Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Porsche campigns to Jordan, “I was like Listen B!TCH what are you talking about” **updated

Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery

3:07pm Jordan and Porsche in the backyard Jordan is saying that last week when Porsche had HOH nobody would talk to her and Rachel. They were sad that Jeff had left and they didn’t feel like leaving the havenots room. Jordan points out that the rest of the hose wasn’t upset Jeff was gone so they didn’t expect to have any visitors. Porsche says she tried to talk with JR in the havenots but at the time they made it very clear they didn’t want to talk to her.

Porsche says that Kalia is going to start campaigning to Jordan big time. Porsche doesn’t want to hound Jordan. Porsche points out that Kalia is promising final 2 with everyone. Porsche isn’t going to offer that because she’s just worried to get to final 4 final 3 then they can talk final 2.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia cries and says she feels like the whole game we have just been railroaded ..we never had a chance.. *Updated*

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12:40pm Kalia and Porsche are cooking in the kitchen. Kalia says that no matter what happens she is okay …I didn’t have a half a million dollars before I walked in here …and my life was pretty great. Porsche says that’s a good way to look at it. Kalia says that she is just trying to justify it so that she isn’t hysterical when she walks out on Thursday.. Porsche and Kalia talk about how they can’t wait to get out and get back into their routine again. Kalia heads outside to eat. Adam asks her if she wants to talk to him at all? Kalia says that she is mad and upset …and that she has a hard time asking for help. Kalia starts to cry. Adam says that his speech was more directed to Jordan and Rachel because they voted to keep me. Kalia says that the whole game they have just rail roaded us … and it felt like we never had a chance. ..we put our hands in last week…and that meant nothing. Kalia is crying. Adam says that when people weren’t sticking to the deal the whole dela was broken. Kalia says that she doesn’t even know if she will campaign to certain people … and that I know you are going to vote to keep Porsche. Adam says that he wants to beat a vet …to prove that he earned it. Kalia takes it as a huge, huge, huge, compliment that you want me out of the game that hard. Porsche comes out to join them.

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Big Brother Spoilers: POV ceremony results: Adam DOES NOT use the VETO!

Big Brother POV Winner Results

11:30am When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Kalia is in the HaveNot room by herself. Adam and Porsche are in the purple room talking. Adam says that he couldn’t use the veto on her because he told her if she wants it she needs to win it. Adam says that if really hurt him to not use it. Porsche says he knows. Porsche starts talking about how they as newbies all wanted to stick together. Adam says that when two people make a deal and go back on their word the deal is broken. Porsche says that she just really needs his vote now. Adam says that Kalia started making deals and went back on her word. Adam says that just yesterday Kalia was giving me the same speech that Dani gave me before …word for word. About me being a fan of this game and needing to make a big move. Adam says the fact that she said it word for word.. it just showed me Kalia is playing Dani’s game and not her own game. Kalia comes and knocks on the purple room door and Adam tells her to give them a minute. Adam says that the last straw was when she voted to evict me and not Shelly.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel says I hate to be a b!tch but did Adam really earn his spot in the final three.. *Updated*

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9:15am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. When the feeds come back, Adam is in the backyard smoking. Kalia is in the bathroom telling Jordan about a dream she had about walking her dogs and how they fell down a stair case shaft. And says that after they bounced their necks weren’t so good because of the leash. Kalia, Porsche and Jordan are all getting ready for the day in the bathroom. Kalia leaves the bathroom. Porcshe tells Jordan that she loves it when BB gives them a warning about how much time them have till the ceremony it makes it so much better. Jordan agrees. Kalia comes back. Jordan leaves. Kalia starts telling Porsche all about how she was trying again last night to get Adam to consider using he veto. Kalia starts talking to herself saying that it’s veto day … find out your fate day… Kalia starts going over her speech that she will give during the POV ceremony.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – September 5th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for September 5th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother Spoilers: Adam says Kalia’s desperation reeks.. it smells worse than the backyard. I am doing the right thing for me, NOT for fu*king you!

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11:50pm Out in the backyard, Kalia tells Adam that she has something very funny to show him, that no one else knows about. Adam asks Kalia for a hint and says that he may already know. Adam jokes and asks if it’s a secret room she knows about? Kalia jokes and says there’s a secret room behind a mirror, you tap it three times on the left… it rotates. Kalia tells Adam that she will show him later when it’s just the two of them.

12am – 1:15am Kalia, Porsche, Rachel and Adam are playing cards. Jordan is in bed sleeping. Big Brother cuts the live feeds and when they return Rachel is up in the HOH room feeding the fish. Rachel comes back outside and the card game continues. The houseguests talk about random stuff while they play cards. Rachel heads to bed first while the others continue their card game. Eventually the card game ends. Porsche heads inside. Adam and Kalia are all alone in the backyard. Kalia asks Adam …so do you wanna know my surprise secret? Adam says yes. Kalia says that she is trying to show him… after you know this you will know every aspect of my game …and know how much you can trust me …and how badly I want you to use that veto to keep us here. Adam says okay. Kalia says because I want you to be my king…. you have the queen? Kalia says yeah. Adam asks who has the pawn? Kalia says who knows. Adam says see I told you were the black queen.
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Big Brother 13 Spoilers Rachel tells Adam he has 50/50 chance if he brings J/R, Adam: “It’ll be a battle”

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7:42pm rachel and Jordan They’re freaking out thinking Adam will not take them to final 2 he’ll take Porsche. They are running through the scenario if Adam wins HOH and POrsche Veto. Rachel thinks it would be her leaving. Rachel and Jordan both agree that Adam is starting to doubt he can beat JR in finals so he might take Porsche. Jordan: “I told Adam if it was him and POrsche final 2 I would Vote for him… ohh I guess I shouldn’t of said that.. oh well who remembers things like that” (out of everyone left in the house the only person that will catch and remember what Jordan said is Adam that guy remembers parts of conversations he had week 1 I shit you not, Still I doubt he’ll do anything)
Rachel says Adam needs to be convicned it’s 50/50 if he takes R or J to final 2.

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Rachel: Porsche is figuring out that she’s playing Big Brother and she can’t just sit around and eat all day **updated

Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery

4:45pm JRA backyard Adam folding laundry, rachel reading the bible and JOrdan exercising. Adam is starting to get pissed at Kalia he’s not sure if he can take her much longer. Adam points out that Kalia is using the exact same argument Dani was.. Saying that Adam is a fan of the game and Adam knows the fans want to see big moves. Adam: ‘Big moves that help them not me”. Jordan and rachel agree. Jordan tells Adam he’s got to keep his cool they don’t want any Drama. (Yes lets try hard to make this even more boring)

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Big Brother 13: Adam loves the fans “F*ck them they aren’t getting me 500K i’m going to get ME 500k”

Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery

3:05pm Backyard Adam, Jordan, Rachel None of them want to go into the kitchen because Kalia will talk game to them. Adam starts telling them that Kalia was saying last night that Jordan really doesn’t want to be in Big Brother and Jordan just wants to go to the Jury house and see Jeff. Jordan gets pissed to hear that, Starts speaking loud “She gone she’s outta here”. Adam: “The funy thing is Kalia is saying the same thing Dani would.. ohh the fans want to see big moves the fans want to see an exciting show” Adam loves the fans “Fuck them they aren’t going to get me 500K I’m going to get me 500k” Rachel mentions that she doesn’t even like to play cards with Kalia.
(Adam sucks I hope he gets out Third and they withhold his stipend becuase he was so lame)

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Big Brother Veto Winner Adam says he is considering using the veto

12:35pm Jordan and Rachel are still walking around the backyard talking. They are going over what has happened so far in the game and the mistakes and things they would have changed. Rachel says that Shelly should have never been a part of their equation. Rachel says that she just needs to keep telling herself that she HAS TO WIN the next veto. Rachel says that if I don’t win the veto then I will be gone and Adam will take Porsche to the final two. Jordan says that Porsche hasn’t really done anything. Rachel says that as long as Porsche doesn’t win the next HOH and we win the Veto we will be okay. Jordan says that she thinks she can do it ..and that a lot of people are probably rooting for you. Rachel says that she is pretty confident that if it is anything physical she can beat Adam. Rachel says that she thinks she can beat Porsche in a lot of physical stuff too. Jordan agrees. They say that even if Adam wins HOH we can talk with him. Kalia says that Adam said that her argument is solid but that its about numbers. Kalia says that she told him this will be the biggest mistake of your life. Kalia tells Porsche that we need to step it up. Kalia continues to tell Porsche everything she said to Adam. Kalia heads outside.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Adam says day 66 Adam does not use veto …day 69 pray to fu*king god that Kalia gets voted out! *Updated*

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10am Adam wakes up, changes his battery, goes to the washroom and then heads out into the backyard for a smoke. Adam starts studying the dates and events of the house. Adam says wait until you BLANK see tonight. Shopping Spree with Tori Spelling and Rachel locked up in the HOH room with Jessie. Adam says day 66 Adam does not use veto …day 69 pray to BLANK god that Kalia gets voted out! Kalia joins Adam in the backyard. Adam starts talking about his dreams. Big Brother then cuts the live feeds to wake up the houseguests.

10:25am Up in the HOH room Jordan and Rachel are talking. Jordan is talking about how she was talking to Kalia last night and didn’t want for anyone to get the wrong idea about what she was doing. Jordan says that she really wanted to talk to Rachel and Adam. Jordan says that even this morning she wanted to talk to Adam and he is out there with Kalia. Rachel and Jordan talk about how they hope they can trust Adam. Rachel says that Adam gave you Fara’s necklace so hopefully we can trust him… I think we can. Jordan talks about how Kalia was telling her why she really needs the money. Rachel says okay well this isn’t a charity.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – September 4th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for September 4th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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