Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 3 review and eviction results

Another fun week for us Big brother 22 “Allstar” feed watchers. Tonight Janelle will be evicted. We know the last two players have returned to their lives so a battleback twist is unlikely.

Week 3 in Review

Last week the sweet and delusional Nicole Anthony was evicted from the house by a vote of 10-2. In the Head of Household competition Tyler pulls out the win. It was close (some would say Helen got pushed close 😉 ) between Tyler and Janelle.  Tyler ostensibly says he’s doing what the house wants and puts up Kaysar and Janelle. In reality, he’s doing what he wants and what his 20 alliances want. It’s all going as planned.

The power of veto players are Janelle, Tyler, Kaysar, Cody, Bayleigh, Memphis. Cody wins. Of course, he does not use the veto leaving both Big Brother legends on the block. Janelle is the target the entire time. As the week progresses Tyler realizes her staying over Kaysar is better for his game and the people that really benefit from Janelle leaving is Nicole. The end result will be the same one of the handful of likable people this year are going to be evicted.

Notes on the house dynamic

1) David is seriously fumbling through this game. He’s on everyone’s lips as a nomination and target.
2) Da’Vonne and Bayleigh are on everyone’s radar now that J/K will be broken up. Da’Vonne is in more trouble than Bayleigh.
3) Most of the house says they’ll put Kaysar up if they win HOH. Even Bayleigh/Da’Vonne mentioned it.
4) Dani’s starting to run into issues with Tyler, Cody, and Enzo. they are all worried about her “talking” and Enzo has mentioned taking her out sooner than later.
5) Ian is on a whole bunch of target/nomination lists. Cody, Enzo, Da’Vonne (this is new), Memphis
6) Kevin has demonstrated himself as the worst player this season and one of the worst of all time. Kinda reminds me of Jessica last year. Moments of clarity followed by days of being the worst.
7) No one has tossed two pennies into Nicole’s nostrils but I’m throwing the idea out there.

The Allstars Season

The ranking Grid for yesterday echos what I see on the feeds. Half the cast is ranking at 2 or less it’s a telling sign that fans see this cast heavily skewed to the suck. It’s week three and there are pathways that will break up this log jam It all depends on who wins Head of Household tonight. Will this season be Kraken? Tonight’s HOH and possibly tomorrow’s nominations will answer that question for us.

You can call me a boring undeveloped old school fan but having Janelle and Kaysar on this season was the most excited I’ve been for a BB season since like BB8. Seeing how things panned out these last two weeks it broke my BB heart.  I realize tonight is an end to an era  🙁

Results from the Show

Nicole Votes to evict Janelle
Bayleigh Votes to Evict Janelle
Da’Vonne Votes to Evict Janelle
Cody Votes to Evict Janelle
Dani Votes to Evict Kaysar
Enzo votes to evict Kaysar
Kevin Votes to Evict Janelle
Memphis Votes to Evict Janelle
Christmas votes to evict Janelle
David Votes to Evict Janelle
Ian votes to evict Janelle

Janelle is evicted.

Carinval Quick Shot

2 groups of 5 compete by rolling three balls. First, three of each round get to compete in the final round.

By the power OF GROD Kaysar has completed the first heat.

6:44 pm Feeds are down.
7:23 pm Feeds still down yo
8:13 pm Feeds no
8:50 pm Feeds no

Feeds come back Enzo wins HOH.

132 thoughts to “Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 3 review and eviction results”

  1. I prefer old school too. I miss the time of being on the edge of my seat on Thursday’s not knowing what was going to happen…now it’s as predictable as anything else. The only unknown is HOH but as soon as they are crowned you know what the week will look like. BORING!!!!

  2. This game has been crap for years I’d say season 13 on at least. I gave up completely after Paul’s 1st year 18 ? I came back to check on kaysar and Janelle but again it’s just not a quality tv show anymore. I can’t see how anyone can enjoy it. Thanks for the updates

      1. I genuinely enjoyed bb20. It was the most excited I’d been about bb in a while. Bb21 was the first season of bb that I didn’t bother finishing.

        1. Me, as well! I have NEVER failed to finish a season, no matter how bad or how boring, but the characters were all SO unlikable last season that I stopped watching after about 4 weeks and didn’t even bother following it online.

            1. Jackson Miche certainly got what he deserved… his confetti dreams peed on by himself. I’ll never forget seeing that Jackhole being announced as the winner, walking out to his coveted confetti moment and being truly terrified and distressed.

              If anyone ever needs proof of there are more important things in life than money? Rewatch his “winning” moment.

      2. I guess I’m the only one that hated BB20…hahaha. I liked a few of the players, but I hated the tactics that Tyler and Co were using to further their game…making up all these fake scenarios and lies — but that’s just me. =D

        1. Fair enough but after season 19 it was refreshing. It was also nice to have a season of total newbies, no siblings of prior players, and no siblings of celebrities (lol *eye roll*).

          I feel like it had the classis elements that make me enjoy big brother: a house divided, blind side after blind side, crazy speeches causing confusion, manipulation, playing both sides, convincing members of the same side to put up and vote out their own team, an explosive house meeting etc.

          It was actually hilarious watching fessy completely lost week after week. Even though there was a dominant alliance and the other side seemed utterly hopeless, it was still exciting to watch. And the other side did get power every now and then.

          I don’t know, maybe not everyone’s cup of tea but I really liked that season.

          I don’t know if I’m just getting older and losing patience but I couldn’t bring myself to keep watching bb21. It was just so cringey and painfully borning.

    1. Those 2 sloppy buns on top her head look ridiculous but fit her fake whinny childlike personality. Her goodbye message showed how immature the snot it. Of course I want Kaysar to win but if he doesn’ would be hilarious if David won and put Memphis up. The show is officially in the dumpster now. Time to shut off feeds. Thank God for OBB Simon and Dawg.

    2. Now that Enzo won HOH, Dani knows she doesn’t have a great relationship with him, so here shes goes with ” Enzo is a huge threat” Enzo should nominate the 2 rats, Dani and Nicole. Or he may nominate Ian because he scares him Yo!!!!!! Enzo is the only one that may do what he wants. Lol. But who are we kidding. When Kaysar gets kicked out, I’m done….. Done watching

    3. What a b!tch. Uninviting someone to your wedding on national TV. Class move. Especially after you were the one the started all of the sh@t talking in the house between the two of you. As if she was ever going to attend your damn wedding anyway. You think the sun rises and sets based on what you do with your life? Only you, Grodner and maybe Victor think that. The rest of us, not so much. Go and find a bag of dicks to jerk Nicole. It’s what you are best at.

    1. She took the high road — unlike Janelle. I’m not a Nicole fan, but she showed a lot more class than Janelle.

      1. She said she was going to tell Janelle in her goodbye message that she was uninvited to her wedding. “Somebody” must have talked her out of it (DR).

        1. What she told Dani and Christmas she had said was a lot meaner than what they showed. Clearly production dumbed it down.

        2. No, her telling her that she “didn’t have to come” was her passive aggressively uninviting her, and then trying to blame it on Janelle by acting as if she was somehow the victim.

        1. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but evidently I am not entitled to mine. 😉 I’m going to take the high road and not point out that it should be you’re (the contraction for you are) and not your. Also, run on sentences are not a sign of high intelligence. Have a great evening!

          1. Oh dear young kiddo… taking the “high road” does not include being passive aggressive by stating exactly what you say you aren’t going to say. Your usage of “taking the high road” here shows you’re in need of more wisdom. Keep studying. *facepalm*

      2. yeah, sorry.
        Last week when Nicf threw an insult at Janelle and added and her daughter even follows me. Nope. You leave the kids out of it.
        That’s not high road. That’s ditchpig.

      3. what show were you watching janelle is the only classy woman in that house.why would she hug nicole when she didn’t evebn talk to janelle since day 2 i would,ve slapped that smirk off her face

        1. I was watching, and it didn’t look like she even had the chance to hug Nicole because she disappeared. Everyone else came up for a hug. She looked pained to be giving Kevin a hug — it was a very “polite” hug you give someone you are not all that happy to be hugging. I am sure if Nicole had come up to her, she would have been gracious enough to hug her as well, but Nicole is a scared rat — probably afraid she would be rejected on live TV, so she kept her distance and Janelle didn’t feel the need to seek her out.

      4. Hahahahaha, yeah Princess Tuggy has a lot of class alright…..she didn’t get called Tuggy for nothing, right? She a master class in hand Jobs with all her showmances from previous three seasons… Victor is well served with wrists of fury

      5. I’m sorry but can you explain how Janelle didn’t take the high road? First when they were doing the have-nots. Nicole get snitty with her and Janelle walked away from it. Only to come back and find Nicole laughing and bragging about it. That’s when Janelle went back at her. So clearly Nicole started it and Janelle finished it. Then Nicole went around whining that Janelle was going to be mean to her all week and she wasn’t, didn’t say a word to her. Nothing, nada. Tonight on the advice of Dani, Nicole was supposed to be really disgusting with the uninvited to the wedding thing but she toned it down. To be honest, that’s a personal issue about something outside the house and it shouldn’t have been brought up in the goodbye message. But…I guess i missed the part of the interview where Janelle said something b/c from what I remember she didn’t say a word about it. So Please, explain.

      6. That’s not what happened. Nicole initially had left Janelle a rude message. She ran it by Dani who was all for it but after running it by Cody she legit RAN to the DR to record a new one. Classy? NO. Tacky? Yes.

    2. I saw the feeds today and I think she started telling Dani and Cody about her goodbye message and decided to change it and ran into the DR again.

    3. Nichole is the type of snake that avoids confrontation and only bites you when your back is turned.

  3. I guess there is no battle back since Julie told Janelle about the alliance? Bad move production, there goes the whole reason for watching.

    Fingers crossed that Dani gets bored of the house and decides to go rouge. She’s truly our last shot.

    1. As soon as Julie started telling Keesha who voted for her to stay, I knew there was no battle back this season 🙁 but I was hoping they might have changed their mind when they saw Janelle and Kaysar on the block. I was hoping they might come up with something…

  4. episode review:
    the committee has not been a factor. all week. edit is wrong. that alliance hasn’t really been a real thing for a week.
    let’s watch the spin. Cody trying to say how much he respects Janelle. the guy that hissyfitted to d/r. okay.
    everyone gives Janelle the if you get 5 more talk. chain yanking. an entire segment. Reality. worries for Nicf’s feelings drive most of the house, and if you think of your own game before her feelings, you’re on the list.
    David’s stupid segment.
    Tyler saying the intentionally FAKE slick 6 is the alliance he wanted to work. They plotted out how fake it was. What is that about. for real.
    By outfits… who thinks they are going home? Lol. She didn’t wear her fuscia velvet finale dress. but she’s got the Louis Vuittons on i think. He’s dress for comp. 830 segment coming up. last week the vote was over by the end of the 825 segment. So we gonna vote or what?
    Votes to evict. dani: kaysar.(to pin on da bay) nicf: janelle enzo: kaysar. (my prophesy is on track for hink votes). da’vonne: janelle. memphis: janelle bay: janelle. cody: janelle. christmas: janelle david: janelle. kevin: janelle. ian: janelle. okay i was off by one. kevin threw me. 9:2 not 8:3.
    janelle getting the poop. she’s going home to her kids.
    Not a wall comp.
    and just like last week i’m out before the hoh starts so i can watch it without dividing attention.

    1. right now Christmas and Bay have the lowest amount of d/r inclusion. Until yesterday with the production push to replace Janelle in d/r, Dani had the lowest of everyone like 1/2 of Keesha’s d/r involvement. she’s now in the middle range of d/r representation. Here is what is scary: a season where bay and christmas are now fighting it out with Keesha for lowest d/r representation, while kevin, dani and david are the mid range. me no like.

      1. I am thinking, though, that if anyone confronts them, and tries to argue that they are lying… that will be a mistake and there will be a HUGE blow up. That should be entertaining!

    1. honey victor has nothing on kayser. kayser is a goodlooking good hearted person hope he wins tonight and gets whinny ass nicole out so she can go finish her wedding plans and for the queen janelle

  5. Simon, I absolutely agree with you. I’m so over this ridiculous game play. This mindless sheep following the pack. OG BB used to be amazing, thrills and edge of your seat excitement with upturned voting. It just got worse in the last few years, with everything being predictable. Everyones scared to make a move. I haven’t watched in a few seasons, but J/K will forever be my top favourite duo. Others were great for their season and maybe over others. But overall it’s always Janelle and Kaysar, so miserable with this bs game play. One group holds the house and that’s it. Everyone can’t even get their ba**s together to flip the house for their game. Loyal to Satan and wonder why they didn’t win. Even with production tampering they couldnt drum up excitement. It’s boring. Predictable and barely and comps worth watching. I miss food comps, and have nots. People are picking have nots ?? Seriously. Great for game and strategic play for back stabbing but what the heck else is there for us to watch. Comps are all down to veto and HOH. Also Nicole is a rat faced whining witch and shouldn’t even be back she’s never had a strategy all these years but date through the seasons and whine. Handed a win because the jury didn’t like the other. David is a useless clown and doesn’t even know what game he’s playing. They need people who know how to play the game and are fans. These people who have no clue have turned this game upside down with new rules because they don’t have a clue. It’s not about follow the herd. They wasted an all star game on useless.. David isn’t an all-star btw. No one even knows who he is. How’s that even an all-star. Like what is this nonsense

      1. He sunk all three balls before the end of the episode, moving on to the next round. Those eyes were looking pretty intense.

  6. So who are you guys rooting for now that our Queen is gone? Me, i’m rooting for Kaysar and then Dani. At least Dani is playing the game. Go Dani Go! Backstab your own alliance by 1 by 1 xD

    1. Kaysar…once he’s gone I truly can’t think of any one of them I could root for. Tyler is such a disappointment…teaming up with Cody and falling into the “group” sheep mentality. Would of been awesome seeing Tyler Janelle and Kaysar have an alliance.

      1. Blame kaysar for that. Tyler wanted to work with them (hell he wanted to work with everybody) janelle wanted to work with Tyler. Kaysar wanted to only pair up with og’s until later in the game. In the new age bb you have to get in an alliance early or you get picked off unless you’re viewed as a non threat and all three of those players are viewed as legit threats as soon as they walk in the door

  7. Calling this All Stars is laughable… And from the first 3 weeks and now Jannelle gone (and most likely Kaysar this week if he doesn’t get HOH), this will just continue to be one of the most boring seasons ever.

  8. The irony of having the show Inside Edition run a five minute story about a shark prior to Big Brother “Jumping the Shark” right before our eyes…. is just too much. It’s been fun everyone and special thanks to Simon and the team. Your the best!! This years BB….. not so much. And for what its worth, F- Memphis the scumbag!!!!

    1. Memphis is going to learn soon enough that he made a mistake. May not be this week, but it will be in the next two or three weeks, because the young uns are going to turn on him and get his ass out! But given his ego, he probably will be unable to admit it, and will blame it on Ian, or someone else in the house when it happens. Just watch and see.

  9. This season better turn around.. I cannot with this bs. I hope Kaysar wins tonight. Even still that’s one week. Everyone will backstab him next week anyways if he were to win this week

  10. Since Janelle has such a positive attitude about this game,I want to try to look at the bright side of what we can enjoy out of this all star season.Watching David and Kevins nonsensical game play blow up the games of anyone that gets close to them,Memphis pissing everyone off,awaiting Bayleighs and GroundhogsDays inevitable emotional blow up,Days reaction to being put on the block,Nic and Dani turning on each other,Dani and Tyler targeting eachother,Ian.

  11. Now that I know the outcome of the eviction,and sadly, since Kraken is not available where I live,I am going to do something that is most unpleasant,I will eat the worm that is at the bottom of my mezcal bottle.( Mezcal is like tequila but more savory and smoky and less sweet than tequila.) I was really bummed out at the outcome so to further my disappointment,I will eat the worm ,do 6 shots and go to bed! BTW,Snakeole is really tacky!

  12. hmm I think that Dani is setting up Da and Bay . I bet she says she thinks they were the two votes for Janelle. Pretty sure she knew Enzo was going to vote to keep Janelle

    1. she was going to vote to set up bayleigh. she told cody she wanted to do that.
      I actually don’t think enzo and dani co-ordinated. Enzo just votes hinky as practice.

    2. why anyone would trust dani is crazy to me did they not watch her before she will lie and stab you in the back hopefully she stabs whinny in the back then someone else stabs her in the back..just hoping

    3. For sure but that’s not going to help if Kaysar is HOH b/c i honestly don’t think he cares who voted him out.

  13. Ahhhh we should all wear black our Queen is gone noooooo .. on another KAYSARRRR THE KING got those 3 balls in REAL QUICK!!!!!

  14. I love how even Julie was fangirling over Janelle. Sad she couldn’t do some damage in that house this time. But I am waiting for the end when Nicole and Dani get burned by all of the bros. Same old shiiiiz.

    I hope Dani smartens up about the guys. Even though I absolutely hate her mean girl attitude and ugly grin, she is at least playing the game. I’m all for backstabbing and lying of the good old days.

  15. I find it interesting that Keesha, who has been evicted for 2 weeks, ranks higher than half of the houseguests! That’s how horrible this cast is…

    1. Keesha was fan favorite for a reason.
      Janelle and Davonne Should have done more to keep Keesha week one because that is going to lead to ultimately Davonnes demise as well.

    2. No word of a lie, I strategically rank evicted houseguests on the high just so my complete disdain for the people i truly dislike stands out.

  16. Cbs says west coast airing is delayed.
    Because feeds often return when the west coast airing ends, we may have a wait?
    Just a guess.
    Don’t shoot the messenger.

    There is a possible spoiler out. the possible spoiler says Enzo. but it is not a verified spoil.

  17. Haha Nicole trying to “funny” with her goodbye message by the uninvited comment only to be completely disregard but both Janie and Julie. Nice try trash.

      1. If it’s true, I have to hope that it’s day/bay, or david, ian, hopefully kaysar could just be a pawn this week

  18. Finale the HOH went through with the plan to knock out a big target. Didnt care who went this week but that was no cocktail dress it was a cockgetting dress. From the neck down she is highly bangable, (1 10 )( 10 being smokin hot) I’d put her at a 7.5 as long as she didnt talk. Someone needs to tell her to stop botoxin those lips as it makes her nose look gigantic…

    1. Lol, keep dreaming. She’d never let you touch her. She’s a queen. You’re a peasant. Now scurry along.

  19. I’m really disappointed in the events of tonight. Earlier today Janelle said to Memphis that production dropped hints to her that she will be “saved” by a twist. I was cautiously optimistic and really thought they would since they know she is the only one who can save this season. Idk If Janelle was mistaken or what but really shocked they didn’t do a puzzle like they did with Kaitlyn go to get Jani back in the house. Missed opportunity to see more of her and improve the house. Not sure how CBS will fill the episodes since most of them features Janelle.

    Also, Nicole OMG you are so cringeworthy with the whole wedding uninvite. Her smirk of smug satisfaction when she delivered her goodbye message was so embarrassing. She actually thinks that Janelle cares at all. Nicole doesn’t seem to realize that she has no power over Janelle. It was such a lame delivery and she came off so badly.

    1. There was a delay last night so I checked out the “rival” site and I was shocked! They were all rooting for J&K to leave. It was like I stumbled across into Big Brother BizarroLand. #neveragain

    1. He’s telling Cody that
      Kaysar is going up for sure.
      I believe the other is David.

      And if someone comes down, Enzo is talking-with Cody up in the upstairs overhang lounge about backdooring Ian If someone comes down

      1. If the Veto is used, and Kaysar comes down. Enzo is seriously set on backdooring Ian.

        I just hope Davonne goes home this week over Ian and Kaysar.
        Because the truth is they deserve to be there over her.

        However, I doubt Enzo tries to target Day and Bay to not break his word with his foe alliance the slick six this early.

  20. Didn’t J/K fuck up big time by both swiping their card for the first safety comp? If only 1 swiped wouldn’t they have automatically won and could of saved the other? Then the other can play week 3? That was a rookie mistake.

    1. Actually if one played week 1 and both felt safe with Memphis the other could have played week 3.It was a terrible strategic mistake on their part.

  21. Well that stinks Kaysar will be gone this week unless someone decides to go nuts. Here’s to David or Kevin doing something really stoooopid!!!!

  22. He’s going to put Up Kaysar for sure.
    If Kaysar comes down, Enzo is seriously considering backdooring Ian.

  23. Just saying Christmas is just around the corner if you plan to do on shopping use this site to get to there. Simon or Dawg are the links up . I need to go shopping that way I can support the site

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