
Dan recounts the events of last night and says he prefers people hating him in this game..

7:30am Dan is up and out in the backyard talking to the cameras about yesterday and his plan to save himself. He says that it all comes down to next four hours. He describes the events of last night, just in case you missed his “handy work”. He says that he had his funeral and told something nice to everyone except Danelle. Dan says that Danielle did not take kindly to that. He says that he then went upstairs to the HOH room to talk with Frank. He says that his conversation went better than normal and it was up to him to get Jenn to use veto on me. Dan says that by the time he went to bed last night, Jenn was on board. Dan says that it’s amazing what 24 hours can do. He says that the real question is if this goes through, am I going to stay true to Jenn, Dani, Frank. Dan says yes I am. Dan says the question is who is going up when I come down. He says that he wishes it could be Ian, but he has a veto. Dan says that Britney has thrown me under the bus and I get it now. He says that it all comes down to Jenn City, if she doesn’t take me down I’m going to the jury house.

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Frank and Dan wonder if their alliance should be called The Last Call Crew Or The Dark Knights.

12am Britney and Dan are talking in the bathroom. Dan is apologizing for going overboard with Danielle. Dan tells Britney that he regrets what he said and wishes Danielle forgive him one day. Britney says there are conspiracy theories going around about him and Frank working together. Britney tells Dan that he made a mistake but everything will be alright. Joe comes in to the bathroom and tells them that he is going to bed. Britney starts talking to Danielle and tells her that fricking detective Joe cornered her after she went to talk to Dan.
Dan and Frank meet up in the storage room for a quick meeting and talk about how the excuse for putting up Britney will be that Ian is too close and that Danielle and Britney are too close. Danielle goes up to the HOH room with Frank and she asks him how her safety is guaranteed if she is up against Britney on the block. Frank tells Danielle what he is going to tell Joe. Danielle tells Frank that she think Shane’s vote for her is only 50/50.

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Big Brother Spoilers Funeral Aftermath Dan to Danielle “I Just saved us both”

9:53pm HOH Frank and Jenn

Frank tells her it’s been Ian all along working for both sides.
Frank: “Would you use the veto on dan tomorrow.. you me, Dan and Danielle”
Jenn: “Ohh my God.. who will you put up Britney?”
Frank: “Ya.. Dan was actually mad at Daneille.. she was suppose to throw the POV ”
Jenn: “This is going to look so obvious”
Frank: ‘Ian has been working with them from Day one selling us out”
Frank: “heres the deal you and dan are going to vote out Britney.. and we are going to trick Joe into voting out Britney”
Frank wants ian gone.. “We got to do this for Mike”
Jenn: “it sucks I kinda wanted to keep these girls around”
Jenn: “I need your word”
Frank: “You know you got it”
Jenn: “I’m ready to do it”
Jenn really doesn’t want Dan in the game but she trusts Frank.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Dan Calls a House Meeting to say his final goodbyes

House Meeting holly shit

House Meeting Cam 1-4 Dan talks to the house.. lots of tears from everyone
Dan: “Number one rule no crying… The last 24 hours have been really tough.. If anything I’m going to have fun.. I’m welcoming you all to my big brother funeral.. I’m going to put you all at ease… Unlike a typical funeral i’m going to say nice thing about you”

Chef Joe – We started on different sides you have taugh me about how to be a good husband and father. One of the best things about you is you are a 41 year old kid and I’m a 27 year old kid

Shane – Shane is walking and living proof there is an actual captain america. You are such a good dude you are the type of guy I want to date my sister when you get out of here there will be a girl for you and she’ll be the right one.

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Big Brother Spoilers Dan emerges from solitary Dance party “My heads not right.. All I see is Flashing Lights”

4:11pm Cam 1-2 bathroom Everyone but Frank and Dan
Ian gives them a rundown of Big Brother 9 and how Adam and Matt (MATT MACDONALD) were arrested for smuggling oxycodone. He adds that Matt (MATT MACDONALD) was also accused of beating up his girlfirend while she was pregnant.
Shane: “When she was on the show?”
Ian: “No no”
Ian mentions Matt Hoffmans twitter account (@HeadOfHOFFhold) and how his tag says something like “As long as I don’t beat up my girlfriend while pregnant i’ll be the best Matt in Big Brother history” (It’s since been changed)

Random chit chat.. apparently Frank’s chum baths are over. they have been in lockdown for a while now.
Britney says she’s 1/16th Native american.. Cherokee.

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Frank flicks chum at Ian. Ian says ..agghh..that’s for Thursday huh?!

10:30am – 11am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the feeds come back, Dan is lying on his back with his eyes open in the have-not room. Frank is out on the backyard couches talking to the camera. He says that there aren’t many people that will take him to the final two, let alone the final three. He says that he thinks he can get Danielle and Jenn to maybe take him. Ian joins him out in the backyard. They talk about his chum baths that he has taken throughout the night. The chum bath alarm then sounds and Frank gets up to go change into his bathing suit. The alarm sounds again and Frank yells what you don’t think I hear that bubba! Frank gets into the chum bath, dumps it on himself and then gets out. As he heads to the shower, Ian says good sport bubba. Frank then flicks chum at him. Ian says agghh.. that’s for Thursday huh!

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Joe says that Ian has a little Hitler in him, it’s going to be a Willie effect.

2:30am Frank and Joe are sitting in the hot tub talking. They are both hoping this next week is an easy week. Joe says that he thinks he has been promised safety for the week. Frank says that he will feel better when Dan is gone. He says that then he wants Joe or Jenn to win HOH because they won’t put him up. They both discuss how they feel like they can’t trust Britney. Joe talks about how Britney plays a good social game. Frank says that he doesn’t like how paranoid she gets. They both agree that it’s an advantage to go on block early to get it over with. Frank again bring up how if Joe and Ian had just stuck with him and Boogie they would be in a lot better position way with Ian winning HOH, Frank winning POV, Frank winning HOH .. he says that it could have been 5 against 2 right now. Frank starts talking about Shane and says that he would love to see pictures of Shane when he was chubby to see how far he has come. They both say Shane has a model’s body. Frank says that last year when he didn’t make it on the show he went home and watched the show and gained a bunch of weight from all the eating he did. Frank tells Joe how he sometimes comes out early and talks to the cameras because he knows no one else is up so he knows everyone on Superpass is watching him.

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Another Veto controversy Shane: “That whole Disqualified thing.. I was like what just happened”

10:05pm Kitchen
Frank joins them.. Frank starts talking about 2001 A Space Odyssey .. he says it was a old SciFi movie but really good..

10:28pm Kitchen Jenn, Ian, Shane and Shane
Shane and Ian tell Jenn she did a awesome job grabbing that Slop punishment for the remainder of the season.

Jenn: “I came here to play baby”
Shane: ‘You came here to prove it”

Shane: “that whole Disqualified thing.. I was like what just happened”
Jenn: “I knew something was up it was taking Way too long”
Shane: “Ya it was taking way too long”
Ian: “I could see that you and Brit were freaking out because if one of them go down “
Shane: ‘You guys ultimately hold the power”

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Big Brother Spoilers – Solitary Dance Party

7:58pm Cam 1-2 Solitary Dance Party
Joe and Ian come to Dan and start talking to him through the door. Dan says the door is open they are just not allowed to open it expect to get dan’s wedding ring. Joe gets the ring and hands it to Dan.

Dan: ‘They have 4 or 5 songs they play in here so it’s kind of entertaining”
Joe: “They play them..” Feeds cut

Dan: “Theres champagne i’ll probably have tonight”
Dan Tells Ian and Joe that he wants to play a card game and they can slide them under the door.

Dan: “When people come by to talk to me they cut the music.. other than that it’s 30 minutes on 10 minutes off”

Joe offers to get him cotton balls to cover his ears. Dan says it was tough but the way it went down he wouldn’t have wanted to win it that way.. Dan says he didn’t think he cheated.. (I’m not sure what Dan means by this)

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Big Brother 14 POV Results “How Bad do you Want IT”

Dan mentions that he hasn’t really eaten in three days.. takes a giant bite out of his cake.. Lots of talking to himself.. “I was given 2 chances to win that mother.. damn” “I have 24hours to figure out how to get out of this”
Dan: “Plan one .. go to frank tell him that we need to talk .. as crazy as it sounds i’m going to expose everything to work with him.. “ (cameras switch don’t get plan 2)

Britney and Danielle chained up (Image Link)

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Ian says that Joe just goes up to the HOH and licks the a**h**e of whoever is in power.

1:10pm Britney and Dan are in the have-not room talking. Britney tells Dan about how Ian told her that he is tired of Joe being on the fence and that he needs to make a decision as to which side he is on. Ian comes in and says that he thought of one thing, Danielle is throwing it today right?! Dan says yes. Ian says she has too, if she wins it and pulls herself down, that is part of this deal, you understand? Dan says that it’s hard to tell Danielle to throw it because it is her life on the line. Ian says no funny business right?! Ian leaves. Dan asks Britney so you don’t mind if I take prizes? Britney says no. Britney explains how it works to Dan. Dan and Britney talk strategy for the comp.

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