Big Brother 22 finale episode and season in review

The two-hour finale starts at 6:00 pm PST. As is the drill It will show copious amounts of filler and pharmaceutical/political commercials. In between, we’ll see the last two parts of the Final HOH. Part 2 for which we know Cody wins and part 3 where Cody and Nicole will face off. We’ll see the questions from the jury, the final vote, and America’s favorite player (if there is one.. lol) From what I’ve seen I think Cody and Nicole will take each other to the end. Cody should win this season but of course, it’s 2020 and I’m fully expecting some sort of upset. Cody winning final HOH taking Nicole only to lose again would be a perfect end to this fantastic year.

The last image on the feeds shows houseguests saying Bye to the feed watcher. Feeds went dark before noon. After spending so much time watching these people I usually feel a bit sad saying goodbye but this year I’m just happy.

My thoughts on the season – This season was very boring for a feed only watcher. To name a few contributing factors to the suckiness.  Few likable people, almost nothing unexpected happening,  constant feed blockages, pregame distortions, and houseguests tiptoeing around their social media accounts.  All in all a Kraken season if there ever was one. I’m routinely asked if I think this was the worst season of all time and I can say with certainty for me it was the most boring and my least favorite. Finally, BB16 is not the worst anymore.. Congratz to them.

Thank you to everyone that visits the site I’m glad we were able to pull it together during the pandemic. Man, we’ve been doing this for a long time. The comments as always were a real treat to read and were the one highlight for me this season. Thank you to all the regulars for their insight, support, and funny takes. Love you all. I would have stopped watching this season after Kaysar was evicted if it wasn’t for my OBB peeps.

See you all again for BB23.

Results from the show


Clips from part two of the HOH. Winner is Cody.


Christmas joins the Jury. They go over the final 3 giving out the pros and cons of why each one should win.

Dani hopes Cody wins.

Part 3 of the final HOH (Backdoor techno sounds neat)

First questions – Cody-1, Nicole-0
Second question – Cody-2, Nicole-1
Third question – Cody-3, Nicole-2
Fourth question – Cody-4, Nicole-3
Fifth question – Cody-5, Nicole-4
Sixth question – Cody-6, Nicole-5
Seventh question – Cody-7, Nicole-6
Eighth question – Cody-8, Nicole-7

Cody wins Final HOH.

Nicole Cries..

Enzo “YO YO … my guy man. everything I did including saving her was for you man.. ”

Cody cries..

Cody takes Enzo. Evicts Nicole (Holy shit!)
Enzo – you’re awesome yo… you’re awesome.. you’re going to destroy me in this YO
Cody – it’s not about that YO
Enzo – my god … YO Cody is my guy YO.. I’m indebted to you YO ..

Nicole is shocked. Says she never saw that coming.

Nicole joins the Jury and they get to ask their questions. (Dani is happy to see Cody again)

Finale Speech..

Enzo – I finally made it YO.. I finally made it took me 10 years.. This season was easier than the last one. YO.. I’m proud YO..

Cody – I am so much more deserving than I was the first time I played.

Some words from Pre Jury.. (Everyone but Nicole A gets some air time)

Some more words from the Jury.. Dani says Cody played a really great game.

Final Vote..

Everyone voted for Cody to win.

Cody wins Big Brother 22

America’s favorite player

Top two Tyler and Da’Vonne. Da’Vonne wins

This has been a fun finale who would have thought! The first time something unexpected happened it only took 85 f***ing days.

213 thoughts to “Big Brother 22 finale episode and season in review”

  1. Thank you Simon and Dawg for getting us through this season….I feel your pain trying to keep us informed…..however, you did a great job and your sense of humor, quips and honest reporting is most appreciated. I’m headed to the tip jar and besides all the bitching…..see you for BB23.

  2. Warning – long post

    Wrapping it up

    I saw a prediction of the jury voters ranking order but disagreed with a few. For example – they said Kevin’s order was 1) Cody 2) Enzo 3) Nicole — I disagree b/c I think he’d pick Enzo over either NiCody although he’s softening on his Cody angst he was the most affected by the wall yellers. As for Nic he might not appreciate how Nic didn’t have to play (shield protection) until F5 while he was constantly on the block fighting to stay. And if she tries to sell them the story she’s practicing on live feeds I can’t imagine that won’t rub Kev the wrong way.

    I might be on an island (I think) regarding my view of what will happen especially with the NiCody pregame F2. Still — here’s how I see it & why…

    Competition rank (prior to P3 of final HOH):

    1. Cody: EIGHT wins- 3 HOHs, 4 POVs (including critical F4 POV) & P2 of final HOH
    2. Nic: 3 wins – F5 HOH/POV & P1 of final HOH
    3. Enzo: 4 wins – 1 POV (week 1), W3 safety suite, 2 HOHs (W4/F4)

    Although Enzo has more wins (or ties if you don’t count the safety suite) & Nic won versus fewer people she still beat Enzo in all the comps she won at a critical point in the game. There no denying Cody smoked EVERYONE in this area.

    1) Enzo – most liked by house, never offended anyone, never nominated. Never told blatant lies – simply said his famous “that’s it” line. Memphis who didn’t warm up to many in the house clearly like Enzo.

    All the strongest competitors/strategist in the house wanted to take him to the end (Cody/Tyler/Memphis) & not just b/c he was someone they could beat b/c they could’ve opted to take any of David, Kevin, Day or Xmas to the end if they wanted a goat.

    Even Dani who planted seeds & encouraged dissension between everyone never went after Enzo. In fact, I’m hard pressed to recall anything she ever said other than “he’s popular”. That’s impressive b/c she tried to sow doubt with Cody about Nic but never attempted the same on Enzo.

    Not until F4 were there any negative comments made & it came from Xmas b/c he didn’t tell her she was being nominated & from Nic b/c she was angry he let Cody deal with Christmas & went for the win. The real reason was she wanted Enzo cut at F4.

    2) Cody – yeah he pre-gamed & had numerous F2s but not any of them wanted to target him or blindside him. Well, in truth Ty/Memphis would’ve cut him but Cody got them out pretty much the week prior to when that would’ve been an option.

    Also, never ended up on the block and the key catchphrase all year was “let me talk to Cody” or “what did Cody say”. That is the purest sign of someone being in control. Kevin wasn’t a fan of his & Kaysar/Janie called him out early yet he got along with them on a personal level ie: it wasn’t contentious.

    3) Nic – This season was similar to her BB18 win with a preference for males & though she had female allies (Dani/Day/Xmas) she seemed more aggressive in betraying them. Tyler was the only male she treated similarly.

    In reflection, she laughed about ignoring Nic A’s messages to be on her podcast, the Janelleousy was a constant, she ridiculed Xmas game play only shifting when she needed an ally to turn on Dani. How she dealt with Da’Vonne felt unnecessary if not cruel setting up Da/Kevin/David to vote out Ty & then continuing to lie about the vote afterward ultimately placing the blame on Dani.

    On one hand I get it b/c it’s part of the game — they all lie and arguably women get the short end of the stick when it comes to how their actions are perceived compared to the men. HOWEVER — Nic’s choices and refusal to own them are why it’s hard to have empathy or cheer for her.

    Whether the jury angst toward Dani is genuine or fodder for social media banter it’s hard to believe there won’t be similar angst toward Nicole. It’s often said how you treat someone aside from game talks is what a juror remembers and the fact Nic spoke poorly about so many behind their backs if revealed will be costly. And many saw through her when she was being fake.


    1. Cody: Landslide win again. Sure he had all the deals & F2s but consider how many times his allies asked him to take out someone or for a quid pro quo that never happened. Dani wanted to backdoor Ty & b/c of David’s power jumped the gun. She could’ve ignored Cody & put up Memphis or Enzo but acquiesced to nominate Cody’s target (Ian). Likewise, Enzo evicted David to keep Nic (for Cody primarily), & would’ve been better served to keep Ty/Memphis instead of Xmas in both incidences but couldn’t convince Cody.
    2. Enzo – no one was more determined to take out prior winners but the DE vote to save Nic proved how much control Cody had over the Meow Meow. He made feeble attempts to shift Cody off Tyler (Xmas), Memphis (Xmas) & Xmas (Nic) but it was Cody’s priority boot who left each week. He gains an edge over Nic though b/c no one ever nominated him let alone even considered doing so.
    3. Nic – Go back to the initial Committee convo & notice how Memphis hesitates when he says Nicole. It was mentioned on live feeds that Dani/Cody had to convince him to include her as Bayleigh was the original Memphis choice. She couldn’t get Dani to put up anyone other than Ian or work with her to keep Ian & in 3 successive weeks Nic tried to convince Cody to keep Ian/Day/Kev (instead of Ty/Kev/David) and lost every debate.


    Not much surprising here as there was never a point in the season where any of this trio had to pivot & make a major strategic shift. I think that was my greatest disappointment of the season b/c I so love a great brain with strategic adroitness.

    1. Cody: Create a pregame alliance complete with four (maybe five) F2s and a spoon fed blueprint detailing eviction order. Navigate the season by winning comps and testing those five F2s to see who is most loyal and who the best bet to win against at the end is.
    2. Enzo 2A (Nic 2B – see below): It’s the one category I’m awarding a tie. The reason is both players essentially played precisely the same way they did in their previous seasons. Enzo gets the slight edge b/c he won comps this time and I simply enjoyed him more. Also of note in his solo live feed chats this week he stated he DID NOT have a pregame F2 as he questioned whether NiCody did. His greatest error occurred down the stretch when he voted out David, Tyler and Memphis all players he would’ve been better off keeping (David only b/c of Nic being the option). But at the same time risking taking out Nic might’ve meant repercussions. If (when) Cody wins P3 if he takes Enzo then that choice will prove correct. It also sounded like Enzo had hoped to win P1 of the final HOH which I would’ve loved to see just to know if he would’ve cut Cody had he won P1 & P3.
    3. Nic (let’s call it 2B): In her third kick at the can she used essentially the precise same strategy as she did in BB18 minus the showmance. Surround yourself with strong male threats or bigger targets (Cody/Ian), develop ties with female allies to backstab when the time is appropriate, wait for jury & strike only when it’s essential to win. I’ve NEVER been a fan of a player who does nothing for more than half the game. Worse are the ones who employ that strategy & then claim they controlled the game. Dr. Will didn’t win comps but he OWNED who he was & DID CONTROL the game so he affected every move in the house. In contrast, Nicole never owns her sh*t she plays the victim & if we’re honest she’s only in F3 b/c of Cody AND Enzo who saved her with his vote. That said, it’s hard to argue her strategy (or in truth her obvious close relationship with TPTB) b/c it’s landed her in deep in the game twice in a row.

    The Final Two:
    I believe if Cody chooses he’s taking Enzo — production has been setting that up for weeks between his GBMs & DRs of wanting to take the right person this time. We know his longer F2 was with Nic & while he could be implying he’ll betray Enzo it makes more sense that he would cut the former winner b/c he has a great argument against the Meow Meow & how he controlled him. Plus Enzo essentially played the role Cody did to Derrick (bringing him intel but w/o the same competition prowess).

    And while he could say he was the shield for both Enzo/Nic his story versus Enzo is better b/c Enzo delivered so much information & kept him apprised of what was happening outside the Committee.

    I’m also in the minority b/c I do NOT believe Nic would take Cody and not primarily for the $$$ but for the TITLE which is her driving motivation. With that — if the jurors really are bitter I think it would be a greater factor if Nic cut Cody & the jury pay back was giving the money to Enzo instead of her. That likely wouldn’t happen but here’s how I see the vote – – based on priority of each jury:

    Juror voting priority:

    Ian: 1. Cody 2. Nic 3. Enzo
    This is the one jury vote that could easily shift to Nicole b/c of their friendship but Ian has said he’ll vote based on overall prowess in comps, strategy & social. Besides with Nic voting him out he doesn’t owe her anything.

    Da’Vonne: 1. Enzo 2. Cody 3. Nic
    As a floater she’ll appreciate Enzo’s game play and since Cody will win in a landslide she may toss Enzo a vote. If Nic/Enzo sit beside each other she’ll abandon her “female winner” penchant in favor of her redemption arc to take the money away from Nic this time.

    Kevin: 1. Enzo 2. Cody 3. Nic
    As much as Kevin has recently spoken highly of Cody’s game he never liked how the pregaming affected him & was the most affected by the wall yellers.

    David: 1. Cody 2. Enzo 3. Nic
    The wildcard in the group – he was spouting accolades about Nic but I’m not sure he strays from rewarding Cody – AND I’m not sure he wouldn’t credit Enzo getting to F2 as the only non-Committee member.The most naive member of All-Stars could end up being the swing vote if Nic sits beside Enzo!

    Dani: 1. Cody 2. Nic 3. Enzo
    Bitterness could come into play if Dani holds resentment over how Nic backstabbed her so if Nic sits beside Enzo the true payback would be voting for Enzo but I think she’ll stay true to her backstabbing BFF.

    Tyler: 1. Cody 2. Enzo 3. Nic
    While Tyler said cutting Cody would garner favor with him and his vote the fact Nic was constantly targeting him and speaking negatively about him could result in Tyler picking Enzo over Nic (but I also won’t be surprised if he does the right thing & credits Nic if she cuts Cody)

    Memphis: 1. Cody 2. Nic?? 3 Enzo??
    The OG of the group won’t vote with bitterness and will reward Cody. And while I don’t think Memphis will be bitter he might not feel Nicole is deserving against Enzo. Remembering he didn’t want Nicole in the Committee at first he might view her as no better than David & simply someone who starting playing at F5 & got the benefit of Cody/him and the Committee doing all the heavy lifting. In this scenario I could see him reward Enzo for being the one who told Cody about Wise Guys 2.0 which gave Cody the reason to cut him.

    Xmas: 1. Nic 2. Cody 3. Enzo
    What we know for sure is Xmas WILL NOT vote for Enzo b/c of bitterness and anger. Although Cody should get her vote if it’s NiCody in the F2 I think she’ll vote for Nic out of “friendship” lol.

    Winner Winner Chicken Dinner:

    Even before the final juror joins the group Cody has the game won if he gets to that chair. The biggest question is whether the jury would reward Nicole with the top prize if she wins P3 & cuts Cody. David & Memphis’ votes could make this interesting as they both could vote the opposite as how I have it above. Still, I have it as a 4-4 tie which would mean Cody would be the deciding vote.

    That sure would give us some drama. Would he credit Nic for cutting him or would he punish her & crown Enzo with the victory? Many have said there is a “deal” in place to split the money (which isn’t allowed as per their contracts btw) but even if it was true I think Cody would be pissed she took away his shot & title & would reward his Jersey buddy in the ultimate payback!

    AFP: Social media banter seems to be focused on Da’Vonne plus she’s got Angela pushing Tyler fans to vote for Day. If Enzo gets cut I also won’t be surprised if his name gets inserted as one of the top AFP finalists and maybe TPTB reward him for being a good production puppet.

    All that said, I think Da’Vonne wins with Tyler & Janelle as the other finalists.

    Until we meet again:

    Thanks to Simon and Dawg for another wonderful season and providing the platform for all us BB fanatics to congregate. And, thanks to all the posters for providing such insightful posts. Whether we agree or not it’s always fun to meet here each season to share our thoughts and reunite.

    If you are interested in staying in touch you can find me on Twitter under the same moniker (TTOTambz) or visit the sites I write about the NBA on (Raptors Republic, Thunderous Intentions).

    Wishing everyone a SAFE & HEALTHY year — until we meet again. xo

  3. Thanks chaps for your hard work. I appreciate it every year.

    Thank you other posters for bothering, thinking BB and even making me laugh occasionally!

    I will watch the finale, without really caring who wins, but hoping that buffoon Da’Vonne doesn’t win AFP.

      1. Production may have stepped in and let it be known some folks are calling shenanigans on the pregaming bit between Nicole and Cody and something has to change.

        1. Exactly!!!!! That’s why Cody was crying. Derrick said on an interview I didn’t see Cody cutting Nicole at all; at all. I bet ???

    1. It was the logical move, but you never know with all of the pre-game agreements. I think he just did what he needed to do to ensure the win. After losing the way he did in 16, it only makes sense he take the person he’s most likely to beat.

  4. Omg! Cody cut Nicole! I love it!! Excellent, regardless of final outcome. She sat there with that cat who ate the canary look all the way up until….CUT!! HA!

    1. Oh, oops. There goes CBS paying for her wedding. Lol. That’s probably why she’s crying. And, yeah, totally sore loser. While I’m at it, remember her telling production to buy her a new dress for finale since her chosen one would no longer fit? Uh, ooops….Guess they declined & just had her throw that coat over it tonight. Bye bye, Nicole….

    1. Thinking the same thing. It looked like it took 4 minutes to lift those cardboard people. No way……Enzo’s time seemed more likely.

    2. If you compare Cody’s time to Enzo’s time, it does seem lopsided. However, Cody was smart to use the stairs and not the balance beam to return to the buzzer. Not having to dodge those pigs saved him a lot of time. I’ll bet Enzo used 15-25 minutes when he misread the question and didn’t realize it said “3” and not “2.” And then going back and forth on that beam, dodging pigs, over and over and over again on that one question. I can see how Cody’s time was so low.

  5. I KNEW Cody would stay true to the Root — good for Enzo. I’m so glad he made it to a F2 chair – he hasn’t cried all season & to see how emotional he got really touched me.

    Enzo played that final speech perfectly by saying – everything I did I did for you – INCLUDING keeping her in the game! Smart Meow Meow. He’ll get burned probably 9-0 or 8-1 but I’m happy he didn’t get Enzo’d.

    1. She was so positive that she was going to win…remember how she practiced, practiced, practiced her acceptance speech about how fabulous she was & how deserving, on & on….And was SPEECHLESS when she got cut? This was Priceless.

  6. OMG!!! One of the only times this season that I have a smile on my face. Bye bye Nicole! Na na na na na na na na hey hey hey good bye.

  7. Only excitement I got all season was seeing Nicole screwed over. She was acting like a childish idiot over Cody choosing Enzo. I’m glad Enzo at least got $50,000. He deserves it over her.

    1. I agree with everything you said, but remember that all three of them were crying and were very emotional. Unfortunately for her, Nicole had to be the one to walk out the door after feeling she was truly blindsided. She redeemed herself by voting for Cody to win.

      1. How’s that? By actually voting for the person who deserved to win to win? Or for voting for the person who carried her throughout the season to win? No way she is even alive in the Final 3 if it wasn’t for Cody, and Enzo too for that matter. If not for Cody, Enzo cuts her during the triple and she goes out in David’s place. She did nothing to save herself there – only Enzo not wanting to piss Cody off saved her.

        Hell, she admitted she was laying low and not even trying to win early in the game. That’s her strategy – find a meat shield or two, hide behind them and try to skate to the end without doing anything (no blood on your hands). It worked in 18 when the jury was so pissed off at Paul, they voted her the win. Not so much this time. She needed that last win, and she just couldn’t quite get it, although she was very close. Cody proved he deserved to win by not missing a single question, while Nicole only missed one. Thank God they didn’t do the usual “crap shoot” type questions, as these were all fact based, and they both did well on them.

        It would have been a travesty had she won the final HOH, and the jury somehow decided that was enough to award her the win for this season against Cody. Cody dominated this season, and while it was a boring, he fully deserved to win 9-0 against Enzo, IMHO, and should have won by a similar margin against Nicole, although I know she may have received some votes from “friends” (possibly Ian and maybe Kevin).

    1. I’ve been saying that all season. She totally disrespected her husband on this show. Same for Nicole with her fiancé. It was awful to watch.

        1. you obviously didn’t watch the show or read these updates. They completely did. I’m not saying Cody is innocent. He completely disrespected his girlfriend as well.

  8. Cutting Nichole makes me feel a little better about Cody winning.Still hate the pregame planned finish.

    1. Derrick was on Danielle and Jason show after the finale. Why did he ask them you hear the background music. He was playing “We are the Champions”

  9. Poor Cody is stuck there still trying to explain to Enzo the difference of being laughed at and laughed with.

    1. Yeah – typically what Julie does is check the votes during commercial break so she can strategically pull out some votes for each hamster. In seasons past for example say someone won 7-2 the first four keys Julie pulled would include those two votes for the second place finisher & she would stop once the five votes for the winner were revealed. Then after the next commercial break she would reveal how the other hamsters voted.

    1. It was “in the bag” for Da’Vonne from the get go. They pushed her and her agenda throughout the season, and even during the jury segments, Day was always front and center in all of them. Clearly CBS was fully behind a Da’Vonne win in AFP voting.

      1. Since someone could vote 10 times a day for over 10 days, it’s pretty safe to assume a million people did not vote for her. I know I didn’t!!

    1. From CBS. You mean to tell me America voted for Da’vonne because they loved her speech. But America hated Tyler for what he did to Bayleigh& Da’vonne, but he got 2nd place. Lol.

      1. 40% of America probably love Tyler for what he did. So yea, that 2nd place isn’t far fetched. Do you live in America? Have you been paying attention?

      1. Well Its America’s Fav, not he winner of the show. So “earned” she just needed to be liked more than the others.. who is was there? Im told that the top 3 was her, Tyler and Janelle. That sounds about right to me.

    1. I’m hoping they won’t be casting big brother cast members for how much politics they can bring into the house. I get it, last year they had a Michie and the bunch that said some nasty things. But going to the opposite end of the spectrum is not the way to go either. Sure, they’re on video 24/7, so they’re going to voice their real world concerns. But when it becomes part of the speech making process for block safety, I think that’s just too much soap boxing. Just my opinion.

  10. Finale Assessment. aka How they make Cody the landslide winner we’ve been expecting since the first HOH on the Premiere.

    I apologize in advance for any barbed or hyper sarcastic comments I might make… LOL I’ll edit myself but I think some of it will slip through.
    Let’s spend a few minutes trying to figure out when exactly production convinced Enzo he should work with Nicf instead of targeting her. Like It’s not a possibility. Let’s all figure out how Cody cuts Nicf and most likely still gets her vote. Anyone not expecting that… go back and watch the early episodes and the storyline edit. Cody is going to break the preseason agreement. Come on. It fits.
    Part 2 of HOH.
    This looks like someone from Production would have to explain the rules to Cody and Enzo for about six hours. And then again. And again.
    So Enzo the comp beast sucks. Surprise. Hard to cheat in an individual time comp unless you are production manufacturing times. Yeah, I’m not editing that out. It’s how I truly feel.
    Gee the frame of the camera swung right pretty far for cody’s first shot. hmmm. So they get to crop in production as well? cool.
    No really, go back and check the cropping of the stationary cam. SHENANIGANS.
    Not that Cody needed help. He was against Enzo. but still.
    Enzo has a temper tantrum mixed with guilt trip and we all get to take a ride on the mood swing. Higher, push me higher.
    Commercial break. They say we’ll be hearing from the jury soon.
    Oh wait…. we get more Enzo poor sport crap. Yay. I was expecting the Jury. Cody Nicf snow each other, then Enzo Nicf snow each other. I get the feeling that Enzo votes Cody 90% ( I rarely say 100%). NIcf at this point would be bittttter, but still 85% votes Cody.(ASIDE: took me until after third commercial block to realize they were showing the Families of the final 3 on the screens).
    Jury Roundtable.
    Let me save you some time: the jury will follow whatever lines Production feeds them. There will be one person being nice about each of the three, but in total it will be a two camp discussion and we’ll think we know how they are voting…. but in the end vote one person will pull a wonky vote from what we are seeing.
    Do we learn anything new? Nope. Totally expecting everything I’m hearing. Seeing the jurors speak reminds me of every character flaw I hated in them, and the way they played / failed to play all season. They thought Nicf failed to be a powerhouse and was more of an undercover player. They thought Enzo rode coat tails but was well liked. They thought they should change the name of the series to Big Cody but his jury management sucked ass.
    Part 3 of HOH.
    I wasn’t listening to the rules but sounds like multiple steps? Probably not.
    Question 1: Cody wins a point. Question 2: Both get a point. Question 3: Both get a point. Question 4: Both get a point. Question 5: Both get a point. Question 6: Both get a point. Question 7: Both get a point. Question 8: Both get a point.
    Cody wins the final HOH. Oh look. He’s “acting” like he’s suffering in this dilema of who he will evict (meaning he evicts Nicf and will tell her in a minute or two during commercial before the vote).
    He may not have told US who he was getting rid of… but the decision was made before he entered the house. Now we get to wonder does he go the easier route, or the easy route. He’s taking Enzo.
    Nicf seems to look like she’s crying. Hyper emotional final two speeches.
    If he cuts Nicf does he lose her vote 100%? Does he vote Bros before like the show edit implied…? Yup. he cut Nicf. There goes a wedding invitiation. Nicf said the dirty f word on her way out the door. Anyone else hear that?
    Is anyone surprised that Cody cut her? Closest thing to shocking of the season… but is it?
    Not according to storyline, but surprising according to pregame. Ooooo. Someone is in trouble after the show. Get ready for an angry phone call Derrick.
    Now the Nicf fans will think Da’vonne was bitter and a poor sport? Nicf will be bitter about that for a long time.
    Enzo can’t speak well. That’s abundantly clear and expected
    Who is the bitterest juror? First glance tells me Xmess is bitter af. By the time they finish I guess Xmess and Nicf will all be social media bitter betties.
    The questions were written by production. It’s painfully obvious.
    Anyone else notice that everything Derrick told Tyler was wrong with his game first time… Is everything Derrick told Cody to do.
    David’s question from jury is the most off the flow. It’s making it look like Enzo’s goodbye messages caused jury strife… when we all know people were more put off by Cody’s. and Cody didn’t have to answer that question. Sneaky production keeping hero boy clean.
    Nicf is the bitterest but she was just evicted. facial expressions are telling me Xmess is going to be pretty bitter as well.
    I’m still thinking best possibility for Enzo is 6-3. but probably not. probably best Enzo can hope is 8-1.
    (Aside Thought: telling all your other final 2’s that you had multiple final 2’s shouldn’t be something you crow about as a positive. just saying. I would NOT be saying hey everyone I had a final 2 with half of you.)
    First 5 Evicitees
    And nice to see them… too bad they barely speak to them. They ask the jurors more questions than the first 5. Oh well. What is there a rule… if the first 5 speak for more than 30 seconds they have to actually pay them more? Though why bother asking Nica anything? It would have been apologetic fluff anyway.
    hope they disinfected the keys block. lol.
    Ian: cody Da’vonne: cody Kevin: cody David: cody Dani: cody.
    Does Julie reveal the rest of the votes? Not before a commercial.
    Cody won unanimously.
    AFP: I so don’t care.
    The winner of AFP is Da’vonne.
    What is Cody going to do with the money…. after the payoffs? I shouldn’t have said that but… It’s a thought.

    Final Thought:
    Man. It was a painful ride. If it weren’t a pandemic, I would never have made it to the end of the season. Premiere night I wrote that Cody is likely going to win given how it was edited, now we just watch how he gets there if we can stomach it. I brought a bucket to make it through the finale.

      1. Thanks Simon. Sorry that comment was so long, it was real time to the episode plus five minutes of deleting the curse words and reeeeaaaaalllllllly nasty thoughts.

          1. It was real time. Add in a lot of f-words, a lot of production sucks thoughts about just about everything, and a lot of choice words about Enzo’s behavior that had me so disgusted that I couldn’t even take the appropriate amount of joy to watch Nicf get ousted. The Enzo edit wrecked my joy in watching Nicf fail. I take great umbrage that my joy in watching her fail was impeded by him.

      1. it was fun writing.
        and ya, If someone asked me last Friday, I would have said the preseason beats the show edit in terms of heirarchy. But I watched the early episodes again yesterday. I was 5050 after that.

    1. Another name thanks for the post, enjoyed it as always.
      I said to myself, “4 minutes to complete the comp”. It seems like it would have taken 4 minutes just to move those cardboard people around. Lol
      And was it just me, but Enzo had no urgency, like he was throwing the comp. Wait a minute, he wouldn’t be throwing a comp at the end? Then the horrible acting Enzo did after losing the final comp. I sware it just seemed fake; just over the top. Like a “D” movie.
      Then Cody got all of the questions right in the end. I can’t believe it. Lol
      Then the jury reading the questions that you can clearly see they never saw before tonight.
      After finale show Daddy Derrick was on Danielle and Jason show. He told them to listen to the song he was playing in the background ” We are the Champions”. Derrick had his cigar in hand with a big grin. Waiting on his cut. And Enzo will have his cash, and a Rolex watch promised by Cody.
      Hopefully next season will be better, heard will be newbies. Maybe they should consider the same for production.

      1. I don’t generally wish people ill. It’s just a game. After a season ends, I tend to not really give a damn about people that have been participants in a season of any reality entertainment programming, unless that person is in the news for some huge reason.
        That said, I have disliked Derrick since his involvement in the 18 rigging. Now to hear about him celebrating another successful season rigging, and being given any forum to celebrate makes me think nasty thoughts.
        Big issues to point at when anyone asks me why I hated bb22:

        1. Premiere night competition production shenanigans. From the choice of which hole each group had to sink, to the moving pedestals in part 2: that comp set up the season for me as a vigil for rigging that lasted all the way to the finale.
        2. An individual timed HOH. Feeds down for 6.5 hours for an individual time comp that had no reset involved, so took about 2 hours to film if there were no multiple shot shenanigans (go back and watch the episode edit pre commercial and post commercial, tell me that the ‘golf ball’ ricochet we see before the commercial break matches the 3 cut shot they show us of the ball landing in the number 2 slot.. hint: it doesn’t).
        3. Individual time comps being 50% of the comps for four weeks running… after jury begins, excluding the triple. Anyone that still thinks individual time comps aren’t rigged? I think Cody’s segment doing the second part of HOH was actually longer than the 4 and a halfish minutes they said it took him to complete. Then there’s the photo cropping from a stationary cam. More fishy than Denmark I tell you. Add that to Kat’s post veto griping in season 21? Yeah, give up the ghost. Individual time comps are rigged for storyline. Would Enzo have won? Never. But they fixed the time to make Cody look better than he was. Something that happened multiple times. Production pets got unrealistic times that made them look a cut above their competition. If the cast are surprised by their own times… we know there is something fishy.
        4. The cast spoke about preseason rigging so often, that there was at least one wall yeller every week for multiple weeks. Think about that. Viewers were confronted with widescale cheating so much that they felt the need to intervene MULTIPLE times. There is a HUGE problem here. And I don’t put it on the fans. I put it squarely on the heads of production, that knew about it and aided it.
        5. Production’s response. The cheating was endorsed, and anyone that planned to target cheaters was told in a production house meeting that we heard about twice on feeds that they were not allowed to target the cheaters (even if they were already targeting them) because of wall yeller information. Pretty easy to say you were never on the block when production is telling people they can’t target you. Ian’s complete 180 in game trajectory is completely explained by this meeting. I’m assuming Derrick is a paid agent of Grod, getting a storyline credit now.
        6. Arbitrary bonus money gifts starting in the premiere and culminating in the “extra comp” at the final four. Total bullshit. Multiple times money was not earned, it was just thrown at somebody.

        At least now that Grod has gotten to live out her masturbatory fantasy of her season 16 underwear model poster boy winning a perfect game… maybe she’ll have all that crap out of her system. Doubtful. Now that she’s totally aware that she can get away with her shit even when the public is aware of it before the season even begins: It’s going to get worse. We’re going to be able to telegraph every winner from premiere to finale from now on (like we haven’t been doing that for two seasons now anyway). Meanwhile viewers will still watch as if it’s a gameshow governed by gameshow rules (IT ISN”T). It’s no longer tinfoil hat to expect rigging and shenanigans, It’s just being observant.

        1. Yeah I agree 100%. I’ve been watching BB from Season 1, and I just miss the old BB. I just knew it would start taking a turn.
          Oh Grod!!!!

          1. It’s the ridiculousness of the pattern and the rise in strength and frequency of the rigging that is so preposterous. As I’ve said before, there’s always been some level of production interference / manipulation involved in big brother. However, it was not easy to pick a winner during the premeire in old school. We know there was manipulation in season 3. We know there was in 5, and in 6. There’s a comp here and there that just doesn’t feel right. Usually those don’t feel right comps were individual time comps.

            After the debacle that was bb15, it’s pretty much assured that the studio honchos and the advertisers called in the Grod to make assurances that unpredicted public outcry would be stemmed by coming up with approved storylines. Welcome to 16: A velvet hammer season of production cues.
            17 was a little less hammered, since the heat died down about 15 by 17. Then we get to 18. 18 is where Grod puts in the ultimate amount of control she can exude up to that point in bb history.
            It’s the second time in bbus history (16 being the first) that I predicted the winner JUST from the premiere editing.
            19? Do you really think that Josh came up with his goodbye messages and speech on his own after he came out of d/r confused about what production was telling him to say and do? Yeah, talking to himself on feeds he told us that production was preparing things for him, and he didn’t understand. 19 was flexing a different muscle. They stayed hands off for the most part, letting return player Paul run the show, and then tested whether or not they could twist a win for a clueless buffoon.
            SO what happened to 20? 20 is less rigged than 18 and 19 for the most part. The most rigging was actually for hg’s on the losing side (the Haliegh comps and her subsequent complaint that d/r had stopped asking her what type of comp she’d be good in after her second comp win).
            Why? Why was there less outcome rigging in 20? Because the fcc investigation of the program had begun, and was active but not decided. That investigation was concluded but the decision not announced by the time 21 started. And look at how 21 looks. It’s a combination of the worst riggings: velvet hammer mixed with complete house control, and manufacturing outcomes. A precursor for season 22.
            What’s ridiculous? Every season they talk about it on feeds. Feedwatchers that listen get to hear about every bit of how much this show isn’t a gameshow, but a manufactured reality entertainment programming event.

            Next time they do their bias training, they need to add a few lessons on not speaking about the man behind the curtain. I know it’s manipulated for storyline programming: I just don’t want confirmation on feeds.

            1. I forgot about the Josh stuff, and alot of the stuff you’ve mentioned. I do remember the Jeff & Jordan shenanigans ( Jeff had every saving grace you could think of). I didn’t know about the fcc investigation; interesting.
              Yeah the feeds are hilarious. The houseguest spilled all the beans on the feeds. Lol.

  11. Cody deserved it, Enzo deserved it, Davonne did not. But hey, at least her speech wasn’t as divisive as her previous speeches. Also, thrilled Cody didn’t take Nicole!!

    1. Question; How do you DESERVE AFH? No seriously….It’s a popularity contest. He who has the most votes win. I mean… I guess I never knew their was criteria involved in being considered for a popularity contest…but enlighten me. ?

      1. With all this “Black Lives Matter” chaos, most people probably voted for her because she is black. Not because they actually liked her, but just because she is black and they felt for her.

      2. Considering the way production manipulates the actual game of Big Brother, do you actually think they don’t manipulate the vote count for AFP? It’s not like the results are tabulated and audited by PwC for authenticity or anything, and they can give the award and money to whomever they choose to give it to. Maybe she “won” and maybe she didn’t, but either way CBS says she won, so she gets the money.

        1. Because it’s impossible to like Davonne right? Impossible to like her over all the other so many likable people in the house, right?

          1. Clearly there are plenty of people who love Da’Vonne. But it is just as clear to me that she was “promoted” by the network throughout the season, quite possibly for the purpose of awarding her this “reward”. Now why would they do that? Maybe because there’s never been a POC who’s won AFP before, or the game (regular BB), so this kind of removes some of that “racist” label from the show maybe?

            She may well have won it fair and square. I know there was a big social media push for her to do just that. I also know the network is not above manipulating things for their own agenda, as we’ve seen time after time after time. It’s nothing personal against Da’Vonne. As a single mom, she can probably use the money more than most of them, so good for her.

        2. I guess my point is….I never understood why fans get upset every year with the results of AFH. It’s kind of like Miss America contestants getting upset about who wins Miss Congeniality. Whatever the reasoning why someone won doesn’t matter because we’ll never find out the truth anyways. And yes, it normally is awarded to the underdog of the season. It is what it is.

  12. I didn’t leave a single comment this year and I hope Simon doesn’t censor this one because it might seem tongue in cheek but I must ask: is Enzo what happens after years of prolonged drug use? What the hell was that crazy final speech? Besides the WTF element, there was that secondhand embarrassment of watching him throwing the prize on Cody’s laps. There was so much he could have used to try to make a case for winning like saying that it was information he deliberately decided to share that led to things happening in the house, and if Cody was so powerful apart from the comps, it was because he was being feed info by VicENZO. Buuuut, I guess I play was better from my sofa than Enzo inside that studio.

    I didn’t participate much because when I learned we were gonna have a new season this crazy year of 2020, it had already premiered and 2 episodes had already aired, so I started catching up and I don’t like to read spoilers when I don’t have live feeds. Still I visited the site after about every eviction and clicked on ads. Let’s help Simon and Dawg y’all!

    This season was boring and even the houseguests knew it and, if this is all-stars, my oh my… so many other interesting and entertaining people to bring back! At least we got Cody instead of Paulie, and THANK HEAVENS Ariana Grande’s brother was nowhere to be seen!

    I LOVE Da’Vonne but girl can’t play this game. I’m so happy she won AFP now she needs to move onto other projects and forget reality TV. If Nicole F is an influencer, so can Da.

    Seeing Bayleigh in the house just made me think of BLOCKSTAR! That line of her to Bay is just unforgettable: oh no, you were eloquent, you jut had blood coming out of your mouth! LOL!

    Tyler wasn’t really there. That was an alien that replaced the guy who liked to play.

    I’d comment on the other players but I don’t have much energy when I think I won’t ever be able to make fun of Cody for being Derrick’s pet. Well, actually I can: he needed a house full of middle aged players and other lame @ss players to get the 500K and he still lost to Derrick. LOL!

    Now, what is the issue with Memphis? Is he as unlikeable on the live feeds as he came off on the actual TV episodes?

    Now, Nicole F, please go be a bride, grab Vic’s hand and disappear from my view for a good decade. But I life only gives me one wish to never see anyone from this season, I’l pick Xmas – what an annoying human being.


    P.S.- Didn’t finish watching BB Canada after the 1st week when a wannabe quit the game. Without giving me spoilers, is it worth going back and watching everything on demand?

    1. Thanks, Roxt 🙂 🙂

      Season 8 ended super early from Covid and no it’s not worth watching. Personally, BB1,2,3 are great the rest was never my cup of tea.

      1. Man 8 sucked. Quitter, vote out, expulsion, expulsion, and then a wannabe quitter by vote out against the Chaos Gremlin of the season when they call it off by covid. It was HORRIBLE…. but still better than all-stars2. Go figure.

    2. agreed Bbcan 1 2 and 3 were the best….plus I was in college then and watched many of the feeds. 4 was a lame house guest and lame winner, 5 was fun but production meddling was the worst to keep Kevin in the game, 6 was like everyone was high on lithium with the F2 yelling in their speeches, 7 was a 4 guy alliance running the house Which a non binary couldn’t fit into and 8 was trash, so glad they cancelled it.

    3. Where can you watch BB Canada. I tried watching Season 5, someome told me to go straight to that one? But you tube had the first full 5 episodes, and then just recaps?

      1. OH damn. don’t start with 5. Seriously.
        My recommendation: start with season 2. If you can get through the twists, and the fan votes as production interference aspect of 2, without saying wtf… you can handle 1 and 3. Consider 1-3 the basic guide to BBCAN. When they get to a fan vote remember, BBCAN reserves the right to exclude votes before during or after a fan vote. It’s right there in the rules of the fan vote, as if it were an attempt to stop bot voting, but it’s actually so they can predetermine the winner of every fan vote according to the storyline they’ve been editing.

        Once you get through the first 3 seasons, either stop, or only watch the rest until jury, and then walk away. Really. Only watch until jury and cut your losses. From season 4 onward, when you watch the first episode, write on a piece of paper who you think will win the season. It won’t be difficult. In each case it will be the person given ridiculous amounts of episode time for having NO involvement in the first week events.

    4. Don’t watch it. Not to spoil it for you, in the 6-7 weeks they ran before COvid shut down it down, there was only 1 legit eviction. The rest were either self eviction or kicked off the show plus another waiting in the wings getting ready to self evict. Ontario’s covid lockdown and cancelling of the show was just the cherry on top to that raging dumpster fire.

  13. Oh and one last thing: Enzo will have to spend the 50K in treatment for his kids! Seeing your father telling on national TV that he has a FOOT STALKER and watching him showing his feet with fungus on his toenails must be horrifying!

    1. I think it’s pretty shitty for you to say Enzo’s manner was because of prolonged drug use. It’s clear the guy is just a hyper, high strung guy. He may have ADHD or is just awkwardly uncomfortable in certain situations. I seen absolutely nothing to think he was a drug user and it’s wrong to put that out there.

      1. Hmm for the record: I was asking. I didn’t confirm anything. Though his skin and teeth kinda makes me think I already know the answer.

      2. Where did he/she say anything about Enzo using drugs?!?!… Treatment as in for the foot stalker/feet condition you big dope lol

    1. My guess: Da learned her lesson from season 18, and held out for 25k as the price for her vote this time.

  14. Odd Julie only named the top 2 vote recipients for AFP I don’t remember them ever not naming the top 3. Perhaps it’s b/c a pre-juror was top 3 (assuming Janelle) & TPTB didn’t want to draw attention to the fact many fans were dissatisfied by the predetermined moves & lack of surprises or losing (for most of us) our favorites so early.

    That said this finale was much better than I expected partially b/c I’m happy Enzo got some money. I didn’t think Nic played a better game then Enzo & at least for me personally I didn’t want to listen to her explain how she manipulated everyone & controlled the game.

    OWNING my sh*t — I did enjoy Nic exiting at F3 & showing what I believe is a closer reflection of her true character. Her foot was in constant movement as the anger coursed through her body & the eye rolls were plentiful. When she said on the live feeds “everything I’ve had to deal with” from my perspective she was implying how unfair things were for her – – specifically the loss of her sponsors.

    That only served to remind me she isn’t capable of owning her sh*t. It was HER actions that created that situation & yet she was already positioning it as if she was the victim. I don’t respect that. Live feeders saw her practice how to look sad voting out Ian (& laughing hysterically at Memphis making fun of Ian’s autism), watched her plan making Janie a have not/what she would say & repeatedly worked on her GBM to disinvite Janelle from her wedding. Even if those things are petty they’d be fine IF SHE OWNED IT but she didn’t – – she denied everything even though the film evidence exists. She blamed Dani for her Janelle GBM forgetting we saw her discuss what specifically to say to multiple people & HELLO – – it was HER who recorded it!

    Through BB18 & most of this season Nic has been a production pet who TPTB frequently helped/protected. Sorry — NOT SORRY for her b/c Dani, Tyler & Memphis all suffered similar fates (and earlier than her). Plus, they each played a more well-rounded game & played a more active role for the majority of the season which in essence helped to protect Nicole. Besides, she won the $500k in BB18 & got paid very well to play what was essential the last three weeks of All-Stars. Still, I give her credit for doing the right thing by voting for Cody anyway

    In the end the right person won & Enzo showed how happy he was just to get to the F2 chair & will appreciate that fact despite getting swept in the votes.

    Maybe it’s recency bias, but at least in this very moment the finale made the season more palatable.

    1. I’ve enjoyed your comments.
      I’m glad you found something palatable tonight…
      I wish I had. You’d think Nicf getting her just desserts would provide a thrill considering just how much I am not a fan.
      Even that felt hollow to me. I’m sure in the future when I think back and remember the look on her face all through the jury questioning… I will have glee. I hope.

      1. Ditto Another Name – I’ve meant to ask you forever – are you male or female? I frequently reference you in my posts & I want to make sure next season I use the correct pronoun.

        Until next season (or BB Can) Be safe & stay healthy 🙂

        1. lol. This is going to sound really screwy… but I intentionally write on here using the voices of a few different aspects/characters. The more intuitive voice / character tends to be written in a female voice (where the pauses mean as much as the words) using emotional assessment of activities in the house to intuit what will happen, the more analyticial voice / character tends to be written in a male voice (less emotive, more blunt and more about predictive through logical game move than emotively intuitive). The tinfoil hat voice is more a gestalt of the two.

      2. Not sure if you’ll be back to check responses but just in case…

        Apparently during the commercial break Cody told Nicole – I don’t want to blindside you (meaning on live TV). THAT’S WHY she was crying seated in the chair & during her speech.

  15. Well I got my wish Nocole third! Thanks Dawg and Simon for all your time and perceverance. Stay well everyone, peace out.

    1. Three time. You forget he arranged the preseason agreement between all the return players and Cody’s brother in season 18.

  16. Huge shout out to Simon and Dawg! You guys along with many awesome comments, made this boring, predictable season better. Love the little comments you guys put in your transcriptions. I am newb BB lover….started in 2014 (yeah how did I keep going after that?; Went and watched all the other seasons!), and I’ve been a fan of this site ever since. Gonna drop you guys some well deserved $ and use the amazon links. My wife or I usually order from amazon 2-3 times a week. Thanks again! You guys rock! Cya next year!

  17. Pretty much every season AFP is reflected in the daily polls of OBB & the other major BB dedicated sites & social media accounts. Jokers is generally dead on the money with AFP emulating their daily poll. Janelle ranked first the entire season, Kaysar second for all but the first day (Dani) and Tyler ranked third from Day 46 on. Da’Vonne ranked sixth for 40 days taking over that position from day 59 although Enzo was in that position frequently (10 time’s day 59-84). Keesha and Ian were 4th/5th predominantly from day 46 on.

    With that said, Da’Vonne winning doesn’t seem like that much of a stretch since there was a big social media push for her including Angela telling Tyler fans to vote for Day. The other factor I think played a role was how worried Day was about how she would be perceived for her interactions/words with David (re: Nic lying about her Ian vote & blaming David). Her concern was genuine & I think her fans came out wholeheartedly in support of her.

    Tyler coming second seems off esp if his fans voted for Day making his rise over Jaysar a bit questionable. As per usual my analytic mind is trying to figure this out as being something other than TPTB doing the selecting. The option I came up with is Day won easily, Ty’s fan base got behind him with a portion electing to ignore Angela’s encouragement & Janie was third but TPTB didn’t want to put a spotlight on how fans viewed the season so opted to not mention she was third.

    Regardless, I’m happy for Day b/c even if she isn’t the best BB player she is entertaining on the feeds & does great DRs. Obviously, I’m a pushover since Enzo getting emotional that Cody stayed true to The Root & Day bursting into tears were both moments that touched me.

    As others have suggested, I hope Day elects to become a social media influencer or do a podcast. Day comes off very well on the screen, has a great sense of humor & could use her strong passionate voice to make a difference in the causes she holds dear. Of course, Day making that choice would be truly ironic…

    That’s b/c on the other end of the spectrum lies Nicole who ranked dead last since Day 30 for all but eight days (Dani 5x/Xmas 3x). Nicole entered the house earning a living as a social influencer but dropped in popularity due to laughing at Memphis making fun of Ian’s autism and subsequently lost podcast sponsors for her actions.

    Nic will need to deal with the damage of those & other actions/words. I’m sure she’ll bounce back finding new sponsors & eventually recover or rebuild her following. And, if not she is a trained nurse, owns her house bought with the winnings from BB18 (about $300k US after taxes), is about to marry Victor and lives in a small town where her original winnings should be more than ample for the couple to lead a very comfortable lifestyle.

    1. Agreed. Day came into the house and used BB as a platform to speak about social changes, whereas Nic was just concerned with her social media. At the end of the day, I respect Day & Enzo for doing this for their kids.

    2. Given that TPTB are constantly interjecting themselves into the actual game of Big Brother, how do we know that they didn’t just decide to “award” AFP to Da’Vonne? They have constantly pushed her and her agenda at us throughout this season, and have placed her front and center at most of the jury house discussions since she was evicted. Maybe they see this as a “consolation prize” for the fact that no POC has ever won a regular Big Brother season, and they are trying to make it easier on themselves by being able to say, “But look, Da’Vonne won AFP in season 22! We’re doing a great job at diversifying our winners here at CBS!”

      It’s not like anybody actually knows who got how many votes, and we all know they have their “golden children” they pick to win the game. Why should AFP be any different?

      1. CBS virtue signaling. “See how woke we are?” Silly attempt to be “of the moment”. No different than Julie’s pandering (& I actually think Julie is kinda sorta embarrassed to be dragged into all this politically correct mess—but, as with most things on network tv these days, a paycheck is a paycheck. Gotta stay in the good graces of the super-vocal i-net crowd. Otherwise, cancel culture & all that jazz~sigh~).

      2. that’s fair – I saw a TON of people on social media promoting Da’Vonne including many former BB players so it didn’t seem like a stretch that she won but your point also makes sense.

  18. you tin foil hat wearers must feel really dumb now after saying constantly all season long that Cody and Nicole had a pregame deal to take each other to final 2.

  19. What a season for Cody. Pure domination, such a beast. Too bad Nicole lost final HOH, I guess would not matter cus she would have taken him to the final.

    Cody should be up there with Dan, Derrick, Evil Dick and Dr Will.

    So happy Day won Favorite Houseguest…

  20. Cody taking Enzo was unexpected, but it’s what I wanted. Nicole’s reaction was exactly how I expected same attitude a snake gets when they don’t get their way. I was smiling like the Grinch at her being mad AF.. I knew she still would lose, but she didn’t deserve 50k. Enzo, I’m still lil salty he didn’t take out Nicole in the triple, but he deserved the 50k. Shitty season ends kinda good. The rightful winner deserved it. Congratulations Cody. Now don’t none of you returnees ever come back til season 55. When they do All-Stars 3 hopefully by then Grodner will be gone RLMFAO..

  21. I have suggestions for two Big Brother seasons.

    1. Have a season where EVERY houseguest is a former winner. No exceptions. It would be neat to see former winners competing.
    2. Have a season where EVERY houseguest is a former America’s Favorite Player. No exceptions. Imagine DaVonne, Nicole Anthony, Tyler, Cody Nickson, Victor Arroyo, James Huling, Donny Thompson (won with the highest percentage of votes), Elissa Slater, Frank Eudy, Britney Haynes, Jeff Schroeder (won it two seasons), Keesha Smith, Crazy James Zinkand, and Janelle. And from Celebrity Big Brother: Ross Mathews and Tom Green. Now that would be a hoot.
  22. Did anyone else notice how stand offish Dani was to Nicole. Dani is legit 100% jealous of Cody and Nicoles friendship.

    1. Yes but also did anyone notice nicole was standing alone and not really being approached or celebrated and included with by the others?? I guess they all finally see the snake she really is and now the final question is: who out of all those invited to her wedding will actually be there? Cody of course because the entitled snake will expect a “lavish gift.” Bleh.

    2. ?? Nobody could have hugged Nicole when she came out…. They probably did during commercials, and when Cody came out and was hugging everyone, Dani and Nicole was hugging on the back too.

    3. Realistically, Nicf and Dani were real world best friends speaking every day for over 2 years before this season.
      Dani has no doubt been told about NIcf backstabbing her for over a week before the triple.
      Both had deals with Cody pre arranged, so Cody and Nicf’s friendship has NOTHING to do with why Dani was so standoffish with Nicf. I’d say it 100% comes from the other jurors telling Dani that Nicf was burying her for days.

  23. Thanks so much for continuing to do what you do with this site for the BB fandom.

    I’m mostly a feed watcher/ update reader/ BB tweeter because I usually despise CBS’s episode edits. I was pretty much out after the triple eviction. I stopped checking the feeds and bb twitter but I would come back here at on a Thursday/Friday to see who won HOH, the noms, veto winner and who got evicted. Usually I just looked at your header but sometimes I would read updates and episode breakdowns. The BB fan in me somehow can’t seem to completely give up on seasons even when they are trash. I really appreciate that I can come back here anytime I want to know what’s going on in the game. Usually I left very annoyed at how the season was playing out so predictably.

    I was so excited for this season but was very disappointed within the 1st few weeks. This season was a bust almost from the jump. CBS is going to have to become real creative to shake up the game so that moving forward large alliances don’t continue to dominate the game season after season. It’s so predictable and boring and for me it’s killing the excitement and spirit of BB.

    My rankings on Worst BB seasons: #1 is last season BB21 (gave up on that season but kept coming back here too), #2 is this season BB Allstars 2, #3 BB16 and #4 BB15.

    Thanks again. And hopefully see you next season.

  24. I liked that Christmas stood up for Nicole. Reminding Davonne that it is a game and being lied to is part of the game. Davonne was trying to represent and Nicole was just playing to win.

    1. Of course Grinchmas stood up for Nicf. She would NEVER admit that comments and actions in the house might have real world consequence, because then she’d have to look at some of her own behavior and comments within the house without the shield of “It’s only a game” added to her already practiced while in the house “you don’t see everything in the house on feeds” commentary she’d been planning to use.

  25. I enjoyed the season. All players except David played a high level game. It was easy to tell because you could look at David’s weak play vs everyone else. I’ll bet he would be soooo much better in another season and it was even fun to watch him grow.

    I still prefer *new* houseguests each year, but for an All-Star season it was fun and entertaining if you like the BB game. Return to *new* houseguests for the social experiment plus game please.

    If there were pre-game alliances so what. Part of the new game. People got cut and hurt which shows how much they all wanted it.

  26. America’s Favorite Player was chosen imho out of pity, not love. I believe it to be demeaning and people feeling sorry for someone is not good in the long run. Day, like almost anyone born in the US is in the 1% of income earners in the World. Expand your frame of reference. Almost all Americans are rich in comparison to the World population.
    So let’s enjoy the freedom and riches we have and watch BB!! Yeah!
    BTW – choosing AFP out of pity is just as valid a way as a popularity contest. Just a demeaning way IMHO.

    1. Also, there was no way for the audience to play along. In some seasons the questions have been “what did the houseguest say – fill in the blank questions” which we could play along with. I’m not sitting here studying days. Go back to “know your houseguests” type questions instead of days/events so we can play along.

  27. why was Cody looking over his left shoulder at the albums while the questions were being asked? More than once was there a cheat cheat for him?

  28. Thanks Simon, Thanks Dawg, as always the best BB site out there.. I’m good with the result. I didn’t think Cody had the stones to cut Nicole. Brow before hos Brigade Yo!!!

  29. If you are reading this, dig deep… $3/$5/$10 whatever…..Simon & Dawg deserve any & every donation you can throw their way. After all, think about it, what would we do without them??? No one does it better!!

  30. An entertaining finale. It’s not clear if Nicole was fed bad intel about her being next to Cody, then winning. Maybe production want it to go that way, who knows lol. Between Enzo and Cody, Enzo was more entertaining, but Cody overall just handled the game better, both socially and with the game play. So he definitely is a worthy winner. A shame there were so many lame players this year, nobody making any big moves, making it an overall predictable, and somewhat dull season. I get it, there was an overall different situation occurring this year that made more challenges for running the show, but that really shouldn’t have affected game play or strategizing within the house.
    I’m glad Julie announced next years Big Brother season. I actually like the later start, but I’m guessing they’ll do it July to September per usual. I hope there’s a batch of new faces.

  31. Post season drama.
    By now we know that Kevin and David are no longer speaking to Da’vonne.
    Nicf has gone on a spree of unfollowing or following cast members just TO unfollow them. She and Cody are…. well, looks like her hints that she wanted out of the prize sharing deal on Sunday in the BR led Cody to say fine, I’ll keep that part of the money myself. So she’s unfollowed him too. Now, if she unfollows his family, Derrick and the season 16 chat group… we’ll know it’s serious. Someone else will have to tell you, because that ten minute check in to the land of bbtwitter was as deep as I’m gonna go, until the next bbcan season when you will for sure hear me gripe about g’d Kassting still being used by BBcan. Like the casting of 8 didn’t tell us that Kassting is intentionally trying to americanize the process in Canada.

  32. Thanks for your input on bb22!! So happy Ckdy won very well deserved. Glad he took Enzo not Nicole. Shell get over it if he chose her not sure about couple of votes going her way. Funny no one voted for enzo.. GO COdy

  33. Anyone see any news about Nicole’s reaction when he found out she was fired from all her jobs and sponsorships?

    I’ve been looking and haven’t seen anything…

  34. UPDATE.
    Still don’t follow past contestants of reality programs unless i see a current article or news item… hence this:
    Those on here that talked about the Xmess / Memphis oddities (flirting, making out whatever the hell it was): You appear to have been correct. All that hope the bf proposes after the show talk has been replaced by Memphis and I are dating articles.

    Still don’t care, but for those that were saying it was a thing: You were right.

    Some promo spots and some online rumors have begun to surface.
    Promos highlight an ‘it’s not the end’ angle. A possible explanation for this is being tossed around as socialmediafact… meaning rumor but the trail leading the rumor to it’s conclusion is at least feasible.
    So, here are theories that I’ve seen floated and my gut reactions:
    1) canam vets season. I say NOPE to that. They already did that online as part of audrey’s online Sequester, and all the worst aspects of pregaming and pseudonationalistic crap made the experience a yawn in my opinion. Besides: look at the payscale and prize money comparison for bbus and bbcan. What bbus vet is going to jump on board for that (the 100k canadian prize is less than 80k us).
    2) an allstar can season. Saying NOPE to that too. I just don’t see it.
    3) the people on the last season come back to restart. Ok. I see some of this possibly happening. Now, let’s remember the record of the season: quit, eviction, tossed out, tossed out… and season ends with someone that has been begging to quit since day 2 on the block. They’re thinking of bringing back that assemblage of at most mediocre to pathetic? Really?
    3a) SOME of the people from last season come back to a restart mixed with newbies. This is the newest rumor that has started this week. Two separate (one ontario, one east coast) rumors are rising that Hira and Maddie (the guy being touted as veto king and the showmance girl) have been approached about returning. For some reason this hasn’t been a one and done rumor. It’s had a bit of traction, and has begun to include the possibilty of fishing boat girl, brain transformation specialist idiot guy, jamar(one of the ones booted), as well as lower key additions of suspected season winner and runner up sheldon and brooke (edits of early season episodes on bbcan say A LOT about how a season will end).
    I BUY SOME OF THIS. I don’t LIKE it, but I can see them do it. I can see maybe 4 returning.
    4) Reusing most of last season’s house decorations, with the saved expense not increasing the prize money. I’d believe it. But that would mean they had the set dressing sitting there unused for a year. So SOME of the decor. None of the cash.
    5) The changes in casting. Sure, there’s been a promise of more diversity casting, but will it still follow the usual sterotype process of here’s our showmance people, here’s our jock, and hey you, put on some glasses and you can be our nerd, hmmm, now to find a couple lgbt to evict on our special evictions….

    Rumored move in date: Sat., Mar 13.
    Rumored premiere date: Wed., Mar 17.

  36. Day after I wrote the rumor report, a premiere date of March 3 was floated.
    This would put it on the same timeline as season 8 was supposed to follow (premiere date was Mar 4th, and season was called on March 24th after hours and hours of feed blockage and speculation that the season was terminated).

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