Big Brother Canada Spoilers “You ask why.. I have two words.. Why Not Bro”

12:36AM Bathroom Topaz, Alec, Andrew, Talla, Peter
random chit chat.. Alec says that he would really get along with Liza outside of the house he just didn’t like her inside. Peter says the only reason why he didn’t like Tom was because of the entire “Liza thing” Alec asks him about that elastic he wears on his fingers. Peter says it’s Liza’s Alec wonders if Peter and Liza will hook up. Peter doesn’t think so.

Alec and Peter joke that they are going to the Vancouver casting calls for Season 2 of Big Brother Canada. Andrew mentions they should go as Emmett and Tom wearing muscle suits. Peter brings up something Tom said “You ask why.. I have two words.. Why not Bro” ALec breaks out in laughter (Damn i’m missing Tom )

Andrew, Talla head to bed. Topaz says she’s going to go into the Hot Tub.

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Peter Campaigns to Talla – Jillian walks in and scares her..

9:10pm Peter is in the storage room with talking with Talla trying to save Alec. He pitches the idea of saving Alec so that they can all work together with hopefully Andrew to get Emmett and Jillian out. Peter tells Talla that he has trusted her for a long time in this game and I trust Andrew. Peter tells Talla that there is an east coast alliance. Talla asks well how many votes does he have? Peter says well he has me and Alec is working on Andrew … if we can get you then Andrew would be much more inclined to work with us if you are wanting to. Jillian opens the door and Talla gets startled and screams. Peter comments we were just about to make out. Peter leaves. Talla tells Jillian her conversation with Peter. Talla says that she should just tell them she will vote to keep him ..but won’t really. Emmett joins them. They tell him the conversation. Emmett leaves.

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Big Brother Canada Talla says I am the second place goddess, the 3 DQ threat!

5:55pm Jillian goes up to the HOH room with Emmett and tells him everything that Topaz just told her about Alec. She says that Alec threw every competition and only tried for that one because he wanted to win the 10 grand. She says that Alec is such a weasel. Jillian says that Topaz told her that Alec and Peter are trying to play the game like Dan .. I don’t even know who Dan is but they are thinking of whatever he would do to get out of things like lying and backstabbing ..whatever it takes. Jillian says that Topaz told her all about his game play and how he thinks he is a genius. Emmett tells Jillian not to make any deals with her yet. Jillian says don’t tell Andrew this but the only person that would benefit is Andrew’s game if Alec stayed because he would try to align with him and try and get us out. Emmett says that Andrew wouldn’t do that though .. I don’t think.

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Alec says I want to be here next week to stick it to Emmett & Jillian, then win veto and put a nail in the coffin.

2:45pm Alec and Peter are out in the hot tub room talking. Alec says that he wouldn’t mind being up against any of these people except for Talla. Alec tells Peter about how Talla was asking about what kind of tuna is this .. salmon. He then says that Talla saw the light mayo and asked if there was dark mayo. Peter and Alec laugh. Alec says I need to distance myself as much as I can for Topaz and let her and Talla drag themselves down. Peter says I cannot throw another comp, its like from here on out ..give it all you got. Alec says that he won’t try and sway Jillian but that he will let her talk to Emmett and see if she sees all the angles. Alec says I want to be around one more week just to stick it to Emmett and Jillian … and then I want to win the veto too just to put a nail in the coffin. And then everyone in the game will be coming after me.

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Big Brother Canada Spoilers HOH Pictures Where’s Waldo

11:45am Andrew and Jillian

Andrew says that only him and JIllian are “two Timers” Meaning they’re the only players that have won a HOH each.

Andrew: “I don’t know what to do i’m starting to get freaked out.. I want to get rid of Alec.. I want to get rid of Topaz and I want to get rid of Talla”

Andrew adds if they make it to final 3 he’s flying alone so it’ll be tough to make it to final 2. Jillian says he’ll need to bring Talla with him. Andrew: “Not to final 3!” Jillian: “Ya I know just this far”

Jillian tells him if they get rid of Alec than Andrew can team up with Peter. Andrew: “But then i’m nervous about Peter going to the final 4 with us and winning”
Andrew says he having a hard time deciding who to take with him to the end Jillian or Emmett. Jillian laughs tells him to take her. Jillian: “You take who you think you’ll win”

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Big Brother Spoilers Peter Tells Andrew If He wins HOH Talla and Jillian are going up

9:31pm Houseguests waking up Andrew and Alec eating cereal chatting about random things. Andrew says how some people in the house have said they wish it game would last longer but he doesn’t, “I would rather shoot myself in the head”. They joke about them getting another activity to play with like a pool table, Andrew: “Canada has voted for you to have a ice pick to scramble your brains.. I’ll play first”

Alec starts to say how awkward it is being with Topaz right now. During the day they are enemies but and night they are close. Alec finds himself getting closer to Topaz but further away from the rest of the house.

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Talla FLIPS OUT because the others think she is going to get LOADED AGAIN!

9:20pm – 9:30pm The house guests get their 26’er of Vodka. Andrew portions it out evenly for each house guest. When he finishes Talla is the first to say I am grabbing mine. Andrew asks did you grab the biggest one? They continue to finish making dinner. Talla leaves the kitchen. Andrew says lets start making bets, that is more than what she had the other night. Talla comes back and starts flipping out that they are talking about her drinking too much. Talla starts yelling telling them that she isn’t going to drink all that now. You think I want to embarrass myself again like that? She tells them that they can drink her alcohol, I am not going to drink it. You can eat the dinner too, I am not eating with you! Talla storms off. Andrew is annoyed that she made such a big deal about it.

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Big Brother Canada Power Of Veto Ceremony RESULTS!

6:45pm – 7pm When the Big Brother Canada live feeds return we learn that during the Power of Veto Ceremony Peter used the Veto to remove himself from the block and as head of household Jillian nominated TOPAZ as her replacement nominee.

The house guests are on an indoor lock down. Alec, Jillian, Talla, Andrew, and Emmett are in the kitchen snacking while they wait for their reward food. Andrew says lets think about what they are giving us, lobster. They wonder if Big Brother is making the food for them or if they have to make it. Talla and Andrew wonder how much alcohol they will receive. Talla says that she is “on watch” and going to redeem herself tonight. She isn’t drink so much and get wasted. Talla is wearing a card on her chest that says “Do you love it?” She says that it was in the room on the food.

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Big Brother Canada Emmett tells Andrew that Jillian wants Topaz out this week..

2:40pm Emmett and Jillian are up in the HOH room talking about what the best plan is to get Alec out this week. Emmett says that he agrees with Andrew that Alec is the biggest target to get out this week. Emmett says that Jillian thinks that Topaz needs to go this week. He says that Jillian thinks Topaz is coming after her and that Alec explained to her that he isn’t coming after her. Andrew says that Alec is going to say whatever he needs to say to be safe. Andrew says that Jillian can do whatever she wants to do, it’s her HOH .. but I am still voting Alec out. Andrew comments that Alec has already won 10 Grand. Andrew and Emmett comments on how there are still floaters in the house (Topaz & Talla) that they can’t let win this game. Andrew says I want Alec gone 100%. Andrew comments on how Alec came up to him and told him he liked him. Andrew says that we were all up here and I almost shook hands on a final four and I am glad I didn’t but not that, that matter any ways. Emmett asks Andrew if he talked to Talla because I think she wants Topaz out too.

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