Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 9 review and eviction results

Cody won head of household and the Power of Veto Put Tyler and Christmas on the block. After this week we’ll have the pregame alliance VS Christmas. More Kraken than I could ever imagine.

That’s all I got onto the show.

Enzo votes to Evict Tyler
Nicole votes to Evict Tyler
Memphis votes to Evict Tyler

Tyler Evicted.

8:00 pm feeds down YO

63 thoughts to “Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 9 review and eviction results”

  1. ian keeps it classy as a juror. dani is bitter af and already advocating cody for the win. ugh. da’vonne, kevin, and david remain clueless they were even playing a game.

    1. Thats exactly what was expected from each of them. Dani was always going to be bitter against certain ppl, but not others (aka cody) no matter what cause its obv she has a big crush on him whether she realizes or not. To her tyler going against her is the worst but im sure she will accept that cody did it and will still campaign for him
      As for day kevin and david… no words needed. They were always clueless and even if tyler goes and explains everything to them, they wont believe him and will prob just be swayed by dani
      And we know day will simply vote for whatever she considers her “morals” to say… so i dont doubt she would once again vote for nicole just so a girl wins the game

    2. Kevin has had a very good handle on what was going on in the house. Not perfect. But more so than the rest.

  2. Ok since tyler is gone. Heres who i want to win:
    1. Whoever takes out cody
    2. If cody makes it to the f2 then he deserves to win for having played everyone all game. If no one can see how hes run the entire game then they deserve to lose

    Enzo, only if he takes out cody or actively contributes and plots for it. If not as far as im concerned sure he had great social game, but he used it to play codys game sooo

    I used to think memphis was actually smart as much of a douche as he is. His gameplay moving forward and whether he realizes how cody MUST go or he will win the entire game, will to me show if he deserves to win or not
    Memphis not realizing that not only will cody cut him soon and hes bottom on the totem pole is so insane to me that im clinging to hope that hes been just saying those things in case it goes back to cody
    If he wins and pushes for nicole to leave like he said he would OR puts up christmas, who not only is his closest ally but the only person he can beat in a f2, then hes just a fool

    1. at this point it just seems that enzo is going to help cody get to final two with nicole. Don’t see how enzo can think he beats cody in the end. I don’t see memphis beating enzo in the end either.

    2. I don’t think Cody will win because he played a great game. He will probably win due to production interference and pregame alliances. No one left is really worthy of the title. Production should be ashamed. They took a once a year event that we enjoyed and scripted it just like the movies. Absolutely pathetic.

    3. Memphis’ to lose. Enzo was going to get 3rd place no matter who went home this week. Christmas is locked in for 2nd place.

  3. It Happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Two years in the running!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Memphis is next now.

  4. My friends should go on once the next post is here.

    Now Memphis is leaving on October 15 so i’m happy to say this season is a good one for me.

    1. because they can beat her and then take each other, they think she sucks in comps, like in bb16 when they took victoria to end and she was dericks nicole.

    1. That is the only thing that can save this season. Enzo would have to vote out Cody or make Memphis do the right thing and expose their F2. Memphis knows he can beat Nicole in F2.

          1. And you’re not judging Nicole? Why is she a hoe? The god stuff is polarizing. Like politics except worse.

        1. Christmas ‘and Julie’s reference to god is Christian. Not all of us watching are. Those of us who aren’t don’t equate god with Jesus. Everyone is entitled to worship in their own way and everyone’s beliefs should be respected. I just don’t want to hear about it on a TV show as I don’t have the same ability / platform to share mine.

          Thank you for understanding.

        2. Not everyone worships or has faith. Heaven forbid someone say “There is no false human deity” in public. How would that feel?

          1. What’s stopping you from saying that, nothing. Life is better when you grow up and can tolerate peoples varying beliefs without being offended.

  5. I’d rather hear what the jurors had to say in an actual conversation instead of a predetermined and production endorsed set up conversation: You know, an old school d/r type segment where they actually talk candidly about the new juror, the hg’s left in the game and their actual thoughts instead of what we saw tonight.
    Tonight’s jury segment was a little too close to a bbcan jury segment, where you can practically see the cue cards reflected in the windows behind the jurors.

    The smartest juror is the one that holds out on agreeing to the production vote in lieu of consideration for a place on another show, and a cash bonus.

    The episode itself? Couldn’t stand one moment of the d/r in the episode. It was crap.
    Now they are trying to shoe horn in game relationships they didn’t reveal all season, but wink wink still not actually acknowledge them.
    I tracked the alliances and pair deals. I charted them. To say that Tyler tried not to double dip (his exit interview) is crap. To say that Cody only has three final two deals in the game is crap. To say that the vote was still undecided (as per Julie before the vote) is crap. That vote was decided days ago.
    While not the most revisionist episode edit of the season, it was certainly full of crap. Episodies would be so confused by what actually happened this season.

  6. Well I am cheering for Xmas and snicole. The guy’s arrogance is just too much. But neither has much of a chance.

  7. I just got banned from the live feeds(for 60 min) for saying Nic aka coin slots…..lmao…so sad…She won HOH..NOOOOOOOO

  8. Nicole won HoH, so may as well have the wrap party. Cody wins the show.

    For that not to happen now takes a very specific combination of many wins by Memphis or Christmas.

    Nicole and Enzo are never cutting Cody this week with 2 on the other side, and without them agreeing to do it, Cody never sees the block this week.

    Next week he’d need to not win EITHER comp, and have the veto winner be the leftover Memphis/Christmas, or a shocking move

    Final 3 he only gets cut if if Christmas has won final 4 Hoh or veto and final 3 hoh, or Memphis has won out from here.

    I guess there is a very small chance that if Christmas made final 3, Enzo or Nicole would take her over Cody in a big signature move attempt. But basically Cody just won.

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