Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – July 16th, 2011

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for July 15th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Follow @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. There is also a Facebook page.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Kalia asks Dominic to not move his hand that’s between Dani’s legs because it makes her nervous. Dominic tells Kalia that there’s no fingering going on.

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12:20am Kalia, Dani and Dominic are in the backyard hammock talking and joking around. Dominic is asking them questions about the votes and neither Dani nor Kalia are giving him straight answers. Dominic is trying to figure out who the other two votes were, while Kalia and Dani joke around. Dominic asks them can you assholes be serious for once. Kalia asks Dominic to not move his hand that is between Dani’s legs because it makes her nervous. Dominic tells Kalia that there’s no fingering going on. Dani touches Dominic’s face he gets upset. Meanwhile up in the HOH room. Brendon and Jeff are talking about how the girls always get so catty. Brendon says that Cassi is really dumb. Brendon says the girls are all hating on each other. Jeff agrees and says that it’s great. Brendon says that it’s so cool how we got them all to hate each other. Brendon says that if they don’t win an HOH they can tell them oh well did you hear what so and so said to keep them going at each other. Jeff starts talking about how he told Adam to ease up on the veto tomorrow. Jeff says he talked with Adam told him that he has to throw the POV competition tomorrow. Jeff tells Brendon that Adam agreed to throw it.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Shelly about Porsche: “You never know what people have… you know what I mean”

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10:40pm HOH Jeff and Jordan Jordan is saying Rachel is acting weird because she spent so much time talking to Cassi. Jordan knows she brings up Rachel telling her that Cassi is only talking to her because she won HOH. Jordan says all her and cassi really talked about has modelling, country music and Family. Jordan adds that she told her that Adam is not working with them. Jeff wants to make sure that the newbs don’t know that Shelly flipped the vote, Jeff doesn’t care if they think it was Kalia and Lawon or Adam and Kalia as long as it’s not shelly.
Jordan tells him she’s sure they don’t suspect Shelly.
Jeff warns her to start watching what she says “DON’T BLANK TALK..Well don’t you realize what comes out of your mouth. Don’t stir Sir up.”

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Shelly’s Got Game: “As soon as we get to Single Fu**ing Cutthroat BABY”

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8-9 HOH Jordan and cassi Jordan are having a close conversation about family, country music, boyfriends . Rachel goes in around 8:30 to hang out with them. The mood becomes awkward but everyone is nice to each other. rachel leaves and Jordan and Cassi get back to their previous conversation. Cassi sits on the bed with Jordan and they chat it up like friends. Around 9:30ish Rachel comes back up and they decide to leave the HOH Cassi heads to the kitchen to chill with Shelly and Rachel goes with Jrodan to the hot tub. Jordan asks Rachel if she’s done something different.. Rachel says yeah she put makeup on thanks.. Jordan ohh I knew something was different.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Adam predicts an alliance split Jeff/Jordan Vs Rachel/Brendon, Adam Screams out “BROGADE”

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7:45pm Brendon and Dani Dani is complaining that the golden key is a stupid twist, Brendon agrees he wishes he was playing against all All Stars. Dani laughs tells him that then she would be playing with all her friends and Brendon would be all alone. Brendon laughs says it would be just like last year. Both of them are having are laughing away very much enjoying each others company. Dani is mad that she has the golden key because all there is for her to do is site around. She also is pissed that most of the people in the house are playing for jury. Brendon: “Of course they do” Both of them don’t want to play with players like that. Brendon tells her she needs to get stuck in with the other players and learn what is going in with them he was hoping Rachel would do that but she’s not she’s sticking with POrsche and unraveling his social game. Dani continue about the golden key saying that because of this twist you are building all the wrong relationships. Brendon: “Yeah it’s like we’re playing 2 games”

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Adam Poch Big Brother 13

Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Adam: “What do you have to wrap dog sh!t in to make you forget you’re eating dog sh!t” Jeff: “Bacon” Adam: “Skunk”

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6:39pm HOH Repeats minus Dani They are talking about their discussion with Cassi and Dom. Jeff and Jordan rehash their conversations saying that all Dom and Cassi did was tell them exactly what they want to hear. They start trying to figure out how they are going to get Adam to throw the competition. Jeff says he’s going to work on Adam starting tonight.

They try to figure out what to do with Pro and decide that they’re safe if she wins HOH after the couple split and if the newbs win HOH they can talk the newbs into putting her up. Jeff: “We have the numbers we can evict whoever we want” (I liked Jeff better when he was not cocky ass)

Follow @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. There is also a Facebook page.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Jeff: “what we have to do right now is split up Dom and Cassi.. get rid of Dom”

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4:25pm Hammock Brendon and rachel

Brendon is scolding Rachel for getting too close to Por and defending her. Rachel says that Por told her everything about Cassi and what she is trying to do. Brendon warns Rachel that Por is trouble, she’s not smart nor is she looking out for them. Rachel disagrees she thinks that after the golden key is over her and por will be very close and Por will be a valuable friend in the game. Brendon thinks that Por will be the reason they get evicted. Rachel tells him that Cassi is basically the worst person in the house. She is a disgusting manipulator that is trying to get everyone against us. Rachel: “This isn’t personal it’s very strategic.. I have done nothing but try

We have a new Image Gallery here’s how it works, Every minute we take a screen capture from all 4 cameras inside the Big Brother house then we dump them into a Daily Screen capture post. Voila a ton of Live feed Screen captures all time and Cam Stamped Live Feed Image Gallery

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Dom 2 Big Brother 13

Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Jeff: “Dom you and Adam are going up” Nominations are TONIGHT!

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3:00pm HOH Dom, Jeff and Jordan Dom is saying they were never targeting JJ that brendon and Rachel were their targets. Dom explains to them that his entire side is BLANK and he feels like he doesn’t have anyone that will make it to after the pairs are over. Jeff offers him a deal that they will give him the golden key this week if he votes with them and guarantees that Dom’s crew does not put up JJ or BR. They ask him about his relationships with Cassi. Dom tells him to be honest he is very tight with Cassi and Lawon. Jeff says that he’s not thinking about the end game all he’s thinking is that him and Jordan do not want to be separated for the summer so they’re playing the game with that in mind. After the golden key twist is over they will start planning for the final push. Jeff reminds him that whoever doesn’t go home gets the key and he wants to make sure that person is with them. Dom asks what do the Repeats want from him votes? Jeff is getting a bit annoyed says he wants the newbs to not target BR/JJ. Jeff smiles says Dom and adam are going up that’s what is happening. Jordan says lawon and kalia are a waste to put up. Jeff: “Kalia and Lawon are the targets next week” Dom: “You mean Lawon is” Jeff tells him that no one is a waste to take out next week they will take out the person who is a

We have a new Image Gallery here’s how it works, Every minute we take a screen capture from all 4 cameras inside the Big Brother house then we dump them into a Daily Screen capture post. Voila a ton of Live feed Screen captures all time and Cam Stamped Live Feed Image Gallery

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – July 15th, 2011

Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for July 15th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: America voted to let the HaveNots eat Jelly Beans and Jerky!

1:55pm When the live feeds come back from showing TRIVIA, All the houseguests are in the kitchen talking and making lunch. They talk about how the competition was about winning flavours. Adam tells Dani that he will trade his jerky for her golden key. America voted to give the havenots Jelly beans and Jerky! Dominic asks how many people do you think take the time to vote for the food we eat. Brendon says probably a lot! Dani talks about how excited she is that she will be able to sleep because there wont be any snoring because the snorers will be in the HaveNot room. So that means Adam and Dominic are HaveNots. Up in the HOH room Lawon comforts Kalia and tells her that he just wants to make sure she is okay. Cassi and Shelly are talking in the havenot room about how they tried really hard in the competition and that its just a game. They are talking about how Rachel acted in the competition. Shelly says that Rachel needs to put her big girl panties on and grow up! Shelly says that Rachel was over in the bush puking for a half hour. Shelly says that they all had to eat it …and it wasn’t that bad. Sounds like the HaveNots this week are Adam, Dominic and Shelly, Cassi AGAIN!

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: The houseguests are now competing in the Have/HaveNot competition!

10am Kalia, Brendon and Shelly are in the kitchen making breakfast and waking up. Brendon tells Shelly that big brother usually wakes them up early on a havenot competition day around 8:30 and then hold the competition around 11:30 / 12am. Dani gets ready in the bathroom. Then comes into the kitchen and asks when big brother locked down the backyard? Brendon tells her early. Dani asks when the competition will be held? Brendon says he thinks around noon. They talk about how the havenots will have to get some random food to eat again. Adam, Kalia, Dominic, Dani, and Brendon are all in the kitchen talking about music.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Dominic tells Rachel he has to work with them because he can’t trust the newbies..

7:15am – 9am Jordan wakes up and goes down to the downstairs bathroom to grab some stuff and then heads back to the HOH bed. 8am Shelly wakes up and heads to the kitchen to make coffee. 8:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Dominic and Rachel are in the storage room. Dominic tells her that he has to play with them because he can’t trust the newbies. Rachel asked Dominic if he talked to Dani. Dominic says that he has. Rachel says that she needs to talk to Jeff. Adam comes into the storage room and breaks up their conversation. Adam, Shelly, Lawon, Brendon, Dominic Porsche and Rachel are in the kitchen talking about 9/11. They talk about how crazy it would have been to be part of big brother 2 and in the house when it happened. The conversation changes to talking about basketball, and movies.

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