Austin – “Audrey is non stop game mode.. she’s f***g non stop game dude”

5:05pm Cabana – Clay, Austin and Jace
Wondering if Da, Audrey and james have an agreement.
Clay leaves.
Austin and Jace worried about James not keeping to their alliance. They laugh that Johnny Mac is a rockstar he’s going to chill all summer.
Austin what do we do now
Jace – Nothing
Audrey is still out there flipping out.. James doesn’t have the number dude.

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Jackie – “I’ll look like the biggest idiot ever volunteering to go up”

Audrey says Steve is the one to go if Jace doesn’t “He’s the backup plan”
She adds that Everyone will use the POV on Jackie except for Steve. Highlights how pissed jace and Sutin will be “I have no idea what he will do”
Jackie – I’ll look like the biggest idiot ever volunteering to go up

Audrey says the only people she’s not sure where their heads are at are Becky, Liz and Vanessa
Jackie says she’s never talked game with them

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James “Once Jace is gone any alliances that he’s trying to form will crumble”

9:49pm Jackie and Shelli in the lounge

Talking about the Power of veto. Shelli says the nominees will save themselves sounds like everyone else is throwing it. They bring up “The Plan” and how everyone is in on it. The plan is to use the POwer of Veto on Jackie or throw it to jackie. Jackie doesn’t want Steve to win the Veto because he’ll take himself off and Jace will go up against her. (Sounds like Jackie wants Steve gone) James rolls in

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Big Brother 17 Episode 2 Results New Houseguests and The Amazing Race

Last nights part of the Big Brother 17 première introduced the 3 new twists as well as the first 8 houseguests to enter the house. The first Head of Household competition was played, Audrey had an announcement and the girls Davonne, Shelli and Audrey form a day one alliance. Keep in mind that the two part première was not live the houseguests entered the house last weekend. When the feeds start tonight we’ll have a lot of catching up to do.

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Big Brother Canada Season 3 Finale Summary and Results

Final 3 Jury Twist.

The Final 3 are locked in the vault where they have to decide on who to evict from the Jury house. They must all come together on this vote it has to be unanimous. AS a result of this vote the Jury will go down from 10 to 9. Ashleigh proposes they both pick two people they want to keep on the Jury. She picks Zach/Pili, Sarah picks Willow/Brittnee. Godfrey doesn’t think this is the best approach to take says he doesn’t have two people. An argument ensues but is cut short to be shown on the Wednesday show.

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