to why Davonne it is one of the worst players we’ve ever seen zero accountability none and it’s always everyone else’s fault for her position and why bad things happen to her in the house
Newsflash day your social game is awful because you threw your number one ally under the bus when you told the HOH who put you both on the block that your ally wanted Tyler‘s head on a platter – Davonne has done this to yourself To be regarded as one of the worst players we’ve ever seen because her game played as for those shown that she never should’ve been brought back for a second chance -Day got
16th placement for a reason!!
I was surprised to hear Davonne say she loves being black. The impression she gives out is that being black is a cross to bear. She is way too focused on race. I think she’d be a lot happier if she didn’t make race such a big deal.
Excellent comment Dixie
I never thought I would say this…Thank god for Dr Will
Triple Eviction!!!! Get the wheelbarrows!
Greatest news I’ve heard all season.
Every time I’m juuuuuust about to quit watching…. they. are. good.
Has bbus ever done a triple?
I’m well aware of the canadian triples.
If they follow that example: expect chaos.
fave can triple moment: the storage room argument about the vote that almost came to blows during a commercial break in bbcan3.
No, this is the 1st one. Usually just 1 or 2 doubles
Triple eviction next week…wooooooot!!! Ty sweet baby Jesus! Also, I don’t remember a longer pre-eviction speech longer than Da’Vonnes tonight. What in the flying fukkity fuk was that?? Then Julie had the balls to tell Kevin to keep his short…
Considering most of the speeches get approval from production, it was odd.
CBS probably wrote that speech.
Bingo, we got a winner here!
They didn’t write it, because it contained everything she’d already said in previous weeks. They definitely approved it because of time blocking in the episode.
The long speeches started around the same time as playing “new school” did. They’ve become a platform to promote a cause, give a shout out to your 10th cousin twice removed or to thank the mechanic who changed your oil filter 15 yrs ago. Sometimes all of the above. Janelle & Kaysar’s were short and to the point like they used to be.
Another WTF moment in her BB career, although it didn’t surprise me in the least. Way too long to talk about shit that has nothing to do with the game, and then they short poor Kevin….AGAIN. Thank God the vote was a forgone conclusion with only Dani and Nicole casting KHA votes for her, trying to get her jury vote, which I hope she is smart enough to see through (you never know with Da’Vonne). Just wondering what the reaction would be if any of the pale faces sat out there and talked about how they love being white? This type of double standard is just not good, and only serves to push us farther apart as a nation of one people.
***Bring Bring***
Im back in the house. You can’t have an allstars without me.
Dr Delicious
The Puppet Master
Triple Eviction! I cant wait.
I may actually watch that, it will be the my first since Janelle left.
wondering if this week is bb auditioning dr. will to replace julie. i doubt julie returns next season.
One can only hope
“A triple dipple, yo.”
Thanks Enzo, I picked up what you were putting down. And thanks for your Karmic aimed gas too.
Triple Eviction. I just may watch this week. Hopefully Nicole is evicted during it.
I really dislike Nicole, I really hope Dani goes further than her just to spite Nicole. I think Dani was truly the only person that would have taken Nicole to the end and Nicole is shitting all over that, once again.
I am hoping that the triple eviction claims Cody
Yes, and Memphis and Nicole. Would be a great 2 hours.
Dani is terrible.
Get woke go broke
I’d like to nominate for triple eviction: Dani, Nicole, Cody.
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas
I meant Sh1tmas
Who would be the Houseguest equivalent of Krampus to evict her?
Agreed! I would like to see Christmas, Tyler, Memphis
Felon Navidad, Nicole, and Tyler
I hear you (do I ever) BUT… I’d like to see Tyler have a shot & she’s the ONLY one I think that truly has his back deep in the game
If not those 3 Memphis. I like Kevin he is so clueless but funny.
Enzo, Cody, Memphis
Was it me, or did Da’Vonne not seem surprised when Nicole told her she voted out Ian? I think someone in the house told her.
I think the wall yeller told them so she did know.
Rumor was a wall yeller
today on feeds each of da, nicf and david insinuated that the wall yeller revealed the truth.
Does it seem the girls hold grudges more against other girls and the guys get a pass more often than not in BB?
On Reality competition show in general…. the Sisterhood is dead. On Survivor they had a Season with Amazons… they picked off all the men accept one. Then they turned on each other and he won that Season of Survivor. There is a myth that men are more competitive… but women are even more competitive with each other. It gives them a disadvantage in these types of shows.
Not just in BB, in LIFE!
I know a lot of people won’t agree with this, but I’ve contended in the past that gender role based socialization creates a paradigm wherein males are taught to view each other as teammates, while girls are taught to view other women as threats.
As examples i tend to point out the disney princess archetype, wherein the predominant role of the tragic princess is to find the prince that will elevate her social standing and save her from every other woman in the tale: the evil queen, the evil witch, the evil step mother or all three wrapped in one.
The disney hero tales, however, often have the other men / male sidekick comrades around them as team mates or subordinates on their side helping them to overcome the obstacle or enemy, get the girl, and raise their own social status through the endeavor.
How does this apply to your question? If women are predisposed through socialization practice to view women as adversaries, and men as saviors, then the acceptance of boys will be boys as a dogmatic stereotype becomes the norm.
While the series continues to cast women that aim to be protected or taken along with the man making no waves (the showmance strategy is usually the greatest example of this in bb world), instead of casting women that wish to fight and win for themselves, this is going to keep happening. Normally, who are the women targeted first? The women that are viewed as denying a subordinate role, and demanding equal respect.
This season in particular has been, from the very first HOH competition, set up to be a man’s game, where every woman is a distraction, and a human shield. Many of the women chosen to be on this season have either been showmance strategy users, or zealotous followers of an alpha male leader. There is very little difference between how Nicf, Dani and Cody are playing the game. But, look at how their gameplay is viewed differently. Look at how it is edited differently. The women that would battle for themselves? They were the first women named as targets.
Ugh, drivel
And in BB Fandom too So sick of Enzo constantly broing down.
Dr Will looks like his face is all plastic now
That’s what I thought at first to.
Are we positive that was him, and not a wax duplicate with some cgi tossed in?
If not… did he pick up Nicf’s sponsorship with Olay? Because he was plastered in makeup.
The neighbor’s house is actually the set of Lazy Town.
Not to throw a damper on things — but Julie did say the “neighbor” would play a role in a “new advantage” I sure hope it’s not some stupid DPOV to save Grodner’s predetermined F3.
Remembering season 3 of BB Can, Sarah & Britnee were selected by Canada to be the have nots but it was to compete for a special power (DPOV) which Brit won. When she was put on the block to replace Sarah who won POV BB Can let it play out until eviction night & instead of saying a speech she used the power to take both her & Godfrey off the block and was allowed to also name the replacements.
It was very dramatic b/c of how they let it occur on the night of the eviction. They also had a triple eviction. Of note, the hamsters vote for which player they want to save not evict if BB US does triple eviction the same.
The bbcan3 example: you’re close. Sarah and Britt were the original noms. Godfrey was the replacement nom. That’s why Britt saved Godfrey, because Sarah won the veto before they did the entire have not double butt veto challenge, removed herself from the block forcing HOH Ashley to name a new nom. Britt saved herself and Godfrey.
Is the HOH competition going to be held tonight? Won’t the houseguests get suspicious if the comp isn’t on a Thursday like it almost always is?
I know nobody is watching the NFL anymore but I would like to announce that Kevin is now on the clock.
If the triple ends up with Kevin, David, and Enzo being evicted… I’m dooooonnnnnneeeee . I’ve never had an issue with big alliances cause there were always casualties before it was just the alliance remaining. It’s not like that this season and it’s boring.
Simon how the triple eviction would work? I only heard about double but triple?
my wish list to get evicted for the triple eviction are: Sssscole, Grandpa bully memphis and Mrs Angela Tyler. I stopped watching BB since it got boring again.
No idea how it will got down. Maybe Eviction, HOH, Noms, Veto, Veto Ceremony, Double
At some point Dr Botox has to come into play so maybe he has something to do with it. A couple of years ago there were 3 on the block as a penalty maybe they vote 2 to go at one time.
Eviction early and then basically 2 weeks in the next 90m
In Canada the way it worked is the same as typical except 3 nominees. Only 6 players in POV if they do the same as Canada each nom picks a player HOH doesn’t play OR.. HOH picks two names from bag.
After POV ceremony – the hamsters vote for who they WANT TO KEEP of the 3
USBB had three nominees a couple times. I can’t remember how they picked the veto players. I think the HoH just picked two more players.
Hmmm. With the triple eviction, the feeds may be down a lot of Wednesday…this time legitimately
Those guys really benefit from women being more competitive with other women and the fact they think winning Big Brother requires a big strong men… They always help other women loose the game.
Big Brother is a numbers game and comps are necessary.
So lets look at the numbers in the house.
Keesha (evicted), Nicole A (evicted) Janelle (evicted), Bay (evicted) Day (evicted) 5 women evicted three more women left in the house Christmas, Dani, and Nicole F… 8 total If the women could have pulled together as a unit and added two guys to their voting block 4 possibly 5 men could have been evicted. Only two men have been evicted.This does not consider the possible HoH wins that could have happened id some of those women had stayed…. but women always get more competitive with other women and will always see each other as bigger threats in shows like BB. There will always be women working hard to get all the other women out. Look at Christmas, Dani, and Nicole… they are all targeting each other now.
The guys don’t get blood on their hands because they actually protect the other guys… I would not be surprised if the triple is Christmas, Dani, and Kevin… not surprised at all. Men usually win reality comp shows because the sisterhood is dead. There isn’t any showman’s this Season or the usual jealousy… and the women are still targeting each other.
I would like to offer some prizes for the people that correctly guess next weeks triple eviction individuals.
First Prize: One week with Rock Star and family.
Second Prize: Two weeks with Rock Star and family.
Third Prize: Three weeks with Rock Star and family.
Enter early so that you won’t be disappointed!
If I’m a white straight guy I would have no incentive to be in final two with a: female, POC, lgbtq, or all of the above. The jury will not vote for Tyler or Memphis unless they are the final two. FYI: I am pulling for David.
I’m almost wishing the wild fires or COVID shuts production down…
Why? You don’t have to watch or follow it.
I think Tyler would get votes against Christmas or Kevin. At the end they know all Kevin did was cry and get dramatic.
FF pridiction- Enzo, Memphis, Nicole, & Xmas.
Davonne ia so ridiculous. Give me special treatment and throw your game because I’m black like she wouldn’t have spilled the beans of Nicole told her the truth. Personal game? It’s all game.and again she would have blabbed like she always does when she goes cray.
That’s three times on this show. We better not see her again. She is a terrible game player. All star? What a joke. She got black privileged into this season.
We all bleed Red. And some times we have to move forward. It is what is on the inside that matters. May the best game player win.
Does Julie Chen have Covid?
I find it amusing that she forces the house guests to wear a mask coming out but doesn’t have one herself. I’m sure she is constantly testing being a celebrity and we know the house guests don’t have Covid… so why do they have to wear a mask and not her. In truth, neither one needs it up on that stage which being interviewed. It literally makes no sense and no basis in science. Julie probably just don’t want to cover her face after she spent all that money on it.
Her kissing davonnes and bayleighs asses was also amusing.
Ask Nancy Pelosi about rules for thee and not for me….Julie Moonbat Chen fits that category nicely.
She probably thinks that she is so well loved that one of the evicted may rush her and encompass her in a giant hug…so they must all wear the masks.
Not bloody likely…
She has to be accepted in her society.
Davonne has always been on her own crusade- she “plays” the woe is me and victim life card over n over. She is not as loud as Bay but shes not far off. Davonne loves to stir the pot and sit back and watch the aftermath with a smile. Yes its a game but Davonne isnt a good competitor and definitely not an All Star. She will cause havoc in the jury house, another “performance”.
I hope they do not tell them it is a triple until it is time for the 3rd round
That would be Epic! Let their brains scramble.
That would be a good trick on them all, but doubt if that will be the case. They will probably announce it at the end of the PO V or right before eviction #1.
Don’t worry…I suspect everyone will $hit a brick whenever it is announced to them!
I’m trying to toss water on some of these arguments. I let everyone say their bit but please leave it at that. These things keep going back and forth and spiraling
Thank you for the water. And thank you in general.
Cody won the HOH tonight
Julie Guirrl for goodness sakes I hope I never hear that again.
I made a mistake about the HOH. Omit my earlier comment please
Anybody else feel like getting one of these animals, not the house guest they are boring.
Nicole whines the game so hard this year… uh maybe it because you were always in bed tuggy!
One more procedure and they’re going to have to change his name from Dr. Will to Dr. Wildenstein.
I think we should request a refund of our money from in mass. They shouldn’t be able to block them this much and still take our $. Ughh
Feeds are back. Cody is HOH.
Timestamp: Live @ 10:07pm PDT
Just occurred to me and reminded how mad I am at the pregame alliances & Sssssscole b/c ….
we miss getting to experience Janie coming out into the backyard and flashing her trademark smile and giggle & saying Hey Will, have you seen all the bitches? Feel like doing a DR with me?
Will shooting her a wink & one of his charming smiles & replying ‘Sure doesn’t look like Chill Town in here huh Janie?
Damn — these hamsters for taking that from us lol
(I never liked Boogie but those Chill Town DR’s are still some of my favorite BB moments — that & Britney Haynes pretending to shoot herself & mouthing ‘help me’ while handcuffed to Brendon in the DR lol)
I’ve been away for awhile, trying to catch up when I can. I’m just waiting for the outliers to get voted out, and see the sh*tty majority start to eat themselves. I have to say it’s bad enough that this season sucks, but to see people on this site take it down into the gutter is disgraceful. This site is for people who love the show, or used to love the show, to come and chat about sh*tty gameplay, root for the underdog, or the shoe in (if you’re a sociopath), but to see people on here who come and only start sh*t just f*cking blows. Thanks to Simon and Dawg for all that they do, sorry you have to put up with this BS.
I’m black and I can agree that Dayvonne is terrible at this game. Black house-guests on this show will have to move in silence with their biases just like the white contestants do. Let’s be real honest and admit that there is definitely tribalism among the white people on the show rather it’s intentional or on a subconscious level. I’ve watched this show since season 1 and it’s always the “I’m hot, white, popular, and all-that” cliques that stick together every season. Dayvonne’s observations about race on the show is not wrong or racist. It’s human nature to gravitate towards your own but she just needs to not be a big mouth about it. Nicole always stab Day in the back to align with her people but you’ll never hear Nicole announce to the world that she wants a white person to win. It’s almost impossible for a black person to win BB. It doesn’t matter if the black person is obnoxious or competitive or play a good social game. Whites stick with whites. The odds are not in the black contestants’ favor. Reality sucks but it’s the truth. Please don’t respond to my comment with gaslighting. Thank you and have a nice day!
Day decided to choose her side to believe Nicole vs David. She believed in the wrong side. Classic believe you are part of the group and joke when you actually are the joke.
Day is angry Nicole made her look even dumber than she is. It’s her own stupid fault she decided to believe her.
David outlasting her is all the satisfaction I need!