5:50pm Bedroom. Tyler asks Brett if he was the one that took all the mattresses? Brett – yeah and all the cushions. Kaycee – so Brett you took all the mattresses and put it in there? Brett – I made a barricade. I literally didn’t even look for any. I just kept barricading mine. Let those idiots look go look for them. I just going to protect what’s mine. (Smart strategy) Haleigh – I am so mad Brett. I literally went to your spot 4 times! That’s such a good idea Brett. You suck!
Tag: Angie “Rockstar” Lantry

Big Brother 20 Week 7 Summary and Live Eviction Results
THE HIVE! One of the most comical alliances in Big Brother history. I love the HIVE! Every week they make the same mistakes it’s too good to be true. How Does this happen? Haleigh wins the HOH but her side cannot secure the Power of Veto or Hacker power, couple this with tragic game play does not bode well for our once ‘great’ FOUTTE alliance. Haleigh’s Hive was too feeble to sway anyone in the house other than Sam (in the end she won’t flip either) The Level six alliance (+JC) ended up just toying with the HIVE all week. Rocks continued her same Schick attacking Angela with the same material she attacked Brett with. She also comes up with a killer speech that was way too much fun to type out.

Big Brother 20 Week 7 Animated Gifs
This weeks Big Brother 20 Animated Gifs. My favorite and a contender for years best is the one of Rockstar sucking all the d1cks. Going to miss Rockstar. via GIPHY Rockstar "Who's d**k do I need to suck to get a power?!" #bb20 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/2mD2X2pAGs — Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 13, 2018 Fes & Haleigh kissing […]

“Come on JC come to this side where we’ve literally f*ed up .. ” – Rocks
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Big Brother Spoilers Slip n slide HOH tongiht. This is my favorite
11:09am Rocks and Haleigh
Rocks – it’s not that I would be blindside I just really want to know there’s an outfit I want to wear if I get evicted.. I wanted to know my finale dress.. I know that sounds stupid. .if I’m not I don’t want to pull it out.. if I am I kinda want to know..
Rocks – I totally get what JC is saying, How is he supposed to trust us. Come on JC come over to this side where we’ve accomplished every single thing we said we would do.. It’s Come on JC come to this side where we’ve literally f*ed up ..

SAM “They think I’m going to vote for her because she smoked cigarettes with me, she’s older & uglier..”
8:30pm Lounge room. Haleigh and Fes. Heleigh – what’s wrong? Fes – Nothing I just feel out of it today. Haleigh – something is wrong with you. Fes – nothing. I just don’t feel like playing big brother today. Haleigh – you’re not going to talk to me about whatever is wrong? Okay, well I tried. Are you serious? What is wrong Fessie?! Fes – nothing is wrong. Haleigh – okay, go to sleep and I hope you’re in a better mood tomorrow. Look at me, what is wrong with you? Did you talk to JC? No you didn’t, when you said you were going to. Or did you talk to him and tomorrow isn’t going to go the way I want it.

“We’ve only got 1 HOH on our side and we’re getting them all out”
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Big Brother Spoilers LOL.
3:58pm JC and KAycee
JC – you have my vote..
Adds the only person that’s pushing him to vote Kaycee out is fes.
JC says Rocks is targeting Tyelr and Angela
JC – you have to be very careful they have a bad concept of you..
JC bring sup Rockstar saying that KAycee is fake for not throwing the vote to Bayleigh
Kaycee laughs says that Haleigh brought the same thing up to her.. And KLaycee called her out on it because haleigh didn’t vote for bayleigh either.
Kaycee – I bet it made the show.. it was up in the HOH b1tch you voted her out too
Kaycee was blown away that riocks got so upset that Tyler didn’t use the veto on her. JC is shocked too.

“I have a very good feeling it will be 5 to 1, for sure.. ” – Kaycee
***** Updated ******
Big Brother Spoilers Rocks up to her same old tricks.
11:59am Kaycee and Brett
Kaycee wanted Scottie to hear that Fes was sleeping upstairs last night.
Brett says with Scottie he doesn’t want to vote out Rockstar because that will break Haleigh’s trust.
brett – I need to convince him that she has a final 2 with Fes anyways sh’es just loyal to him he really see the showmance
B – he thinks Rockstar and HAleigh are close and Fes/JC are close
K – it’s like he doesn’t want to believe it
B – right
K – I was telling Angela to haleigh and Fes probably have this plan OK we’ll be the first showmance to make it all the way to the end.. she probably telsl him we have to separate ourselves.

JC “If I get out the other gay people, I am going to get a lot of backlash.”
8:04pm Backyard. Scottie and Haleigh. They talk about how Scottie voted out Swaggy C while wearing a Swaggy C t-shirt. Scottie – I thought is he going to hate me? Probably. Haleigh – was I trying to further my game.. yes! Did it work.. No! Scottie – we didn’t get to find that out because I won that HOH. Haleigh – to take out Winston who was irrelevant. Scottie – I used that HOH to prove myself to you guys. Haleigh – that’s true you did. You didn’t really have anything to prove to me. I liked you. I didn’t think you liked me very much. Scottie – really? OH lets go over that? Haleigh – I thought you were way cooler than me.

“Brett is helping ROCK with her Speech he’s going to tell her whatever I want” – Angela
4:53pm Angela and Kaycee
Angela – Brett is helping ROCK with her Speech he’s going to tell her whatever I want
Angela – he’s like think of some good thing and I’ll put it in
Kaycee – oh my god that’s going to be F*ing hilarious
Angela says all Rocks speech is her shitting on Angela. After Rocks gets evicted Angela is just going to smile and wave at her.
Angela wants to sneak “Level” into Rocks speech..
They laugh
Angela – next Level Entitlement .. Angela’s entitlement is on the next level like level 6 ..

Rockstar’s Speech “I got the bones of it.. 1st step stay, 2nd step take over the world”
Big Brother Spoilers The fun continues this week 🙂
“Of course I wanted to win this veto and take myself off the block but I’m actually glad I didn’t because it exposes a infallible final 2 of Tyler and Angela. ”
Brett – that’s good
RS – “which is dangerous for all of our games as none of us are actually working together and we’re all just kinda lone wolfing it”
Brett – mmmhhmmmmm
RS – “Kaycee has refused to work with anybody throughout this game except for Angela so Angela is sitting real pretty right now with a infallible,e bond with Tyler and KAyucee. Are you going to let her have two shield protectors in this house”
RS – Kaycee also has a great relationship with Rachel and Rachel went out the door.. Kaycee spent hour long conversations with Bayleigh she didn’t even toss her pity vote whats her loyalty going to be to you in this house”
Haleigh – YEAH
Rock – soemthing along those lines

Rockstar “I would like this entire cast a lot more without Angela.”
8pm HOH room. Fes, Scottie, Haleigh and Rockstar. Talk of piercings in the HOH room. Rockstar – can you imagine that this was all that was left of the show? (She points at the spy tv where Tyler and Angela are in the kitchen.) Scottie – as apposed to me going I can see you ear piercing. Fes looks at the spy tv and says her n!pples are hard. Scottie – they’re always hard. Fes – she was running outside in the blazing sun and her n!pples were hard. Haleigh – that’s what happens when you get a b00b job.

“The other Angela has been able to play a real passive floater game.. I’m the real Angela in this house”
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Big Brother Spoilers Rocks thinks she’s staying.
2:25pm Rock and BRett (Buckle up for the stupid)
Rock – as you know you weren’t my target this week
Rock – if I win HOH I would put Tyler next to Angela on the block
Rock – then I would say well Tyler will win the veto .. exactly and he can’t use it on Angela
Brett – true .. that’s a valid point
Rock – that is my plan.. I would put Scottie up in his place but the target would be Angela moving forward..
Rock – My name is Angela.. I’m the real Angela in this house
Rock says she’s due to win the next HOH she’s been really close.
Rock – I want to stay here..
Rock – Kaycee drew a line in the sand and refuses to work outside that line, she works with Angela and that’s the person she works with. I am adaptable.. I don’t have any lines.. I have me staying here as long as I can