Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Hayden tells Kristen that the Brendon/Rachel showmance is disgusting.

3:40pm Monet and Enzo are talking in the Have not room. Enzo says that he thinks Kathy would be a great replacement nomination …. ..then he says that Andrew would be an even better choice. Monet says they wont do that, ..they want to put up someone who’s guaranteed to stay. Enzo says that they better not put him up as a pawn because he will go after them next week. Enzo says that he wants HOH …but not just yet he wants to watch people and see what everyone is like and then get HOH, put two people up and back door someone.

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Britney Haynes Pageant Queen

Big Brother 12 Houseguest Britney Haynes is Age: 22 and lives in Huntington, Ark where she’s a Hotel Sales Manager. She’s cute, She’s squeaky, She’s Sweet and she’ll probably keep her clothes on (sorry Hayden). In her interview she warns “I am so much more than meets the eye! I look like a typical blond from the south, but I’ve got a lot of spice to my personality. I’m a good mix of Chelsea Handler and Martha Stewart.” In a interview she laid out her strategy to pretend to be nice and elusive “people want what they can’t have!”. She’ll probably leave the fact that she’s engaged a secret and she looks like the type to pull the “I’m only 18” card…

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